Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

A trip to Amazon Lily

It had been a week since Alexander's spar with Boa Hancock, nothing much had changed during this period except Hancock evading Alexander at every turn.

This behaviour left him perplexed and lost as to what to do. He consulted his mother, telling her about everything that had transpired. Alexander thought that his mother would help, but she laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe, in the end, she told him that he was still young and that once he grew up he could try again.

He found some wisdom in her words. There are social norms he might have overlooked. His perspective came from a soul that lived hundreds of years as a Living Jar and was not a human at all during that time.

While he was old and his soul didn't belong to a human, his body was young. So after thinking about it, he steeled his heart that he wouldn't fail the next time and put this matter to the side or at least he tried to, seeing Hancock every day didn't help after all.

Filled with determination, he focused solely on his training. Before he knew it, a week quickly passed by, and there he was, alongside his father and mother in a secluded bay. Watching a small boat draw closer to them, far away a big ship belonging to the Kuja tribe was waiting.

Gloriosa turned around and looked at their host for the past week, She couldn't help but feel grateful, one day she promised she'd repay them.

'' Shakuyaku, we must be on our way. The girls need to return home. ''

'' Have a safe trip. '' Shakky replied and turned to the girls, especially Hancock.

'' Remember to send letters from time to time, I'm sure Alexander will miss you dearly. ''

Hancock's face turned a bit red but she managed to nod her head.

'' I will. ''

The other two sisters Sandersonia and Marigold both expressed their thanks as well while casting a weird look at their eldest sister.

'' Thank you very much, as long as we live we won't forget your help,'' said Sandersonia nervously.

'' No need to fret over such small things. Now your boat is here, I'm sure you miss your home. '' Rayleigh replied while following the boat that docked beside a root that gently sloped downward.

''Goodbye everyone. ''

''Goodbye. ''

Gloriosa turned around and walked down the root, jumping into the boat following her; the three sisters also managed to get on, and within a minute the female kuja warrior began rowing their return.

Alexander didn't speak, he didn't know what to say. He felt conflicted but he didn't know how to express himself.

" Ahh, it is going to be a long time until we see them again dear. " Shakky said while looking at her husband.

Rayleigh looked at his wife and had to suppress an amused smile as he looked forlorn at the boat.

" Yes, we won't see them for a long long time. I wonder if they'll remember us by then. "

" Well I'm sure they'll remember you, you were the one who saved them after all, and me too I suppose," Shakky replied then pretended to look worried as she asked.

" Dear Do you think they'll remember Alexander? "

Rayleigh once again had to call on all of his willpower to not crack a smile and respond.

" I don't know... I thi— " he was about to answer, however, Alexander cut him off, or rather the burst of Haki was the one that cut him off.


Alexander had been listening to their conversation and each word they said twisted his guts, he felt uncomfortable. He didn't like it, he was a straightforward guy.

Even in his past life, the most notable thing about Alexander wasn't his strength, when compared to the true powerhouses he couldn't measure at all.

Alexander was known for his character, his honesty, by the courage that led to his demise, he was a big soul inside a fragile vessel. But that was in the past.

" HANCOCK!" He shouted out loud, alongside his shout he felt his Conqueror's Haki spread away. It was his will manifesting through his words. He didn't know how it happened but he fueled it even more.

Conqueror's Haki is invisible but those with the slightest observational haki could see it. Hancock heard the shout, she immediately turned around and saw an invisible golden dome expanding rapidly until it reached them and went beyond.

The boat started shaking, and the sea before was calm now started raging and throwing the boat around.


She heard his words and felt the will behind them. It was strong enough to move her.

" Until that day comes. " She shouted, her face burning red.

'' I'LL BE THERE. '' He shouted one last time, he couldn't say anything else he felt exhausted, His conqueror's haki calmed down and he could barely breathe.

Beside him, Rayleigh and Shakky looked at each other and smiled, they put their hands on Alexander's shoulder.

'' Let's go home son. It's time for me to begin your real training. Time will pass and if destined you'll take what's yours, during this time you have to focus on yourself. Lest you want to fail your dreams. ''Rayleigh chose his words carefully, his son wasn't weak but a good motivation could push him even further.

Alexander looked at his parents, He knew that the way he behaved when confronted by that girl was so unlike him, but, he wasn't a living jar anymore he is a human. And humans have emotions.

In his past life, he never felt like this, maybe he knew deep within that he was a Living Jar so how could anyone love or like a container that stored the innards and the body parts of dead warriors?

A lot of things led to this, but now, he didn't want to betray his heart. He had been blessed with a great vessel, blessed by a higher being. He turned around and calmly said.

'' Let's go home. ''

'' It's about lunchtime isn't it, why don't let Mother cook you something delicious today, what do you say? '' Shakky responded.

'' As long as it's your cooking I'm fine with anything. ''

Quickly they came but slowly they left, leaving long shadows under the high sun, memories that won't be forgotten, and a promise that one day will be fulfilled.

Time waited for no one, Alexander immediately began his training focusing on Armament Haki, as for Conqueror's Haki Rayleigh advised him to focus on his physical strength first. He said it'd be a hindrance to his physical training if he relied on his Conqueror's Haki while neglecting the rest.

So he slowly taught him what he could handle, day by day.

Two years after Boa Hancock left, Alexander read the news that Boa Hancock became the new Empress of Amazon Lily after the death of the previous empress who died due to lovesickness.

During the same year, Hancock 18 years of age, led the Kuja pirates into an expedition, swiftly gaining notoriety and forming a treaty with the world government becoming a Shichibukai.

Another year passed, and Shanks, the former Gol D. Roger pirates apprentice came and met Rayleigh at Sabaody Archipelago. He became interested in Alexander, spending a few days training with him and his crew.

During this period Shanks explained why he had lost his hands. In his words, he said it was a bet on the next generation. He talked about the boy who sacrificed his arm for, Luffy.

Rayleigh's history also came to light when he met Shanks, Alexander was impressed by his father's past but he showed no further interest in the One Piece.

Hatchan also came who was his father's friend, He bid farewell to his father and joined the Sun Pirates led by Fisher Tiger the one that liberated the slaves from Mary Geoise.

Ten years later.

Calm belt, Rusukaina Island.

Rusukaina Island was a dangerous place, anyone who stepped inside its land could tell that everything was hostile, be it the weather or the wild animals. You have to be on your toes and sufficiently prepared to survive your night here.

The island was covered with strange rock formations that resembled Dragon Blood trees, they rose to staggering heights. On top of this rock formation flora thrived with trees, greenery, and dangling vines, visible from a long distance.

In the centre adjacent to each other were three active volcanoes continuously releasing smoke. The nature of this island was harsh, the seasons ever-changing with forty-eight seasons a year. Its inhabitants were wild animals that would smash most pirate rookies into a pulp.

The island was silent, unlike its usual liveliness where beasts would roar and ferociously clash destroying the landscape. Instead, every alpha predator was keeping his eyes on one region deep within the forest.

Where a big round white tree grew under it sat a young man. He was tall, close to 1.95 m in height. His body was well endowed with well-sculpted muscles that were forged for maximum efficiency in battle. His hair was jet black most of it was tied toward the back and the rest fell on the nap of his shoulders.

Alexander opened his eyes, and they shone like the sun's golden light, it seemed like the more he grew up the more his eyes' golden colour grew noticeable as if he had two suns inside his eye sockets.

He had been coming and going to this island for the past ten years sometimes with his father and in the latter years alone, this land had withstood his training and the heavy clashes he had with his father.

He didn't know how far strong he had become, the only comparison he had was his father but Rayleigh had grown noticeably old, his hair was grey and he wasn't physically strong like when he was young.

The reason he opened his eyes was for the letter the bird dropped and flew away. He picked it up and knew who sent it just from the snake on the wax seal.

He smiled a little as he tried contacting Hancock two years ago. And to his surprise she replied. They had been sending letters to each other continuously for the past two years.

But recently he wasn't able to get a reply to his letters, which left him worried and now it seemed that his worries were unfounded.

He opened the letter with joy anticipating its contents. However, soon his joy turned into anxiety. The letter addressed him specifically but the sender wasn't Hancock but Gloriosa who became known as Elder Nyon in the past years.

The content of the letter was brief, it mentioned that Hancock was sick and that Alexander needed to come quickly to Amazon Lily which wasn't far away from Rusukaina.

Alexander didn't waste time he walked towards the beach, each step he took the wild animals in the shadows took another one back.

He walked quickly unperturbed until he reached a high rise just above the sea. Where Rayleigh sat with his fish hook thrown patiently waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Rayleigh turned around and saw his son and pride coming closer. Alexander wore a dark t-shirt with black long pants and a golden sash wrapped around his waist on top of the outfit that his mother chose was a white cape his father gifted him ever since he stopped sparring with Alexander.

" Alexander, have you decided to take a break? " Rayleigh asked, in his opinion his son didn't need any more training. Sometimes he wondered if his son was a human in the first place. He never went out to fight or challenge anyone and yet his strength and battle experience continued to grow and unfold as if it was always there in the first place and the boy merely regained what he had lost.

Alexander walked closer and stood beside his father looking at the sea.

" No, but I received a disturbing letter from Gloriosa. "

Rayleigh's attention snapped as he asked.

" Oh, and what did she say? "

Alexander took a deep breath trying to calm the worry in his heart.

" She said that Hancock is sick and she wanted me to come to Amazon Lilly to see her. "

He looked at Rayleigh and couldn't hide the worry in his eyes.

" Father, I'm afraid something might've befallen her. I need to go right in this instance. "

On the other hand, Rayleigh scratched his beard and pondered.

" Sick, you say? "

" Yes. "

"And Gloriosa asked for you specifically without including me or Shakky? "

" That was the content of the letter, do you want to go with me? "

Rayleigh didn't respond; instead, he let out a small chuckle. In his opinion what could befall a Young Shichibukai like Hancock? There was no news of any battles and as far as he knew in the past ten years Hancock's action had been subdued, focusing solely on her tribe. There was an answer to this that he knew all too well.

" Huh, the cycle continues. "

Alexander looked perplexed at his father's reaction and asked.

" What do you mean by the cycle father? "

Rayleigh smiled as he stood up and patted his son's shoulder.

" You should go. It's about time you confronted that little girl. And the time has come for you to step outside on your own son. You don't need any more training. You should go and make a name for yourself, challenge some big names, and let them know about Silvers Alexander. "

Alexander looked at his father, he knew that the time had come for him to step once again on the path of champions.

" Yes, Father. "

"Here you have this. " Rayleigh took two log poses and handed them to Alexander.

" To which island do these log poses lead? "

"This one is your mother's it Points at Amazon Lily and the other one points towards Sabaody. You'll need them to go and come back. ''

"Then I should head out right now. "

" Yes, you should, and don't worry too much once you arrive you'll understand. " Alexander silently pondered his father's words then nodded, Rayleigh's wisdom had been vital during the past few years and it never betrayed him.

He took his shirt off and bundled it inside his coat which he wrapped as a bag around his back.

" I'm going. " He gave a big bear hug to his father and jumped directly into the sea. Rayleigh shouted following his descent.

" I'll be waiting for you at Sabaody. "

Alexander heard the shout and swam to the closest island where he hoped he could borrow a boat. As for the sea kings, he wasn't worried a burst from his Haoshoko Haki was enough to paralyze them.

A day later he reached an island where he managed to get a small boat that would take him to Amazon Lily; yet a day later the boat capsized due to the Sea Kings stirring the waves beneath the boat.

So after beating the Sea Kings, he continued swimming, stopping from time to time on small islands to rest.

Five days later he spotted the Island he was looking for, it was a huge island surrounded by a jungle, in the centre was a huge mountain carved with twisting giant snake statues.

He continued swimming and finally spotted the docks where the large ship of the Kuja pirates was berthed. Not wasting any time he swiftly climbed over and stepped into the island.

However, he was stopped from taking any further steps, before him were dozens of scantly clothed females clutching their bows and aiming at him.

'' Don't move! '' Said a brown-haired female while keeping the arrow notched toward his head.

Alexander did as she said and took a look around hoping to spot someone he knew.

The Kuja tribe warriors tensed their muscles as his golden eyes passed them one by one and they felt it, the pressure from his eyes bore into them, and they felt afraid.

However Alexander didn't intend to do this, following the years he grew up in Sabaody Archipelago he found that his eyes had an intimidating presence, right to the point where a bunch of pirates intended to capture him and sell him to the auction house, however, they disappeared soon after that.

'' I'm Alexander, I'm sure that you don't know me, I didn't come to harm any one of you. ''

''Don't take us for a fool. What business do you have on our island? This place is forbidden for men. '' the same Kuja warrior said while glaring at Alexander.

'' Hmm, understandable, '' he raised his arms and sat cross-legged on the pier rocks.

'' I won't move but can you please send a message to Gloriosa, Marigold, or Sandersonia you should contact them all and tell them that Alexander has come. ''

'' How do you know Elden Nyon and the Gorgon sisters? '' The female didn't let lose attention as she remained ready for any sudden move.

''We were well acquainted before they returned to Amazon Lily, and my father helped them at that time. ''

'' Furthermore, my mother used to live here long ago. ''

Feeling a bit interested, the Kuja tribe warrior narrowed her eyes and asked.

'' And who's your mother? ''

'' Shakuyaku. '' his answer was brief and sudden, but it was enough for the Kuja warriors to shout in anger.

'' That's a lie! We can never give birth to male children, who are you? State your business? ''

Alexander sighed, he knew about his birth and his origin but he didn't want to discuss it with them. He took a breath and spread his Supreme King Haki instantaneously knocking out everyone present bare the brown haired female.

He looked at her and spoke, his voice low and commanding, unlike the first time he stepped in here.

'' Go and bring me one of the people I mentioned…it was only out of respect that I didn't rush inside so don't make me lose my patience… Go, I won't move from my place. ''

The female warrior was trembling, she was knowledgable about haki, and the man before her was dangerous extremely dangerous, luckily he wasn't hostile.

'' Don't move from here otherwise you'll be declaring war on the entire Kuja tribe. '' She took a look at her unconscious companions then gritted her teeth and sprinted inside the jungle.

Half an hour later three figures came running out of the forest, one was a tall orange-haired woman, she was five meters tall, and her physique was large and heavily muscled beneath a layer of fat.

He knew who she was, and her physical development surprised him greatly, but even that didn't surprise him like Gloriosa.

'' Is that Gloriosa in her hands? Did she shrink? '' He muttered.

'' Alexander. '' Marigold shouted as she finally reached him.

" Put me down. " Gloriosa shouted clearly uncomfortable from the roughness of the ride.

" Oh sorry Elder Nyon. "

Finally, after touching the ground Gloriosa breathed a sigh of relief, she straightened out her garment and stood relying on her cane.

'' You came faster than I expected boy. ''

'' I departed as soon as I read the letter. What happened to Hancock? ''

'' I'll tell you soon enough, but did you come alone? Where's your boat? '' she took a glance at the port, spotting no boat that didn't carry the Kuja Pirates flag.

'' I came alone, my boat capsized on the way, so I swam all the way here. ''

'' You swam huh! '' Gloriosa and Marigold felt their mouths dry a little. After a moment Marigold smiled and invited him inside the island.

'' Come on, Hancock needs your help. ''

'' Thank you, but I must apologize I had to knock these girls out to get to you. ''

'' Never mind, let's talk along the way. '' Marigold replied.

Soon enough they entered the jungle and followed a path that led to a town. Once inside, Alexander was surprised by the beauty of it, its architecture was completely different with hanging gable roofs.

However he felt strange after not seeing a single man, but he knew the nature of this Island. He ignored all the looks the women were giving him and turned to Gloriosa.

'' Can you tell me now what happened to Hancock and since when did she get ill? ''

'' Hancock's sickness started two years ago, ever since you started exchanging letters with her. '' She sighed and replied wistfully.

'' Why didn't she tell me? '' He asked, clearly annoyed about the fact that she didn't share this in her letters.

'' She didn't want to disturb your training boy, she wanted to visit you before but since she heard from your father that you were training she didn't want to interrupt you. ''

''Why did she do that? '' Alexander asked, this whole matter felt strange to him, it created a cloud of doubt around Alexander.

'' Ask her yourself. '' Elder Nyon replied, she couldn't tell him that Hancock became ill with lovesickness, a malady that afflicted her and the previous two Empresses.

Alexander pondered then remained silent, soon enough after a long walk they exited the town. After which they followed a series of steps that led to a palace complex built inside a mountain cliff.

The cliff was tens of metres high, topped with a wall circling the majority of the complex. They walked toward the main palace guarded by two female guards, once close to the door they were let in under Marigold orders.

After stepping inside they navigated the Palace complex before arriving at a big red double-door at which they stopped.

Elder Nyon turned to Alexander and spoke.

'' Alexander, I can't tell you what malady afflicted Hancock, but just stay by her side for a while, maybe she'll get better. Please trust me on this. ''

At this moment Alexander didn't want to ask too many questions; he was barely able to suppress his anxiety. Taking his silence as a yes, they pushed the big double-door revealing a beautiful big sweet. It was lavishly decorated with redwood and beautiful mirrors.

On the back, there was a big window opening that let sunlight in. Further down the room to the left adjacent to the window, there was a bed on it that slept the figure of a beautiful woman. She wore a red two-piece dress, her face was red and she was sweating all over. Beside her was Sandersonia who had grown as big as her sister but without the heavy muscles.

Their footsteps alerted Sandersonia, she looked at them and called.

'' Alexander, you've finally come. '' her words came with a sigh of relief.

However, Alexander didn't speak. He walked next to the bed and looked at the woman he always dreamt of. He wanted to see her but not like this. Her state only made his heart ache more.

'' How's she? '' He asked, his voice low suppressing his emotion.

'' She hasn't improved much since last week. '' Sonia replied

'' I see.. '' He sat on the chair next to the bed and looked at Hancock, after a moment of hesitation he reached with his hand toward her forehead, however, a big white snake slithered from under the bed intending to bite the hand that was closing on her Master.

Alexander looked at the snake, his mere glance caused the snake to stop its action. Slowly and fearfully it climbed and coiled around the other side of the bed cautiously watching his actions.

Alexander unperturbed put his hand on Hancock's forehead, it was unnaturally hot. He frowned then looked to the side where a bucket full of ice and water was, he picked up the towel inside, squeezed the water from it, and put it on her forehead. He kept repeating his actions, forgetting about time and the people who discreetly left the room. Leaving him alone in his thoughts.

Time passed, and when he arrived it was the afternoon, and now the sun has dipped beyond the horizon casting an ethereal orange glow inside the room. Shining on the dedicated figure of Alexander and Hancock who hadn't woken up yet.

Alexander lifted his head and looked through the window to the town, and its people liveliness. He wondered if this really was enough to help Hancock, maybe he should take her to some renowned doctor before anything dreadful could happen.

He felt his heart clench at the thought, no he didn't want to think this way and this was not the time for it. He reclined on his chair, looking at the ceiling lost in thought.

His mind carried him far away, he he didn't notice the woman's eyelashes stirring and her eyes slightly opening up. The first thing she saw was Alexander, she knew who he was instantly. The combination of his hair and his golden eyes almost couldn't be found elsewhere.

She didn't know what to say. She felt weak and tired, on the verge of passing out again, yet this time instead of closing her eyes to the pain in her heart. This time she felt at peace, she felt at home.

'' Alexander… '' Her soft weak voice echoed, waking Alexander from his daze. He immediately straightened up as she reached with her arm and put it on his knee, then revealing a contented smile.

'' Hancock. '' He called, but she didn't respond as she started seeing black, Hancock tried to look at him however she knew she was weak right now.

'' I'm glad you came. ''

Those were her words before closing her eyes once again.

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