Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1359: To Orre Region We Go

Julian gets up naked on his bed. Beside him is Jenny, naked and deep asleep.

Since he is going to leave Alola, he spent his time having a lot of "fun" with Jenny, resulting in her current state.

He looks at Jenny and sees that she is completely out cold, so he doesn't bother waking her up, but he does leave a note behind.

He puts on a new set of clothes and checks out of his hotel. He then directly heads to the airport to board his private plane.

Julian enters his private jet, and inside, waiting for him, is Skyla and Anastasia, his lovers. Skyla is a pilot and a gym leader in Unova while Anastasia was an air hostess, and is now the CEO of a major airline company with Julian's help.

Even though she has become a very important person, she always has time for Julian.

Julian smiles, seeing them. He kisses both of them and enters the cabin and takes a seat. Anastasia immediately gets to work. She prepares food and drinks for Julian and immediately starts servicing him.

Julian "Skyla, let's go,"

Skyla "OK darling,"

Skyla enters the cockpit and takes control of the plane. Their destination is the Orre region, the headquarters of Cipher.

The private jet takes off.

Inside the jet, Julian is going through all the information provided to him by his team about the Orre region.

Five years ago Orre region was very unstable and the stomping grounds of many crime syndicates, and the biggest of them being Team Snagem.

The Snagem wreaked havoc around Orre using mysterious pokemons, which his team now has confirmed to be shadow pokemons.

Julian "Shadow pokemons existed five years ago?"

He questions to himself

Julian "This Snagem gang must have been backed by Cipher for them to have access to shadow pokemons"

Julian gets curious and continues reading.

He then reads that all crime syndicates suddenly came to an end, and those mysterious pokemons disappeared from public sight.

And because of it, these recent five years seem to have been the most peaceful the region has ever been.

Julian "Someone defeated Cipher, but they seem to have made a comeback like a cockroach."

Julian knows this all well. If you don't uproot the whole organization completely, they will somehow find a way to grow back and become more tenacious and hard to destroy.

Cipher was defeated five years ago by someone, but they are now back. They had managed to stay hidden for a long time, but this recent stunt they pulled in Alola has put them in the limelight once again.

Julian "If they are willing to put up such a big show, they must have something big or are on the verge of creating something big."

Julian "It all makes sense. They wanted the harvest the power of Z-energy for something big. Luckily I put an end to it before it got any worse"

Julian "The underworld might be behind it,"

He concludes. The underworld seems to have its hands all across the world, pulling strings and controlling criminal syndicates for their benefit.

Julian "If someone defeated Cipher five years ago, they must have found a way to fix shadow pokemons. I need to find them."

Julian "Anastasia, order the team to find the person who defeated Cipher five years ago,"

Julian gives his orders.

Anastasia "Yes sir,"

She respectfully bows and immediately does what she is told to do.

Julian "Orre region, what will you have for me?"

Julian questions as he looks out the window.

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