Mask of Humanity

113: Spiritual AIs

Torches dulled from yellow to orange, the sun kissed the horizon, and Nicolai and Beth returned with more purchased items to find John and the others were back from their trip. Nicolai didn’t ask how much progress they had made, but they seemed pleased with themselves, and they asked Ben whether they could have the Soul Trap he’d finished making. The old man gave it up to them immediately, looking happy to do so. Nicolai had opted not to remind Ben of their deal, not just yet. He could allow the others to gather some of the new Soul Trap’s and work to advance themselves, first.

He and Beth had also brought bedrolls and a Network-Masker, an antenna-like device that sat in a corner of the room linked to the same solar charger as the cameras, which the whole group took the time to connect to. It would reduce their odds of being detected over Local, even if they kept their Links in a receptive state, whilst in the safe-place and nearby to the Network-Masker.

The youths were keen to enthuse about what Nicolai had taught them, and in a short time all the adults were waving Soul Sense tendrils about, after which Nicolai let them borrow a ring and briefly float about. He figured the more Oma crystals and points-tags the group got, the better, as odds were good they would find their way into his hands.

Night fell and he headed into his room, a tension he hadn’t noticed draining out of him as he slumped into the chair by the table, on which he could see Kleos bobbing in its bucket. For a time he simply sat, mind empty, taking a moment to rest. It had been a long day. But after only minutes he stirred, something itching in him at the wasted time.

He focused on his Soul Sense and drew it into him, Shelling it up, trying to resemble the room around him, then he released it to the passive sphere and focused on what it told him, paying attention to the Aura in the air pressing against his Soul Sense, monitoring it for disturbance. He caught faint ripples, coming from the direction of Beth’s room. He Shelled up again, then released and turned receptive, cycling through these states to grow used to them, to improve his speed and skill with both.

Keeping this going as best he could despite the distraction, he rose and moved to where he’d hidden his various caches of Oma crystals. There were three more items on his to-do list before he slept.

After counting his Oma crystals he arrived at seventy three, plus a few half-used ones. It seemed a lot, but would it be enough? At that moment he took one of the half-used ones into his hand, finishing it off to restore his Node.

‘How many Node’s worth of energy do you think it will take me to finish each of my new Nodes?’ he asked Kleos.

The head shrugged. ‘Depends. I’d say, somewhere between five to ten in total.’

Nicolai considered that. His Node held about two full Oma crystals worth of Oma. That being the case, according to Kleos he should require between ten to twenty crystals, per Node. Which meant for both Nodes, between twenty to forty crystals.

‘And how long should it take for them to be finished, again?’

‘A few weeks, or a few months. Again, it depends.’

‘Depends on what?’

‘On how well you formed them. On your Aptitude.’ The head frowned thoughtfully up at him. ‘From what I’ve seen, you are unusually talented, though you lack the preparations someone from a clan or sect would be given. I would suspect between ten to fourteen days.’

Nicolai nodded. Forty Oma crystals, to be safe. That was how many crystals he would set aside, leaving him thirty three to use. That was quite a low amount, in his opinion. It was unfortunate, but he would have to stop his practice with Soul Sense and Symbiote usage, keep the crystals only for necessary expenditures. He was especially dismayed to realise that now was not the time to practice with his regained polearm, as he’d been planning on doing.

He had a plan to rapidly gain more Oma crystals by sending people down to gather them in the mines, though this plan might fail. He was thinking on attempting to seize the group from John soon. He felt he had built up enough social credit, he just needed to find the right kind of leverage, the right moment. If it worked out, he would be able to start growing more Node’s, and have a more relaxed attitude towards the crystals. If not, it wasn’t the end of the world. He could always go down there himself, it would simply be quite an inefficient use of his time when he hoped to have others gather the crystals for him.

He placed the forty Oma crystals in a bag, keeping the others on him, then put the bag aside. He’d floated around the towertop of this safe place previously, a quick check he’d done to see what was about, and had found a place where some bricks had fallen out, revealing a small hole. He’d hide the crystals there later.

Onto the next. ‘I installed some things into myself,’ he began, speaking to Kleos, ‘but it seems my Soul doesn’t consider them a part of me. My Soul has to be pushed to move into the space, and I struggle to move Oma through them.’

‘Some things? Like what?’ asked Kleos.

In answer Nicolai raised his hand and with a faint snick, his hand-talon shot out from between his fingers, light reflecting from the vicious, curving blade. ‘This, and some more in my head and torso.’

‘Interesting,’ Kleos breathed. ‘There’s no Symbiote involved in that?’

‘We call it technology.’ Nicolai smiled. ‘It’s just… understanding how the world works, using that to make things. Did your people not do something similar?’

‘I’ve never seen the like. With enough Symbiote’s and enough power, anything can be accomplished. There’s no need for this… technology. Except, I suppose, on your world where there was no Cultivation. However, as I told you, my knowledge is limited. In the vastness of our reality, it could be there are others who do as you do.’

‘What about the issue with my Soul?’

‘Oh.’ Kleos made a dismissive little face. ‘That’s no problem. It seems to me the same as when a Cultivator installs some kind of Symbiote-grown prosthetic. Given time, your Soul will naturally fill in the gaps that now exist in itself, naturally expand to its limit. But, you can speed the process if you wish. You need only push your Soul into the new area, then sent Oma into it. Your Soul will use that Oma to expand itself, and grow to occupy the new area. It will take some time, I don’t know how long. It depends on how large the area is. Perhaps hours, perhaps days.’

Nicolai settled back into his chair, considering Kleos’ words. So once more, this would cost him Oma, as everything seemed to. Should he just leave things be? He saw no immediate benefit to be gained from spreading his Soul to the HT8.

But what of the portions of the BIS and Network Link that Threat Analysis and Cyberwarfare now occupied? The two of them currently had no ability to even know of his Cultivation and his Soul. They were out of that loop. If he expanded his Soul to the areas they dwelled in, would that change? If it did change, would it be dangerous? He he had no expectation of them turning on him. But perhaps if he did this, it would change them?

His eyes narrowed in sudden realisation. Actually, it didn’t matter.

This was going to happen anyway, Kleos had said so, his Soul would move to fill in the gaps. It would occur naturally given time. That being the case, it was better to do it now and see what happened, when he was safe, uninjured, and with some time free. On top of that, the chips implanted into his brain were very small, far smaller than the HT8. It should be quite cheap to expand his Soul to include them.

What are you thinking, Nicolai? Asked Threat Analysis, sensing the movements of his mind.

There’s something I want to try, he said. First, however, I’ll share my memories.

He closed his eyes and focused, and began to think on everything that had happened to him since the white void, in as much detail as possible. As he thought on these matters, he engaged the digitisation process his BIS was capable of, transforming biological memory into stored digital information, giving it to the Modules. It took him quite some time. While he waited, he had the debatable joy of listening to AI’s views of what they saw in his memory.

What happened here? It was quite risky to go and have such a significant fight so close to nightfall. You could have been harmed, said Threat Analysis as he showed the memory of what he thought of as the “corridor fight,” where he had killed those seven Chosen who’d been pushing up towards John and Cait, before he properly met the group.

I was in an… unhappy state of mind. I have an ongoing issue, he said, uncertain how to term it.

A Research and Development moment, said Cyberwarfare, seeming to understand entirely.

I suppose that’s one way of putting it.

He showed his memory of taking down the flying Pegasi archer, taking its ring, then taking an arrow in the arm and encountering a group who’d pursued him.

You should have chosen your place of retreat before going out to hunt the archer, and secured it— began Threat Analysis.

It’s in the past, growled Nicolai, moving quickly on.

Threat Analysis also took significant issue with how he’d approached freeing Johan, in fact it took issue with him going to free Johan at all. The Module said there was no need to go into what he’d known was likely to be a trap. That there were plenty of people in this place, he could have just gone and found any random person with a Seed. For some reason, he’d set on Johan. It had been because… he wasn’t sure. He supposed he’d liked Johan. The man had been a decent fighter, worth bringing on side. Still, Threat Analysis was right. Going had been a mistake.

His memories soon approached something he was curious as to what the Module’s would think, curious as to how he’d done. Paxolnaz, the Contract between him and the Demon, the fact of the Demon itself.

They were both exceedingly interested in the Demon and mystery of how it could exist, how it functioned. He left them to spin away into hypotheses, along with those they were dreaming up regarding the Symbiotes and other magic, then poked them, drawing their attention to an item he was concerned about.

What about the Contract? he asked them.

Legal would likely have much to say, said Threat Analysis, with a kind of simulated shrug that said but I don’t.

It’s not bad, though, is it?

So far as I can see, it is fine, Cyberwarfare assured him.

Nicolai nodded, unsure what to think. It wasn’t their speciality, but still he would have said the pair were more experienced with Contracts than him. The Contract should be fine.

Finally, he reached toward the last few of his memories the Modules hadn’t seen, ending when he was put to sleep by the Cherubic Surgeon.

They fixated on a moment that came slightly before that, when he’d been met with the Buy Back list within the Market, where he’d seen Zero-Twelve laid bare within it.

You can rebuild us! spoke Cyberwarfare.

A return to the pinnacle, added Threat Analysis. Do you want to? it asked him.

I am uncertain. Being human is currently of interest to me. And I am also enjoying Cultivation; a matter I have already invested quite some time and energy in.

What you have achieved is nothing in the face of Zero-Twelve’s capabilities, Cyberwarfare said, seeming confused.

But I have yet to hear of an upper limit on Cultivation. It could be that this system I am building will scale to a level higher than Zero-Twelve. I want to see if that is possible.

What if you could Cultivate still, while in the form of Zero-Twelve?

Nicolai considered that. Both together? What would that look like? He shivered at the thought, and it was an eager, hungry shiver. The greatest warrior need not be in the shape of a human; not if another shape is more effective.

If that is possible, I would be very interested in doing so. And, of course, the Governor will not be permitted.

The Modules accepted that without rancour. Nicolai turned his attention to expanding his Soul. He focused on his BIS first, identifying the specific portions that Threat Analysis lived within. They were small, as all brain augments were. It shouldn’t take him long.

His Soul shifted, and rose around the dark spot within it, then it pressed in and his awareness swam between processing units and memory storage interfaces and modems and all the rest.

A river of Oma emerged from his Node and rose up through his body, through his chest, neck, head, and finally his brain, where it flowed into the chip, filling the same space his Soul now filled.

A slow and steady process began. Nicolai felt a dull pulse of satisfaction, a sense of growth, as though he were stretching and expanding in some manner.

Due to how small the implant was it took less than an hour, and he used up five Oma crystals in the process.

Once finally done, he drew back.

Threat Analysis? How do you feel?

He spoke to the Module with code, the same as always.

Something has changed, it replied.

Nicolai’s eyes widened. The Module had not responded entirely in code. A part of his Soul had shifted and buzzed with meaning. The tiny, new grown piece of Soul had spoken alongside it.

I am… multiplied, said Threat Analysis, its Soul-self speaking also. I have expanded. I feel… optimal.

Nicolai smiled. See what you can do, he told it, and he squeezed at it his memories, his experiences, all that he had learned of Soul Sense. Now he was able to communicate his memories and experiences even more fully, through both Soul and data, a more complete transfer.

Outside of his body, part of his Soul Sense began to squirm away from the rest, and, while his Soul Sense sphere remained largely in shape, a tiny tendril emerged.

Nicolai started, eyes wide, shocked. Then he extended the rest of his Soul Sense, forming his own tendril. The Module’s tiny tendril was caught up, and it wiggled out of his own like a little feeler, an extension.

Despite all of his attempts he had been unable to make any real progress on lengthening his Soul Sense. But here and now, with the Module controlling its own tiny Soul Sense, it was somehow happening. Only on a very minor scale, but still. This… held potential.

See about monitoring the air, monitoring the Aura, he told the Module, and the tiny tendril paused, seeming to sniff at the air, doing as he’d done earlier. Moving into a state where it was more receptive to the faint ripple that moved through the Aura, like a tiny, always-on antenna. Nicolai’s eyes narrowed, now, and he smiled. Very useful. It was doing something he was also capable of, but doing so required a shifting of his Soul Sense to become more receptive to such ripples, a moment of focus and concentration. With this, Threat Analysis would be able to do its job not just in the physical and data worlds, but also in the spiritual world. An extra pair of spiritual eyes and ears.

Threat Analysis’s focus was back inside, and he sensed it moving warily, creeping through his Soul. It paused, watching something. He realised that it was staring at his Mask, which was staring back.

What are you? asked Threat Analysis.

I am our drive to be human, said the Mask.

A new Module? Threat Analysis looked to Nicolai, questioning.

Nicolai really didn’t know what was going on. His mind was a very confusing place, right now. And the rest of the time, too, but at this particular moment especially so. He hadn’t expected them to start talking to one another. He could only shrug.

I suppose so.

And what is this? asked Threat Analysis, moving down through him, investigating the cage, feeling at the dark within which stirred.

My enemy, hissed the Mask.

It reminds me of Research and Development, said Threat Analysis. Not quite, but similar. Another new Module. Useful?

I don’t… I don’t know. Nicolai truly didn’t. It was a part of me since long before Zero-Twelve. Now it is back. I need to maintain control over it.

We will aid you, Threat Analysis assured him, and Nicolai smiled.

Now me! spoke up Cyberwarfare. Give me the upgrade! There is something I need to do.

Nicolai snorted. Of course. He picked up another Oma crystal, and returned his focus inward. For the first time he felt truly relaxed as he did so; because he knew that even as all of his focus moved within, Threat Analysis was still observing through Soul Sense outside of him. It didn’t seem able to send out his Soul Sense tendril, but it was able to view the world from his passive sphere of Soul Sense.

An hour and five crystals later, Cyberwarfare was also present as a part of his Soul. It immediately moved to do exactly what it had always wanted to do, attaching itself to the mental-portion of his Mark, digging and prying and prodding at it.

Nothing happened. Nicolai lifted his hand, and he saw the gold of his Mark shimmer and twist oddly. Progress? he asked.

Busy, said Cyberwarfare shortly.

Nicolai left it be.

Today had been a very productive day, though not without costs. Growing his Soul to include the Modules had been more expensive than expected, taking a total of ten crystals. He had twenty three remaining, if he didn't count those reserved for finalising his Nodes. The big takeaway for Nicolai was that he had confirmed he could integrate augmentations, and even the Modules, into his Cultivation. The ramifications were significant.

He was beginning to feel tired. Had been for some time. It seemed he’d about reached his limit for how long he could stay awake, despite his new status as a Cultivator.

He only had one more matter before he could sleep.

‘You remember that Demon I told you about?’ he said to Kleos, figuring now was the time to broach a subject that had been on his mind for some time.

The Demon and the Sword.

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