Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

Haki, and a mysterious letter.

Come the night, Alexander stirred up from his sleep and woke up with a jolt.

He whipped the sweat from his forehead and then glanced at the open window, he got off the bed, took a few steps forward and stood before the window as the moonlight cascaded dimly revealing his figure. He didn't have his usual smile or his cheerfulness instead his face looked devoid of any emotions.

Chilling winds and jumbled thoughts sobered up Alexander as he felt the silence.

Too many thoughts and too many uncertainties often lead to the collapse.

He tried to shake those prevailing whispers that he was but a mere abomination even though he had never considered himself as such in his previous life.

But the change after he was born, and the fact that he had such wonderful parents who loved with all they had gave birth to doubt and guilt. Maybe they should know the truth… maybe telling them about who he was could erase a bit of the guilt… but he knew nothing would be the same after doing so.

'' Haa..'' He let out a long breath and tried to hum a melody he heard long ago from a stranger who helped him once.

'' No, it won't do… better to forget… better to start anew… If my destiny is to become a warrior then I must accept who I was… and who I am now is what defines me. ''

He knew he did nothing wrong in the past or this world if compared to the inhabitants of the lands between, he was a saint. However, doubt often slips through the tiniest cracks in our minds.

Some would say that strength would crush all doubts, but what do people know? As long as people live they are bound to have regrets and turmoil. In their solitude, in the darkness of the night, it preys on them.

Only those who could emerge with renewed vigour could truly carry the weight of their ambition. Alexander closed his eyes and calmed his mind, he tried to sort his thoughts into a few words as if he were releasing all the burden he endured tonight.

'' Come the night, the time I sobered up.

With a chilling wind and slow thoughts, I hum my song.

I listen to my soul

I recognize the silence.

And I don't know what to do.

I'm sure you have things to say as you wander.

Free or lost, with no destination in mind.

Meeting friends of today and the strangers that used to walk alongside your path.

On your lips,

Words left unspoken

The seemingly finite distance is becoming infinite

As you stand rooted in place.

Flashbacks come back when you look behind,

Clothes ruffling, and a slight smile to savour the taste of goodbye.

I turn back.

And look through the hazy mist.

I recognized many figures I knew.

Faces that one day were clear.

I see them as ever-changing.

my mind keeps telling me

It's the chaos in your soul

Getting reflected

Everything that enters your heart

And rouses your desire

Gets touched by uncertainty

A blend of your life

Everything that comes as sweet

Ends up being bitter

It's the other side getting reflected

Overlapping in your eyes

And if there's something wrong with you

Who would have guessed it

Unbeknownst to all

I'm slowly losing my clarity

Sitting in a corner I take my time

As my feelings come through

And I barely held on to get through it

I hold on to the blue lights

And court my feelings through the night. ''

He slowly opened his eyes and let out a small smile.

'' Everything will be alright… no need to dwell on the past. ''

He turned and went back to lie on his bed, and soon enough he once again fell into a dreamland

This time, he was standing on a golden shore behind him were his parents, and on the other side was a tall figure looking at him with a smile while waving his hand, in the background, faint whispers echoed, of blessings to him and his family. Alexander smiled and waved back.


Early in the morning in the backyard of Shakky's Bar. Two silhouettes could be fighting. One was a mature blonde-haired man who started greying a bit.

The other was of a young child of eight years of age, the boy true to his age was filled with energy as he moved nonstop, leaving faint after-images behind.

He would punch the man and get blocked then he would retreat. Each strike produced a loud crackling in the air as if his punch carried the weight of the mountains behind it.

But the boy was relentless, he kept moving without letting the man have any chance to rest, or so it seemed to the observer.

Rayleigh had a satisfied smile as he kept blocking Alexander, he appeared to be unbothered by the boy's attack but only he knew how much strength the boy packed behind each strike.

After being on the defensive for a while Rayleigh took a step forward and appeared behind Alexander's back where he sent a chop right toward his neck.

Alexander, seeing his father disappear, thought rapidly in a split second his eyes widened. He immediately rolled forward, evading Rayleigh's strike.

Rayleigh, not letting Alexander rest, quickly moved and sent a quick kick to the boy's legs. Heart pounding Alexander moved out of the way and escaped close range.

But his father was relentless as the series of strikes kept getting faster. He was barely able to manage. Finally, after a long torture of rolling in the dirt, Rayleigh ceased his pursuit.

Feeling his legs shake Alexander let out a hollow laugh, he felt that if any of the strikes landed he could have died or been seriously injured.

'' Good, it seems that you've finally started using your observational haki in battle. ''

Three years ago when Rayleigh decided to train Alexander he didn't teach him any haki until six months ago… two and a half years were spent strengthening his body and fighting instincts. Now looking at the result he felt satisfied.

'' Thank you, Father, but I almost thought you were out of my blood. ''

'' Ha ha, if I don't press you, you won't learn. The shadow of death is the best motivator after all. ''

Alexander nodded and dusted himself then looked at his father.

'' But, when will I get to learn Armament Haki? I think that I'm ready now. ''

Rayleigh patted his head, fully knowing that Alexander was eager to become stronger, he had grown enormously in the past few years. To the degree that made him doubt everything about young children.

'' Soon enough, don't rush it, you're still young. It's better to learn one thing at a time ''

'' As long as it won't take a long time,' Alexander replied, but then hesitantly looked at his father, which didn't escape Rayleigh's eye.

'' Speak if you have any questions. ''

Alexander remembered the first time his father spoke about Conqueror's Haki, and explained the three types of Haki… but the one that drew his interest was the Supreme King Haki.

'' Last time you said that the strongest form of Haki is called Conqueror's Haki or Color of the Supreme King… Do you think I have it? ''

Rayleigh scratched his beard contemplating, since the day his boy said he could feel his spirit. Considering his potential he felt that it was very likely for his son to have Conqueror's Haki.

It is just hard to confirm. Until the individual awakens it by themselves or under outside stimulus. There's no way anyone could know. Even now he doesn't know if Alexander has it or not, but he has high hopes for him.

'' Listen, son, Conqueror's Haki is a hard thing to learn, awakening it depends on the person. Only one person among millions rarely manages to do it. That's why it's called Supreme King Haki. Only those who have the qualities of kings can have it. But... ''

He smiled and said encouragingly.

'' I have high hopes for you, your dreams are lofty and so is your will to chase them. And that my boy is a quality of a king. I have a way to know, I'm uncertain about it and you weren't ready for it yet, we'll try it later on. ''

'' let's go now, your mother must've prepared lunch. We should go eat. Then we will continue with your exercises. ''

'' Yes. " Alexander answered without saying much. He was thinking about how to awaken his Conqueror's Haki. The way his father spoke about it looked as if it would happen by chance and one couldn't rush it or simply chase it.

' But he said there was a way we can try… '

The pair of father and son made their way inside. Instantly as soon as they entered they were assaulted by an aroma of delicious food and a pleasant voice welcoming them.

'' Welcome, you are just in time for me to serve. Have you had fun today with Rayleigh? ''

'' I'm sure he enjoyed our bonding time, didn't you boy? "Rayleigh laughed and tasselled Alexander's hair.

Alexander looked exasperated, an image from before crossed his mind, int it was Rayleigh chasing him around with blows that could shatter the ground.

'' Ahah. '' He weakly replied.

Shakky chuckled seeing the the dynamics between them warmed her heart. She started preparing the table. In no time it was filled with dishes and big pieces of sea king meat.

'' Let's eat, thank you dear for the meal. " Rayleigh took the lead and started eating, he and Shakky ate slowly in contrast to Alexander who was about to finish his first dish.

'' Shakky. '' He called

'' Yes, Dear. ''

He never stopped eating as he spoke between bites.

'' Alexander wants to know if he has Conqueror's Haki, and I want to try a method… Hmm, calling it a method is a stretch it's more like hitting a stone with a hammer and seeing if it has water or not. ''

Shakky looked at her son in worry, She didn't want anything bad to befall him but she knew that Rayleigh would never hurt their son, moreover, he was bound to leave their nest one day. She let out a sigh and said to her husband.

'' I want you to be careful, okay? Make sure no accidents happen. ''

'' Don't worry… the boy can take a beating. '' Rayleigh assured her, while beside him, Alexander almost choked on food.

'' Hey, Hey. I'm not a punching bag '' he protested loudly.

'' No, you are not, you are more durable than that." '' His father replied while sharing a chuckle with his wife.

Twenty minutes passed before they managed to clean the table, Rayleigh and Alexander stood up, thanked Shakky for the dinner then headed out. But Shakky trailed behind.

'' Do you want to be here right now? It won't be pleasant…'' Rayleigh asked.

Shakky shook her head.

'' Rayleigh, I haven't gone soft after all those years… ''

Rayleigh turned, he looked at her and her unusual body language.

'' I know that you haven't gone soft Shakky, but this is— Well never mind, just don't interfere. ''

He didn't move from his place until she nodded her head. While they were talking Alexander kept wondering what his father had in store for him, he had an ominous feeling. But it did not deter him.

They entered the courtyard, and Shakky went to the side, watching the father and son standing facing each other. She could feel the seriousness of Rayleigh. He wasn't joking when he told her that she wouldn't like what she was about to see.

'' Alexander this method I'm about to use is simple. I'll unleash my Conqueror's Haki on you, and you have to resist it and fight if you can. Is it clear? ''

'' Yes, I'll do my best. ''

'' Good and now we will begin. ''

Before Alexander anticipated what his father was about to do, he was hit by such a monstrous amount of Haki that he felt a bit lightheaded. Strangely he felt this wave was contesting against his will that he had honed for hundreds of years in victory and defeat.

But this wasn't enough to deter or pressure him at all. This wasn't enough to make Iron Fist Alexander break.

''This isn't enough Father… you have to do more if you want to pressure my will. ''

'' I see… '' This was Rayleigh's response… before the grass-covered ground started to crack. And monstrous amount of haki descended on Alexander, who now began sweating.

'' I didn't want to put too much pressure on you… however now I can feel the strength of your will… try to resist it.. Fight it if you can… ''

In Rayleigh's eyes what was happening was fascinating, how could an eight-year-old child resist the Conqueror's Haki of the right hand of the pirate king?

And yet, it was unfolding in front of his eyes. He turned and looked at Shakky who seemed shocked at the situation. She tried to come forward to help her son but Rayleigh's warning rang in her mind. So she could only shout for her son to resist as much as he could.

'' Keep resisting and if you can't carry anymore shout for your father to stop. ''

Alexander felt a lot of pressure on him, it was way different than before. The first wave felt like a small bolder against his will. Which didn't affect him much.

But now the pressure has increased tens of times, making it hard for him to breathe.

All sounds disappeared, he couldn't hear much, only a gentle voice that urged him to resist. And so he did, his bent legs started straightening up as he looked at his father.

The sweat pouring from his eyebrows made it difficult for him to see, everything was blurry. However, he recognized his father's silhouette.

'' I won't fail… I won't fail… '' He kept repeating.

'' I'll become a Great warrior '' His body shook as he took one step.

'' The Greatest of them All…'' the last words were a whisper buried by the sound of lighting.

Rayleigh and Shakky were about to interfere when they saw him on the verge of losing consciousness.

When he said he wouldn't fail. Shakky didn't care about her husband anymore and took a stride.

When he said that he'd become a great warrior Rayleigh was about to withdraw his Haki feeling a bit of a regret.

But before they could do anything, an invisible golden wave surged quickly, covering hundreds of meters and reaching the sea beyond. Black lightning started clashing. However, as swift as it appeared, it disappeared.


Alexander fell on his back unconscious, having exhausted every ounce of strength he had.

Rayleigh rushed forward but Shakky was quicker than him, reaching her son in an instant and then cradling him in her arms.

'' He's unconscious. '' Rayleigh moved closer and said quietly.

'' You didn't have to go this far Rayleigh. '' She said with a trace of anger in her voice.

'' If i didn't we wouldn't have witnessed this… did you feel his Conqueror's Haki Shakky?… Did you feel its strength?… ''

'' I did '' She replied, looking both worried and excited for him.

'' Let's take him back home. The commotion might catch some eyes… ''

'' Let me carry him for you." he asked

'' No, let me do it… ''

Rayleigh didn't talk further, fully knowing that his wife was a bit angry at him, they entered the bar and headed upstairs into Alexander's Room. They placed him on the bed, covering him up with a quilt.

'' I wasn't wrong when I said he was a durable Sandbag." He tried to lighten the mood, but Shakky didn't seem to appreciate the act as she pushed him out of the room.

'' Get out! ''

'' Sigh… women… '' He shook his head and went downstairs for a drink. Once down he poured a cup and then headed to open the outside door. Except that he stopped, for there was a letter someone had slipped inside the bar.

'' the sender doesn't want to be known, how strange… ''

He opened the letter and looked at its content, he didn't show any reaction but instead headed up to his wife.

He entered the room where he found her wiping the sweat off Alexander's body with a wet towel. He looked at his wife and handed her the letter.

'' A letter for you. ''

Shakky exchanged a puzzled glance with Rayleigh and asked.

'' From who? ''

'' Open it and you'll see. ''

Rayleigh moved and stood leaning against the window. He saw how his wife opened the letter and how her expression changed from puzzlement to reminiscent to finally, anger and rage.

'' What do you want to do? '' He asked.

Before answering Shakky looked at her son with concern and answered.

'' I want to wait for Alexander to wake up but I don't have much time, so I have set off right now. ''

'' Let's leave him a letter, the boy can take care of himself. ''

'' Are you coming with me? '' she asked.

'' How could I let you go alone? Let's go and prepare… ''

'' Okay.. '' they quickly moved through the house preparing for their venture outside.

After some minutes Shakky entered the room, she went to Alexander, kissed his forehead, and said.

'' Goodnight my little warrior, wait a few days for us, we'll be back. ''

She drew the curtains close and placed the letter on the side table then quietly exited the room where she found Rayleigh standing with his sword on his hips.

" Shall we go? " he asked

" Yes… we can't dally any longer. "

Chapter end.

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