Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 40 – Worthy or not?

Matthew Jimenez (Thank you for supporting me for the last 2 months, I hope you stay longer)

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"But where's he hiding?"

Bruce asks, still standing next to Tony.

"While you guys were having your little party, I was looking for Nat's location and found her in Sokovia. Ultron must have some lab there"

Clint says as he slowly walks behind Vision.

After Clint says this, Bruce starts walking towards Vision and stops in front of him.

"And what if we're wrong about you, and you really are a monster Ultron built?"

"If that were true, what would you guys do, not what you could do?"

Vision asks, looking at Bruce and then at the others.

"Seriously, you want us to answer that question?"

Peter says, looking perplexed at Vision.

At this moment, Vision starts walking while trying to explain whether he is in favor or against Ultron's destruction.

"I don't wish for Ultron's death; after all, he is unique and is suffering a lot. However, to prevent that suffering from spreading and threatening the entire Earth, we must destroy him."

Vision continues speaking while walking among the heroes.

"Every trace of him is scattered across the internet, so before he makes more backups of himself, we have to act now, and I know none of us can do it without the other. Maybe, yes, I am a monster, and I know I'm not what you are..."

Vision says, turning to the heroes.

"I'm also not what you planned, and I know very well that you have no reason to trust me, but we have to go soon."

Vision says, turning again, but this time lifting Mjölnir and handing it to Thor, who takes the hammer.

"Well, let's go, then"

Thor says, somewhat awkwardly, tapping Tony on the shoulder and following Vision immediately.

"Seriously, is no one going to talk about what just happened here?"

Peter says, with a sarcastic tone and an ironic look, but he is ignored by everyone.

Steve, indifferent to Peter's comment, turns to the rest of the group and gives his orders with unwavering seriousness.

"Get ready, we're leaving in three minutes."

Peter rolls his eyes and with a sarcastic smile on his face mutters to himself.

"Oh, sure, Vision lifting Mjölnir. That's totally normal. Just another ordinary day in a superhero's life."

While the group disperses to prepare, Peter continues to question himself.

"I just wish someone would explain to me how lifting a magical hammer makes someone worthy. Like, seriously? It must be some crazy Asgardian criteria that I don't understand."

Tony, passing by Peter, responds with an ironic smile:

"Kid, when you save the world a few times, maybe you'll be able to lift the hammer too."

"Great, just what I need, more responsibilities."

Peter replies, feigning concern as he continues on his way.

After that, everyone starts preparing for the battle. Clint heads to the tower's weapons vault, where he takes his arrows and makes some small modifications before putting on his suit. Peter, who was heading to the tower's training area, ends up finding Wanda and Pietro somewhat lost. He leads them there so they can also prepare and change clothes.

Thor, with his Mjölnir in hand, patiently waits outside the tower next to Vision. Inside, Tony adjusts his armor until Bruce approaches him with a reluctant look.

"Can we really trust this guy?"

Bruce asks, referring to Vision.

"I can't say for sure, but the guy managed to lift Mjölnir. And that must mean something, right?"

Tony replied, with a mix of confidence and uncertainty in his voice.

While the main team prepares to face Ultron, attention turns to Peter, Wanda, and Pietro in the tower's training area. Peter, with a relaxed expression on his face, opens the closet full of various uniforms and equipment. He examines the available options and pulls out a shirt and a pair of sneakers, throwing them to Pietro.

"Hey, speedster, these should fit you."

Peter says as he walks toward another locker.

"Dude, stop calling me that."

Pietro says, looking at Peter with a serious face.

"And what do you want me to call you, speedy, Flash, Quicksilver?"

Peter says with irony in his voice as he opens the locker and takes out his old suit.

"Yeah, big guy, today it's going to be you."

Peter whispers with his old uniform in hand.

After Pietro finishes changing, he takes a quick look at Peter and sees the old suit he was holding, letting out a small laugh.

"Seriously, you're going to wear that thing?"

Not understanding the question, Peter turns and looks at Pietro.

"Yes, what's wrong with it?"

Pietro continues laughing as he sees Peter's old suit, unable to contain his mocking smile.

"Really, you're going into battle wearing that old thing?"

Peter, somewhat indignant, rolls his eyes in Pietro's direction.

"Hey, respect my classic suit. This uniform is iconic; it's part of my history!"

"Fine, if that's what you're saying."

Pietro leaves the room, leaving his sister and Peter alone.

After Pietro leaves the training room, a brief silence envelops the room. Wanda seems lost in her thoughts as she watches Peter, who remains busy tinkering with his web shooters.


Peter says, frustrated, unable to fix his web shooters.

"Is something wrong?"

Wanda asks as she approaches Peter.

"No, it's just these web shooters of mine that never cooperate when I need them."

Peter replies, focused on his hands.

Feeling Wanda's gaze on him, Peter decides to break the silence.

"So, Wanda, what's on your mind? Seems like you want to ask me something."

Wanda looks at him with curiosity before speaking.

"Well, I wanted to know... why did you try to stop the Hulk even though you knew you didn't stand a chance against him, and now you've put your life at risk trying to stop the train. Why?"

Peter sighs before answering, looking into Wanda's eyes.

"You know, I'm not the kind of person who can just stand by and watch others get hurt. When I see someone in danger, something inside me just screams for action."

Wanda looks at him with interest, as if trying to decipher something deeper.

"I know I'm strong, but after losing my uncle because of me, my world fell apart. In order not to let his death be in vain, I decided to honor the last words he said to me."

"And what did he say to you?"

Wanda asked, while looking at Peter curiously.

Peter, with a nostalgic smile on his face, looked at Wanda and said:

"Before he died, he told me that if you have power, help others, because with great power comes great responsibility."




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