Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

136- Shinji’s Demonstration

Taking advantage of the Mirror Dimension's flexibility, Kai teleported to a safer distance from the energetic and potentially dangerous feminine vibes. His mother's comment, combined with Hikari's previous insinuation about Unohana, left him wary. The last thing he needed was to stoke the flames of Unohana's legendary temper.

Emerging in a new location, Kai found himself next to Shinji, who was stretching and limbering up. The area around him was sealed off, a protective precaution considering the nature of his Bankai.

Shinji noticed Kai and smirked. "Why so hasty, Kai, something dangerous?"

Kai groaned, rolling his eyes. "If only you knew. Speaking of danger, warming up for some Bankai practice, I see?"

Shinji cracked his knuckles, his expression turning serious. "It's been a while, hasn't it? Soul Society's restrictions didn't exactly let me get familiar with Sakashima Yokoshima Happofusagari."

Kai stepped back, preparing to watch. "Unleash it. Just... go easy on the effects. I'd rather not second guess my own existence."

Kai's eyes trailed to where Sakanade stood, its jester-like demeanor appearing even more mischievous in the confines of the Mirror Dimension. With a smirk, Kai remarked, "That Zanpakuto of yours is really troublesome."

Shinji laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, Sakanade can be a handful. But can't help it, it's a part of me."

"Speaking of troubles," Kai waved a hand, and before them appeared a group of Arrancars. Among them were familiar faces—Grimmjow, Yami, Szayelaporro, Nnoitra Gilga, Wonderweiss, Luppi, and their subordinates. Each one, upon catching sight of Kai, was a picture of dread.

The regal and proud Grimjow looked as if he'd seen a ghost, his usual confident demeanor crumbling. Yami's massive form shivered, the memory of previous encounters with Kai no doubt fresh in his mind. The other Arrancars shared their unease, their once dominant postures now meek.

Kai merely smirked, not bothering to reply. The Arrancars, for their part, understood their predicament. Ever since the incident in Karakura Town, they'd been trapped in this dimension, repeatedly used for practice. And the worst part? They couldn’t even die here, forever imprisoned by Kai’s whim.

Kai grinned, seeing their unease. "Missed me?"

Wonderweiss whimpered while Yami grunted, the latter's frustration evident. "What do you want now, bastard?" he spat.

Shinji stepped forward, twirling Sakanade with flair. "Our little party needed some guests. And what's better than a group who doesn't tire?"

Nnoitra snarled, "This again?!"

Kai smirked. "Bingo! Today, you're Shinji's playmates."

As the atmosphere grew thick with anticipation, Kai gestured for Shinji to advance. With a confident swagger, Shinji approached the group of Arrancars, his hand resting lazily on the hilt of his Zanpakuto. The atmosphere was so thick with tension, it felt as though one could cut it with a blade.

The Arrancars exchanged uneasy glances, their previous confrontations with Kai making them hesitant, but Shinji was an unknown element. Grimmjow, ever the proud fighter, snarled, "Who the hell are you?"

Shinji merely chuckled, that ever-present smirk never leaving his face. "Someone who's looking to have a little fun." Without warning, he drew Sakanade, the blade reflecting the oddities of his inner world.

Luppi sneered, "Think you can handle us just because you're with him?" He pointed at Kai, who merely yawned in response.

Sakanade's spirit manifested next to Shinji, mirroring his playful demeanor. "This will be fun, won't it, Shinji?"

Shinji nodded, a twinkle in his eye. "It always is."

Wonderweiss gulped, stepping back, his intuition sensing the underlying danger. Grimmjow, on the other hand, took a fighting stance, never one to back down from a challenge.

With a flick of his wrist, Shinji unleashed his Zanpakuto's ability, and the environment shifted to resemble his inner world, the surroundings morphing into a maze of upside-down staircases and floating platforms.

Grimmjow stumbled, disoriented, while the others tried to make sense of their now-topsy-turvy world. Their once sure-footed confidence was replaced with confusion as they tried to adjust to the twisted reality.

Shinji laughed heartily. "Welcome to my world, boys. It's a bit of a... maze. And a puzzle. Maybe a bit of a funhouse, too."

Nnoitra growled, trying to charge at Shinji, only to find himself running upside-down on a staircase that seemed to loop indefinitely. Szayelaporro's analytical mind raced to decipher the environment, but every time he thought he had grasped it, the landscape would shift again, throwing him off.

Amid the chaos, Shinji danced around, evading their attacks with ease and reveling in the disarray. He didn't go all out to injure them, instead choosing to toy with them, allowing them glimpses of hope before yanking the rug from under their feet—metaphorically and literally.

The surreal setting reflected the nature of Shinji's Zanpakuto, challenging and confusing his opponents, leaving them vulnerable and off-guard.

From the sidelines, Kai watched with an entertained smirk. The Arrancars, who were once formidable foes, now seemed like disoriented children lost in a labyrinth. Even the ever-composed Szayelaporro had lost his cool, frantically trying to decipher the environment.

Shinji's laughter echoed throughout the dimension, a testament to his playful, trickster nature. Yet, beneath the facade, one could see the strategic mind at work, carefully controlling the battle's flow.

Shinji surveyed the chaos, the twisted remnants of the world a testament to his Shikai's prowess. Yet, the glint in his eyes hinted at a deeper hunger, a desire to unveil his true power. He squared his shoulders, a wide grin on his face. "Time to kick things up a notch."

Grimmjow, already disoriented, growled, "What more tricks do you have?"

Shinji’s voice dripped with amusement. "Ever heard of Bankai, Grimmjow?"

The very word 'Bankai' sent ripples of dread amongst the Arrancars, their faces a reflection of wariness. They might not know the specifics of this Bankai, but its reputation was enough.

Without warning, Shinji’s aura exploded, the power palpable, its tendrils reaching out and enveloping everything within its grasp. "Sakashima Yokoshima Happofusagari," he whispered.

As Shinji's aura intensified, the environment shifted in response, becoming more surreal, almost reminiscent of his inner world. Even the sky seemed to morph, as if the very atmosphere was now a dizzying extension of Shinji's powers.

Kai, always one for mischief, didn't waste a moment. With a casual flick of his wrist, dozens more Arrancars materialized, including mirror images of the ones already summoned. Each clone bore the same markings and weaponry as their originals, making it impossible to distinguish between the two.


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