Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1361: Lily

The Pokemon laboratory is way grander than he expected it to be. It's big and shiny, nothing like the laboratory back in Kanto.

If the laboratory back in Kanto was more focused on a perfect environment for Pokemon to live in, this laboratory would be a technologically advanced facility dedicated to the study of pokemons.

Julian drives up the driveway and stops right in front of the gate, and he immediately notices something.

Burn marks and cracked ground right in front of the porch.

Julian 'Somebody had a Pokemon battle here,'

He thinks as he studies the surroundings.

Julian 'Why would someone have a Pokemon battle right in front of the lab?'

He questions himself as he approaches the front door.

The motion sensors on the door detect his presence and immediately opens the door. Julian walks in to find a blond receptionist in a ponytail who seems to be pretty shaken up for some reason.

As soon as the receptionist sees Julian, she takes a step back in fear.

"Are you one of them as well?"

She asks nervously.

Julian frowns. It is very clear to him now that something has happened here.

Julian "Who are you referring to?"

Julian asks.

"Th...those people in armored uniforms,"

The receptionist says as she observes Julian. She sees that he is not wearing anything that resembles those people from before.

Julian 'Cipher'

Julian immediately concludes, as there are no possibilities other than them.

Julian "No, I am not with whoever you are referring to. I am here to meet Professor Krane,"

Julian says.

"The professor is not here..."

The receptionist says with hesitation in her voice.

Julian "Where can I find him? Can you reach out to him and tell him that Professor Oak sent me?,"

Julian says.

"Wait, are you Mr. Julian?"

She asks.

Julian "Yes, that's me,"

Julian answers.

"Professor Krane told me that you would be arriving."

She says.

Julian "Looks like you are already informed, so where is he?"

Julian asks.

"Um, you might have arrived a bit late. Professor Krane just got kidnaped by those men in armored uniforms,"

She says, still shaken from the incident.

Julian "Do you know where they took him?"

Julian asks.

She shakes her head but immediately speaks up right after. "But Miss Lily might know where they took him," she hurriedly says.

Julian "Who is this Miss Lily?"

Julian asks.

"She works for Professor Krane right here in the laboratory. Wait, let me inform her of your arrival."

She says and immediately rings up this Miss Lily from the reception phone.

The receptionist starts talking to a woman on the other end of the phone and quickly ends the call.

"Miss Lily has asked for you. Let me guide you."

The receptionist says and walks up to the elevator. Julian follows right behind her and enters the glass elevator.

The receptionist scans her ID card against the card reader and presses the topmost button on the pad.

The elevator starts moving instantly, and within a second, they arrive at their designated floor.

Both the receptionist and Julian walk out and continue onward towards the very end of the corridor.

The receptionist stops in front of a metal door and scans her ID. She then leans in and talks to the microphone installed next to the scanner.

"Miss Lily, I brought Mr. Julian with me,"

She says.

The metal door opens.

The receptionist looks at Julian and gestures for him to enter. Julian enters the room, and the receptionist enters right behind him.

The room immediately captivates Julian, filled with machines that he has never seen before and has no idea what they are. Some of them look similar, but they seem to have completely different functionalities.

His eyes then fall on the beautiful woman standing in the room. She seems to be in her late 20s or early 30s. She has brownish-blond hair tied up in a bun with a pink hair band. She has big beautiful green eyes and sharp facial features.

It is not just her face that is beautiful. Her figure is exceptional as well. She is wearing a pink suit that is not doing a very good job of hiding the figure that is underneath it. Her big breasts are very prevalent. She has a slim waist and wide hips.

She is also blessed with long sexy legs that are semi-hidden behind the translucent stockings that she has on.

Julian's primal urges can't help but flare up seeing her. But he is a man with a strong will and self-control, so he easily suppresses them, as he has a much more important thing to do than seduce a beautiful woman.

It is not just Julian that is captivated. Lily herself is surprised by how handsome the man standing in front of her is.

He is tall, his face is very striking and symmetrical, and his crimson eyes are the most captivating eyes she has ever seen.

Julian "Miss Lily, it's nice to meet you,"

Julian introduces himself and puts his hand forward.

Lily, being a strong woman, easily regains composure and shakes his hand.

Lily "Nice to meet you, Mr. Julian. Unfortunately, we had to meet in such a drastic situation,"

Julian "It can't be helped,"

He says looking right into her eyes.

Lily "I would love to sit down and talk with you right now, but we don't have time to idle around. Mr. Julian, I would like your help with our current situation,"

Lily doesn't beat around the bushes and gets straight to the point.

Julian "How can I be of help?"

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