Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

A Baby named Alexander.

The Grand Line, Paradise.
2 years after the execution of Gol D. Roger

Sabaody Archipelago, the last pirate's stop before crossing the Red Line.
At a glance, the island looked like a fragmented land that split into several parts years ago. From every piece, gigantic trees rose high, and from their bark, branches, and leaves, bubbles emerged, when the sunlight peered through they reelected a plethora of colors as if they contained a whole world inside.

The island looked alive, like a huge breathing organism, which wasn't far from the truth.
Sabody Archipelago was a special place, an island formed from a forest of 79 Yarukiman Mangroves. A forest sprouting in the middle of the ocean, a miracle of creation.

Due to its fragmented nature, this island was split into several parts, the lawless area, the hotels area, the Amusement park area, the shipyard, and the marine headquarters, adding several sub-areas.

On Grove 13 there was a bar, its oddly shaped exterior, a curvilinear rectangle shape, on top of it sat a tambour-like floor circled by several juxtapositioned windows and finally crowned by a green bubble-like dome.

The place was known as Shakky's rip-off bar, evident from its name the place was notorious for its high prices, and even after the complaint of the patrons the owner turned deaf to them, which cemented its name.

Today, early this morning, the bar's door opened, and a man squeezed out of the sufficiently wide door. It was a comical sight. The man struggled to pull a big backpack he carried on his shoulder. The bag was big, but the weird giant tools inside were the source of the man's struggle.

After struggling for a second, he finally stepped out of the door. The man inhaled a breath of fresh air while the sun illuminated his features.

He was tall standing 1.9 meters he had strawberry-blonde hair and black eyes. 
On his right eye, a scar ran down from his eyebrow to just below his eyes.
He wore round glasses and had a short neatly trimmed beard.

Despite his age, his visage revealed that he was dashingly handsome when he was young. 

He is known as Silvers Rayleigh the right-hand of the pirate king, but now after Roger's death, he doesn't want anyone to know who he is. Not that he feared anyone, but after his Captain's death, and his crew's separation. He was a pirate no more but merely a coating mechanic.

Rayleigh strode on his usual path toward the coating shipyard, he enjoyed the fresh morning air and the snippets he caught from people's conversation. It was a vast change from the usual pirate life he lived.

He smiled slightly, as memories of his Dead captain crossed his mind. He has done enough mourning and now he was left with bittersweet memories. Maybe one day when his hair grew gray would he shed another tear and drink a glass for his friend.

After a twenty-minute walk, he reached the shipyard, he directly walked to his side of the port. When he arrived he found a 3-meter tall man setting up his tools beside his port.

When the man saw who arrived he beamed and called 

'' Rayleigh! Glad that you made it in time today, was the booze weak or what? ''

'' Billame! Good morning! And no I wish I had a sip last night. '' Rayleigh greeted and sighed as he put down his tools.

Billame looked at him thoughtfully then nodded as if he knew the reason.

'' Must've been the wife for sure. '' 

'' You Already know the Answer, now let us get started. '' 

'' Alright. '' Billame stopped talking and started working on coating the ship, after a while he called once again.

'' Say, have you heard what happened on the surrounding sea last night, not far from Sabaody? '' 

Rayelight paused his work, turned his attention to the man, and asked

'' What happened? '' 

Billame continued working while relaying what he heard '' From the local Fisherman I got the news that a Ship that was transporting civilians encountered pirates and no one survived. the ship was sunk and the few stragglers were killed, no one was left to tell the tale apart from the lucky fisherman who witnessed it from afar and fled before he got entangled with the pirates ''

'' The work of animals…. '' Rayleigh sighed, the Great Pirate Era that his captain unleashed upon the world was for a purpose, but this wasn't it.

'' They'll get caught eventually the marine headquarters here is quick to respond and amply staffed. '' He continued, while his hand never stopped working on the ship.

'' Yeah, I saw a few ships patrolling the coast and beyond. Maybe they'll get it done within a weak…'' 

'' Probably '' Rayleigh replied, and so they continued their work mixed with with idle chatter. until it was close to evening. 

Billame stood up collected his tools and started walking home while waving his hand back at Rayleigh 

'' See you tomorrow Ray. ''

'' Good night, reach home safely '' He replied.

Rayleigh continued past his usual work time until the sun began setting. on the other hand, the sea today was quite beautiful, and he couldn't take his eyes off it. In his eyes, it looked like a sea of gold was spread wide open, far-reaching the horizon.

Rayleigh had seen his share of wonders, but his spirit resonated with the calmness of the sea. It was big and unfathomable and filled with wonders.

He continued his serene contemplation until he saw something floating in place like a small black dot on a painter's board. He turned around and proceeded to head home but after one step, he stopped. 

His ears picked on a faint sound carried by the wind, he turned around and listened closely. A few seconds later he managed to pick up the sound again and this time it was much clearer.

'' A baby is crying somewhere in the sea.. '' the oddness of the situation, and the danger the baby could face by being alone turned his expression solemn.

He closed his eyes and spread his observational Haki as far as he could; blanketing the surrounding shore and sea.

After a second He opened his eyes and jumped directly into the water heading toward the barrel he spotted. It didn't take long for him to reach the barrel, once he caught the barrel the baby's crying sound became clear.

'' A baby inside a barrel alone in the sea… what lunacy is this? '' 
He spoke to no one but himself after securing the barrel in front of him he swam back to the bay. 

Once he reached the shore he quickly placed the barrel on the ground and opened the lid. Inside the barrel sat a baby of a few months old. Despite his constant crying before, now he was calm. His big golden eyes stared at the man who rescued him and giggled.

'' Hhahaha. You almost died out there and yet you laugh. '' Rayleigh couldn't help but be infected by the baby's laughter.

'' Well, you must be extremely lucky… surviving inside a barrel out in the open sea is nothing short of a miracle. '' He reached with his hands and scooped the bundled baby. While doing so a wet piece of paper fell inside the barrel. 

He noticed it as it fell and reached to pick it up. While the paper was wet and the ink almost faded he managed to read what was written

'' Alexander… that must be your name… please help the baby… and this final word was written in haste. Pirates… Hmm, I see you must be a lucky survivor saved by the grace of your parents. ''

He looked at the baby who now looked sad, as if he understood what he said.
'' I'll take you home, get you fed then see what I'll do with you. '' 

Rayleigh picked up his tools and held Alexander close to his chest, then strode back to his home. After some minutes he glimpsed the root-like hill on which rested the bar, his home.

He quickly climbed the hill and opened the door, once inside the atmosphere changed into a cozy warm setting, the bar was decorated with wood flooring, and a curved bar bench, placed alongside the wall were wooden tables. 

The bar was deserted save for a drunkard who had already passed out. Rayleigh threw his backpack on the floor with a thud.

The sound jolted the Drunkard awake, following it, a clear feminine voice came from the door behind the counter.

'' Rayleigh is that you? '' 

'' Yes, it's me. '' He replied, then looked at the man who now was looking annoyed at him. 

'' Hey, can't ya be quieter I was trying to sleep here.'' he spoke with a slurred voice.

Rayleigh walked to the man and picked him up by the scruff of his neck, then walked back to the door pushed the man outside, and locked the door after him.

Loud knocks and curses followed Rayleigh's action but he paid it no heed, instead, he walked to the counter and sat on the bench while placing the baby on top of the counter.

Several seconds later a rather tall and thin woman appeared from the door that led inside Shakky's bar. She had light-tanned skin and short-cut hair, she wore a short vest that exposed a part of her belly, over a Spider decorated purple shirt. 

Once she stepped out her eyes fell on the baby then to Rayleigh who was contemplating something with his fist balled under his chin.

She stopped for a moment then hesitantly walked towards the baby, close enough to the bundle. she peered down into his golden eyes.

The baby happily looked at her and then once again started giggling, Shakky smiled slightly and spoke.

'' I don't who's the woman that you shagged, but aren't you a bit bold to bring another woman's baby to your wife? '' 

Rayleigh calmly shook his head and looked at his wife. 

'' it's not what you think… this baby… named Alexander I found him inside a barrel floating outside the shipyard bay. '' 

Shakky eyes shook a little, then she reached with her palm and caressed Alexander's cheek. 

'' Poor little thing… you must've suffered… Death was close at hand and you miraculously survived. ''

She reached with her hand and tickled the baby. 

'' Aren't you a little warrior! '' the baby quickly responded to her tickle with a sweet giggling.

'' Here read this '' Rayleigh gave her the piece of paper, 

Shakky took the paper and read it. After a moment of contemplation, she asked.

'' What should we do with him? '' 

'' I don't know… it's clear, that the baby has lost his parents… '' He replied with a sigh.

'' What makes you think like that? '' Shakky was puzzled by her husband's words, even if they were attacked by pirates, most of the time there'll be survivors left if not most of the crew left alive.

'' Billame told me today about a ship that was carrying civilians, that ship was attacked by pirates and sunk… no one was left alive, save for a fisherman who witnessed it from a distance… which means both his parents are…'' 

'' I understand.. '' Shakky replied her voice so low that you'd feel the temperature drop. She picked up Alexander and held him close to her chest. 

Rayleigh stood up and walked to the door leaving behind a few words 

'' I'll go get something for the boy to eat while fishing for some news about the survivors '' 


The door closed and Shakky was left alone in her thoughts with the baby, it was completely silent. As if the boy understood that the woman needed some time to gather her thoughts.

A few seconds later she sighed while smiling at Alexander. 

'' I'm sorry we don't have any milk in the bar, So you must endure until Rayleigh comes back. Okay? '' 

Alexander listened to her words but it seemed that his ordeal had taken a toll on his fragile body, seeing that his eyes started dropping in drowsiness.

Shakky noticed that the boy needed some sleep, and headed upstairs. The second floor was circular. many rooms were thrown at the periphery, at the center was the living room accompanied by a circular stairwell that led downstairs. 

She entered her room and placed the baby on the bed. She took a small blanket to keep him warm and laid down beside him. Within moments, the baby fell asleep, while Shakky kept looking at his face. 

'' Good night little warrior. '' she murmured

Minutes passed and she too closed her eyes and fell asleep with the baby close to her chest. 

Hours later Rayleigh returned after confirming his speculation outside.
He entered the chamber, intending to discuss what to do with the boy should they hand him over to the authorities, he was uncertain.
Sabaody Archipelago was the playground of the celestial dragons, a boy like him, if passed to the wrong hand, could end up as a toy to the celestial dragons.

But… once he entered the chamber, he saw how Shakky and the baby were sleeping huddled together, and the small smile that adorned his woman's lips. At that moment an idea he had never thought of before settled into his mind. 

A minute passed then he too smiled and murmured.

'' I see… Good night. '' 

Silvers Rayleigh walked out of the room having made a decision that would bring a big change into the future.

Rayleigh is 56 years old.
Shakky is 42 years old.
Alexander was born three years before Luffy.

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