Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 38 – Ultron’s Resurgence

Matthew Jimenez (Thank you for supporting me for the last 2 months, I hope you stay longer)

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"This is the last time you'll see the world like this. The rebirth begins now."

Ultron, now more powerful than ever, began orchestrating his plans for the resurrection of his distorted vision of a new world.

Downstairs, Clint continued his Morse code conversation with Natasha.

"Natt, are you okay? Did he do something to you?"

After a few minutes of waiting, a Morse code response echoed on Clint's communicator.

"Clint, I'm fine, just not entirely sure where I am. Have you figured out my location yet?"

Natasha said in Morse code.

"Not yet, but don't worry, we're working on it."

Clint replied, using a signaling device to send the Morse code message.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Jarvis's transfer to the new body was about to be completed. The computer display showed 98%, but at that moment, Steve along with the Maximoff siblings and Peter arrived.

"I'll only say this once, Tony. Shut this thing down now."

Steve said, with a serious face, approaching Tony and Bruce.

"Sorry, Cap, but that's not happening."

Tony said, looking at Steve.

Steve stared at Tony with a mix of disapproval and determination in his eyes. The Maximoff siblings, Wanda and Pietro, exchanged worried glances, while Peter, who had been quiet and alert until then, decided to speak up.

"Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner, you don't know what you're doing."

"And you do, kid? Or is it still in your head, making you say that."

Bruce said, looking at Peter and then at Wanda with a serious look.

"Sorry, I know I messed up, and I know you must be angry with me."

Wanda said, who was now standing beside her brother.

"Angry? No, I'm way beyond angry. If I could, I'd strangle you right now, and I wouldn't even need to turn green... And to answer your question, no, I'm not angry."

Bruce said, looking at Wanda with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Banner, even after everything that's happened, you still want to go through with this?"

Steve said, raising his voice as he approached Bruce.

"But it's nothing compared to what we're doing here now..."

Tony said, also raising his voice and looking directly at Steve.

"But that's the problem. You don't know and have no idea what's inside there..."

Wanda interjected into the conversation.

While they argued, Peter, who was next to Steve and Wanda, began to feel his spider-sense tingling, warning him of danger.


Before Peter could finish his sentence, Pietro ran through the lab toward the cables connected to the cradle and unplugged them.

"No need to stop, you can keep arguing."

Pietro said, returning to his sister's side.

The moment Pietro said that, a bullet pierced the glass floor where he was. In his perspective, everything seemed to be in slow motion.

"This has to be a joke."

Pietro said, looking forward and then falling from above with force. When he tried to get up, Clint appeared below and stepped on his leg.

"What, you weren't fast enough, so you didn't see me coming?"

Clint said with a mocking smile on his face.

While they argued, no one noticed a slight movement inside the cradle. Only Tony, who saw a message on the monitor warning that the body was entering critical condition.

"I will redirect the matrix upload to the cradle."

Tony announced, turning and fiddling with the devices.

Steve, seeing that Tony wouldn't stop, grabbed his shield and threw it at the equipment in the lab, destroying them. Tony, trying to avoid something more serious, activated the hand part of his armor and shot Steve in the chest, sending him flying away. After that, Tony called the chest part of the armor.

Seeing this, Wanda tried to attack Tony but ended up being stopped by Bruce, who appeared behind her and applied a chokehold, restraining her.

"Come on, why don't you try to annoy me now?"

While Tony tried to redirect the matrix upload, Steve, even injured, got up with some difficulty and tried to advance toward Tony. However, Peter interrupted him, throwing him to the other side of the room. Tony, a bit confused, shot in Peter's direction, who easily dodged.

"Man, it's just what I needed. Until yesterday, I wanted to be an Avenger. Now, I'm involved in a fight among the Avengers themselves."

Peter whispered while dodging two more shots from Tony.

Due to Peter's sudden attack, Bruce forgot about Wanda for a brief moment, which was enough for her to break free and launch a red energy blast at him, throwing him backward. Not wasting time, Wanda turned towards Peter and fired a burst at him, which he easily dodged.

"Come on... Haven't you realized that we're on the same team?"

Peter said, turning around and looking at Wanda.

"If we're a team, then why did you attack him if he was also part of our group?"

Wanda replied, pointing to Steve but with her eyes fixed on Peter.

Just as Peter was about to answer Wanda's question, Thor appeared in front of them and jumped onto the cradle. With his hammer, he summoned a lightning bolt that hit the body inside the cradle, electrocuting it in the process.

After doing this, an explosion occurred inside the cradle, throwing everyone away. Thor was thrown high into the air, while his hammer was thrown to the side. Wanda, who was a bit closer, was also propelled by the impact and fell on top of Peter, leaving both embarrassed. In a matter of seconds, a figure emerged from the cradle.

"He's alive."

Peter murmured, his eyes shining as he observed the red being in front of him.

Wanda looked at him, not understanding anything.

"It's a reference to the science fiction book 'Frankenstein'."

Peter explained, trying to contextualize the word for Wanda.

The new being, now alive, began to rise from the cradle. Meanwhile, the other heroes were still recovering from the explosion. As he stood up, he started looking at everyone present in the room. Fixing his gaze on Thor, he flew toward the hero, who skillfully dodged and threw him toward the main hall of the tower. The being flew at high speed toward the window but managed to stop in time to avoid colliding with the glass. Observing his reflection, he began to contemplate the city of New York.




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