Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

Three Sisters

The Chained Ones, those shackled by their past. They walk a path of disassociation from memories that burn deep with shame, fear, and agony.
Certain experiences are not without consequences for our psyches, some people even become moulded by them, becoming twisted like the branches of a willow tree.
Some others build a facade that becomes their everyday face. It shapes how they speak and react. Heart turned cold, emotions turned to stone—that's how they guard the last bit of dignity they have, and it is all they have.
It's like shadows murmuring words to their ears that only they can understand, they chose to be silent sharing no words, shedding no tears as they walk down this lonely road with numb open eyes, oblivious to the hands that reached to pull them to where maybe they can find solace.


'' Father who's the lady over there? ''

It was a sudden question that Rayleigh didn't expect to be the first few words his son uttered after seeing him. He turned around to the group that came with him. There were figures beside his wife. The first one was of a woman with pink hair pushing into old age.

The next one was of a green-haired girl she had a big head and a slender tall body reaching close to two metres, she wore a cloak on her shoulder and a black T-shirt and white pants, both tattered beyond saving.

The other one was a ginger, she had a normal appearance compared to the other girl, with a tattered violet shirt and brown pants, she stood close to 1.8 meters, her facial expression was that of nervousness, relief, and hesitation.

The last girl was the one Alexander fixed his eyes upon. He swore to himself that few women could match her beauty in the land between, her jet-black hair that split into two braids from the front and one big braid on the back reaching down past her shoulders. Her dark blue eyes with long eyelashes.

She was the epitome of beauty, and as he looked at her and her tattered pink shirt he felt a strange feeling he never experienced as a Jar. He wanted to keep looking at her for a full minute but he saw from the corner of his eyes how his father turned to look at him. However this time there was a small amused smile on his face.

'' Alexander. '' his mother called and quickly reached his side. She bent down and checked his body as if he had been hurt in a battle, which was partially true. He was in battle a few days ago but he wasn't hurt.

'' Mother '' he called with a large smile on his face, and he was happy to see her again. Shakky smiled too and gave him a deep hug which she broke after a few seconds and stared at him in the eyes.

'' My child I'm sorry that we left abruptly… how have you been, you didn't starve, did you? ''

'' Ha Ha Ha… no Mother I'm fine, although it was torture to not eat your food these past few days. ''

Shakky straightened up and put her hands on her hips, her face wearing a fake upset look.

" Is this all you've missed about your mother? "

Alexander was quick to catch on to her expression, his face turning serious as he bent down to the waist and said.

" Oh dear Mother, your light dazzles the eyes, and your blessings upon us are countless that my meagre words fail to describe. Please forgive your child. "

" Fu Fu " she let out a small chuckle.

" I miss you too, my little warrior. "

" Me too, mother. "

Rayleigh looked at them, the boy didn't even greet him properly instead he was ogling the girl. And now he and Shakky had forgotten about him and the rest, he felt that he should adopt a little girl maybe she'll know how to care for her father. He let out a small cough to draw their attention.

" Cough, Cough, Shakky could you perhaps introduce our guests to Alexander."

After her husband's reminder, she turned around and smiled apologetically to their guests.

'' Ah sorry, excuse me it had been a few days since I saw my son. ''

She brought Alexander in front of her and introduced them one by one.

'' Alexander, Say hello to our guests, the old lady is Gloriosa, an old friend of mine, the girl with the green hair is Sandersonia, the one with the ginger hair is Marigold, and the one with the black hair is Hancock, they're three sisters… Everyone this is our son Alexander.. ''

'' Your son! You have a son! '' Gloriosa blurted out, her eyes wide in surprise.

'' Why can't I have a son Gloriosa? '' Shakky smiled slightly but there was something off about her smile, something ominous. The smile ran a shiver down Gloriosa's back as she tried to correct the situation.

'' Ah nothing, nothing I'm just surprised that's all… Hmm, he looks rather handsome… yes, yes a lovely boy indeed. ''

Alexander, on the other hand, felt annoyed with the old woman treating him as a little kid which he was, but, he didn't like it when someone other than his parents treated him as such. He sighed and greeted the guests.

'' I'm sorry for the late introduction, I had been caught in a conversation with my mother, whom I hadn't seen for days, so please pardon my negligence… ''

Gloriosa raised her eyebrows at the way the boy spoke; a minute before he spoke like a little boy, but now it felt as if he turned into another person, someone older.

Beside her, the girls looked at Alexander with curiosity except for Hancock who looked at him with subdued mistrust.

Rayleigh, having seen his boy confuse the guests with his manner of speech, laughed and ushered with his hands to the bar.

'' Never mind my son, he's quirky at times, let's rest inside it has been an arduous journey for you after all. ''

'' Thank you. '' Gloriosa replied while subtly glancing at Shakky and Alexander.

After a minute, everyone settled inside the bar they pulled the tables at the centre and sat together.

Shakky served several drinks and juices, then sat down with them. Alexander drank a cup of water and spoke, his voice calm and clear.

'' So, where have you been the past few days? ''

Rayleigh placed his fists under his chin, he knew this question was coming. He looked at the Kuja tribe members for a moment before speaking.

'' Gloriosa here sent a letter asking for help, she and the little girls had been running from the marines and the world government agents, so they asked for Assistance. ''

'' Glad that you made it safe then… '' Alexander nodded his head and continued with another question.

'' But why were they being chased? ''

The question put tension in the room. he could feel it immediately as if he had touched a fresh wound that hadn't yet healed.

Rayleigh scratched his beard and glanced at Gloriosa and the rest.

'' That I'm afraid is not something I can answer… ''

Alexander saw how his father looked at the guests and found a clue from his expression, and just as he was about to tell him to let the subject rest if it was a personal matter, Gloriosa spoke.

'' It's alright Rayleigh-san, he's your son… we took you away from him for days… he... At least needs to know the reason. ''

'' Well, to put it into words… I and the girls belong to the Kuja tribe on Amazon Lily, four years ago someone kidnapped the three sisters… for four years we searched but found no clues… that is until Fisher Tiger climbed the Red Line and freed everyone there including… the three sisters… ''

She took a pause and looked at the Boa sisters, Sandersonia and Marigold lowered their heads trying to hide their red eyes, on the other hand, Hancock was trembling, it was unclear if she was shaking from rage or humiliation… it could also be both.

'' In my travel, on that day… perhaps fate showed its compassion… that I managed to find them and that's why I asked for your parent's help… to help escape the world government's pursuit. ''

'' I see… '' Alexander replied and clenched his fists. The mention of the World Government and World Nobles always pissed him off. He looked at the Gorgon sisters, especially at Boa Hancock and continued.

'' It must've been hard on you... At least now you're safe here… ''

He didn't know what else to say, it's hard to comfort someone who had been through so much, few words could help and only time can heal.

" I met a mermaid the past few days. " But he summoned his courage and looked at Hancock.

" A mermaid you say… " his father said

" Yes, down the cliff we used to go to… she was alone and crying, when I approached her she wouldn't calm down at first but after a while, I managed to make her talk… "

"Why was she crying? " Marigold, the youngest of the sisters feeling curious about mermaids asked.

Alexander smiled at her and continued.

'' Her name was Maya, she for some reason came with her Mother to the surface… Unfortunately, some Pirates saw them. They prepared a trap and successfully managed to capture the mother leaving the daughter following the boat from a distance with despair… ''

'' And I agreed to help her… ''

Rayleigh's attention suddenly snapped to his son, his eyes narrowed as he asked.

'' Don't tell me that… the one who attacked the Tenryuubito and escaped with a mermaid was you? ''

'' It was me… ''

Rayleigh although felt proud couldn't help but become angry at the same time.

'' Do you know how much danger you were in? The news was all over Paradise If there were any agents from CP you could've been dead. ''

'' Father you know me well, I'm not weak. ''

''In front of the strong, you're still young and weak… you wouldn't amount to anything… Yet ''

'' But I had to help, I couldn't live if I turned my back on the little mermaid. ''

'' You could've waited until I came back, by then I would've helped you. Instead of rushing alone into the camp of a World Noble. ''

''By that time it would've been too late and I didn't rush, I surveyed the place before getting in… ''

While they were arguing like no end, the three Gorgon sisters looked shocked, and excited as if they had heard the most wonderful news. Especially Hancock who looked at Alexander with trembling eyes and asked.

'' How much did you beat him? ''

The sudden questioning made the ongoing chatter stop as they turned to her, Rayleigh tapped his son's head and demanded.

'' Answer her. ''

Alexander looked at her in the eyes, he saw the excitement in her eyes, the disgust, the shame, and the rage, it was a tornado of emotions.

'' I did trample him for a full minute, I think I broke several bones, his eyes might be swollen too… ''

'' Good, you did well even though they deserve more… ''

'' They are monsters, beasts who deserve nothing but death..'' Hancock started trembling, as rage and different kinds of emotions bubbled inside. But after a while, she calmed down and the way she looked at Alexander changed it became much softer.

'' I agree… they are the lowest if the low… ''

'' Father, you won't berate me for doing this right? You know I had to do it… you know I'm not a coward nor a fool.. I hope that you'll understand. ''

Rayleigh listened quietly, he didn't care if his boy beat up a World Noble or brought trouble to their house, his reputation alone was enough to deter the world government. He was worried about Alexander, this venture could have turned deadly if not handled right…

'' Next time you want to do something as crazy as this, at least call me so that I can have your back. ''

'' Me too, I can't leave my son alone, can I? '' Shakky chuckled joining the conversation.

'' But… If you keep getting in trouble like this, it seems like I'll have to increase your training…. '' Rayleigh looked at Alexander and smiled ominously. After sending his message he looked at everyone and saw the deep exhaustion behind their eyes.

'' Shakky please show them the rooms, they must be tired… ''

Shakky stood up and nodded then proceeded to walk toward the stairs.

'' Come it's about time to get you clean and dressed into something pretty… ''

Everyone got up and walked upstairs, safe for Hancock, who looked at Alexander and said two words before heading upstairs.

'' Thank you. ''


It was early morning of the next day, the sun was high above the horizon, sending gentle light rays that lit up the chamber, and accompanying it was a gentle breeze that swung the blue curtains back and forth.

Boa Hancock slowly opened her eyes and woke to the noise of people talking downstairs. It had been a long time since she woke up to sunlight instead of dimly lit dungeons and cellars, it was the first time in a while that she didn't wake up in panic expecting someone to beat her up.

She felt at peace and lost, it was a strange feeling. Hancock never showed weakness during her capture nor did she shed a tear, instead, she met everything and everyone with defiance. She couldn't let that break her spirit when her hatred burned deep and strong.

But now all alone, Hancock couldn't keep the facade she maintained for all those years to help her sisters, now she wanted to cry… For herself, for a moment.

As tears fell, she felt the tightness in her chest release a little, she covered her eyes with her arm, and remained just like that for a few minutes, until she felt that this was enough.

Hancock moved to the bathroom and washed herself. Once done, she wore the clothes she borrowed from Shakky. They were nothing special, black pants with a pink T-shirt coupled with a beige sandal.

She headed downstairs where she found Shakky and the rest having breakfast. She looked around but Alexander seemed to be missing.

'' Good morning, come have a seat. '' Shakky greeted her and pushed a plate full of food toward an empty seat on the bar counter.

'' Thank you. '' Hancock sat down next to Sandersonia

'' So how was your sleep? '' Shakky asked.

'' Best sleep I've had in a while,'' she replied.

'' I see, good then. '' Shakky smiled and continued wiping the glasses.

'' Where's Alexander and Rayleigh-san…? '' Hancock hesitated for a second before asking.

'' Rayleigh went to the bay as for Alexander you can find him in the backyard. ''

Hancock nodded and quickly finished eating her breakfast before heading out. She navigated her steps slowly and wondered what was driving her to meet the boy early this morning.

She knows herself too well, she knows how much she feels disgusted by men. Aside from Rayeigh who saved her, Alexander was the other one. At first felt there was a little bit of mistrust but she toned it down for he was the son of her savior.

But after hearing his story, how he saved the mermaid and how he had beaten the world noble. Something changed inside her when she looked at the little boy.

She slowed her steps when she entered the courtyard, and there he was sweating while benching a heavy barbell. He seemed to notice her, he put the weights down and looked at her with a smile.

'' Good Morning Beautiful Lady, I hope that you slept well last night… ''

''Thank you I haven't rested well for a long time. ''

'' Good, how about a round of sparing? ''

'' Are you sure? '' she asked hesitantly, she knew the boy was strong, but so was she, and she was older than him by eight years.

'' It's Alright you'll see. '' Alexander gave a slight smile as he stretched his body. Hancock at this point saw no need to refuse anymore, even though she had been in capture for eight years she was still strong, at least that's what she believed.

She took a stance and waited for Alexander who took one step and disappeared. In the next second a voice appeared in her ears.

'' You're slow. ''

She swung her leg back towards Alexander who ducked under it, quickly catching her leg as he swung and threw her in the air.

'' Ha Ha Show me your mettle Boa Hancock, let me know who you truly are, show me with your fists. ''

Hancock heard his words and smiled, she saw him running toward her, she turned her body in the air and descended with a kick that Alexander blocked with both arms, the sheer force behind it cracked the earth beneath him.

He gritted his teeth, now he truly felt how powerful she was, he pushed up with his arms forcing her a few feet back.

Without wasting any time he darted for her. He threw a punch toward her stomach as she tried to block it, but her eyes widened as she felt a punch strike her from the other side, sending her sliding for several meters.

Alexander smiled. Ever since he saw her he had been feeling strange, and now after fighting her the feeling inside his heart started growing bigger and bigger. He knew what that feeling was.

The dust started clearing up, he saw a figure struggling to stand, but
In the end, she stood up and ran faster than before toward him.

She struck with her leg as Alexander tried to block, but the blow carried much more force than he expected as he was thrown around.

Not waiting to give him a chance, she rushed at him and swung once more, only for him to dodge the kick by a hair width from his nose.

Alexander realized that he probably needed to strike harder, he took a stance balled his fists tight, and then dashed forward, the sheer pressure behind his stride left a few cracks on the ground.

He appeared before Hancock who now had a strange smile on her face, it seemed to him that she was enjoying her time.

He arrived before her and swung his fist, she blocked the first strike then the second. They didn't stop as they kept dancing from one place to another, but Hancock due to her years in captivity lacked one thing which was stamina.

Alexander had that in droves. Finally, their spar ended with a leg throw from him. She landed roughly on the ground lying on her back.

She gasped for breath, the spar certainly wasn't an easy thing… Hancock knew how much strength she had even when she was a slave they had to be careful of her or else she'd blow the head of the Celestial dragons.

But the boy was absurdly strong for his age. She saw him approach and then squat beside her head, looking at her from above.

'' That was certainly the most delightful way to know someone wasn't it? ''

She looked at his smiling excited face and let out a small smile.

'' Yes, it sure is. ''

His face grew even wider, but then it seemed as if he had thought about something, he looked at her and said.

'' Say, would you be interested in becoming my wife? I'm young now but once we get older we can definitely get married and have a bunch of big round Kids. ''

'' Say you interested? '' but Hancock didn't respond. Instead, he saw the girl's face started getting red for some reason and her eyes trembling.

'' Hmm! What's wrong are you sick? '' He was truly puzzled.

'' Are you sick? You were fine during our spar... '' He touched her forehead and felt that indeed she was hot. But before he could do anything, a punch delivered by Hancock that even his Observational Haki didn't manage to catch landed on his stomach.

And he was sent tumbling into the dirt, Hancock didn't stay another second and ran directly inside the bar.

Leaving Alexander on his back dully looking at the sky wondering what's wrong with her.

'' Sigh… Women… ''

But Alexander didn't realize that those words of marriage shouldn't be uttered easily.

He was socially inept.

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