Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

Mermaids and blood stained Alexander.

It was early morning when Alexander opened his eyes. In the background, birds were singing and faraway waves crashed against the shore, the faint noise faintly entered his ears. He felt at peace.

He leaned against the bedwood and remembered what happened last night.

It was a surreal experience, a clash of wills. Where the one with the strongest will prevails and he wasn't lacking in that department.

It was something unique, he had never seen it before in the Lands between.

He has seen all forms of magic, all kinds of Ashes of war and affinities, and even some legendary weapons.

However, Haki was something else, directly correlated with a warrior's resolve.

And should his resolve falter, it'll lead to defeat.

His father's haki, the sheer pressure that split the earth, was mighty. Fortunately, he didn't pass out immediately; that would've been a disgrace to Alexander the Warrior Jar.

He endured the pain that felt like it was going to split his head apart and bring him to his knees.

' I have conqueror's haki… that's reassuring for now at least… it is only a matter of patience and training until my efforts pay off… '

He stretched his body while yawning as he wondered about his father's identity. He had never asked about who he was or what he used to do when he was young.

' That man is hiding secrets and so is mother… He only told me that he was a coating mechanic but… I doubt that a man of his calibre is forged anywhere other than on the battlefield… but it doesn't matter does it? 'Few things could awe Alexander… but there's some intrigue to it…

No matter how curious Alexander felt, He was satisfied with how things were, he didn't wish to pry into a buried past that sought no recognition any longer.

Rayleigh was his father and that was enough, he didn't need to know anything else.

He got off the bed and put on his slippers as he stood up he found a letter on his nightstand, curious about the content he picked it up and looked at what was written inside.

'' Father and Mother left, they said their friend needed their help… they'll be back within few days… ''

Considering their abrupt leave, Alexander doubted the purpose of their outing even if a friend needed help they could've waited until the morning.

There was a sense of emergency in the letter even though it wasn't explicitly stated, he could infer this much. An emergency that could draw his parents out in the night could be nothing but a serious matter…

After contemplating he shrugged his shoulder and put the letter on his nightstand. His parents were strong, they could handle whatever was thrown their way.

'' At least there's food I can prepare… and money i can spend … it'll be alright for a few days… ''

Noticing that the time was ripe for a training session he went to the bathroom and cleaned himself, then went downstairs where he cocked a bit of vegetables and meat.

After finishing his preparation he strode out of the bar and entered the backyard. He wondered about what to start with as he started warming up.

Eventually, he decided to lift some weights.

He walked to a rack of gigantic dumbbells and barbells his father procured from God knows where and started lifting.

Close to two hours have passed between weights and reflecting on his rich battle experience. He'd meditate on warriors he had faced before, then stand and close his eyes then start to execute moves as if he was countering an imaginary enemy.

'' Hoo! '' Alexander wiped the sweat from his forehead, this exercise required a big amount of concentration. To draw the shadows of past warriors and perfectly replicate their move set was taxing on the mind.

'' I think this body needs a little rest today. Reset the balance and start once again… Yes, that should do it. ''

Liking the idea, he made sure to secure the bar before calmly trudging to a remote place he used to go to with Rayleigh. Where no sudden visitors could interrupt his peace.

For the last time he went to the other Groves he saw the darkness hiding behind the guise of normalcy, the dark alleys, the cutthroats. The slaves and their masters. If the land between is a shattered world where darkness is apparent to all, then this world tried to hide it inside recesses behind the word of Justice.

And the ones he despised the most, the Celestial dragons…. they walked the land as if they owned every inch of it, and the other civilians owed them their lives. They carried their noble identity with pride as if that was what defined them, But Alexander felt the depravity behind their eyes, He wondered what would happen if he ripped them apart…

Scowling at the sudden thought of world nobles he went on his way, ten minutes later he appeared before a cliff facing the sea. The place wasn't that high, only ten meters above sea level.

The first time he was here, Rayleigh threw him down into the water and only said two words.

'' Learn to float or you'll drown. ''

And as one would have expected of Alexander the Warrior Jar… He drowned.

' Jars don't know how to swim, they float naturally. '

That was his excuse inside his head. Whereas his father didn't seem to care and threw him in once again. Until he learned.

The place looked like a natural cliff facing the sea but instead of rocks, it was formed by the entanglement of giant roots and soil that made the platform he stood on.

Alexander removed his shirt, turned it into a makeshift bag and jumped directly into the sea. He had heard before from his father about giant Sea Kings beneath the surrounding sea.

He wanted to see them, or rather see how strong they are. But at this point, he wasn't that suicidal… at least not yet.

He dived deep down, following the descent of the roots that went beyond what light could reach. The first time his father took him to dive, he felt a chill down his spine. He could face warriors and fight monsters fearlessly. But something about the deep sea always managed to bring horror into men.

He moved closer to the roots where several giant clams gathered stuck to the roots, he pried several of them and put them inside the shirt. He collected several of them until he felt enough and swam to the surface.

Once he emerged he clung to the root and climbed into a cave he had visited before.

He took his clams, opened several of them, and poured the meat directly into his mouth.

'' Ahh… this is good… so good. '' He felt satisfied, the taste was phenomenal. Maybe due to never needing to eat in his past life, he found himself a big eater in this one, but he didn't mind.

While he was enjoying his meal, he heard the sound of something moving and the sobbing voice of a young girl. Feeling suspicious he called and spread his Observational Haki inside the cave.

'' Who's there? ''

There was no response, but his haki saw a silhouette that made him raise his eyebrows in surprise. Feeling curious, he stood up and walked inside the cave.

Several steps in, the lighting dimmed and he came to a stop, in front of him was a young mermaid. Not past ten years of age. The girl had purple hair and similar eyes but she had her hand on her mouth as if to stifle her sobbing so no one could hear her.

Alas, it was too late. Alexander looked at her and remarked how beautiful she was, also how scared she looked at him.

He raised both hands showing them to her, trying to look harmless and at least placate the girl until he knew what was going on here.

'' Fret not little girl… I'm not here to harm you… I heard you sobbing and Came to see who was here… ''

The girl removed her hands from her mouth shuffled her fish lower part back a little and spoke, her voice soft and mixed with both fear and tears.

'' Don't come closer. ''

'' I won't move from my place little girl… but what are you doing here and why are you crying all alone? ''

The little girl, as if his question reminded her of something, started bawling her eyes out. And called out.

'' M-Mother They- They took my mother'' She said her voice breaking between sobs.

Alexander lowered his hands as the mermaid's voice and sob chilled his mind.

He squatted down tried to show a small smile and asked, his voice warm, trying to calm her a bit to understand the situation.

'' Where did they take her… ''

'' T-The Island, I followed them here,'' she replied while huddling closer to the cave wall.

'' Hmm… I see. '' Alexander nodded, then thought about going underground on the island. His face couldn't help but turn solemn.

'' Listen here… I want to help you… and I would be able to do so only if you calmed down… ''

The girl looked at him suspiciously but in the end, managed to nod her head.

'' Can you really help me? My mother was taken by big island dwellers. Bigger than you… how can you help me? ''

Alexander smiled wryly, in the end, he was still a kid and would be perceived as such until he grew old.

'' I'm young but strong fret not… I'm called Alexander what's your name? ''

The little mermaid felt a bit at ease now, although not completely trusting the stranger but the promise of help made her ignore her hesitation and suspicion as she replied.

'' Maya… my name's is Maya… ''

'' And your mother's name?.. ''

''Alea. "

Alexander noted how the girl opened up a little and continued.

'' How was your mother captured? ''

'' I don't understand how it happened. B-But i think they were waiting there with a big net… and my mother ran directly into it… I managed to escape but my mother… '' She replied but without breaking once again into tears.

'' Calm down good girl, Calm down… I intend on going to seek your mother… Rest here and don't show yourself lest you get captured… ''

The girl turned her head to Alexander, her big round purple eyes hopefully looking at him.

'' Can you bring me my mother? ''

Alexander looked at her eyes for a second before turning and walking towards the edge of the cave, he left a sigh and a few words.

'' I'll try my best little girl… I'll try my best… ''

Once outside Alexander climbed the cliff, and started wearing his clothes after that he headed to the bar and stood in front of the mirror. He was tall for an eight-year-old boy standing at 1.4 meters. However, his face right now looked devoid of emotions, his eyes bright gold burning with anger within. He tied his back hair that barely reached his neck and finished wearing his clothes.

He changed into a simple set of beige trousers and a black long-sleeved shirt.

Quickly after, he exited the house and moved toward Grove 21. He remembered the words of his father that Grove 1 to 29 were a lawless area especially the group 20-29.

Minutes passed and when he arrived at Grove 21, the place looked bleak and eerie, with dilapidated houses flanking both sides of the street. Even the greenery that covered the whole Sabaody Archipelago failed to uplift the mood of this place.

Alexander moved down the street, unsavory figures cast their glances at him with different hidden intentions. He chose not to meet their eyes, he was on a mission and the less attention he brought the better.

He scanned the sparse crowd that moved fast and cautiously as if their life depended on it. He wasn't surprised this was how everyone would live if their life was in constant danger.

Moments later he spotted a man who could be a suitable target for interrogation, the man carried a sword and a flintstone pistol on his hips and was calmly sipping a bottle of ale while leaning against the alley wall.

Alexander didn't make any move, he walked past him, and once out of the crowd's eye he moved into an alley and jumped into the roof.

The man, oblivious to what transpired out of his knowledge, continued drinking and muttering to himself.

'' Damned, Baki… Assigning me the lookout job when I'm the one who always protected his back… ''

His anger seemed to surge as he lifted the bottle and was about to smash it down. Only for a small arm to creep behind his neck, clamping on his mouth and dragging him deep inside the shadows.

Minutes passed and the man didn't return whereas Alexander emerged from another part of the street walking toward a big yet old one-story bar. The door was closed guarded by two ruffians playing cards on the stairs that led inside.

'' Hmm.. I still have no information about the mermaid. The man doesn't know anything but his boss named Baki may know something… Indeed they're the lowest of the low he told on his boss within seconds… ''

Alexander shook his head while closing on the building. Once he entered the perimeter the two guards lifted their heads, but they only saw an afterimage before they got punched into dreamland.

Cracking his neck he pushed the door and entered the dimly lit bar. There were several henchmen sprawled on the bar counter while others drank on the tables, on the back directly facing the door was a man who he thought was the leader according to the description, he had red hair and wore a brown leather jacket with two swords on his hips.

The outlaws turned their heads and looked at his small stature, then they began to shout and laugh.

'' Hey, who let this kid enter? ''

''Whatcha doing kid, get lost this ain't a place for ya. ''

'' Let him be Marley, we want some entertainment today and the boy is gonna give it to us. ''

Alexander sighed, well he didn't expect anything from the beginning. When there's no honour, perversion and depravity are bound to prevail. He rolled his sleeve and immediately threw a punch at the man to his right.

The man fell instantly unconscious, Alexander struck with enough force to take them out not killing them outright. Shouts and curses erupted as he began thinning the crowd; he needed only one man to speak after all.


Hard punches and kicks were the answer to them, and in no time he stood catching the neck of their leader, who was breathing heavily through his mouth, his nose already broken.

'' Tell me… I heard there was a mermaid caught out on the sea… who did the deed… Speak if you don't want every bone in your body broken… ''

'' T-The Sea Sharks.. Cough cough… they were bragging this morning about selling a mermaid to the auction house… ''

''Where are they and how many members do they have? What's their line of work? '' Alexander asked while coldly peering down at the man who in turn quickly spilled the beans.

'' G-Grove 27…. the only manor on Long street…. that's where you'll find them… b-but I don't know much about their numbers, cough… they shouldn't be less than thirty… ''

He took a strained breath and continued.

'' They are known to be cruel and sell slaves to the auction house… if I were you I wouldn't get near them… they won't hesitate to kill you. ''

'' I don't need you to worry about me but if there was a single lie in your words, I'll come back… and if I don't find you then I'll hunt you down… rest assured of that… ''

'' I-I-I WON'T '' the leader quickly replied.

Alexander immediately threw him on the ground and departed from the backdoor. The commotion should've drawn some attention when he wanted none of that.

' The Sea Sharks… a group of knaves who make a living by selling flesh… another disappointment from the living… Should I cleanse this stain? '

He pondered as he nimbly moved between the giant root navigation east in the direction of Grove 27 where he stopped atop a hill that overlooked the crowded place.

'' Well, well, well,'' he said, evidently surprised by the contrast between Grove 27 and 13… the place looked decent for an outlaw area with clean streets and several manors positioned on different parts of the Grove. Clearly, the gangs in this area veiled their operations under order and cleanliness.

He didn't know which one was Long Street so he figured he should ask first. He descended and then entered from one of the back alleys that led into the main street once there he went to a shop that sold clothes.

After five minutes he emerged with pieces of information and an oni mask hidden inside a bag. Not wasting any time, he followed directions and arrived at Long Street, it was lengthy true to its name.

He could see down the back alleys a building towering over the rest in length and height. That was his destination.

Once he got closer, he observed that the place was a four-story manor with a front yard and a garden. The manor looked old but elegant with the statues and decorations that filled its facade.

To the onlooker, this manor seemed like it belonged to a noble, but Grove 27 knew that this place housed The sea shark's infamous pirates with a bounty of 10 million berries.

Alexander closed his eyes and spread his observational haki enveloping and penetrating deep within the manor. After a moment he let out a breath and donned his mask.

'' Indeed… scourges of the earth… ''

''O' warrior beyond, give me strength to purge these blights "

What filled his vision was the corpses within the basement, the naked dead bodies of the women, gutted and dead with their eyes open in horror.

He jumped the side wall and descended; he didn't speak much, for in the next instant he was before a group of guards who turned in his direction. They saw a demon closing in, his eyes golden and apathetic to their fate.

Before they could say anything he descended in their midst, the first guard who tried to draw his sword was met with a punch that went through his stomach. The next guard tried to hold the boy behind his back however he turned around, caught the arm twisted it into something unrecognizable then struck his head with a palm that blew his white matter out.

It took only a few moments before blood and gore stained the ground. He turned around to the manor's door and heard some shouts behind as if someone was waking everyone inside.

Not wasting any time he sprinted fast to the door, before it could open in full swing he delivered a front kick effectively smashing the door and sending whoever was behind flying.

Once inside his eyes darted around, 10 pirates were coming toward him and more coming from upstairs. He moved quickly and jumped high and caught the head of a pirate twisting it in mid air then doing a jump on the standing dead man's shoulder. Where he descended into another one with a kick that blew his brain.

Ten seconds in he moved to the stairs. Pirates kept arriving, he continued with his business without leaving anyone alive, not that he intended to from the beginning.

He wasn't bloodthirsty, he sought glory in battle but he knew when to kill and these guys deserved it.

A few minutes later after finishing all the stragglers that tried to flee, he stood before the dropped body of a three-meter-tall man. He was gasping for breath holding the stump where his left hand used to be.

'' Where's she? '' Came a muffled young voice behind the mask.

'' WHO? YOU DEMON YOU KILLED EVERYONE '' he gasped as the wound throbbed more due to his shouting.

'' The mermaid. '' Alexander replied.

'' The mermaid? AHAHAHA ALL OF THIS FOR A DAMN FISH AHAHAHA '' The man began laughing hysterically, every single one of his crew was slaughtered in the uglies way, none of them had a good death and now this man was telling him it was for a mere mermaid.

Alexander stepped on his head and asked again; his voice calm devoid of any emotion.

'' Where's she? ''

Strangely enough, the man laughed and then raised his hand as if to tell him to stop.

'' I'll talk, I'll talk AHAHA ''

But in the next second his eyes turned fierce and he spoke with a voice laced with venom.

'' I sold her to the auction house who in turn sold her to a World Noble… you can find her at the Golden Hour hotel… go if you dare and DIE THERE ''

" A World Noble huh… " Alexander muttered in disgust.

Having heard what he needed, the man now became expandable he forcefully stepped on his head cracking his skull open.

'' Sigh… the matter is even more complicated… Can't stop here, can't go back on my word… ''

A few minutes later he exited the manor leaving a fire burning inside, soon as he left the manor went up in flame causing the onlooker to gasp and back away.


Deep into the night.

Groove 79

The Golden Hour Hotel.

Atop the bubble-dommed multi-story building, Alexander stood and spread his observational Haki inside toward the VIP area where he knew he'd find the world noble. He had changed his clothes into a completely dark colour with the oni mask covering his face.

Sure enough there he was inside the biggest room, fortunately, he was alone with no one but a tube-like container filled with water, inside it was a purple-haired mermaid with a collar around her neck.

Facing the tube was the celestial dragon, he was young, close to fifteen years of age with blonde hair and an ugly face and haircut. The fool was taunting the mermaid with a strange dance while flaunting a device in her face.

Alexander wasn't strange to slaves and shackles as he had heard before about what happened to Morgott and the other Omens. He recognized that the device in the man's hand was what controlled the mermaid.

Finalizing his thoughts, Approaching this mission was simple to Alexander. Climb down the window, knock out the guards stationed there, take the device from World Noble, beat him up as quickly as possible flee toward the sea with the mermaid.

Done with his preparation he made sure to remember the shift of the guards stationed on the balcony, he made sure to make no sound as he dug his fingers deep within the stone wall and descended slowly.

The Guard didn't notice the boy behind him who lifted his arms behind his neck and choked hard, enough that no sound could escape his mouth, the man tried to flail his arms that was armoured but Alexander quickly entangled him with his legs.

Twenty seconds later he dropped the man carefully on the ground and moved into the next one.

Inside the VIP champer, Saint Carlos danced and flaunted the remote device that controlled the bomb collar.

'' Hih, Hih, I got a mermaid. I got a mermaid. '' The Tenryuubito's voice and laugh were uglier than his face. He enjoyed torturing the mermaid with the collar.

Alea looked with despair at what had befallen her, if only she had taken her father's advice to not come close to the surface, if only… regret clouded her thoughts but at least her daughter was safe. That's what she thought, fully knowing that her fate would be grim… a plaything for World Nobles…

''What's your name? '' Saint Carlos Asked but Alea ignored him, she preferred death than to be humiliated.

'' Ohh you don't want to talk? How about I blow your head? Look! If this controller falls from my hand you'd be dead. DEAD you hear me? ''

Alea watched as he threw the thing that could blow her head around like a toy, not caring that he spent close to 50 million berries to buy her from the auction house.

His uncaring and cruelty to her despair made Alea cry tears that soon blended with the surrounding water.

'' Alea. '' She said, at least she has to preserve her life. Maybe Queen Otohime could help her somehow one day, she had seen her work to mend the relationship between humans and Fishman.

'' Can you bear children? '' He asked while leaking out a perverse laugh.

Alea's body shook at the question, she lowered her head and started sobbing, for her fate, her body that was bound to be defiled, and her daughter that she could never see again.

'' Answer me! '' He demanded, but she didn't respond.

'' YOU DARE TO IGNORE ME! '' He shouted as struck the glass with his palm

'' Do you want to die, here, I'll kill you right now if you don't pick your head and look at me. ''

Alea had no choice but to wipe her face and raise her head, but the thing is, there was an additional masked person beside her and Saint Carlos inside the room. Her eyes widened and her despair gave way to hope, that maybe this person was here to help her.

The intruder walked slowly, his feet didn't make a sound, once he was close enough he delivered a blow to Saint Carlos's neck. Before he could fall down he caught the device then turned to the Word Noble and started trampling him for the next few seconds, he didn't stop until she felt he had broken several bones.

Having pent up his anger, he went to the mermaid and clicked a button on the controller that released the collar, after which he smashed the glass. The water quickly spilled out but he managed to catch the mermaid before she fell to the ground.

'' Are you Alea? '' He asked, his voice young and clear.

'' Y-YES. '' She replied as she looked at the one who saved her she figured from his voice, that he must be a young boy.

'' Your Daughter sent me ''

'' MAYA! Where's she? Tell me please they didn't catch her '' she spoke with desperation as she caught his collar and shook it in tears.

'' No… '' He replied with a sigh and smiled underneath the mask.

'' You have a good Daughter, I wish we could talk more… but time is running out we have to flee swiftly. ''

'' But how can I hide? On the surface, everyone will recognize me… ''

Alexander moved to the bed then threw the mermaid onto it, she yelped as he started rolling her inside the bed sheets and then carried her with one hand on his shoulder. He went to the balcony and looked outside, he was five stories high, and facing him was the Marine base and the sea.

'' Once I touch ground I have to run as fast as I can toward the sea; Once in the water, I'll have to rely on Alea to escape further… '' He murmured

He went close to the railing and clung to a steel rain pipe. He hoped it could carry their weight, he started descending with the pipe shaking here and there but fortunately, he touched the ground safely.

Once on the ground, he started running like crazy fast enough that regular people wouldn't see him, he passed the hotel's gate, the plaza, the casinos, and the onlookers. Finally, into the Marine base perimeter once inside, he saw several marines glance at him and then start shouting.

'' A Mermaid! ""

'' How did they know? '' He turned around and saw a fish tale peeking out of the bed sheets.

Without stopping he ran until he reached the port and jumped disappearing into the depths.

One hour later he appeared beside the cave, the mermaid jumped inside leaving him to climb slowly. He heard a few shouts of joy and tears as both mother and daughter hugged each other.

He didn't wish to pry so he sat outside and took off his mask feeling mentally exhausted from what he had seen today.

'' No matter the world, Darkness always exists… '' He sighed then turned around and smiled at the sight of the mother and daughter who went out of the cave.

Maya resolved her courage and shuffled closer to Alexander who looked at her with bewilderment.

'' Wha- '' Before he could finish the girl hugged him tightly and whispered in tears.

'' Thank you so much… ''

'' It's Alright I said I'd help you and I did… Don't worry about it. ''

Alea smiled, feeling immensely relieved at her freedom and her daughter's safety, she turned to Alexander and found that sometimes words can't fully express gratitude, so she bowed her head and spoke.

'' As long as I live I owe you my life and my daughter's if there's anything you'd like for me to repay you with please ask… ''

'' Ha Ha don't sweat over it i did it for Maya as long as she's happy I'm content… maybe one day you could show me where you live i heard so much about it, that would be fine too. ''

'' I'll be happy to show you where I live '' Maya replied happily instead of her mother who patted her head and nodded.

'' Just like what Maya said you'll always be welcome in our home. ''

'' That's good.. ''

Alexander smiled as he shared a small talk with mermaids but he knew that he did something big today and a storm would hit Sabaody Archipelago fortunately He's just an unassuming kid so he wasn't worried.

'' Goodbye,'' Alexander stood atop the cliff waving his hands watching the mermaids dive deep down and disappear inside the sea. He turned and walked back home, once inside he headed directly to his bed and fell asleep.


Several days passed since the incident that had shaken Sabaody Archipelago even an Admiral had come but fortunately, the World Noble was safe. Further investigation revealed that the assailant was shot, likely to be young and wore an Oni Mask, furthermore, this assailant took the mermaid and disappeared to be never seen again.

On this day Alexander was training inside the yard when suddenly a familiar voice called his name.

'' Alexander. ''

He turned around and found that it was his Mother and Father but there were four additional Figures, one old woman and three young girls, however, Alexander forgot about his father and instead looked at the girl with the black hair.

'' Father, who's the lady over there? ''

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