My brother is an Idol

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Chapter 56
It didn’t take long for Myunghee to realize that she was wrong.

The M members were different.

Myunghee witnessed how hard they worked to achieve their success. Nothing was given to them on a silver platter like some idols. All the members were extremely kind and genuine, always treating everyone with respect, including the staff and nobodies like her.

The members were polite but not cold, considerate but not weak. They knew how to make people laugh, but not become laughingstocks themselves.

Plain and simple, the four of them were great guys.

Myunghee thought to herself, ‘I wouldn’t care even if they are really ugly underneath the masks… I would still love them no matter what.’

She had never seen their faces before, so all she could do was imagine what they might look like underneath the masks, but their appearances didn’t matter anyway. Myunghee was falling in love with them. It was the way they moved, their voices, and their thoughtfulness.

It was, of course, a one-sided love, but she put her heart and soul into her obsession. She loved all four of them, but her favorites were Kiwook and Hyojun. Purple M and Black M. They were the ones that made her heart race the most.

Hyunsuk was too cold and hard to approach while Jiwoo was a bit childish and too loud. Unlike these two, Hyojun and Kiwook were charismatic and pleasant at the same time. She fell hard for both of them, and that was when her delusions started.

‘Perhaps they are looking at me too. Maybe they have been falling in love with me this whole time as well. They must love me, just as I love them. This has to be true.’

In her mind, she was the unattainable girl being fought over by the four gorgeous members of the most popular idol group. Every meaningless gesture felt special to her. Myunghee’s imagination went wild.

Then, on her birthday, her delusion reached its highest.

It started like any of her other lonely birthdays. She hadn’t celebrated her birthday for many years now. It was just another day with no one to celebrate with her. No one, not even her family or her friends, cared.

However, that year, it was very different.

To Myunghee, it was unforgettable.

When she opened the door and entered The M’s room at the agency, the members were waiting for her with a flower basket. There was no ‘Happy Birthday’ song or clapping, but still, the members handed her the basket and even a box of expensive chocolates.

It was only a 30-second interaction, but in that 30 seconds, Myunghee was ecstatic. That moment confirmed all her delusions.

She was sure of their feelings now. She was sure that they were all in love with her.

This had to be it.

‘This has to be a love confession.’

To her, the flower basket and the chocolates were a declaration of love. To her, there was no other explanation.

So she waited.

She waited for the members to soon come to her privately and confess their love for real. She expected them to sing to her, and to promise her the world.

Finally, a happily ever after.

Yet… nothing happened. She waited and waited, and she even sent subtle signals to them, but nothing happened.

Finally, she started to become anxious.

It was better before her birthday. Before she had a hope to be with one of them.

But now that she knew what it felt to be hopeful, to have the possibility of a happy life, she couldn’t take it anymore. To have her only hope taken away like this…

The reality was too harsh, and she had to do something. As she plotted helplessly, she became more and more desperate. When The M announced a break to work on their new album, she became even more devastated because it meant that she would not get to be near them until they made their comeback.

At that point, she had nothing left to lose.

‘I can’t let them leave me like this. If I can’t have them… I will kill them. That way, no one can have them.’

Myunghee finally lost it and went to the CEO of the agency, President Kim. When her threats and pleas didn’t work on him, she used Jiwoo’s phone number to call him. She even went to their secret practice room and made a scene.

She became a stalker.

Myunghee thought that if the members could see how she felt, then they would have no choice but to accept her. They would WANT her.

But the way they looked at her in the practice room… they glared at her coldly with disgust.

Such hatred from the men she thought was her love… The last of her hopes and dreams shattered. It was now clear to her that none of The M members wanted her.

They didn’t love her.

No one loved her.

That cruel reality made her explode.

After leaving the practice room, Myunghee went straight to the airport. She didn’t even drop by her place to pack a bag. She bought a one-way ticket to Bali to see her uncle.

She meant to make him pay for her misery. Force him to take responsibility for her agony.

At the very least… she thought he would be able to comfort her.

Console her for the unfair life she had to bear. She needed someone, anyone, to warm her heart.

But, as usual, Myunghee didn’t get what she wanted.

Jaehoon Shim yelled at her angrily, “You are such a useless girl! What an idiot!”

Jaehoon Shim had been living the past few years with boiling resentment towards his precious trainees Kiwook and Hyojun. Those two bastards ruined him. They took everything away from him.

The success, the fame, and the fortune.

Jaehoon thought that he might be able to use his niece Myunghee to get a chance at his revenge, but when things didn’t work out the way he wanted and she came running to him with only failure, he had no sympathy for her.

Her pain was nothing compared to his anger and disappointment. She was nothing to him but a means to an end.

When her uncle treated her so coldly, oddly enough, Myunghee became calm. She destroyed the guesthouse, throwing everything she could find against the walls and the floor, and quietly said to her uncle Jaehoon, “Don’t ever look for me again. Even if you return to Korea, don’t contact me, and don’t get in my way We better not meet again, uncle. ”

After two days of trashing the guesthouse in Bali, Myunghee bought a return ticket to Korea.

If she couldn’t have them, no one could.

She would destroy anyone who tried to possess The M.

“So, if it can’t be me…”

Myunghee remembered the girl she saw in the practice room that day when she barged in on them. The one Kiwook was trying to protect with his own body.

She murmured with an ugly grin, “I will get you.”

She checked her phone. There was a number named BM, which she found when she secretly searched Jiwoo’s phone.

BM… It had to be Black M.

So she dialed the number and Hyojun answered, “Hello?”

Myunghee smiled and replied, “Hello. I can recognize your voice. This is Black M, right?”

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