Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 43 – Battle in Sokovia (1)

Matthew Jimenez (Thank you for supporting me for the last 2 months, I hope you stay longer)

Follow me on Instagram: @na7suki_

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After the Quinjet landed in Sokovia, the rear hatch opened, and everyone disembarked. Aware of what they needed to do; they began spreading out through the city. Wanda began using her magic to influence civilians, guiding them out of their homes in an effort to keep them out of the battlefield. Meanwhile, Pietro entered houses and police stations, evacuating people. In some situations, he acted politely, but in others, he resorted to force or made threats when not obeyed.

Not far away, Peter moved through the city, helping civilians he encountered along the way. Until he saw Wanda using her powers to remove people from their homes. Witnessing this, Peter decides to approach her.

"It seems like you've decided to follow my advice"

Peter comments as he approaches Wanda.

When Wanda turns around, her eyes meet Peter's, who is approaching her without his mask at that moment.

"See, I told you that you could use your powers to help people instead of just hurting them"

Peter affirmed, still approaching her.

Upon hearing Peter's praise, Wanda turns her gaze to him and gives a slight smile, enchanting him not only with the smile but also with the beauty of the young woman. Impressed by Wanda's smile, Peter becomes mesmerized and only snaps back to reality when she catches his attention.

"I would like to apologize for my brother's inappropriate behavior"

Wanda says, directing a sincere look at Peter.

"No need to apologize; the fault was mine. I should be the one apologizing to you"

Peter replies, bowing as a sign of apology.

"Why? You didn't do anything; he was the one who attacked you first"

Wanda asks, not understanding Peter's response.

"I know, but still, I want to apologize for hitting your brother. I acted impulsively and attacked him"

Peter tries to apologize for the mistake he made a few hours ago.

"I understand. He did that to protect you, and it shows how much he loves you"

Peter continues without taking his eyes off Wanda.

"I know, and I appreciate that"

Wanda says with an expression of understanding and gratitude on her face, understanding her brother's perspective.

"Well, next time, I promise I'll try to resolve misunderstandings with your brother without having to use my fists, unless he challenges me to a video game fight; then I can't guarantee anything"

Peter says, winking at Wanda with a playful smile on his face.

Wanda lets out a soft laugh at Peter's comment, relaxing a bit more.


Finally, as they reached the other side of the city, both Steve and Bruce and Tony decided to split up. Steve took responsibility for guiding people who were in cars, ensuring they didn't run over anyone. Meanwhile, Bruce had managed to infiltrate Ultron's hideout to rescue Natasha. Tony, on the other hand, had gone to confront Ultron head-on, who was waiting for him in a completely destroyed church.

After losing Jarvis in the creation of Vision, Tony was forced to develop a new artificial intelligence for his armor, which he named Friday.

"Boss, the target is in that church and, apparently, is waiting for you"

A female voice reported, indicating the location of the church above Tony.

Upon hearing this, Tony quickly advances towards the church. Upon arriving there, he enters the place and comes face to face with Ultron, who was waiting for him inside.

"Did you come to confess all your sins?"

Ultron asked, directing his gaze at Tony.

"Depends, my list is extensive. How much time do you have?"

Tony said, mocking everything Ultron said.

"Too bad. Apparently, I have more time than you"

Ultron said, appearing right behind Tony and surprising him for a moment. Besides being much larger than the one who was in front of him a few seconds ago, this new body was entirely made of vibranium.

Tony, surprised by Ultron's new vibranium-made body, maintains his posture and responds with an ironic smile:

"Damn, have you been hitting the gym, big guy? I mean, your kind, how can I say, beefed up."

Ultron, still behind Tony, observed him with disdain.

"I know what you're trying to do. And it won't work; there's no point in stalling me to try to protect civilians because, in the end, it will have been in vain anyway."

Meanwhile, in the corridors of the safe house, Bruce managed to sneak towards the cell where Natt was being held. His mission was to rescue his ally while attention was focused on the confrontation between Tony and Ultron.

Back in the church, Tony continued rebutting Ultron's disturbed vision.

"That's what we'll see, after all, that's our mission, remember?"

Tony said, facing Ultron.

"Unfortunately, I've already surpassed your mission a long time ago. I am no longer a puppet; I am free"

After Ultron said those words, a structure emerged from the ground right in the center of the church, like a core.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Did you really think only you were stalling?"

Ultron said, circling the object.

Tony, still holding his posture, continued staring at Ultron, who was still circling the newly emerged core in the center of the church.

"Boss, there's the rest of the vibranium. Analyzing... function... uncertain"

Friday said, quickly analyzing the object.

Ultron, still circling the core, smiled sarcastically.

"Here, in this place, will be your tomb, Tony. This is the only way I can bring the peace I've longed for."

Tony, facing Ultron and the vibranium core at the same time, said.

"Looks like peace for you means a bunch of vibranium and destruction."

"That's much more than that. It's simply the liberation of humanity. You need to be saved from yourselves, even if you don't understand it. But unfortunately, you don't understand, and you never have"

After Ultron proclaimed those words, various robots began to emerge from the city's ground, like zombies. While some emerged from the waters, others climbed the walls of Sokovia. Simultaneously, the ground robots destroyed everything in their path, while those hovering in the air shot rays at everything they encountered along the way.




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