Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1360: Disappearance Of A Ship

Julian looks out through the window as his jet starts lowering the altitude.

Looking at the landmass below, he realizes the region is significantly smaller than expected.

It is just a little bigger than all the Alolan islands combined.

The jet continues to descend. His current destination is a small port city called Gateon, as it is where he might find some clues regarding Cipher and their history in this region.

It is also home to a renowned Pokemon scientist who Professor Oak himself referred to.

From what he knows about this professor, he is very young but is making great strides in the world of Pokemon research. Some of his research is already gaining mass recognition from the Pokemon scientific community.

The only thing that is holding him back is his decision to stay in Orre.

The Orre region is very unstable because of its crime rate. People don't want to invest in it due to its instability. And so, anyone promising born in Orre decides to leave it for a better future.

Professor Krane is not one of those. He doesn't want to leave his birthplace; he wants to stay back and improve it.

And his efforts seem to be showing results. From what he heard from Cynthia, he is one of the reasons Orre has had this significant growth in the last five years.

Because of it, the league has shown interest in taking Orre under its wings and start developing it, but it won't be possible if Cipher is running it from the shadows.

The league tried to establish its influence in Orre in the past years, but every time it resulted in failure. It was clear to them that someone was sabotaging their efforts.

And since the League has a reputation to maintain, they couldn't enforce their authority on Orre.

Orre has a working government, but it is not stable. Some are pulling strings from the shadows and the League believes it to be none other than Cipher.

But Julian thinks there is more to it than just Cipher. Cipher was defeated five years ago. The shadow Pokemon epidemic was put an end to but now they are back, stronger than ever.

Someone helped them, and Julian has a hunch that it is none other than the Underworld. They seem to have their grimy hands everywhere.

To put an end to Cipher once and for all, Julian needs to completely wipe them out and help League take control over the Orre region. With the League in control, they should be able to counter the Underworld's influence on the region.

His jet lands on a small runway. Since the region is poor, it doesn't have a proper airport. Every foreign transport is done through the waterways.

Anastasia prepares a new set of clothes for Julian to wear. He puts them on and exits his jet. He walks into the airport and finds it almost empty.

There is a cleaner working with a mop in his hand. A security guard is yawning, as there is nothing to do but stare at nothing.

Julian's entrance surprises them, as he is a new face in their small city.

Julian looks around, trying to read his surroundings, but there is nothing to see. It is just an empty building with a few people working.

Julian "I better get to my hotel,"

He says and walks out of the airport.

Since Gateon is a very small port city, it didn't take him long to find his hotel.

It's not as big as the one he is used to staying at, but this will do for now. He checks in and enters his room.

The room is spacious and neatly kept. This is the best room they had, as Julian did pay premium money for it.

He takes a seat and turns on the TV to see if he can find anything on the local news channel. 

And to his expectations, he did.

The local news is currently covering a story about a ship's disappearance.

[Authorities still have failed to find any traces of the cargo ship S.S. LIBRA since its sudden disappearance off the coast of Gateon port.

There have been no reports of flotsam that may indicate the ship's sinking.

The authorities appeared mystified by the way the ship vanished like smoke.

There are reports that numerous Pokemon and people were on board. Concern is rising over their welfare.]

Julian frowns as he hears this.

Cargo ships are massive. They just don't disappear into thin air like that. Even if it got hit by a massive storm or sunk into the depths of the ocean, it can still be found easily with the help of technology and pokemons.

Julian "There is definitely someone behind this. Looks like I don't have any time to waste."

He says to himself and exits his room.

Professor Oak told him that he could find Professor Krane at the Pokemon laboratory that is situated right outside the city.

Though the city is small, he is not going to walk his way to the laboratory, so he brings out his trusty old motorcycle that he has not used for quite a while.

He starts the motorcycle and hops on. Driving it north of the city where the laboratory should be located.

The drive was short but bumpy as the current government has not properly maintained the roads. How could they? When Cipher is busy pulling the strings and making them do other things rather than develop their region.

Far away on the horizon, he sees a large building reflecting the sunlight off its glass-covered walls.

Julian "That should be it,"

He says increasing his speed as he approaches the laboratory.

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