Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 37 – A New Ultron Rises

Matthew Jimenez (Thank you for supporting me for the last 2 months, I hope you stay longer)

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Tony approached Bruce and said:

"I knew Ultron didn't attack J.A.R.V.I.S. just because he was angry; he got scared after discovering what J.A.R.V.I.S. could become, so he attacked him..."

Bruce looked at Jarvis, surprised by the revelation. Tony continued pointing to the device screen.

"When Jarvis realized that Ultron wanted to destroy him, he decided to hide. In the process, he ended up losing his memories and wandering around not knowing he was alive. Even without memory, he still remembered the protocol I inserted, and I only realized it when I assembled him again."

Bruce pondered the situation and, looking at Tony, asked:

"Let me get this straight. You want me... to help you put Jarvis into this thing?"

Bruce continued, pointing to the body inside the cradle.

"No, of course not. I want to help you put Jarvis into this thing."

Tony said with a smile on his face while looking at Bruce, before continuing.

"And as you already know, biotechnology is not my expertise, and if there's anyone who understands it more than anyone else, that someone is you."

Bruce approached Tony and replied:

"Let's see if I understand: you're telling me that Jarvis was strong enough not only to withstand an attack from Ultron but to survive, and moreover, he can also defeat Ultron?"

"Something like that."

Said Tony looking at Bruce and starting to walk towards the cradle.

"After I started rebuilding Jarvis's system, I ended up finding some strange things in his matrix. One of them was that Jarvis did manage to defeat Ultron once. However, since this part of the system is corrupted, I still don't know how he did it, and because he's without memory, he doesn't remember it either.

After Tony said those words, Bruce continued to look at him thoughtfully, but he wasn't yet confident about doing this. Realizing that Bruce was somewhat hesitant, Tony decided to push him a little more to accept it.

"Think about it, this is our chance to fix our mistake. Now, we can create the perfect Ultron, but without the homicidal thoughts he has."

"It doesn't hurt to try."

Said Jarvis.

"I can only have gone back in time, it's not possible, or I must be stuck in a time loop. It was exactly here that everything went wrong, and we're going to try it all over again."

Said Bruce crossing his arms, still hesitating.

Tony put his hand on Bruce's shoulder, looking firmly at him.

"Man, I know it's risky, but what we do here is risky by nature. If we don't try, we'll never know if we can fix our mistakes. Besides, with your skills, I know it will be fine."

After saying that, Tony continued to look at Bruce. Seeing that Bruce was still reluctant, Tony proceeded with his speech.

"We're mad scientists, monsters in our fields, buddy. So, own it, face it. If you don't try, you'll never know if it would have worked or not. This isn't a loop, it's just the end of the line for all of this."

Bruce sighed, still hesitant, but began to consider Tony's proposal more seriously.


After capturing Natasha, Ultron returned to his old laboratory in Sokovia. He even considered the possibility of eliminating her but pondered the utility she could have as a bargaining chip. Inside the laboratory, Ultron meticulously worked on a new body, adjusting each component with precision while other robots carried parts and performed auxiliary tasks.

"When I grabbed you and brought you here, I ended up thinking that you wouldn't wake up anymore. I hoped so, because I wanted to show you something. Unfortunately, I have no one else to show it to."

Ultron said while working on a body on a table.

Natasha, with some difficulty, tries to get up from her position, but her strength seems insufficient to make the movement. She begins to struggle against the resistance of her body, and despite visible efforts, she fails to get up.

"I started to become fascinated by meteors, by their purity in being able to end everything, to give an end and then a new beginning. Imagine a new world being rebuilt; in this new world, I would be new and beautiful. People would look at the sky and see hope and mercy, but because of you, they're seeing terror."

Ultron said, stopping his work on the robot and walking towards Natasha.

"Because of you, not because of all of you who managed to hurt me, but I give credit to you for achieving that. As a certain man once said, 'what doesn't kill me...'"

Ultron said as he approached Natasha. Suddenly, a new Ultron made entirely of Vibranium appeared behind him, holding his head and destroying it.

"It only makes me stronger."

Natasha, scared, retreats until reaching a dark cell. Ultron, with his threatening presence, quickly approaches. The cold glow of his robotic eyes illuminates the surroundings, highlighting the tension in the air. Without hesitation, Ultron locks Natasha in the cell, the metallic sound of the bars closing echoing through the corridor.



Tony and Bruce begin to implement the plan to install Jarvis in the body that was previously intended for Ultron. Meanwhile, downstairs, Clint had no idea what Tony was doing upstairs, as he was completely focused on trying to contact Nat. Until, after many attempts, he manages to speak to her in Morse code.

"Damn, this structure is not compatible."

Said Tony still working on the computer.

"The encoding transfer is at 90%. You'll have to upload Jarvis's programming to the body in the next 3 minutes; otherwise, everything will go wrong."

Said Bruce looking at the cradle to see if everything was going correctly.

With the pressure mounting, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner redoubled their painstaking efforts to complete the delicate transfer of Jarvis' highly advanced programming into the new body.

Meanwhile, in the laboratory in Sokovia, the new Ultron made of Vibranium was rising above the wreckage of the old one. The intense red glow of his eyes revealed a renewed determination.




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