Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 42 – Have courage

Matthew Jimenez (Thank you for supporting me for the last 2 months, I hope you stay longer)

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After a long talk, Steve Rogers and Clint Barton finally managed to calm down Peter Parker, who was still in the training room. Captain America's patience and Clint's experience in handling delicate situations contributed to them calming Peter down a bit.

"Now that you're calmer, could you tell us what happened, kid?"

Steve asks with a serene expression on his face.

"It's like I said before: nothing happened. He just came at me, and I just defended myself. That's all that happened"

Peter replies, trying to disguise what really happened.

"Kid, that excuse won't work. Nobody attacks someone for no reason at all"

Clint argues, trying to press Peter and force him to reveal the truth.

Peter, frustrated by everything that had happened, just rolls his eyes, making Steve understand that he wouldn't say anything else.

"It seems you're not going to tell us what really happened here"

Observes Steve, looking at Peter, who just nods his head in confirmation.

"All right, after we've sorted out all these problems, I expect an explanation about this matter, understood?"

Steve continued, receiving a nod from Peter as confirmation.

"Come on, Barton, we need to prepare everything for our assault"

Said Steve, getting Clint's attention and then heading towards the exit of the room. However, looking back, he realizes that Barton was still staring at Peter.

"Hey, kid, now it's serious. Did something happen between you two? Like, a little kiss?"

Clint asked, approaching Peter to get some affirmation.

"Of course not, man. What do you think I am?"

Peter responds, somewhat embarrassed by Clint's unexpected question.

Clint lets out a casual laugh and gives Peter a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Relax, kid. I'm just messing with you. But seriously, if you need to talk about anything, we're here, okay?

Peter says nothing, just nodding his head in confirmation before Barton says anything else. Steve calls him from the other side of the door.


"I'm coming."

Clint shouts as he turns around and starts walking towards Steve. When he gets close, he exits the room and then closes the door, leaving only Peter in there with a thoughtful expression.

"You screwed up, genius! The only chance you had in your life to talk to a pretty girl, and you go and mess it up, almost breaking her brother's face."

Peter mutters, frustrated with himself for the mess he had made.


After the brief discussion between Peter and Pietro, the other Avengers gathered in the main hall of the tower to discuss the plan for the decisive battle against Ultron, which would determine the fate of the world. In a more secluded corner, Bruce, Steve, and Tony, who had already returned from their investigation at Nexus, were debating the plan.

"Before anything else, we have to find a way to distract the tin can, or this battle could turn into a real bloodbath"

Tony says, looking concerned about the situation they were in while looking at Bruce in front of him.

Steve, who was crouched on the floor, caught Tony and Bruce's attention.

"For me, it's fine. I don't have plans for tomorrow night anyway"

Steve says, directing his gaze at Tony.

Tony looks at Steve, understanding the implication behind the statement. A slight smile appears on his lips as he nods.

"Well, then it looks like we have a distraction plan. Let's make sure Ultron has something to keep him occupied while we work on the main plan"

Tony suggests, looking at Bruce for approval.

Bruce agrees with a nod, pondering the feasibility of the strategy.

"We can use this to our advantage. While Ultron is busy, we'll have the opportunity to attack his weak points."

"So, that's our plan. I'll confront Ultron directly; if he wants Iron Man so badly, he'll get him."

Tony concludes.

After Tony says this, Vision passes between them and warns them.

"Just be careful; he'll go after you to kill, as you're the person he hates the most."

"Thanks for the encouragement"

Tony says sarcastically to Vision, who just keeps walking.

"This guy doesn't know how to read the room, huh?"

Tony comments, looking at Steve and Bruce, who just look at each other without saying a word.

Meanwhile, in another area of the tower, the Maximoff siblings were preparing for battle. Peter was already wearing his old suit with the new improvised web shooters he had made in Stark's lab after failing to fix the old ones. On the other hand, he had made some improvements to the shooters: they were optimized to allow quick selection between different projectiles, with an automatic reload system and an enhanced sight. On the belt buckle of the suit, he carried some extra web capsules, a sonic device, and a tracking device.

"At least now I can solve the problems with the web capsules and cartridge loading"

Peter says, looking at his new web shooters and the extra capsules on the suit's belt.


"Ultron must already be aware that we're heading to him, but there's something he doesn't know: this time, we have reinforcements, and we're not going there to lose. Our priority is to get all the people out of Sokovia off the battlefield."

Steve says, looking at everyone before continuing.

"I know they just wanted to live in peace, but unfortunately, that's not going to happen today. But we'll do our best to protect everyone and fulfill our mission, which is to find out what Ultron is building, find our comrade, and get all civilians out. Do you understand?"

Steve asks, receiving nods from everyone.

"Our central goal is to keep this fight between us... If Ultron thinks we're monsters, then we have to show him that he's wrong."

Inside the Quinjet, as they approached Sokovia for the confrontation against Ultron, Steve addressed the group again.

"We don't know what we'll face there, but remember, we're in this together. Let's stay focused on our mission and, above all, protect the innocent"

Steve emphasized, looking at each member of the team.




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