Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 36 – Jarvis Returns

Matthew Jimenez (Thank you for supporting me for the last 2 months, I hope you stay longer)

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After grasping what Wanda meant, Steve activates his communicator and tries to establish contact with Tony.

"Stark, do you copy? Stark! Is anyone there? Damn, not again."

Steve exclaimed, attempting to connect with someone through the communicator.

"Watch your language, Captain."

Peter intervened, trying to lighten the mood.

"Seriously, kid?"

Steve questioned, giving Peter an incredulous look at the unexpected comment.

"Sorry, I just wanted to lighten the mood a bit."

Peter said with a puzzled smile on his face.

"But now, seriously, no one's going to hear you from here. We're out of signal range, and besides, your communicator is broken, just like mine."

Peter explained, changing his expression to a more serious one.

Upon hearing this, Steve picks up his communicator and observes that it was indeed broken.

"So, we're basically on our own?"

Steve asked, looking around as he processed the situation.

"That's right, Captain. Looks like we're on our own here."

Peter replied, crossing his arms.

At that moment, Wanda approached Steve with a serious face and said,

"And, as I said, Ultron doesn't know the difference between saving and destroying the world."

Wanda said, making a brief pause.

"And where do you think he learned that?"

"Captain, any idea what Mr. Stark would do with the body?"

Peter asked, looking at Steve.

Steve frowned upon realizing the gravity of the situation. He looked at the three, and with a serious tone, said,

"We'll probably have to go there."

Upon hearing this, Pietro looked at Steve confused and asked,

"But where is this place?"

"But, of course, it's the Avengers Tower, airhead."

Peter said, teasing Pietro, who looked at Peter with a face that didn't appreciate the joke very much.

Steve sighed in the face of the critical situation they were in.

"We need to get to the Avengers Tower as quickly as possible. That's where Stark would be dealing with this."

Steve explained, focused on the imminent mission.

Pietro scratched his head, still a bit confused.

"Avengers Tower... where is that again?"

Peter rolled his eyes, taking the opportunity to tease again.

"Your geographic knowledge is as fast as your speed, isn't it, speedster?"

Wanda's brother rolled his eyes and huffed, visibly annoyed.

"Let's focus, people. We don't have time for jokes."

Wanda intervened, maintaining seriousness on her face.



After Natasha was kidnapped by Ultron, Clint had no choice but to take the body to the Avengers Tower where Stark and Bruce were.

Bruce, still concerned about Natasha's safety, approached Tony.

"Any updates on Nat's whereabouts?"

"We haven't found anything yet, but I'm sure she's alive. After all, he could use her as a bargaining chip."

Tony said as he approached the crib.

Clint, on the other hand, was on top of the crib, checking for any security flaws or openings he could use to open it.

"I couldn't find anything; this thing is well sealed."

"We'll have to find a way to access it from the inside."

Bruce said, approaching the crib.

"Apparently, when Ultron built this thing, he made sure no one could access it in case he lost the body."

Bruce continued speaking while fiddling with the crib's panel, trying to find some useful information.

After Bruce finished speaking, Tony, who had his hands in his pockets, turned to Clint and said,

"Do you know if Natasha could send us a message without using the internet? You know, spy tricks or something?"

When Tony said that, Clint sort of put aside everything Tony said, but he had an idea to try to contact Nat.

"I don't know about that, but I can try other means to find her."

Clint said as he descended the stairs to the lower floor.

While Clint headed downstairs, Tony remained next to the crib, watching it with the look of someone who wanted to do more. Meanwhile, Bruce continued messing with the panel, trying to find any useful clues.

"If Natasha is conscious, she'll be able to discreetly communicate with us. I'll try some things to see if I can get a response from her."

Clint whispered to himself, determined.

"I could work on the tissue degeneration part; however, it would only be possible if you could destroy any operating system that Ultron has placed or implanted in this body."

Bruce said while messing with the crib but keeping his eyes on it.

When Tony saw that Clint was no longer upstairs, he began to approach Bruce calmly, saying,

"Oh, speaking of which..."

Bruce, sensing Tony's tone, stopped messing with the crib and turned around. Upon looking at Tony, Bruce understood where Tony was going with that conversation.

"No, absolutely not."

Bruce said, stepping away from Tony.

"Come on, man! Don't you trust me?"

Tony said, still approaching Bruce.

"A bit difficult after the mass extinction machine we created."

Bruce said sarcastically while looking at Tony.

Tony tried to argue,

"But we didn't create any weapon, Bruce. This time will be completely different."

Bruce stared at him with a skeptical look.

"Tony, you always say that, but look what happened with this experiment we created; now it's trying to destroy us and wipe out the entire human race."

"I know I messed up, but now it will be different. Ultron is on the loose, and we need something that can stop him."

Tony insisted, with a more serious tone.

"Do you remember our ally who was protecting and modifying the nuclear codes so that Ultron wouldn't get them?"

Tony said, looking at Bruce.

"Yes, I remember him, but what about him?"

Bruce asked confused, not understanding where Tony was going.

"I found him, and he was someone very close to us."

Tony said, approaching a table and picking up a device that looked a lot like a cellphone.

After grabbing the device, Tony pressed the screen, and in a matter of seconds, Jarvis appeared in front of them, fully constructed.

"Hello, Dr. Banner."

Jarvis said, the orange artificial intelligence.

When Bruce saw Jarvis, he was surprised and perplexed. He hadn't expected to see again the artificial intelligence that, in a way, they had hoped had been destroyed.

"Jarvis? How... how is that possible?"

Bruce asked, examining the hologram of Jarvis before them.




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