Iron Fist Alexander in One piece


Crumbling Farum Azula.

It was a bleak and decaying city or a temple if one chooses to refer to it as so, both terms fitting, for its immense size is only surpassed by the capital city of Leyndell, it is also the religious center of the ancient dragons where their ancient lord would descend once again.

Such was the tale of the coming of their lord. But their wait was long, and nothing could stop the cycle of life. Trees would wilt, men would die, and empires would fall. Such was the fate of Crumbling Farum Azula. Since time immemorial, it had been crumbling, a bleak world, a strange fragmented maze inhibited by Beastmen and Dragons alike. Their physical shells reflected the state of the land. It smelled of death, persistence, and the inability to be reborn anew.

The Storm Beyond Time raged at the center of this floating land. Within it, Dragonlord Placidusax waited for his lord to descend once again, but the cosmos was vast, inhibited by many horrors that would madden the minds of men. The Dragonlord, in his slumber, could wait until the end of times unless someone came and put an end to all of this. 

The day finally came, when a golden light descended revealing the figure of a fair-looking man, his eyes shone with the blessing of gold, his hair black as the night, A golden armor covered his body glimmering with runes that held power.

Meanwhile, his arm rested on a long-sheathed Nagakiba that had its fair share of battles. Forged again and again by the hand of Master Hewg so that one day it'd fell a god, and it had served its purpose.

He strode calmly jumping from a bridge to bridge his pace undisturbed by the Beastmen who tried to ambush him, only for him to swing his arm and they fell apart.

He continued for a while until he reached a fragmented bridge where he saw the back of a friend looking at the storm beyond time. 

'' Alexander… '' the man muttered then jumped and landed with a thud behind the Warrior Jar, which caused the Jar to swiftly look back, once he saw who was behind him his calm voice rang out.

'' Ah, I see you've finally made it here yourself.

The city hanging in the air is slowly crumbling.

What an incredible place we find ourselves. '' 

'' It's an incredible place… the land of ancient dragons… last time I was here I had to fight Maliketh the Black Blade…'' the mand calmy replied.

'' Hahaha, I knew that you had it in you my friend, The Elden Ring is close at hand. '' Alexander replied, happy that his friend dueled a Legend and lived to tell the tale. 

The man smiled but he didn't comment on the Elden Ring, for he already became the Elden lord.

Alexander crossed his hand on top of his chest and continued

'' You're certainly a force to be reckoned with, eh?

I doubt there's a single soul who could've handled Maliketh, other than you.

It was practically Death manifested...

Of course, I count myself, the great Alexander, among the many. '' 

'' I'm sure that Iron Fist Alexander is a worthy warrior, few strive like you on your path, of challenge and betterment you're Admirable My friend '' The Man laughed sincerely from his heart for there were few in the land between who deserved the title of a warrior, and Iron fist Alexander was worthy of his title.

Alexander stood silent as he listened to the man's words, ever since he became a warrior jar, ever since a soul manifested inside his cracked shell he strove on the path to become, one day, a hero. and the man in front of him was his friend and worthy of a challenge. He hesitated for a moment then said.

'' Say, my friend, I have one thing I'd like to ask of you.. Would you kindly undertake my ordeal? '' 

'' Ask Anything, my friend. '' The Man unhesitantly replied, no one could surpass him in power in the lands between if there was anything Alexander wanted, he was sure that he could deliver, but sometimes, fate was cruel.

'' I've been longing to fight a warrior such as you my friend, today I want you to brandish your blade and fight me the same you fought Maliketh. I want you to look at me as a worthy opponent and put me to rest if you find me lacking… alas, the soul burns to strive forward but the body won't make way for it. And so I implore you to accept my challenge. '' 

'' Alexander… '' the man knew what his friend wanted, what his existence longed for, but to swing his sword at someone close to him was challenging. 

Alexander, as if he knew what the man was thinking took a step back and said 

'' Be at ease my friend, this is what I wish for, and should I fall, my death will be a worthy one. All vessels are bound to break…

Come and tell me when you're ready. '' 

The man took his time and didn't move from his place, seemingly contemplating what he should do but in the end, he knew what his friend wanted. He slowly unsheathed his blade and looked directly at the warrior jar.

Alexander let a sigh of relief once he saw that he accepted the challenge, he reared his fist and said in a booming voice.

'' I am the great jar warrior, Iron Fist Alexander!

Lend me strength, O warriors within!

Let us become one champion, together! '' 

The man seemingly infected by Alexander's shout, replied with a loud voice.

'' And I, Rake the Elden Lord of the lands between declare you as a worthy opponent. '' 

Alexander the Iron Fist's body shook at the Rake's words, He didn't know that he was standing before his lord, but again, it didn't matter the battle would be more glorious before an Elden Lord. 

He laughed loudly and swung his fist at the man, his fist was so strong and fast that it broke the sound barrier before it reached him. But strangely Rake didn't move until the fist smashed into his face passing through without dealing any damage. Then a second later the afterimage disappeared.

Rake appeared on the left side of Alexander and lightly swung his sword, he had to control his strength otherwise this battle would end instantly.

Alexander, true to his experience and the bodies of the warriors within him quickly rolled his Jar body out of the way and reached to block the second blow that followed.

Sparks flew as his iron fist clashed against a sword that felled much mightier foes. He disengaged, then swung once again and again.

Each clash made the air tremble and the edges of the fragmented bridge they were standing on crumble and fall. 

Rake and Alexander kept going at it for a while but they were not oblivious to the cracks that spread across the jar's body. 

'' Great! Pay no heed to this failing body of mine. Today it shall fulfill its Destiny. FOR THE LAST TIME. Ha ha ha! '' Alexander laughed while shouting and continued his bout. 

But, similar to how Crumbling Farum Azula, once a Royal city, fell to its state. Alexander's body which contained the countless body parts of great warriors, the jar that was forged once more at Mt Gelmir, started falling apart.

With one last blunt swing from Rake's sword, Alexander found himself on his back, fully knowing that this, is where his path ends.

'' As I suspected...


was impossible.

This vessel... was found lacking… ''

Rake knelt down, put his hands on the Rough body of Alexander, and replied

 '' As the Elden Lord and as a warrior I deem thee worthy of respect my friend ''

'' My thanks, I knew you were the stuff of champions.

It was a marvelous battle. ''Alexander's weak voice came from the jar as if he was getting far and far away. 

'' I implore you, take what I bequeath...

from inside me...

All vessels are destined to one day break.

But the great Alexander lived as a warrior to his last!

Ha ha ha ha! ''

With a final laugh, Alexander's body exploded into flying pieces of gore and fragmented shards. Rake didn't move and let the blood wash over him. He stood up and picked up the shard that emitted a soft golden light. He looked at it for a second then murmured.

'' Let me send you properly my friend '' 

He lifted his palm, then put it on top of the shard, within a second it seemed as if the world lost its colors except for the man's golden eyes and the series of rings that manifested behind his body. He slowly and firmly said

'' I, the Elden lord, By my Authority bequeath to you my blessing on your journey, with my power I bless you to stand once again as a warrior, with my power I bless your soul to preserve its faith and honor, into another life, and finally I bless you to live once again inside a vessel worthy of the warrior that you are. '' 

With one final look at the shard, he breathed a stream of golden specks of light into it, enveloping the shard, and within seconds it fell into ashes.

Rake sat down a little contemplating the life of the warrior jar named Alexander. His final laughter in the face of his death stirred the man's emotion, He smiled and got up. 

" Goodbye, Alexandre… you reminded me once again that we warriors must keep walking forward even after becoming the Elden Lord. "

The man cast his gaze to the sky to the cosmos beyond to the gigantic silhouettes stirring within the starry Sky.

" But first, I have a Dragon to slay" he turned to the storm beyond time and walked towards it.

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