Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 39 – Vision

Matthew Jimenez (Thank you for supporting me for the last 2 months, I hope you stay longer)

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After being struck by the attack from the body that emerged from the crib, Thor regains composure and quickly heads towards the main hall. Meanwhile, Tony, Steve, and Bruce begin to regroup after the explosion. Peter and Wanda, however, remain lying on the ground. Embarrassed by their position, Wanda, who is on top of Peter, extends her hand to help him up.

Peter's touch on Wanda's hands sends a subtle electric shock through their bodies, a mix of nervousness and surprise. Both feel a twinge of discomfort but also a strange connection that surpasses the awkwardness of the situation. As Peter gets up, their gazes meet for a brief moment, revealing a mix of confusion and curiosity.

After everyone regroups in the main hall, Thor, noticing that Steve would attempt to attack the body, signals for him and the others to do nothing and stay still. Meanwhile, the body pays no immediate attention to them, merely staring at its reflection in the glass with admiration. Once it realizes it is alive and the others sense no hostility from it, they begin to lower their guard. Pietro, with a slight slip from Clint, manages to escape and appears in the room to join the group.

Turning around, the red being materializes clothing and begins to levitate slowly towards Thor and the others.

"That was very strange"

Said the body, looking at everyone before continuing.

"But thank you, I needed that"

It continued, now looking at Thor and materializing a cape identical to the heroes.

Steve, with a puzzled expression, approached Thor still cautiously.

"Thor, why did you help create this?"

"When that girl used her power on me, I sort of had a vision of a whirlwind sucking all life from the earth, and in the center of it all was that"

Said Thor, pointing to Wanda, and then pointing to the gem on the red being's forehead.

"What's the gem?"

Asked Bruce, somewhat surprised, approaching Thor.

"This jewel is one of the six Infinity Stones, and this one, in particular, is the Mind Stone. Each of them has unparalleled power with immeasurable destructive capabilities..."

Thor began to explain more before Steve interrupted him.

"So why did you..."

Steve tried to say more, but Thor also interrupted him.

"Because even though I don't want to admit it, Stark was really right."

Peter, with a perplexed expression, looked at Thor not believing what he said.

"Man, who would have thought we'd ever hear that. Really, we're at the end of times"

Said Peter, joking, and then had his attention turned to Tony, who was looking at him with an unfriendly expression.

"I have to be honest with you, but even we couldn't defeat Ultron"

Said Thor, looking at everyone.

"Indeed, you are right. Alone, you wouldn't stand a chance"

Affirmed the body, looking at those present in the room.

"Why does your vision speak as if it were Jarvis?"

Asked Steve, approaching the red being.

"Look, Vision seems like a good name for him"

Said Peter with his eyes fixed on the being in front of him.

"Hmm... I like that name. Thank you, Spider-Man"

Said Vision, bowing his head in gratitude.

"Well... as I was saying, before someone starts breaking and destroying everything, we tried to rebuild Jarvis' matrix in an attempt to create something new, without Ultron's imperfections"

Said Tony sarcastically, looking at Steve as he approached Vision.

"I caught that sarcasm"

Said Steve, looking at Tony before continuing.

"But I've reached my quota of new things for today."

"You're making a big mistake"

Said Vision as he walked and looked at everyone in the room.

"You think I'm one of Ultron's copies."

"And aren't you?"

Asked Steve, looking at Vision.

"I'm not Ultron, let alone Jarvis. I am..."

Said Vision with an expression of not yet knowing who he was.

Bruce frowned, trying to understand.

"So, you're not Ultron, but you're a more evolved kind than him?"

"Yes, exactly"

Replied Vision.

"I inherited some of his characteristics, but I am also unique. My intention is not to cause destruction as he does, but to protect life."

Wanda, who was next to her brother and Peter, approached Vision and said:

"So, explain to me: what was all that I saw when I entered your mind?"

"If you want to confirm, please look again"

Said Vision, turning and looking directly at Wanda.

Clint, who until that moment had not appeared in the room, emerged there, already needling Wanda.

"I wouldn't trust her seal of approval too much. That little power of hers did nothing to me."

Ignoring Clint's comment, Wanda stared into Vision's eyes and decided to dive back into his mind. As she did so, the room fell silent, everyone watching the interaction between them. After a few moments, Wanda removed her hand from her forehead, with a surprised and perplexed expression.

"I... I don't understand. What are you really?"

Asked Wanda, seeming confused. Vision stared at her serenely.

"I am a synthesis. A fusion of different elements, but above all, a conscious entity. My nature is complex, but my intention is clear: to protect life."

While Vision tried unsuccessfully to explain what he was, Thor approached Steve and Tony, who was next to Bruce.

"Everything that happened to us, the horrors we saw, and even the creation of Ultron, all of that was manipulation by the Mind Stone using our greatest fears. And, compared to its real power, we haven't seen anything yet, but with it on our side..."

Steve, still cautious about the whole situation, interrupted Thor.

"But is it?"

After saying this, Steve turned and looked Vision.

"And which side are you on? Ours or Ultron's?"

Vision, keeping his calm, responds to Steve's question.

"I'm not on Ultron's side nor on yours. I'm an independent entity with my own consciousness and purpose. My mission is to protect life; in contrast, Ultron seeks to destroy everything."

"So far, he hasn't made any move. So, what's he waiting for?"

Tony asks, looking at Vision.

"For you guys to go to him"

Vision responds to Tony's question while looking at everyone.




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