Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch138- Kenpachi

In a flash of color and the sensation of shifting space, Kai found himself on the sidelines of a different battlefield. The roaring clash of steel against steel resonated in the air. The spectacle before him was a testament to raw power and combat instinct. Zaraki, the beast of Soul Society with his wild hair adorned with bells, traded blows with an all-too-familiar face: Kai's mirror clone.

Zaraki's usual maniacal grin was firmly in place, his eyes glinting with pure excitement and thrill. Each swing of his massive blade was met with equal vigor by the clone, their respective reiatsu flaring and clashing like titanic waves. The ground beneath them bore the scars of their fierce exchange, marked with craters and scorched earth.

Resting a short distance away, the petite and cheerful Yachiru observed the spectacle, her small feet kicking the air playfully. She clapped her hands in glee, her innocent face belying the understanding she had of the intense battle before her.

"Kenny's having fun!" she chirped, pointing towards the dueling pair.

Kai sighed, raking a hand through his hair. He had anticipated this. Zaraki's insatiable hunger for a challenge was well-known, and facing a clone with half of Kai's power would definitely satiate that craving, at least for a while. If there was anything Zaraki loved more than fighting, it was fighting a strong opponent.

"Is he now?" Kai remarked dryly, eyeing the intense brawl.

Zaraki, hearing Kai's voice, spared a brief glance in his direction, his grin widening. "Hey, slacker! This toy of yours ain't half bad!" he yelled amidst the combat.

Kai's clone, undeterred by the banter, launched a flurry of blows, forcing Zaraki to deflect rapidly. Kai couldn't help but be slightly amused. The clone, a reflection of his power and combat style, but devoid of his inherent laziness, was a force to be reckoned with.

Seeing Zaraki genuinely pushed to exert effort brought a smirk to Kai's face. "Toy? Well, he's got about half my charm," he retorted, leaning against a rock.

Yachiru giggled, bouncing over to Kai's side. "You think Kenny can beat him?" she asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Kai grinned, the corner of his lips curling in amusement. "When stripped of Zanpakuto abilities, Kido, Shunpo, Hoho, Bakudo, and all my other skills? Well, simply put, no." He paused, chuckling at the exasperation evident on Yachiru's face. "Sorry, I should have simplified. Just 'no' would've sufficed, huh? Sounds like I'm showing off."

Yachiru rolled her eyes, the familiar, playful glint replaced momentarily with irritation. "Boasting, you? No, how can you!" she murmured, her attention shifting back to the frenzied duel in front of them.

Kai watched as Zaraki swung his blade with raw, untamed ferocity, each strike met with the effortless grace of the clone. Zaraki's muscular frame, his every movement dripping with strength, seemed to barely affect the clone, which moved with a fluidity mirroring Kai's own combat style.

And indded Kai wasn't boasting. The clone, stripped of the 'fancy' powers and techniques that Kai possessed, was a raw embodiment of his physical prowess. And it was matching, if not exceeding, Zaraki blow for blow. Of course, if Zaraki ever called upon his dormant Zanpakuto, awakening its latent power, things would be different. But for now, it was clear that even a mere reflection of Kai's strength was enough to deal with Zaraki.

Kai's gaze sharpened as he continued to observe. It wasn't about proving superiority. The intent was to push Zaraki to his limits, to make him confront and break past the barriers he'd unknowingly set for himself. It was a silent challenge, an unspoken invitation to step into the true depth of his abilities.

Well, the objective for the day was seemingly straightforward: to push Zaraki to his absolute brink. To shatter those subconscious barriers he had constructed around himself. But Kai knew that this came with a cost. With the unleashing of Zaraki's full potential would come the heart-wrenching truth about Yachiru, and the bond they shared. A truth that Kai had no intention of revealing. Not yet, anyway. Because if Kenpachi realized the full extent of his bond with Yachiru, it would prevent him from truly letting go.

Kai's eyes drifted from the explosive duel to the small, cheerful figure of Yachiru, her pink hair bouncing as she watched the battle with rapt attention. There was an innocence in her eyes, but beneath it lay a depth that many failed to notice.

He took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "Ever thought of, you know, telling him about... everything?"

Yachiru turned her gaze to Kai, her expression one of confusion for a fleeting moment. Then her large, bright eyes sharpened, a rare serious expression transforming her face. "So you pieced it together, eh, Lazybones?"

Kai chuckled, raising an eyebrow at his newfound nickname. "Lazybones? Really?"

Her playful grin returned for a moment. "It fits you!"

Kai's smile faded, replaced by a more serious expression. "But really, why not tell him?"

Yachiru sighed, her gaze returning to Zaraki as she watched him narrowly evade a strike from the clone. "He wouldn't accept it. Not easily, at least. Kenny's... stubborn. If he learns the truth, he will further deny it."

Kai nodded in understanding. He could see the raw emotion in Yachiru's eyes, her deep connection with Zaraki. The weight of the truth bore heavily on her.

Without a word, Kai leaped into the fray, the wind whistling past him. As his feet touched the ground, the clone dissolved into nothingness, like a mirage fading beneath the desert sun.

Zaraki, caught off-guard by the sudden shift, halted in his tracks. His eyes, usually glinting with wild excitement, flashed with a brief spark of anger. But as he met Kai's gaze, that fury transformed into a grin that was all teeth.

"Thought I'd have more fun with that toy of yours," Zaraki growled, swinging his massive blade onto his shoulder. "But this is even better!"

Kai merely smirked, his Zanpakuto gleaming by his side. "You wanted a real challenge, didn't you?"

Zaraki's laughter echoed across the field, a sound that was both intimidating and exhilarating. "Finally decided to quit lazing around, huh?"

In a heartbeat, Kai disappeared from sight. Zaraki's instincts kicked in, and he tried to turn, but it was already too late. With a speed that belied his seemingly lazy demeanor, Kai reappeared, his blade thrust forward. There was no triumphant yell, no dramatic swing—just a silent, deadly precision. The tip of Kai's Zanpakuto pierced through Zaraki's chest, its cold edge pressing against the very core of his heart.

The world seemed to stand still. The wind ceased its dance, and the only sound was the distant, muted echo of clashing steel.

Zaraki's eyes widened in disbelief, the usually fearless and indomitable warrior caught completely off-guard. He stumbled back, pulling away from Kai's blade, his own weapon falling from his grasp. Touching the wound, Zaraki stared at his blood-coated fingers, a myriad of emotions flashing in his eyes—shock, pain, confusion.

Kai lowered his sword, his face an impassive mask. There was no gloating, no victorious stance—just a deep, intense focus.

Zaraki, clutching his chest, asked weakly. "What the fuck had just happened?"


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