Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – A ‘Friendly’ Chat With Mistress Death & Yggdrasil

Death crossed one leg over the other, deliberately showing Val her cosmic pussy, and asked, "Amazed, huh?"

"Uh..." Val was so focused on her words and their possible meaning that he didn't notice her actions.

However, it didn't slip past Yggdrasil, who rolled her eyes and murmured, "Sadistic pervert!"

Death seemed to hear her and replied, "Me? Ohh! Do I sense jealousy, Ygg?"

"Humph!" Yggdrasil crossed her arms and glared at her.

"Hehehe!" Death let out a mischievous laugh while raising an eyebrow.

Val wasn't focusing the slightest and didn't pay heed to them. He sighed in exasperation and asked while pinching the bridge of his nose, "Why am I here?"

"Well," Yggdrasil said, still glaring at Death, and replied, "That's because Death, here, blackmailed me into revealing your identity."

"Don't slander me like that, Ygg." Death smiled and said, "I didn't do such an awful thing."

"Bitch! You forced me!" Yggdrasil replied angrily, "You refused to let me leave until I told you about Val. And, then, you forced me into bringing him here."

"Relax, Ygg!"

"Like, hell I will!"

"STOP!" Val shouted out in irritation. Yggdrasil and Death glanced back at him with guilty look as he asked Death, "Why did you want me here?"

Death grinned mischievously and replied, "For a little chat."

"Huh?" Val was confused and frowned. He was about to ask when...

* SNAP *

Death snapped her fingers, and a table with three cups filled with tea and two chairs materialized. She smiled and said, while gesturing at the chairs, "Come! Sit!"

Val sighed and reluctantly sat on one chair while Yggdrasil sat on the other.

Death stared into Val's eyes and asked seductively, "So.... Val? Would you like to become my Emissary?"

"Nope!" Val instantly replied, shaking his head vigorously, saying, "I feel honored that you would offer me such a high position. But, It's just that—"

"That is?" Death asked while staring at Val intensely with her black pupils.

Val replied in the most sincere voice he could, "Frankly, I want nothing to do with you. Because... I don't want a jealous, purple ball sack of a man to show up at my doorstep the next day and try to fight me over you. I'm sorry, but I would like to stay as far away from that purple ball sack as possible."

Death had her eyes widened, and the whole realm shook in utter disbelief. Even Yggdrasil was astonished at what her champion just said. She couldn't contain it anymore and burst into an explosion of laughter.

"Pfft! Hahahaha!"

She laughed so hard that some twigs covering her voluptuous assets flew away due to her breasts shaking. She leaned forward and held the chair tightly, laughing like insane.

On the other hand, Val turned to her and asked, "Did you find my rejection that funny, woman?"

She raised her face, which was still contorted with laughter. Then, she coughed briefly to control her laughter before gazing back at him. She spoke but had to stop from bursting into laughter again, "I would love to keep arguing with you, but...."

She glanced before her and said, "Death is pretty pissed right now."

"What do you m—" Val wanted to say something, but a shiver traveled down his spine before he could.

He was petrified. He felt an enormous killing intent directed at him.

And, when he turned back at Death, all he could see was a wide grin. A sadistic grin that didn't contain the slightest bit of mercy in them.

She rested her head on her palm again and said coldly, "Don't you ever speak to me in that tone, Otherworlder. Even the sweetest women have their bad side. If you were someone other than Ygg's champion, you would be ripped apart limb to limb by the undead for an eternity, locked in my palace."

Her earlier playfulness was nowhere to be seen. Her aura was cold, like that of a ghost. Her previously dull skin now exuded a bright glow. She looked downright horrifying.

However, Val locked his gaze with her without showing an ounce of fear or the like on his face and said, "I'm sorry if you were hurt by my previous statement, Mistress Death. But, what I said was true, and you know it."

"Well, I can understand your views." Death giggled when she saw he didn't step back, no matter how much fear and horror her aura enveloped him. She nodded while increasing her pressure on him and said, "Aren't you afraid of me? Afraid of..."

Her eyes glowed, and she added coldly, "Death?"

"As I have said before." Val retorted coldly while gritting his teeth and said, "I'm not afraid of Death. I've already died once. I've been on the brink of Death once, no... twice. Death doesn't scare me anymore. If you wanted to kill me, I wouldn't try to stop or beg you to let me live. I've accomplished many things. I've wanted to do things like the super soldier serum, mutant-inhuman hybrid, and more. I'm happy with my life right now. If you want to take my soul, go ahead. I won't stop you."

Hearing his response, the creepy aura and pressure on Val dissipated, as did Death's cold and malicious smile when she realized that Val was speaking the truth.

"So?" Val asked after being freed from her suffocating aura and added with a sly grin, "Still planning on taking me as your Emissary or, no?"

"Cough! Ahem!"

A second later, Yggdrasil let a dry cough end the ensuing staring contest between him and Death.

He saw her smirking at him and said, "I'll take that as a 'No,' then. Great!"

"Well," Death had an amused smile on her face while chuckling lightly, "I suppose it is."

Val heard Yggdrasil suppressing her laughter and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing at all. ", She giggled and replied, "Though, you know you're an ass, right? Such a dirty-mouthed bastard with balls the size of a planet. "

He smirked and said, "For someone with the brains of a log, you've been spot-on all this time."

"Why you!" Yggdrasil exclaimed and playfully hit his shoulder lightly.


A few minutes later, the atmosphere between them turned calm and tranquil.

Val sipped his tea and said, "This is very delicious, by the way."

"Thank you." Death replied and winked at him while ignoring

After conversing with both Yggdrasil and Death, Val couldn't hold his curiosity back anymore and asked, "So... is there something you want to tell me?"

As soon as he finished, Death and Yggdrasil looked at him thoughtfully.

Yggdrasil put the teacup back on the table and said, "I can see the fate of every being in the Multiverse, and that includes, " She looked at him and continued, "YOU!"

"I can't tell you what the fate lines are telling me, but I can say that you can't behave recklessly anymore."

"What? Reckless? Me? I've never been reckless." Val denied the claim while pointing at himself.

Yggdrasil scowled in disagreement but was interrupted when Death spoke indifferently, "You may not think you are, but your actions prove that you, indeed, are reckless."

"What?" Val asked, furrowing his brows and declaring, "If my 'recklessness' gave me the results I needed, what's the issue with me?"

"That's the problem, Val." Yggdrasil sighed and explained, "You need to change that mentality of yours because, in the future, any decision you take might affect the entire universe."

"Wha—what?" Val was left speechless after hearing their words. He asked while flabbergasted, "How? The pressure on my shoulders just increased infinitely."

Death closed her eyes and stated, "We can't tell you right now."

"However," She stared straight into his eyes and ordered, "Just think thoroughly before doing anything in the future, okay?"

Val sighed in exasperation and massaged his brows.

Yggdrasil rubbed his back and advised, "I'm advising you to be more careful in the future because of the effects it might have on your family."

"Family?" Val looked at her and asked, "I don't have any family in this universe except Peggy, who's my adopted sister. There's no one else."

Hearing a chuckle escape from Death's lips, he turned to her and asked, "What're you laughing at?"

Death didn't reply but gazed at him with a knowing look as if she knew something he didn't, which irritated him greatly.

He looked at Yggdrasil, hoping she might reveal something, but she stayed silent and shook her head.

Suddenly, Yggdrasil looked into the distance as her eyes glowed, and she said, "I think our time's up."

"Time's up?" He looked at her questioningly.

"Yes!" Yggdrasil smiled and held out her hand to him. She said, "It's time for you to return to Earth. When you leave this place, remember what we said and stay cautious. Understand?"

Val looked back at the lake of black water, and then, his attention turned to Death, who winked at him flirtatiously. He sighed and then nodded in affirmation, "Okay. I get it."

He smiled gratefully at Death and thanked, "It was nice meeting you, Death."

Death replied seductively, gazing into his eyes, "Me too, Val."

Val gazed at his hands, which were slowly becoming transparent, and he stared back at Yggdrasil while smiling, "Well, it's time to leave, I guess."

"Goodbye, Val," Yggdrasil said, gently kissing his cheek before whispering something in his ear.

Val's entire body slowly became transparent until he finally disappeared from the Realm Of Death.

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