Iron Fist Alexander in One piece

A promise fulfilled

A new Dawn rose above the horizon line and with it, early risers woke up from their sleep. The cool morning wind entered through the windows stirring the bed sheets. It was nudging the people about a new day and new possibilities—another chance at life.

High up in the orange sky, swirls of clouds floated with the wind toward their destination, and behind it, flocks of birds rose and flew high as if they were chasing the sun.

It was another day, some would die, some would repeat the same routine they had been doing for their entire life without complaint, but some would open their eyes and find that their life had changed its meaning, it no longer seemed as dreadful as before nor do they have to wrestle with thoughts and gloom. They felt love, and if this was a dream, they hoped it would last forever.

The palace complex was calm, unlike the usual activities that had to be done in the early morning. Most of the attendants had been told to leave save for a few servants. Calm careful steps echoed through the complex corridors and whenever a Kuja tribe member passed beside the red double door they would wonder, about their Empress and the man who stayed the whole night in her room.

Past the big door and into the beautifully decorated room, one would find the atmosphere to be warm and dreamy. There were no sounds, only the morning glow and the shade interchanging with the curtain's movement.

Sometimes the light would fall on the face of Alexander and the snake's head that rested on his knees. They were both asleep.

He had been swimming almost non-stop to get here, the sea kings on the way, and the many thoughts and worries added to his mental fatigue. So he fell asleep on the chair, his hands clutching a partially dry towel.

Facing him on top of the pink sheet, Hancock rested her head on top of her palm as she stared into Alexander's face. Her face although a bit sweaty was hale, her dark blue eyes, which struggled to stay open last night, were now crystal clear.

Calm they were, reflecting what she felt. a love like a big lake, not a hurricane that ate at her soul. But a body of water, encompassing and crystal clear in its intentions.

Feeling a blush creeping on her cheeks, Hancock had to wake herself or else she would stay like this the whole day.

She slowly got up, careful not to make a sound. In her hands were the covers she slept with. She reached for Alexander and covered him with a loving smile.

Salome, her snake, sensing its mistress movement, raised her head a bit and looked happily at Hancock. Who in turn shook her head slightly ordering it not to make a sound.

Despite her movement; Alexander didn't seem to wake up, unconsciously he felt the warm covers on his body so he clutched them closer continuing his sleep.

It was an unusual sight, in most cases, he would wake up at the slightest movement. Maybe he felt safe like he felt back at home.

Hancock moved into her wardrobe and chose a semi-black and white dress, knitted with symbols of golden snakes, the same color Alexander wore, then she quietly exited the chamber.

Outside her room, she found two attendants carrying boxes, once they saw her they were surprised.

However, she stopped them with her hand before they could make any noise and spoke like she was whispering.

" Speak quietly: Where are my sisters? "

The two attendants were quick-witted and replied in the same voice tone.

" They're inside the dining hall accompanied by Elder Nyon. "

Hancock nodded her head, then ordered.

" Go prepare the kitchen for me. "

" Yes, Hebihime-sama. "

She strode past them down the familiar corridors, it had been merely a few days since she fell sick. Yet as she walked amidst the silence it felt like a long time had passed.

She reached the bath, where she took her clothes off and entered. After half an hour she walked out. Her hair had yet to dry completely yet it only made her look more beautiful in her dress. She walked straight towards the kitchen leaving a light flower scent behind her.

A minute later she entered the kitchen with a serious expression on her face as if she was about to enter a foreign battlefield.

The two attendants looked at her puzzled but as soon as she started cooking their faces couldn't help but morph into an expression of shock and horror.

The dining hall.

The Gorgon sisters were sitting on a big table that was filled with different types of food and fruits. Elder Nyon sat facing them however due to her height she appeared quite comical as she tried hard to reach for the far plates.

On the other hand, the sisters weren't feeling relaxed at all, their sister's sickness cast a deep gloom on their days, they didn't have an appetite for anything until they saw their sister back on her feet.

'' Elder, we didn't go and check on sister… are you sure she'll be alright? '' Gloriosa asked nervously.

'' You don't need to worry, the sickness will go away soon enough… It happened to me, to Tritoma, and to the previous empresses. ''

Sandersonia bit her lips, this curse seemed to follow their Empresses in every generation, and if they don't leave the island they'll die just like Tritoma.

'' Are you sure that bringing Alexander here would help her? I know that they had been sending letters to each other and I can sense her feelings for him changing over time, but is it enough? ''

'' Feelings, Huh. Your sister is a fool, she's a lost cause I'd say. '' Elder Nyon scoffed and popped a grape into her mouth, she knew Hancock all too well, she was the one who had saved her, and she knew exactly what the girls thought.

In her mind, the girl was proud, arrogant, and selfish to a degree. But two years ago she became a fool too.

Sandersonia and Marigold smiled wryly at her comment, they knew that their sister and Gloriosa didn't get along well. Her sister always had a rebellious attitude when confronted by Gloriosa.

Sandersonia laid her head between her arms and whispered.

'' Let's hope everything goes as you had said. ''

'' Sonia! Do you smell this? Where's it coming from? '' Marigold caught a passing whiff of something burning as she turned around to the kitchen door where she was sure that it came from there.

'' Hmm, it's true… is the kitchen on fire! '' Sandersonia exchanged a look with Elder Nyon and her sister. They stood up immediately and headed for the kitchen door, the more they approached the more the smell became more apparent.


Marigold pushed the door with force, without wasting any time they entered quickly looking for any signs of fire. However, they soon stopped in their place, with eyes wide open at the healthy figure of Hancock.

'' Sister! ''

They both shouted, forgetting completely about the burnt smell. They rushed to their sister enveloping her in a tight hug.

'' Mari, Sonia… How have you been? '' She smiled, her sisters' company beside her bed had been very gladening and comforting for her.

'' Hancock, you managed to stand up. How are you feeling? '' they both asked.

'' As you can see, I recovered. '' It was true, if anyone didn't know how she felt and looked yesterday they wouldn't believe that, she was sick just a few hours ago...

'' What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting, beside your lover now? '' Said Elder Nyon, while walking slowly with her blue snake cane.

Hancock's face turned into a deep shade of red when she heard the lover's words, however, she didn't forget to glare at Gloriosa.

'' It is none of your business what I do… '' She said but soon, her glance vanished in the next second, as she stirred the content of the blackened pot.

''Dear Alexander eats a lot i must cook something for him before he wakes up. ''

Everyone, including the two attendants, stared quietly at her then they shifted their eyes toward what seemed to be coal at this point.

'' You'll kill him. '' Elder Nyon said bluntly.

'' Ah, ha ha. Sister, maybe you should practice before you start cooking.. '' Marigold couldn't help but let out a dry laugh trying to stop her sister from burning the whole kitchen down.

Hancock looked at her cocking, she had to admit that for at least now she wasn't qualified to cook something or anything at all.

While casting a regretful look at her creation, she let herself be guided by Sandersonia outside the kitchen. After they left the two attendants started preparing breakfast under their orders.

They returned to the table and sat down.

" When did you wake up? " Marigold took the initiative to ask.

"Hmm, I woke up about two hours ago. "

" And Alexander? " Elder Nyon interjected while giving her an amused look.

" He's still asleep… he must've stayed the whole night awake… I can still feel his touch…" Hancock answered serenely, the look in her eyes suggesting that she wasn't mentally there with them.

" I see... " Gloriosa answered, her voice reminiscent of a past that could never be forgotten.

Hancock raised her head and looked at her, for the first time she felt that this old woman wasn't that unpleasant.

" So you sent the letter in my stead… "

" Yes. "

" You did well… Thank you. "

Gloriosa looked at the complex girl she rescued back then and couldn't help but feel emotional.

" I had to do it, you know about your sickness, and he… was your cure after all. "

Hancock's face turned a bit red, She turned her attention to the food and took a small bite from a plate of steak.

" When will he wake up? " She muttered.

No one responded, the other three on the table exchanged a glance, they could never get used to this side of her.

Lost in her thoughts Hancock didn't notice an attendant entering the dining hall, following in her footsteps was a tall young man.

He looked inside the hall and spotted who he was looking for, gratefully he nodded to the woman and strode forward.

He closed in while she was still looking at her plate. He exchanged a nod with Gloriosa and the Gorgon sisters when they noticed his presence.

Hancock felt something amiss, she felt a heavy presence behind her and her sisters were looking behind her back...

Her shoulders trembled as she slowly turned around to the one who caused her to fall ill. And she didn't know what to say.

" You should've woken me up, Hancock. " his deep voice entered her ears.

She tried to respond but her heart started beating faster and faster.

Fortunately, she managed to respond properly albeit with a heavy blush on her cheeks.

" You looked tired… I didn't want to cut off your rest. "

" Ha ha, worrying about me, aren't you? But clearly, you were the one sick last night, not me. And look, you even got up before me. I can't help but wonder if the roles were reversed. "

Alexander chuckled, on the surface he looked amused by this whole situation but deep inside, only he knew how relieved he felt.

" Ah, don't worry about her, we Kuja tribe warriors, recover quickly. " Elder Nyon quickly came to the rescue, relieving the pressure on Hancock's shoulders.

" I didn't know about that. " He said and smiled at the rest of the company.

" Gloriosa, Sandersonia, Marigold. I trust you've been well these past few years. Hancock did mention you a lot in her letters, your support has been most wonderful. It's gladening to see the bond between you. "

" Good morning Alexander. " said Marigold.

" Good morning, don't worry about it, we've been together since we were young Alexander. '' Said Sandersonia.

" Happy to hear that. " Alexander replied and turned his attention back to Boa Hancock.

" Have you truly recovered? " He gently asked.

" Yes, I am completely fine today. "

Alexander nodded then looked outside the opening that led outside as if he was tracing with his eyes that far away location.

" Hancock, remember the last time we parted? "

His question was sudden, Hancock remembered that day as if it was yesterday. How could she forget it? That wave of Supreme Haki sent shivers down her spine and the promise he sent with it, it remained in her memories to this day.

" Yes, I remember. "

" Good. " He looked deep into her eyes as if he wanted to see through them. And then he smiled.

" Do you want to have another spar with me? "

The snake princess's eyes widened noticeably, she remembered the day he had beaten her and the question he threw at her. She understood what he meant… what he wanted to do.

On the other hand, the other three listened in silence. Puzzled by the reason for the spar, they noticed how their empress started turning red. She appeared as if she was holding a plethora of emotions that were about to explode out of her.

However, contrary to her apparent expression she slowly stood up facing Alexander with merely two feet between them.

" Yes. " This was her reply that answered two questions at once.

Alexander had been waiting for this answer for far too long, the pressure he felt from the last experience left him almost out of breath. Fortunately, she answered with what he had hoped she'd say.

He let out a long breath, he didn't know for how long he had been holding, and felt… joy, in his being, in his bones. He shivered then let out a happy laugh.

" Ha ha, I'm glad Hancock… I'm really glad… "

He stretched his hand and looked expectantly at her.

" Shall we go? Take me where we'll finish this. "

He watched as she stretched her hand and caught his arm with a gentle hold.

" Let's go. "She led the way holding her hands.

Leaving behind the rest of the company who had been stunned, afraid to say a single word.

However, as soon as they watched them cross the doorway. They snapped back and ran hurriedly following them.

They quietly walked without saying a word. Through the palace, through the front palace directly into the town.

The Kuja tribe members watched as they passed by them. The whole scene was strange and silent.

" Was Hebihime-sama holding that man's hand? "

The silence was broken as an uproar spread out, everyone dropped what they were doing and followed in their footsteps.

After a walk that stretched a few kilometers, they arrived at an empty opening within the jungle.

Alexander noticed that this place must've been cleared for the purpose of training for he noticed the cracks on the ground.

Hancock released her hold on his hands, then looked at the crowd that followed them.

" Retreat to the tree line. " She spoke once, but everyone followed her words to a tee.

The area was soon cleared under the lead of Sandersonia and her sister.

Alexander and Hancock stood twenty meters apart from each other observing their opponent.

'' I heard you've become a Shichibukai. '' Alexander broke the silence as he asked.

'' Yes… I had to, otherwise, my island would be bothered by pirates and the despicable world government. ''

'' Hmm, I see... Don't worry soon enough, people wouldn't dare to lay a hand on your island. ''

Alexander from the beginning planned to bring this island under his protection just like how those famous pirates did. Well, he didn't have a big name yet but that soon will change.

Alexander stretched his muscles a bit and spoke.

'' Are you sure you can fight properly? ''

'' Yes, I'm sure. ''

'' And don't hold back, for my sake I'm much stronger than you think. ''

Hancock bit her lips, she didn't want to hurt him to any degree. If she had the matter in her hand she'd cancel this spar and get over with everything rather than accidentally injuring him, yet she knew that this was what he wanted. And so she planned to at least hold back a bit.

'' Fine.. but we shouldn't take this fight too far… '' She nervously replied.

Alexander grinned, then stood waiting for her.

'' Fine by me… now, shall we start? ''

With the conclusion of his words, the spar officially started, but Hancock didn't move as she kept hesitating.

Alexander saw that and sighed, instead of wasting time he took a step forward then vanished.

In the next instance, he appeared before Hancock and swung his fist. Hancock had no choice but to block with her arm.

The punch was light, easily blocked as if he was telling her not to worry and to just let go for once this time.

She understood his intention and swung her leg back toward his face.

He easily blocked it while grinning, he reared his fist and coated it with Armament Haki.

Hancock's eyes widened at the sight, not wanting to be undone, she too did the same and struck.

Their fists clashed over and over each time they collided they emitted a spark.

Alexander, having gauged her strength, retreated a few metres back.

" The warm-up is over Hancock, let's begin now. "

He didn't wait for her to respond as he soon disappeared, leaving an afterimage.

Hancock, true to her mastery of observational haki, quickly turned around where she felt his presence.

However, once she turned around she found no one, instead, a low voice whispered in her ear.

" You're slow, Hancock. "

She turned around only to find him in his original position.

Heart pounding at the realization that he was one step ahead of her, she blushed, his strength only added to her excitement.

She struck the ground with her feet breaking the surface. She launched like a bullet toward Alexander.

The air exploded due to her speed, she quickly reached Alexander and jumped high delivering a flying kick.

Alexander didn't move; he coated his arms and blocked. Their clash exploded in the air causing the trees and the faraway Kuja warriors to swing in place.

Their stalemate didn't last long as Alexander caught her foot with her arms and threw her into the air.

Hancock quickly flew far high but she was quick to stabilise herself by kicking the air once.

However she immediately felt a presence behind her, and at this moment she started to think that he had developed a habit of sneaking on people.

She turned around and blocked the strong kick directed at her waist. Yet due to her airborne position, she couldn't stop her body from falling.

She flew like an arrow towards the ground. She landed with a blast that cracked the earth, but in the next instant, she saw him falling extremely fast heading to her position.

The only thing she focused on was his eyes which seemed to glow golden, the more he approached.

When he was a few metres away she evaded by jumping high. That decision turned out to be correct for the moment he touched the ground. She saw the soil rise as if a hand was flipping it around then cracks started spreading for tens of meters.

She landed on the ground and waited for the dust to settle.

Once Alexander's silhouette became clear, she spoke.

" You're holding back... " She noticed from his attacks that he could have overpowered and injured her multiple times during their clash but he held back.

" And so were you, you haven't used your devil fruit ability yet… " He spoke, but then his face turned serious.

" Hancock, this fight will be meaningless if you don't come at me with all you have… put your hesitation aside, and please don't ruin this beautiful moment. "

Hancock pondered at his words, hesitation and guilt gripping at her heart. But his desire was something she'd always do her best to fulfill. She let out a soft breath and spoke.

'' Mero Mero Mellow '' She formed a heart shape with her hand, which soon turned into a pink ethereal heart shape that fired a beam.

The beam was quick, Alexander didn't move nor did he wish to move for he wanted to feel the strength of her devil fruit.

However, the moment the beam touched him he quickly turned into a stone statue.

'' Oh no! Dear! '' Hancock shouted regretting her actions, her heart ached as she quickly rushed toward him to undo her ability.

Her eyes watered as she raised her palm to blow a kiss that would reverse the petrification. Yet before she could do anything, cracks started to form on the surface of the statue.

Alexander felt as if time had stopped when the beam hit him, everything around him was dark, he felt his thoughts turn sluggish as if his thoughts too were about to be petrified.

However he remained calm, he unleashed his Color of the Supreme King and felt the world around him crack like a mirror.

From the perspective of the Kuja Tribe members, a golden light spread from the statue cracks. It continued to increase until it replaced all the light in the surrounding area and then.


The statue exploded with an overbearing wave of Conqueror's Haki, it quickly reached them and went past, and the ones with a weaker will immediately passed out.

Hancock had to retreat, she too unleashed her Color of the Supreme King. Black and golden lighting crackled as their haki clashed and she found herself to be lacking in front of his Conqueror's Haki.

'' I think I've seen enough, time to settle this Hancock. '' Came a voice behind the dust wave.

She prepared herself, waiting for his next move. But nothing could have prepared her for the speed he moved at.

She felt time crawl down as he silently appeared before her, his eyes golden blazing like the sun, and it scared her. he reared his fist, this time it felt heavy and destructive, imbued with his Conqueror's Haki. Then he swung.

The fist passed by the side of her face, swinging her hair around. But all of this was overshadowed by the deafening sound of air exploding.

She stood still, a few seconds passed of her staring into his unwavering golden eyes and then she turned around. Behind her, there wasn't as much damage to the environment as she had expected, but once she raised her head to the sky she found a giant hole in one of the clouds.

She understood… this was his true strength, he was a monster wearing human skin. She felt her feet get weak, the stress she felt when he turned into stone made her feel deeply exhausted.

Still, she managed to keep standing for she felt Alexander's hands hold her shoulder steadying her.

'' Hancock. '' He called.

'' Yes. '' she raised her head and spoke, her voice barely a whisper.

Alexander looked her in the eyes, they were close in height with him being a bit taller than her.

'' Do you remember that day? ''

Hancock clearly remembered… he was but a young boy at the time and she too was a young girl, nonetheless, time passed and that boy grew to be a fine young man.

'' Yes, I do. '' She replied.

Alexander smiled and held her palms.

" Hancock, I intend to go and roam the seas but before I go, I want to ask you again. "

'' Would you marry me?

Would you come with me and sail together? ''

Hancock trembled, her heart pounding, she could have never expected that what ran only in her imagination would come true. The flutter she felt inside her heart took control over her as she replied.

'' I'd love to… ''

Alexander smiled, finally he felt at peace, the woman of his dreams accepted. So how can't he be extremely happy?

He gently held her head between his arms and delivered a soft kiss to her forehead. Then gently enveloped her in a hug that she too reciprocated.

The moment they embraced, a loud cheer exploded behind the tree line. They never expected their empress to be defeated nor did they expect the young man to propose to her and she'd actually accept.

In their tradition, this was forbidden but Hancock always did things her way, she was a special Empress that they loved to the degree of worship.

Alexander and Hancock turned around smiling at the scene behind them.

" We'll have to call for my parents. ''

'' I'll send my crew to go and pick them up. ''

'' Hmm, that would be for the best. ''

They looked at each other and smiled fully knowing that now they'll live life as one. They held arms and slowly walked through the cheering crowds into the palace.

A month has passed since that day.

Behind the mountains was a big crowd of Kuja tribe warriors, watching the pair of Hancock and Alexander walk toward their wedding dais, following them were Rayleigh and the tearful Shakky as well as the Gorgon sisters.

Rayleigh did the ceremonies and soon the area became loud with cheers and flower petals descending.

Another month would pass, and Rayleigh and Shakky would be found on the bay of Sabaody Archipelago, watching the coated Kuja tribe Ship dive into the sea.

'' He's all grown up now, isn't he? '' Rayleigh said feeling extremely proud.

'' He's a husband too. '' Shakky wiped her tears, ever since her son's wedding she began to cry a lot.

'' Don't worry about him. I'm sure he can handle anyone. Let's go. ''

'' Yes. ''

The old couple held hands and walked back to their home, fully believing that their son would find success in whatever he wished to do.

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