Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

Potential, and a Father Training his Son.

Before, back in time. There was a chip of a Great Jar turned into a living Jar. Years would pass and the Jar would come alive with a personality. Unlike his kin, he was an oddity who saw in himself the making of a Great Warrior. Who one day will become a Champion, the greatest of them all. His will and desire burnt bright, maybe he was born like that and that was him, it could also be due to the bodies of the warriors that dwelled within him. 

In a sense, those bodies gave birth to him, their steps and lingering will, fueled his ambition further. Sometimes he could feel them inside his hallowed shell, urging him to become stronger to better himself, and at other times he'd feel their admonishment, their disappointment, that he wasn't strong enough.

But Alexander the Warrior Jar always endured. He could lose but he always rose once again. The Land Between in all of its twisted nature, gave him the eerie appearance of a Jar storing dead bodies. But despite his origin, he never let it affect his soul and character.

He'd meet fellow friends with a peal of laughter. he was generous and loyal to those who helped him. He ever sought challenges. He'd mend his cracked shell and enter battle once more.

 He was a Great Warrior, even though he didn't become the greatest of them all, he never backed down. Eventually passing down in peace, proud that he didn't dishonor himself, and sad because he couldn't fulfill his dream.

But little did he know that that Dream didn't die, Accompanied by the blessings of a Great being, his friend. it passed into another life, into a reborn Alexander.

On the second floor of Shakky's bar, a boy of five years old leaned against the window railing. He was about 1 meter tall, he had short dark hair and golden eyes. His face reflected his youthfulness, but his eyes revealed an unmatched spirit.

This was Alexander, five years after he was reborn. He had a memory of about four years of his life, before that everything was blurry to him. 

He peered down at his mother, who swept the front of the bar with a broom lost in thought. Everything in this new life felt surreal, he never had a mother or father before, nor did he share any great kinship with his people except for being living jars. 

But he remembered someone of his kin who used to call him uncle, He was proud of that title. And thought to himself.

' Reborn once again… to whom do I owe this big favor… Rake, is it you my friend?... I can envision you behind this, You became the Elden Lord after all… and yet… I can never repay the help you've bestowed upon me over and over…' 

'' But… I vow, in this new life… to walk long and strong to become a Warrior… the strongest of them all…'' He to no one but to himself.

He lifted his small hands and felt the outline of his palms. The new vessel he inhabits felt complete. It was as if these new senses he acquired due to his body made him feel whole.

Alexander clenched his fists, he could feel the power hidden within his small stature. It was unusual for a normal human to have his strength at his age, he could never have imagined that the Elden Lord didn't send him with only one blessing but three.

The first was to be reborn anew, the second preserved and strengthened his spirit as a warrior, and the third was to nurture a body strong enough to carry his lofty dreams.

Done enough with his musing, he jumped out of the window and landed on the grass barefooted. Shakky was startled as she let a yelp, she turned around and sure enough, it was her son.

'' Alexander, you know that stairs and doors exist for a reason '' She said with exasperation while examining the boy. He wore beige shorts coupled with a simple black T-shirt, but what made her frustrated was that he wore no shoes or slippers.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You can't walk around barefoot?" she smiled helplessly. He was a wonderful kid, smart beyond his age and loving to his parents, but he had some quirks that she struggled to correct.

Alexander, fully knowing that he was in the wrong scratched his hair while laughing.

" Ha ha forgive me Mother, but the touch of grass on my feet is a hard thing for me to miss… I was about to train for a while " 

" Ohh! Is the great warrior Alexander about to descend on the battlefield? " she made an awed expression as she asked.

' Be damned my talkative tongue, being young makes you s
chatter endlessly' 

Facing his mother, even though he was old, very old… He couldn't help but feel small in front of his parents. It was a strange feeling, to say the least, but welcomed nonetheless. Their love for him made it easy to accept, that he was but a small child to them, and they were responsible for their son.

" It's just training Dear mother " he weakly replied.

" Is that so? " Shakky put a palm under her shin as she let out a small chuckle.

" Well how about you help me move the crates in the backyard into the storage, then I'll prepare your breakfast. " 

" I'll gladly help." Alexander immediately accepted, fully believing that it was one of his duties to help his parents.

" Okay then, let's begin" Shakky rolled her sleeves and was about to head to the backyard but before she could take her second step Alexander moved in front of her and shook his head.

" You don't need to tire yourself with this task. I'll be happy to take it from your hand and warm my body a little"

" Are you sure? they're quite heavy" She raised an eyebrow and asked.

He spread his arms wide as if his small stature was enough to stop her and assured, his voice serious, unlike his previous expression.

" I can do it, I'm fully capable, be at ease mother. "

" Okay then, see you after thirty minutes, that should be enough time to prepare your breakfast, and for you to move the crates. '' 

'' I'll start now. '' He nodded then headed to the backyard where he found a number of crates loaded up with goods on the ground. He picked up one with ease and headed to storage that was at the back of the bar. 

Unlike his apparent physical appearance which showed no signs of great strength, in his hands those crates were as light as a feather, let alone this he attempted to lift heavier stuff before such as rocks and big logs of wood and he found himself at ease. He doesn't know if this is the norm but he is sure that he is strong beyond what's normal.

After dusting himself a little, he finished the task with time to spare. So he decided to warm up a little more by doing push-ups. 

After Thirty minutes passed, knowing that his mother must've finished preparing his breakfast. He headed inside the bar where he found his mother sitting behind the bar counter, on the counter a sumptuous meal of Sea King meat his father brought back the other day and a glass of milk waiting for him.

'' Sit and eat '' Shakky smiled at her son and pushed the dish forward.

'' Thank you, Dear Mother. '' Alexander didn't waste time. He immediately started eating, while enjoying the flavor his mother always managed to extract. 

Before, when he was a living jar. He never experienced the taste of food, as he never needed any type of nourishment. He only used the body parts of warriors to make himself stronger.

But in this life, he got to understand what good food is, and what it is like to have a sense of taste. But to look at the bigger picture he ate to become stronger, humans after all needed food to grow big and strong. 

After swallowing a bit he asked between bites.

'' Where's Father? '' 

'' He should be coming back by now… he headed to work at dawn so that he could make time for you after all '' Shakky looked outside the window as she marveled at how things changed ever since they adopted Alexander.

Alexander stopped eating, He thought to his father who never worked at dawn before, and then to his mother. '' Yes, Mother… he promised to make time to help me train but… I'm afraid that I might've burdened him. Maybe I should dissuade him… we can manage at another time… '' 

His Mother didn't reply, She looked behind his back and made a strange expression, when suddenly a big palm rested on his head.

'' A promise is a promise, Alexander. '' 

Alexander turned around to his father who had sneaked up on him without him realizing it. To him Rayleigh was shrouded in mystery, he worked as a coating mechanic, but… Alexander can feel the spirit suppressed by his father. 
He didn't know how this feeling came to be but he was once a warrior, he knew instinctively how the strong felt. His father was mighty, far above his mother who also tried to hide it too.

'' Good morning Father… I know but I can't have you troubled by me when you already tire yourself at work. ''

Rayleigh smiled, his son was considerate, which was good. He didn't want to raise a child with a bad character. Although at times it seemed that even without his influence Alexander would grow to be the same.

He ruffled his son's head and then sat down. 

'' Don't worry, I don't always take jobs, and the money I earn from a single order is enough for us to spend for several months. '' 

Alexander pondered silently for a moment then replied, his voice devoided of any naivety a young child might have.

'' But you mustn't hesitate to change the time if it doesn't suit you '' 

'' Okay, I promise, now finish your meal so we can start. '' Rayleigh replied while sipping from a cup of tea, Shakky placed before him.

After ten minutes, Alexander finished his breakfast and headed outside to the backyard with Rayleigh.

Once they reached their destination, Alexander stood before his father, who in turn looked pensive at his son.

'' Tell me, Alexander, last time you asked me to train you… I didn't get to ask you. why do you wish to do so? and why did you seek an old man like me specifically? ''

Alexander took a deep breath and replied.

'' Father, you must've heard me say before that I wish to become a Great Warrior. You might've thought that it was but a child's fantasy. '' 

'' But… I think- no I believe it's my destiny to become one… otherwise, my existence is meaningless. Believe my words Father and believe in me… I won't disappoint. '' 

'' Alright. '' Rayleigh smiled, he didn't dig too deep into the matter as long as his son needed him he'd be there. Furthermore, he never intended for him to grow weak.

'' But you didn't tell me why you asked me personally? '' Rayleigh asked the important question he wanted the answer to. Outwardly, although his physique is good, that didn't necessarily mean he was strong and fit to teach someone how to fight.

On the other hand, Alexander understood that his father must've been bewildered when he asked last time. While he accepted without any further question he had some doubts, and now he must answer as best as he can.

'' I don't know how to explain it but… the breadth of your spirit is noticeable to me… I can feel its might even though you hide it deep… '' 

'' Oh! Is that so? You felt my spirit… how did you do it? '' Rayleigh looked surprised, for his son to read someone of his caliber is by no means an easy feat. 

Countless answers crossed his mind but only one thing could explain to him the oddness of the situation which was Haki, His son must've been born with a strong Haki. he sorted his thoughts and continued.

'' Alexander you keep surprising me again and again… you speak like an old warrior who had seen blood before. Which you aren't... But I won't question you further. Now let's have a little spar to see where you stand. '' 

'' Fair enough. " Alexander acknowledged then took a few steps back. Once in position, he took on a strange stance at which Rayleigh looked puzzled.

He positioned his right leg at the back and brought his left leg forward, unlike the usual fighters he kept both his arms wide open in front of him.

'' Begin. '' at Rayleigh's words Alexander took a few slow steps while preserving his form. Once in range, he took a step forward and struck with a right-handed fist.

Rayleigh leisurely moved his palm and blocked the attack, the power behind it made him surprised, the power behind it shouldn't belong to a five-year-old kid.

Not minding how his father effortlessly blocked his attack, Alexander moved to attack from a lower angle by sweeping with his feet. 

But to his dismay, Rayleigh easily sidestepped and dodged. Continuing with his efforts he struck from high to low but he didn't even touch the hem of his clothes, unless his father initiated contact he wouldn't have been able to touch him at all.

Time passed after twenty minutes of hitting the air, Alexander lay down on his back drenched in sweat, breathing roughly.

'' I'm disappointed… I didn't manage to even touch you '' He said.

'' Ha ha… it'll be years before a brat like you can take me on. '' Rayleigh replied.

He sat beside Alexander and helped him sit as well then continued.

'' Don't be disappointed, you did well for a young child. But the way you fight isn't efficient at all. You were born with great strength. But it'll be useless if you don't know how to use it… ''

'' I understand Father. '' Alexander accepted the criticism and listened to his father's next words.

''This brings us to the most important point, you have a great instinct when it comes to battle. But your technique is extremely flawed. The way you fight and your stance from an angle seemed to be the fighting style of a giant grown man. Which doesn't work well with your small body. '' 

Alexander quietly took a moment to contemplate. His father wasn't wrong, the long years of habits he developed as a living jar weren't easy to erase in this life. They were deeply ingrained into his being and if he didn't quickly adapt to this new body he'd fail. He was once a Jar warrior, and now it's different.

Once he concluded what needed to be done he humbly bowed his head and asked.

'' I understand, I must seek your help, Father. No one can help me but you. ''

'' Ha ha… I'm here to do exactly that. '' Rayleigh smiled as long as he could follow his instruction… the boy would be fine, and one day he'll bloom into something the world had never seen before.

''But tell me, when did you learn to fight with that weird stance of yours '' 

'' Ahh- I don't know I once saw some drunkards fight like this in the bar. '' Alexander started sweating as he lied, which made him feel a bit ashamed. 
He couldn't tell them that this was the way he fought before and their kid was once a jar that stored dead bodies. He flinched at the thought and smiled innocently.

''Hmm… a drunkard taking a stance… it seems that some masters have been visiting our bar lately. '' He replied with a strange smile as if he doubted every word his son said, but he didn't wish to dig too deep into it. 

He stood on his feet and then helped Alexander up, he took a stance and asked for Alexander to follow him. 

'' I'll teach you what I know. try to follow me through... '' 

Once he saw his son start imitating his stance, he moved slowly through a series of punches and kicks. While continuing to advise.

'' Remember real skill is acquired through sparring and battle. This show is merely to help you understand your mistakes… we'll have to drill them into you through sparring. I won't hold back on you so you better be prepared. ''

'' I'll follow everything you'll say. '' Alexander resolutely replied.

'' We'll see…'' Rayleigh replied.

Time quickly passed as Rayleigh moved between the lesson, sometimes correcting his form, sometimes demonstrating something new, or difficult scenarios he could find himself in. And quickly close to two hours passed.

'' Let's stop here for today. We'll slowly incorporate other lessons into your practice. But this should do for the first time, now go and take a bath. '' 

'' Thank you, father. '' He slightly bowed his head and departed.

Rayleigh looked at his son's receding back in thought but his eyes were shining in anticipation at the potential he has. After a moment he too headed inside the bar. 

Once inside he found Shakky at her usual place waiting for him. He sat on the bench and drank a cup of water his wife poured for him.

'' How was he? '' Shakky asked.

'' His form was terrible… well that must've been expected from someone who never fought before. But he reminds me of someone… '' 

'' Who? '' Shakky leaned closer to Rayleigh's face and asked, her voice sweet with a hint of anticipation.

'' Garp '' He replied. 

Shakky body stiffened as she leaned back. Rayleigh wasn't surprised by her reaction as she had been chased by Garp many times but managed to escape.

'' How so? '' She asked 

'' The boy fights with a ferociousness unbefitting of his age, but the most noticeable aspect is his strength… you'd never imagine that his small body carries so much strength. ''

Shakky was silent, but a moment after she returned to her usual smile.

'' Isn't this good? Our son has a lot of potential..'' 

Rayleigh nodded then continued.

'' But all of this didn't surprise me as much as his Haki potential. 
Do you know what he said when I asked him for why did he ask me to train him without prior knowledge about me? ''

'' He said that he felt my spirit, at first I didn't know what he meant by that. However, my thoughts led to one answer which is Haki. '' 

He looked his wife in the eyes and said with a smile of praise and anticipation.

'' Shakky, if my conclusion is true then the boy must have an enormous talent for haki. '' 

Shakky's smile deepened as she imagined her boy one day as strong as his father. 

'' Rayleigh! You keep surprising me today. You talked about his strength and now Haki… Do you know the implication of your words? '' 

Rayleigh's smile deepened as well, then he let out a roar of laughter.

'' Ha Ha Ha, yes I do, the boy might become one of the strongest one day…''

'' And he's our son…''

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