Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 44 – Battle in Sokovia (2)

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After that chaos unfolded in Sokovia, Peter and Wanda hit the streets where Ultron's robots were causing massive destruction.


Peter exclaimed mentally, with a wide grin on his face, as he faced the robots.

"Show? What do you mean? I don't get it."

Wanda asked, turning to Peter, who was by her side.

"Could you stop invading my thoughts, please?"

Peter requested, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Sorry, couldn't help it."

Wanda replied with a playful smile.


Peter agreed, with a friendly expression.

"Phew, imagine if she heard the things I'm thinking."

Peter thought, directing his eyes to the ground.

"What things would those be?"

Wanda asked with a puzzled expression.

Peter scratched his neck, uncomfortable with Wanda's curiosity.

"Well, just silly thoughts, you know? Nothing important."

Peter tried to downplay, giving an awkward smile.

"Oh, come on, tell me!"

Wanda insisted, with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

"It's just..."

Before Peter could finish his sentence, some robots started heading his way, trying to attack him. He easily dodged them, mimicking Steve and Natasha's fighting style.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Wanda was destroying a horde of robots that had approached her. Due to a slip by Peter, a robot managed to hit him, throwing him towards a bridge where other civilians were trying to escape the chaos. Worried about Peter, Wanda lowered her guard and almost got hit by a robot. Returning to Peter, he was still a bit disoriented on the ground when a robot would attack him from behind. Clint appeared and saved him, hitting the robot's head and destroying it.

"You two, stop flirting and focus on protecting yourselves first. And don't forget our mission: civilians come first."

Clint warned, teasing Peter before turning serious.

After hearing those words, Peter looked at Clint with an expression of disapproval but decided not to say anything. Wanda, on the other hand, was a bit confused about what Clint meant. After composing themselves, Wanda and Peter began trying to evacuate the civilians still on the bridge.

"Please, get off the bridge!"

Wanda pleaded, guiding the civilians to a safe place. While she did that, a robot appeared behind her. Unaware of the robot's presence, Wanda was almost hit by an attack, but Peter noticed in time and alerted her.

"Wanda, behind you."

Thanks to Peter's warning, Wanda quickly turned and, using her powers, used her magic as a shield to protect the civilians behind her.

"Go, don't just stand there, run!"

Wanda said, still using her magic as a shield, but the robots didn't let up and continued shooting in her direction until the shield broke, and a shot hit her, throwing her to the ground.

Peter, stunned by Wanda being hit, was momentarily unresponsive until he regained consciousness and shouted her name as he ran towards her.


Peter quickly reached Wanda's side, with concern on his face. He helped her up while the robots continued to approach.

"Are you okay, Wanda?"

Peter asked, somewhat anxious.

Wanda nodded, recovering from the impact.

"I'm fine, thank you."



Tony, inside the church, seeing Ultron's robots emerging and destroying everything, faced Ultron, turned, and flew towards the others to help them against the robots. But before leaving, he sent someone to have a chat with Ultron.


Said Vision, appearing in the sky and flying towards the antagonist.

"My vision, what have they done to you? So, they took you from me too."

Ultron said, levitating and facing Vision.

Vision floated before Ultron, staring at him with a distant serenity.

"You started all this, so only you can end it."

Vision replied calmly, while the gem on his forehead glowed.

"So be it."

Angry at Vision's response, Ultron attacked him in an attempt to take possession of his body, but Vision managed to prevent Ultron.


Steve was in the streets knocking out all the robots coming at him, while Thor was underground trying to stop more robots from coming out. Meanwhile, Pietro saw several robots in the streets trying to attack people who hadn't managed to hide yet. With his super speed, he attacked all the robots in his path, tearing and destroying everything in front of him.

Back to Tony, he was heading towards the rest of the team. As Tony approached the team, chaos continued unfolding on the streets of Sokovia. Each member of the Avengers was immersed in their own battle against Ultron's robots.

"Friday, update me on Vision's situation."

Tony requested, flying towards the city.

"It's working. He's successfully deleting all of Ultron's chances of escaping through the internet."

Friday replied.


After much effort, Vision successfully entered Ultron's mind and shut him down entirely from the internet. However, Ultron managed to free himself and threw Vision to the ground, who fell unconscious.

"You managed to disconnect me, congratulations, but that's it... So, since you took away my world..."

Ultron said, going towards the device on the ground and turning the core knob.

"I'll do the same with yours."

After Ultron activated the core, several cracks appeared in various parts of the city. Then, tremors were heard by the people, who began to gather and panic. Peter, who was also on the street, saw a crack forming near him.

"Uh, man, this doesn't look like it's going to end well."

Peter said, seeing the cracks getting even larger, and Sokovia starting to try to levitate, as if being pulled upward.

"Friday, what's the situation?"

Tony asked, with a slightly pale expression on his face, not believing his eyes.

"Sokovia is disintegrating and being pulled upwards. The cracks are expanding rapidly."

Friday reported, echoing the urgency to Tony.

Before long, Sokovia was on its feet. Now, for the Avengers, what might previously have been considered impossible was happening right before their eyes. Fear of the Avengers began to spread among the people, who began to run and turn into sheer panic.




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