Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch137- Aizen-sama?

Grimmjow, already reeling from the illusions, shot a glare at Kai. "Really? Clones too?"

Kai grinned, feigning innocence. "I thought you'd like a challenge."

But before any of the Arrancars could protest, the reality around them altered drastically. The very bonds of loyalty that held them together were shattered, casting them into an abyss of doubt and confusion.

Nnoitra swung his scythe in a wide arc, slashing at a mirror version of Szayelaporro, who retaliated with a spray of colorful reiatsu. Their previous camaraderie, the fact they were on the same side—all of it evaporated as Shinji's Bankai took root.

Shinji's smirk deepening. With a simple gesture, the environment convulsed, intensifying the illusion. An even deeper layer of manipulation set in. Arrancars turned on each other, not just out of confusion, but now as if they genuinely perceived their comrades as enemies.

Wonderweiss, usually docile, lunged at a mirror Yami with unexpected ferocity. Grimmjow, already a wild card, was even more unpredictable. His cat-like reflexes made him a force to be reckoned with, and in this altered state, he was practically a whirlwind, attacking friend, foe, and clone alike.

As the Arrancars brawled, their cries echoing throughout the dimension, Shinji observed, taking mental notes. Every reaction, every bewildered glance, every attack was data, insights into how his Bankai could be further refined.

Yet amidst this, the real test was the clones. These mirror images, crafted by Kai, not only replicated the Arrancars' physical forms but their spiritual essence too. And thus, they too were susceptible to the manipulations of Shinji's Bankai, adding a further layer of chaos to the proceedings.

Kai, on the other hand, seemed in his element. As the architect of the mirror clones, he was aware of their capabilities and vulnerabilities. He reveled in the mayhem, a playful gleam in his eyes.

Kai's playful demeanor shifted as he raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's see how it fares under more extreme conditions," he mused.

With a casual flick of his wrist, the world around them altered once more. The disorienting landscape of the Mirror Dimension vanished, replaced by the pale, vast dunes of Hueco Mundo. Towering above all was Las Noches, and seated confidently upon its throne was a familiar figure: Aizen.

Aizen's smile was as inscrutable as ever. "My friends," he began, voice dripping with false warmth, "why do you turn on each other?"

The Arrancars, seeing their former leader, instantly froze, a deep-rooted fear evident in their eyes. Even in their altered state, the sight of Aizen struck a primordial chord within them.

Shinji, who had been watching the unfolding drama, deepened his Bankai's grip. The Arrancars, struggling with their innermost convictions, felt a further tumult as their perception of allies blurred. Who was friend? Who was foe? The divisions seemed irrelevant.

Grimmjow, Nnoitra, and the others eyed the Aizen clone warily, memories of their past servitude clashing with their current predicament. Yet, despite the tug of former loyalties, the compulsion of Shinji's Bankai remained potent. They started battling the Aizen clone, the lines of loyalty thoroughly scrambled.

Aizen's clone, in its impeccable replication, rose from the throne. "Stop this at once," he commanded, his reiatsu flaring. The Arrancars paused momentarily, the authoritative voice triggering ingrained instincts of obedience.

Seizing the opportunity, Shinji attempted to drown Aizen's clone within the full force of his Bankai. He focused, pouring all his energy and hatred into ensnaring the representation of a man he loathed. The landscape around Aizen started to distort, attempting to turn his perceptions against him.

However, the clone, with all of Aizen's knowledge, remained unfazed. Instead, it smirked, easily resisting Shinji's influence. The Arrancars watched in awe and trepidation, the spectacle before them a testament to the raw power Aizen once held.

Shinji watched the distorted field with a sense of satisfaction, the labyrinth of his inner world brought to life. His Bankai, Sakashima Yokoshima Happofusagari, expanded the maze-like deception, turning the vast expanse of Hueco Mundo into a whirlwind of illusion and bewilderment. The white sand of the desert shifted into surreal patterns, moving staircases, and dizzying loops.

The Arrancars were lost amidst the chaos. They lunged at one another, unable to differentiate friend from foe. One moment, Nnoitra found himself confronting a clone of Szayelaporro, and the next, he was fending off an onslaught from Yami. Their perceptions muddled, they lashed out at anything that moved.

The epicenter of this turmoil, Aizen's clone, watched with detached amusement. Although an imitation, this clone exuded Aizen's signature charisma and malevolence. His presence, combined with the distortions of Shinji's Bankai, created a volatile cocktail of fear and confusion.

Wonderweiss, usually meek, charged at the Aizen clone with surprising ferocity, only to be sidestepped and countered. Grimmjow, never one to back down, pounced, a blur of blue and white, aiming straight for Aizen's throat. Yet, even in his frenzied state, he found himself missing the mark, his claws striking nothing but air.

Grimmjow, on all fours, growled, eyes darting around to discern reality from illusion. His primal instincts, usually his guiding force, now betrayed him.

Nearby, Yami, in his giant form, swung his colossal arm, targeting not just Aizen's clone but anything in his path. The landscape trembled with each strike, only further amplifying the chaos.

Kai observed the scene, his playful smirk never fading. He had wanted to see the potency of Shinji's Bankai, and this spectacle exceeded his expectations. The Arrancars, once proud and dominant, were reduced to mere puppets, dancing to the twisted tunes of Shinji's powers.

Shinji, standing a safe distance away, reveled in the pandemonium. "Impressive, isn't it?" he remarked, glancing at Kai. "The mind is a fragile thing. It's amusing how easily perceptions can be manipulated."

Kai chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed. I must admit, I was curious about how they'd react to Aizen under your influence. But seeing them attack him, even in this distorted state, just proves your Bankai's effectiveness."

Aizen's clone, while maintaining an air of calm, began showing signs of irritation. Waves of spiritual pressure emanated from him, pushing back some of the Arrancars. With a swift motion, he drew his Zanpakuto and unleashed a flurry of energy blasts, targeting the combatants around him.

Grimmjow, regaining some composure, sidestepped a blast and, using Sonído, appeared behind the Aizen clone, aiming a savage kick. The clone ducked, narrowly avoiding the strike, and countered with a swift slash. The two danced around each other, a whirlwind of attacks and evasions.

The sight of Aizen, or at least his likeness, in action reminded Kai of the danger the man represented. Aizen's cunning, combined with raw power, was a force to reckon with. And though this was just a clone, it retained a semblance of the original's prowess.

Shinji, sensing the escalating intensity, tightened his grip on Sakanade. "Time to wrap this up," he murmured.

Kai, nodding, focused his energy, ready to intervene if needed. As the environment trembled, echoing the crescendo of the battle, Shinji whispered a command. The shifting sands of Hueco Mundo stilled, and for a fleeting moment, everything paused.

And then, like the finale of a grand performance, the world snapped back to reality. The illusions faded, and the Arrancars, dazed and battered, fell to their knees. Aizen's clone, a mirage of the past, dissipated, leaving behind an empty throne.

The silence that followed was deafening.


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