Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch139- Over and Over

Yachiru, witnessing the scene from a distance, let out a sharp gasp. Rushing to Zaraki's side, her usually bubbly demeanor was replaced with deep concern, only to be stopped by a barrier. "Kenny!"

The sudden turn of events sent shockwaves across the battlefield. As Zaraki's sturdy legs buckled beneath him, the dust and debris rose, marking his fall to the ground. The echo of his blade clattering beside him seemed deafening in the sudden hush.

Kneeling, blood smeared across his lips, Zaraki's eyes were filled with a mix of bewilderment and agony. His gaze locked onto Yachiru, who was franticly trying to get to him, only to be held back by an invisible force field. Each futile effort she made to break through left her more desperate, her small hands pounding against the barrier.

A fleeting moment of vulnerability crossed Zaraki's face. Memories—of battles won, of days in the slums of Zaraki district, of the tiny, pink-haired girl he'd named after his district and himself—flashed before his eyes. Regret. Longing. A wish for another chance.

As Yachiru's anguished cries reached his ears, Kai's voice, cold and detached, pierced through the haze. "Do you really think death will claim him that easily?"

Zaraki, blood bubbling at his lips, managed to croak, "What... did you do?"

Kai's gaze was unfathomable, an abyss of darkness and power. "Simply proving a point," he replied, his voice chillingly calm.

But then, in the blink of an eye, the grievous wound that had nearly claimed Zaraki's life vanished. His strength returned as if the brutal attack had never occurred. However, the haunting memories of the near-death experience remained. Kenpachi touched his once-injured chest, his fingers coming away clean, devoid of blood. The tangible reality of his restored state clashed with the phantom pain still echoing in his mind.

Kai, seeing the confusion and disbelief on Zaraki's face, remarked with a sardonic smile, "You really should be more careful, Zaraki. Life offers few second chances."

But before Zaraki could process what had transpired or muster a response, Kai vanished from sight again, his movements as swift as the wind. It was only the sensation of cold steel against skin that alerted Zaraki to the danger—a sharp blade pressed against his throat, its edge threatening to slice through.

Yachiru's eyes widened in alarm. "Kenny!" she cried out, but her voice was muffled by the barrier, her words unable to reach him.

There was a stillness, a suspended moment where the world seemed to hold its breath. Zaraki, his eyes reflecting the silent challenge, uttered a guttural growl. "You play a dangerous game."

Kai's grin widened, a hint of malevolent amusement lurking in his eyes. "Isn't that what you always wanted? A challenge?"

As the cold blade pressed further into Zaraki's flesh, a droplet of blood trickled down, the crimson stark against the pale hue of his skin. Yet, even with death looming so close, Zaraki's indomitable spirit remained unbroken. His eyes, filled with defiance, locked onto Kai's.

The tension between Zaraki and Kai was palpable, a heavy weight that pressed down on everyone present. The entire area was silent, save for the almost inaudible rasp of Kai's blade pressing against Zaraki's throat. The tiny stream of blood that flowed from the point of contact seemed louder than a gushing river in the tense hush.

Kai's voice, dripping with condescension, broke the silence. "Weak doesn't have the right to act haughty."

Before Zaraki could even muster a reply, Kai pressed his sword further, the blade puncturing the skin and delving deeper into Kenpachi's throat. Yachiru's shrill cry of horror was muffled by the barrier Kai had erected, her fingers desperately scrabbling against it, seeking an escape, a way to aid her beloved 'Kenny.'

The air around them seemed to grow colder, time itself grinding to a torturous crawl. Zaraki's eyes widened in shock, yet within those depths was a burning defiance. Blood bubbled up, staining his lips and trickling down the side of his neck, each drop echoing the cruelty of the moment.

Life seemed to ebb away from Zaraki's body, each fading heartbeat a testament to his fleeting mortality. His vision blurred, the edges growing dimmer, colors melding into indistinguishable shapes. A maelstrom of thoughts churned within his mind, memories of countless battles, the joy of clashing swords, the exhilarating taste of blood on his tongue. They all seemed distant now, a fleeting dream.

Kai's chilling voice cut through the haze, its tone dripping with disdain. "You seem to be ignoring my warnings, Zaraki. I did say you can't rely on resurrection every time."

Kenpachi's eyes, already dimming with impending unconsciousness, flared with defiance, but the fire was doused by overwhelming weariness. A creeping chill spread through him, signaling the encroaching embrace of death. Kai's taunting words echoed in his ears, their weight pressing down, suffocating.

In a haze of despair, Zaraki felt the darkness take him. The world dimmed, his consciousness slipping away. Was this how it ended? Was this the finality of death he had always sought in battle?

But, just as suddenly as it had begun, the cold grip of death loosened. Warmth surged back, filling Zaraki's veins, his lungs gasping for breath as life was gifted back to him. His vision cleared, and the pain, sharp and intense, reminded him of his tenuous existence. His wounds, once gaping and fatal, had miraculously healed.

Gasping for breath, Zaraki struggled to prop himself up, his muscles protesting with every movement. He met Kai's gaze, a whirlwind of emotions coursing through him. Fear, uncertainty, rage, and above all, the bruising sting of humiliation.

Kai's smirk deepened, eyes cold and unfathomable. "Weak. So very weak," he taunted, voice dripping with disdain. "Is this really the prowess of the famed Kenpachi of this generation?"

Zaraki's fingers curled into the dirt beneath him, the ground cool against his heated skin. Anguish, raw and unbridled, consumed him. He had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, so... defeated.


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