Mask of Humanity

114: Demonic Artifact

‘Yeah, I remember. What about it?’ Kleos responded to his question about the Demon, Paxolnaz.

‘It mentioned a sword to me. It told me how to get to that sword.’ The memories resurfaced, almost as fresh as when Paxolnaz had given them to him. A route through the castle, winding down and down, to its lowest depths. A door, and a word he was to speak to open it.

Behind, a powerful undead. One that wielded the sword, a big two-handed weapon. Then, a method to create something a little like a Soul Trap, but far more complex. Something the demon had said he would need to use to defeat the undead wielding the sword, that the undead would try to steal his body, and the creation would protect him, allow it to catch its Soul. There was something else suggested in the vision the demon had given him, about the undead’s Soul. He was supposed to keep it, use it in some manner to help him control the sword.

‘A sword?’ Kleos sounded confused.

‘It must be powerful, right? For a demon to mention it. It said it would be a reward, that it would make me stronger.’ Nicolai’s voice was increasingly quiet, as he turned the words over even as he spoke them, thinking. He felt it unlikely the demon had his best interests in mind. He was sure that it was being honest, that this would make him stronger. But there was some kind of trap within the gift. But even so, if it would make him stronger… he wanted it. If he knew there was a trap, he could find a way around it, remove the thorns from this rose.

‘An Artifact, then,’ breathed Kleos.

‘I believe so. Do you think I am yet capable of wielding one?’

There came a snort, and a chuckle. ‘Tch, gaha, ahahaha!’

He glanced up to see the head giggling and snorting to itself, and couldn’t help but smile at the sight.

‘I’m guessing that’s a no?’ he asked.

‘No,’ said Kleos, still chuckling slightly. ‘It would be like a child trying to swing their father's sword. Except the sword can move of its own volition and would likely feel insulted that one so weak dares to touch it, liable to inflict some… punishment.’

‘From what the demon said, I’m supposed to try and capture the Soul of the sword’s current wielder. It suggested that this would allow me to wield the sword?’

Kleos frowned. ‘Ahh. I see. Yes, that could work. If it’s bound to the previous wielder you could make use of that link, via their captured Soul. But how would you take their Soul? It’s not like they’ll just jump out at you. On top of that, even with such a method you’d need to be stronger than you are, you’ll need more Nodes to make proper use of such an item.’

A smile found its way onto Nicolai’s face. ‘Actually, I believe it will jump out at me, or something along those lines.’ He shrugged. ‘If the demon is to be trusted, at any rate. It told me that this undead with the sword is hunting for a new body. My impression is that I would be able to bait them into attempting to launch their Soul into mine. Which Nodes would I need?

‘I see,’ said a frowning Kleos, then the head hummed. ‘You need to at least complete your chest area, then get a head major Node and a hand major Node. I think you’ll need the head Node so your Soul Sense is strong enough to connect to the Artifact, and a hand Node to link with it by Soul. With that you should be able to make use of this method the demon gave you.’

Nicolai nodded. ‘There is much to do, then,’ he murmured. ‘I must get stronger.’ He enjoyed the thought of wielding a powerful weapon.

Are you sure it will be of benefit? Asked Threat Analysis, chiming in. You have guns. This Artifact is a sword. How will that be better?

Nicolai let out a huh. Threat Analysis made a good point. ‘What do you think such an item could do?’ he asked Kleos. ‘I’ve told you about guns, which I now have access to. Would this thing be better?’

Kleos made a strange face. ‘It’s more complex than that. Artifacts are made to serve specific roles. If you could wield it properly, it would doubtless have some Symbiote abilities. For example, I once wielded a glaive which could fight alongside me, controlled by my Soul Sense, much like your rapier. Whereas if I held it I was able to summon powerful winds, and it had the same benefit most melee-type Artifacts have, the reason why they are so prized. It went through shields and other defences.’

Nicolai recalled the Chosen lieutenant he’d fought who’d cloaked herself in that emergency shield, summoned with the little limited-use Imbued on her wrist, now on his wrist. He lifted it up, showing the golden feather to Kleos. ‘Shields like this?’ he asked.

‘And stronger still,’ confirmed the head. ‘I don’t know how much you’ve seen of fights between Cultivators. Little, I imagine. But defensive Symbiotes see significant use. Skin-shields and bubbles and directed shields. Often, you have to focus on breaking your opponents’ shields, before you can break them. Artifacts in the shape of weapons are often capable of breaking shields easily, or simply pass straight through them. It’s the primary benefit. For the good ones, it doesn’t matter how strong the shield is, so long as it isn’t a Realm above, the Artifact simply cuts through, a direct counter. That is why they are so prized. So, I’m not sure how useful it would be to you right now, when you are only encountering those of your race, who do not know about these things. But once you encounter true Cultivators it will be extremely useful, even if you are limited in your use due to the Soul Trap method.’

Nicolai nodded absently, staring at nothing, lost in his imagination. It was clear he needed to get a better shield. His hand shield was good, but far from foolproof and it demanded a lot of his focus and attention, one whole arm. ‘What’s this about skinshields?’

‘They’re the most popular type,’ said Kleos. ‘A shield that covers your skin. You can move and use any weaponry or Symbiotes without restriction, while being protected. So long as you can maintain the shield, you won’t be hurt.’

‘Very useful,’ murmured Nicolai. He could feel Threat Analysis nodding in the back of his mind. The benefits of such an item were manifold. Another to add to his list. And the sword was clearly something worth getting for the longer term, showing its value more and more as others also gained shields.

If he’d had such an item, he would have made quick work of the Chosen lieutenant. At the time he’d been able to take his time because she’d been alone, but if he encountered groups where numerous of them had shields, he could run into trouble. That said, the shotgun had gotten through her shield quite quickly.

Kleos snorted, drawing his attention. ‘Don’t lose focus thinking of the possibilities. Remember, all of this was offered by a demon. Here’s some age-old advice for you: demons are not to be trusted. I seriously doubt this being has given you this opportunity out of the kindness of its heart. It has designs on you, and you should be very wary.’

Nicolai shrugged. ‘Of course. There must be some trap, right? But perhaps I can find a way to disarm that trap.’ He saw Kleos frown unhappily at that, so he hastened to add, ‘I will perform my due diligence regardless. Be assured, I will not be going in blind.’

‘This is a risky business,’ the head muttered. ‘And keep in mind, if this undead with the sword is capable of wielding an Artifact they’ll be a higher realm Cultivator, with a Soul on a higher level. The Soul Traps you made for catching undead Souls aren’t going to cut it, and putting your body out as bait for a higher-levelled Soul to possess is very dangerous. I imagine the demon gave you a method around this, to capture their Soul?’

Nicolai recalled the visions.

‘I need to make a device,’ he slowly began, his eyes lost in the memory, which had been more conceptual than a simple list. As he continued to think on the memory he found more information pulled out of it, and felt Cyberwarfare perk up from where it was busy with his Mark, watching the memory with suspicion, for whatever reason.

‘It will require some materials; an Infused Oma Crystal, a tincture of Slow Water, A Lotus Blossom Symbiote, and five Souls. With this I shall be able to create a Lotus Soul Trap.’

‘I see,’ said Kleos, letting out a thoughtful hum. ‘Slow Water and an Infused crystal, shouldn’t be too difficult. The Lotus Blossom Symbiote, however… you’ll have to go into the jungle, and finding one would be down to your luck. As to the Souls, you will have to—‘

‘I know. I will have to find everything else and complete the device as far as possible, then kill a Cultivator and draw their Soul into it, then kill four more and do the same. Once it has been fed five of these weaker Souls, it will be complete.’

Kleos’ eyes widened. ‘How do you—‘

‘The memory,’ murmured Nicolai, his eyes closed, information unfolding within him. ‘An Infused crystal is simply an Oma crystal into which one has poured excess Oma, forming an internal shape, similar to when I constructed my Nodes. Slow Water is made by capturing rain as it falls with bubbles of Oma. The Lotus Blossom Symbiote is found in plant-type Spirit Beasts, of which there should be plenty in the jungle.’

He opened his eyes, and smiled. ‘None of it should present an insurmountable issue.’

‘Even the Soul? My impression is the other humans are a little behind you. None of them yet have a Soul, except that girl.’ Kleos eyes widened. ‘You don’t mean—‘

‘Relax,’ Nicolai said. ‘Of course not her. She’s useful, it would be a waste to use her. I suspect by now at least some people in this castle have integrated their Seeds. First I will need to gather everything else, which will allow even more time for me to find someone.’ He paused, thoughtful, thinking on the group. Many of them were significantly less useful. ‘Perhaps I can even create one. I intend to have the others complete their Seeds, and they will then gain Souls.’ His eyes narrowed. ‘Ripe for the taking,’ he murmured.

‘Yeah. Right.’ Kleos blinked at him. The head seemed perturbed for whatever reason. ‘How’s your, uh, Mask doing?’

‘My Mask?’ Nicolai moved his awareness to his face, where he felt at his Mask. It wasn’t quite fit properly on his spiritual face, at a weird angle. He must have struggled with it earlier, after his talk with old Ben. He also noticed a strand of darkness creeping through his Soul, tracing it to a hole in the cage, and he worked quickly to wrestle the strand back inside and plug the hole. The cage wasn’t functioning as well as it had used to, after being broken a few times. He raised a hand and with his Soul, tilted his Mask back into position.

Immediately a surge of emotion rolled through him. What had he been thinking? Helping one of the group finish their Seed, then killing them for their freshly-grown Soul? How did that match up with being a better man? He’d adopted these people. He ought to help them.

Why? To be polite? Nicolai snorted, then he grunted, an odd pain rolling through him, his mind roiling, his teeth gritting. He let out a hiss at the sensation of guilt he felt, the Mask digging spiritual roots into him, firming its position. ‘I dislike this sensation,’ the words emerged from him, and he considered reaching up, and ripping the Mask away. But he needed it to keep the dark at bay.

‘I will find someone, not a member of the group,’ he said at last, and his Mask relaxed. Slightly. Still a bit unhappy. Some things need to be done. This is merely the beginning of a very long road.

‘Feeling better?’ asked Kleos.

‘No,’ muttered Nicolai. ‘Yes. I don’t know.’

‘Sounds about right.’ The head chuckled.

‘Tell me about possession,’ he asked, sudden, the interaction with his Mask reminding him of what Kleos had said about the dangers of the sword’s wielder.

‘Possession, eh? It’s something anyone with a Soul can do, in principle, but its harder if you’re weaker. It’s fairly simple. You uproot your Soul from your body, and then you leave. This process will be very painful and damaging. It’s not something you’d want to do unless you had no choice, as if you were then to return to your body you would need to reconnect with it, a process that would take time. Until you completed that process, you’d be weakened.

‘But, if a Cultivator is dying or their body has been rendered useless, often they might attempt to steal a new body. The easiest targets are mortals who have very weak Souls, as you’d have to destroy their Soul before taking up residence in their body. Your people are perfect targets, actually, since you don’t even have a Soul until you’ve finished Integrating your Seeds.

‘Keep in mind that once your Soul is outside of your body, it is unprotected. The Aura and spirituality of the world is not kind to wandering Souls, it is like throwing a clump of dried sand into the sea. The world will rip such Souls apart, continually tearing at them until they collapse and are consumed, becoming a part of the world’s spirituality. As you know, when your Soul takes damage, your system uses Oma to repair it. Without such a system, any Soul without a body is on a strict time limit. How long such an individual can last depends on their strength of will, and the power of their Soul.’

‘What are the limits of this? How long can they last?’ asked Nicolai.

‘If the Soul is powerful enough, such as that of a higher level Cultivator, they could resist for quite some time, and they would be able to perform a direct Soul attack on other creatures, invading bodies and destroying the original Soul to seize that body. This undead with the Artifact should be one such. Regardless of the assurances of your demon, you ought to be wary.’

‘I see. Interesting,’ Nicolai said, and meant it. It was useful to know that such a thing was possible. It could be that in the future he found himself with no option but to attempt possession himself. As he sat there, relaxed and calm, imagining himself leaving his body, Cyberwarfare suddenly called out.

Worm! howled the Module, and he felt the part of his Soul it resided in lunge through him, seizing at the memories the demon had left. There, something hidden had been detected, some tiny being that squealed and thrashed.

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