Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – Mystique’s Thoughts

[Mystique P.O.V.]
As I watched the students talk and giggle among themselves on the table in the dining hall while munching on my peanut butter sandwich, my thoughts wandered to the conversation I had with Ororo.

I could tell from her expression that she really felt indebted to Val. Even though she hasn't met him yet, under normal circumstances, not the previous one, she's still grateful to him for saving her.

Yet, she has no idea who he is, and she's right in feeling that way because Val saved her from the brutal treatment Archangel and Psylocke suffered at the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. and C.I.A. But, thanks to Peggy, C.I.A. couldn't obtain legal rights over them, and S.H.I.E.L.D. acquired them both. Both of them have been freed of Apocalypse's control since a few of us witnessed a purple mist emerge from their bodies a few days after Val killed Apocalypse.

They are now kept in a recreational facility where they would live for a few years and are under constant watch. Although they've returned to their usual selves, it doesn't mean they are 100 percent safe.


Logan and Victor have been visiting Archangel, and they genuinely care for the guy. Mainly, Victor acts the most carefree around him, and Logan has also gotten very comfortable around him.

Psylocke is staying with Archangel together in the same room of the facility. Of course, she requested Peggy, and both had to sign a document stating that they couldn't form a family before S.H.I.E.L.D. declared them physically, mentally, and socially stable.

That's good for both of them. Because it gives them time to work on themselves and their relationship before they are released from the facility. Then, they could work jobs and have a happy family.

But I felt so bad when Archangel asked me about Val. I couldn't answer him. My tongue was tied. I lied to him with a straight face, but I noticed Logan glancing at me with disapproval and annoyance.

I got angry inside.

What the fuck was I supposed to say?

That the person responsible for saving countless lives was lying on a bed in the basement of his mansion? That the person who tore Apocalypse's limbs apart hadn't opened his eyes for the past few weeks? That the person who fought tooth and nail to protect people from evil idiots was slowly dying in his own mansion? That his body was disintegrating right before our very eyes? That I... I...


I can't cry. Not here! I can't show any genuine emotions here. Nobody should know.


Pull yourself together, Raven.

I got up from the chair and left the table. While walking away, I closed my eyes and breathed a long, deep breath to clear my head from negative thoughts.

I'm doing nothing wrong. They would find out if I didn't suppress my negative emotions here. I'm doing the best I can.

I walked in the hallway while smiling at the students who passed by me. Seeing their faces reminds me of Nina...

The poor girl... She shouldn't have been the one to find Val's body. She was so cheerful and energetic before. Always playing around with that Arctic wolf.

Sigh! Now, every time I see her. I see none of the innocence, happiness, or child-like qualities. I see nothing but an empty husk... a cold doll...

I've seen her staring at the floor with no emotions. It's as if the color had drained from her eyes, leaving them cold and dead. The way her expression changes when she goes near him.


Magda said that she had refused to eat or drink for a day, but under constant pleading, she slowly began to eat. She hadn't slept and cried for weeks, still wearing the same clothes from a few weeks ago.

Even Magda's trying to control her emotions before Nina. The poor woman never thought that something like this could happen. Now, she's blaming herself and thinking that this wouldn't have happened if Val hadn't promised to care for her and her daughter. She cries loudly when alone with Erik, who tries his best to console her.

Speaking of Erik, I found it very weird that he was the only one who wasn't affected by whatever the hell that purple mist was inside the bodies of the other three horsemen. Even Charles was shocked to find Erik perfectly sane and in the right mind.

Erik was also sad, but he firmly believed that Val would survive.

Logan and Victor are the most surprising people who visit Val regularly, besides Kayla and Remus. These guys are weirdly calm and nonchalant about it.

Heck! They joked around with Peggy when they saw him for the first time. When I asked them if they weren't sad seeing Val's state, they waved me off and told me that Val had survived much worse and that there was no need to worry.

Of course, I couldn't argue with them. I could see their reasoning from their points of view because I talked with Peggy and found out that only the three knew about a specific part of Val's life.

I'm curious, of course. But I know my limits. I know that if I tried to probe, mainly Logan and Victor.

Let's just say they're the people who wouldn't hesitate to kill.

I have no answers for many questions plaguing my mind, and the most important question is...

When would Val wake up? When would he show us his dazzling smile that warmed the hearts of everyone around him? When would he get off the bed and appear before us like before? When would he scold me or praise us for our hard work? When? When?!


"I swear..." I whispered to no one in particular as I walked into the empty garden. I opened my eyes and continued with a faint smile that couldn't conceal the pain I'm feeling on the inside, "...when you wake up, I will first beat the shit out of you, and then I'll show my gratitude by taking you out for a coffee."




What? Is that too much to ask for?

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