Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – Storm Feels Indebted To Val

In Xavier's School, New York,

Storm was reading a novel in the library when she heard a couple of students whispering to each other behind her.

The topic of their discussion was Starlance, and she couldn't help but eavesdrop while pretending that she was reading her novel.

"I think Starlance's new armor looks cooler."

"Naaah! The golden one was much cooler, obviously!"

"No! It's the new one!"

"You're an idiot! Both the designs look almost the same except for the color."

"Hah! The newer one is much bulkier, and the blue energy around him looks much cooler!"

"Whatever! I have my opinion, and you have yours, but he's obsessed with stars!"

"Stars? Why do you think so?"

"Look. The name 'Starlance' has the word Star, and both of his armor have the star-shaped crest on the chest."

"I don't think that proves he's obsessed with stars. Anyway, what do you think he likes?"

"I think..."

Storm stopped listening to their conversation, and her mind wandered to Val as she thought, 'Starlance changed my life. He was the one responsible for taking me out of Apocalypse's control. If it weren't for him, I don't know what would've happened to me. I'm indebted to him. I.. I should show him my gratitude for saving me. I don't want to say, ' Thank you for saving me.' I want to thank him with my whole heart. I wish to convey my gratitude through my actions.

But how would I do that? I don't know anything about him. I don't know his likes and dislikes. I have no idea what he's like. He probably thinks of me as evil, which I'm not.

I'll search for his information and gather his likes and dislikes. With that information in hand, I can do a proper gratitude and change his impression of me.'

She nodded and got up from her seat while closing the novel.

A minute later, she was in the teacher's lounge eating her food with a newspaper in hand when Mystique walked by her.

She saw Storm reading the article questioning Val's disappearance and asked, "What're you doing?"

She smiled and replied, "Gathering some information."

"Hm? Information?" Mystique asked as she opened the fridge and looked inside.

"Yes!" Storm nodded while munching, "You see, I was thinking. I've always had an impression that I am evil. Val seems to think the same. But I don't like being considered evil, particularly when the opposite is the case. I want to clear up our misunderstanding and present my true character to him."

"Misunderstanding? What're you talking about?" Mystique asked when suddenly her eyes widened, and she shouted angrily, "Remy! You fucking thief! You ate my fucking peanut butter sandwich again!"

She roared while slamming the fridge door and turned back to Storm before shouting in irritation, "That asshole!"

"Anyway," Storm asked while reading the article, "Why hasn't Starlance appeared ever since Apocalypse? It's been a few weeks, and these articles are making people restless."

Mystique sat beside her and replied, "Maybe he's busy somewhere else, Ororo."

"Busy?" Storm frowned and asked, "What could've been more important than safeguarding humanity from other powerful mutants or evil people?"

"Hah! Ororo, why does that matter to you anyway? You aren't—"

"Raven, stop." Storm said while holding her hand and stopped Mystique before she could finish, "He saved my life, and I feel like I'm indebted to him."

"For once, I agree." Mystique chuckled and added, "You must know that Starlance is a hero. A hero that this world needs."

She looked at her seriously and said, "Our world is big. Just because Starlance doesn't have time to sit down with people, shake hands with government officials, pose for photos, or sign overexcited fangirls' chests doesn't mean he's injured."

She smiled reassuringly and concluded, "Ororo, He will show up one day and kick the shit out of an even bigger baddy than Apocalypse. I'll guarantee it."

"I suppose you're right." Storm chuckled at Raven and said, "But his reputation among people needs some work."

She stood up and prepared to leave.

Mystique was also leaving when Storm held her hand and said, "Ohh! By the way, the sandwich you're looking for is in Hank's office inside his mini-fridge. Don't go running around and accusing someone else without proof."



Later, in the dining hall,

In the corner, Scott was helping Jubilee serve the food to the other students, but all his focus was on Emma's boobs, that was partially visible thanks to her huge cleavage.

She saw his lustful gaze, and she wore the most venomous and vixen-like smirk on her face and purposefully lowered her top, giving him a better view.

Sweat drops formed on Scott's face as he stood there dumbfounded by the beautiful and enticing scene.

Just as Scott was drooling over her...


A bucket filled with water drenched his head.

Scott stood silently in utter disbelief for a few seconds before turning to the laughing Jean and Kurt.

And only to have another bucket of water fall on his face.



Jean and Kurt roared with laughter after seeing Scott's bedraggled appearance.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!" Scott shouted loudly, causing many students and teachers to look at them.

"Relax, Scott!" Jean replied while crossing her arms and said, "You had a lecherous smile plastered on your face while serving us our meals. So, I felt that something must have caught your attention."

"That was mean and so unnecessary."

"Who says revenge is a crime."

She replied nonchalantly, "What? Do you expect us to just stand back and watch your lewd gaze at Emma? You should know she's from the Frost family. And what's your reason for behaving this way? Ohh... that's right, Scott. You're just a pervert."

"B-But... she's my girlfriend! I can ogle her however I like." Scott replied nervously.

"Is she now?" Jean smirked and glanced at Emma, who rolled her eyes and said, "Sorry, Scotty, but..."

She kissed the tall, jacked blonde guy before her on the cheek and said, "He's my boyfriend now."

"WHAT?!" Scott exclaimed, and tears formed in his eyes. His hands were shaking, and he ran away crying.

Jean had a smirk plastered across her face while glancing between Emma, the hot guy she was making out with, and the crying Scott, which only meant she was enjoying the moment immensely.

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