Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1358: Just The Beginning

Both Charizard and Regirock have suffered a great deal of backlash for using their respective moves.

There is a reason why many trainers don't teach their pokemons such moves. Though these moves are mighty and destructive, they also affect the user.

But to pokemons like Charizard, such moves are a necessary arsenal, especially in times like this.

Charizard finds his opponent very frustrating. That Flare Blitz should have done the work. Even if Regirock is resistant to fire, the impact alone from the move should have put an end to it.

One shouldn't also forget that before this, Charizard drove Regirock head-first into the ground using a Seismic Toss.

These two moves were his finishers, but Regirock tanked them both.

Julian understands what Charizard is feeling. He experienced the same thing when he faced off against Shadow Volcanion, no matter how many times he thought he ended it, Shadow Volcanion got back to its feet.

Julian 'Charizard can't handle this.'

Julian thought, not because Charizard is weak, but because his opponent is unique.

Julian took down Volcanion but incapacitated it, by making its limbs useless with precise attacks. But a Pokemon like Regirock cannot be brought down like that.

Regirock is completely made of rock lie material, it doesn't have joints or nerves that can be targeted.

If this battle continues, Charizard will kill Regirock by shattering it into pieces.

Julian "Charizard back down,"

Charizard turns his head to look at Julian, shocked by his order. Charizard growls, telling Julian that he can continue.

Julian "I know you can do it but if I continue to let you fight, you are going to kill Regirock. Look at it,"

Hearing Julian, Charizard brings his attention back to Regirock. He immediately notices all the cracks on Regirock that were not present before.

Julian "We need to take it down without harming it any further,"

Julian says.

Charizard finally understands and backs off and stands behind Julian.

Regirock sees the obstacle standing in front of it and Julian backing off, so it once again locks its sights on Julian and charges at him.

15 meters... 10 meters... 5 meters... 3 meters... 2 meters, just as Regirock nears Julian, shadowy tentacles shoot out of the ground and wrap around Regirock's limbs, around its neck, arms, and legs, stopping it instantly.

Regirock tries to move, but it can't. It puts all its strength into moving, as its target is right in front of it, but it can't.

Regirock is feeling powerless. It growls in anger and tries to free itself, but there is nothing it can do but stare.

Julian watches Regirock struggle and decides to put this to stop.

Julian "Put it to sleep,"

Julian says.

Suddenly the shadow beneath Regirock's feet starts to move on its own, and like a demon from hell, Gengar emerges from the shadow and stares into Regirock's eyes.

Gengar's eyes start to glow red. He quickly invades Regirock's mind. Regirock tries to resist, but it is futile as the level difference between Gengar and Regirock is night and day.

Regirock instantly goes limp and falls asleep.

Julian "Good work,"

Julian says and takes out an ultra ball, he found that it is very good at containing shadow pokemons.

He first breaks the connection between Regirock and its current Pokeball and then throws the ultra ball at it.

With Gengar continuing to suppress Regirock, the Ultra ball instantly captures Regirock.

Julian "So this is over,"

Julian says, but this is only the beginning. Cipher's forces are big and Miror B is only a small part of it.

If he needs to end Cipher, he needs to hunt them down, not wait for them to come after him.

Julian "Let's go back,"

Julian says and hops on top of Charizard and flies into the sky.


Returning to the islands, Julian sees that things have finally settled down. There are no Cipher members in sight as some of them have been captured, and some of them ran away. 

Charizard descends with Julian. 

Officer Jenny is still in the field working, dictating orders to her men as they move prisoners and equipment around.

She sees Julian approaching her and stops doing whatever she was doing.

Jenny "You came back,"

She says with a smile.

Julian "Yes, I am,"

He says.

Jenny "So... Is everything okay?'

She asks, worried. She doesn't know if this will be the end of it or if there is more to this war.

Julian "Well, when it comes to matters related to Alola it should be over, but as for Cipher, It is just the beginning,"

Julian "But you don't have to worry about it. I plan to deal with them very soon."

Jenny "That's good to hear,"

She sighs with relief.

Jenny "So you plan to deal with them, all alone?"

Julian "Ya,"

Jenny "When?"

Julian "Tomorrow,"

Jenny "Tomorrow?"

Julian "Yes, tomorrow, I will be leaving Alola. I can't allow Cipher to run around as they continue to commit such atrocities,"

Jenny "Oh, well then, good luck,"

Jenny feels a little disappointed, which Julian immediately picks up.

Julian "Don't worry, we still have a lot of time to spend together."

He says and winks.

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