Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 41 – A Gentle Gesture

Matthew Jimenez (Thank you for supporting me for the last 2 months, I hope you stay longer)

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Wanda listens attentively to Peter's words, absorbing the depth behind his motivation.

"No doubt, your uncle was someone of great kindness."

Peter looks into her eyes, revealing a sincerity that goes beyond words.

"I can say he was one of the most admirable figures I've ever crossed paths with."

While watching Peter, a faint smile appears on Wanda's lips.

"Your name is Peter, right?"

Wanda asks, directing her gaze towards Peter.

Peter nods, confirming Wanda's suspicion.

"Yes, and yours is Wanda, am I right?"


Wanda nods with a gentle smile on her face.

Noticing that Wanda hadn't chosen an outfit yet, Peter stands up and heads back to the closet. He grabs a coat with red details at the bottom and dark blue at the collar, throwing it in Wanda's direction.

"Here, take this."

"What is this?"

Wanda asks as she examines the piece of clothing in her hands.

"Well, it's a coat. What did you think it was? And it's for you to wear."

Peter says, not understanding the girl's question.

Wanda smiles, appreciating the boy's gesture as she smoothly slides the coat over her shoulders. The piece fits perfectly, as if it had been made exclusively for her.

"Thank you."

She says as she finishes putting on the coat.

"No problem, just don't tell Miss Romanoff I gave it to you, or she'll kill me."

Peter says, pretending to have a serious face and then releasing a brief smile.

Wanda lightly laughs at Peter's joke, enjoying the touch of humor.

"Well, your secret is safe with me."

Wanda affirms, with a slight mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Sorry to ask, but while we were talking, I noticed you can't keep your hands still."

Peter says, looking at Wanda and noticing her changed expression.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Peter asks, observing Wanda.

Wanda shakes her head gently, trying to dispel the seriousness that had settled on her face.

"It's nothing, it's just that..."

Wanda replies, glancing away for a moment.

"These are the result of the experiments they did on us at Hydra."

Peter, realizing he asked a question he shouldn't have, crouches in front of Wanda and takes her hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Peter says, keeping a soft tone in his voice.

Wanda nods, appreciating Peter's kindness.

"Don't worry, it's just that..."

Peter gets closer to Wanda and puts his hand on her face.

"No, Wanda. You don't need to explain. It was really my fault."

After leaving the training room, Pietro returns to the same room a few minutes later to call his sister. Upon opening the door, he is confronted with the unusual scene: Peter with his hand on her face.

Seeing that scene, Pietro tried to call for his sister, but the impulse led him to act first, immediately advancing towards Peter and throwing him to the other side of the room with the force of the impact.

Peter, surprised by the sudden burst of action, finds himself thrown to the other side of the room, crashing against the wall with a muffled thud.

Wanda, perplexed by what happened, glances at her brother, who approaches Peter with anger in his eyes.


With a furious look, Pietro approaches Peter and grabs him by the shirt collar.

"Stay away from my sister."

However, Pietro is taken by surprise by Peter's reaction, who delivers a powerful punch to his face, sending him to the other side of the room.

"Man, you're lucky I learned to control myself."

"You'll pay for this!"

Pietro shouts, preparing to advance on Peter when suddenly a firm and authoritative voice echoes through the room. It was Steve, who entered the room with Clint.

"Stop this now!"

"But, this guy..."

Pietro says, unable to finish the sentence due to his anger.

Pietro, still furious, tries to continue, but Wanda pulls him out of the room, leaving only Peter, Steve, and Clint inside.

"What happened here, kid?"

Steve asks, directing his gaze directly at Peter to try to understand the situation.

Peter, rubbing his jaw where Pietro punched him, adds with a forced touch of humor.

"Just a misunderstanding, Captain. Nothing serious."

Steve frowns, suspicious, but decides to leave the situation aside for now.

"I hope you guys settle this without more violence. We have more important matters to deal with."

Clint observes the scene with a keen eye but remains silent, waiting for the events to unfold.

Pietro, still boiling with rage, continued to follow his sister with large steps down the corridor, with Wanda in front of him, guiding him to the main hall to calm him down.

"Pietro, why did you do that? He didn't do anything to me; it was just a misunderstanding."

Pietro, still furious, responds with irritation.

"Misunderstanding or not, Wanda, he was too close to you. You can't believe everything everyone says. Did you not see what he was going to do to you?"

Wanda sighs, understanding her brother's concern but also aware that the situation wasn't as threatening as it seemed.

"I saw, and he wasn't going to do anything. I read his mind, Pietro. He's not like the others; he's different. He's kind and has a pure heart."

"And what if he uses you like they did to us?"

Pietro asks, now with a calmer look, looking at his sister.

"He's not like that, Pietro, and I won't let him. You know me, we grew up together, taking care of each other. Peter is just a friend, and nothing more than that."

"Friends, huh? I'm not so sure. That's not what it looked like a few minutes ago. You two were very close."

Pietro said with irony in his voice while looking at his sister.

"Okay, Pietro. And if we weren't friends and something more was happening there, what would you do?"

Wanda asks, looking at her brother with indignation.

Pietro, with a serious look, replies to his sister:

"If something more was really happening, I would have intervened. You can't blindly trust others, even if they don't seem bad."

Wanda sighs, feeling the tension rise between them.

"Pietro, I know how to take care of myself. I don't need you to keep an eye on every step I take."

Pietro rolls his eyes, frustrated.

"The problem here, Wanda, is that you always end up trusting anyone. We've been through many tough things, and now you act like none of that ever happened? Look at all the experiments they did to us at Hydra; did you forget all of that?"

Wanda looks into her brother's eyes with determination.

"No, Pietro, I haven't forgotten, and I know you're worried about me, but I can't live in constant fear. I have to start trying to trust people more."




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