Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Twenty One

Jrino raised an eyebrow not only at the question, but at the fact Raizen looked pretty calm despite the words that came out of his mouth. He put that aside and asked a question of his own.

“What don’t you understand?”

Doesn’t he realize just how wild the things he said are? Him and the entire Outpost knows my name? They know I’m an Infernal, and he wants to take action towards me? That sounds a bit creepy. I think based on what he was saying that wants to help me win the Tutorial or something, but it still sounds creepy.

“You just said a whole lot of things, about knowing my name, knowing what I am. How do you know all of that? Did the metal people tell you? This sounds all very weird to me.”

“Fine I can see how that sounds. I’ll go back a bit further. Yes, the ‘metal’ people as you call them did tip me off that you were an individual to pay attention to by making me add an item for you in the shop.

That is not something that is easily accomplished once the Tutorial starts, so that of course showed how important you could be. That is when we found out your name. I decided to watch you fight the other night on my own, and of course that’s when I saw your flames and connected the dots to realize you are an infernal. Following?”

“Hmm…does no one else in the Multiverse use black flames? Why does seeing me using them automatically make me an Infernal? Why do you want to help me? What do you get out of it?”

“You ask a lot of questions, but its fine for now since that’s understandable. Black flames themselves are not uncommon, but yours are special. It’s not my place to say anything more than that so don’t ask. Helping you is an investment for both me and my team, I would of course like a return on my investment. You will learn more when you’re ready, for now just understand that I can help you get much stronger than you are now.”

Hmm…it still a little suspicious, but there’s still a whole lot I don’t understand about this new reality I live in. Getting some help from a green alien man who saved my life when I was unconscious doesn’t sound too bad. He’s also being pretty upfront about getting a return on his investment so there’s that. This is a transaction that we both can benefit from. Well, as long as his ‘investment’ doesn’t involve my life or anything…Hmm decisions decisions.

“How do you plan on helping me?”

Yeah I should at least know how he plans to help, that should help me make a decision.

“Simple. I will train you. That’s it.”

“That’s all?”

“That’s all. I don’t believe in handouts. I said I will make you stronger, but you will have to work for it.”

I don’t think I can argue against that. Working for something feels better in the end anyway.

“Alright, sounds good. You have a deal.”

“Heh…good. We will start today. Go to the Alchemy shop and buy some stamina potions then meet me at the training grounds.”

That was fast. But I want to cultivate first I think.

“Sure, but can I reach the next stage of Body Tempering first?”


Why is he confused? Does he call it something different?

“I said can I cultivate to the next stage of Body Tempering first.”

Jrino stared at Raizen for a bit with a blank look on his face. He of course knew that Raizen just broke through to Body Tempering recently, and although he knew that Infernals could naturally heal faster than others, this was a bit much. By his estimates, most people won’t reach the Qi Refinement realm during the Tutorial, instead using potions and other treasures later on, most would get to the end of Body Tempering by the time the Tutorial was nearing its end.

But if Raizen, could cultivate that fast, wouldn’t that be too much of a cheat? Jrino could only shake his head in resignation.

“No…don’t cultivate to the next stage yet. You barely understand your current body. Cultivation is a long and grueling journey; it is not wise to rush it. A solid foundation is important. I will be waiting at the training grounds.”

And with that Jrino calmy walked to the door, opened it and disappeared from Raizen’s sight.

Well, I guess he didn’t leave much room to argue. That stuff about cultivation being a long journey also kind of makes sense. No real harm in taking my time I guess? I can at least see what this training is about and go from there.

He did say to get some stamina potions first, so I’ll head that way. Hopefully that shopkeeper is actually in this time, if not maybe the Outpost Leader can handle it. After leaving the office and exiting the way I came, I calmly made my way over to the central area and made my way inside the shop. The potion maker person was present. It was another green person.

It was another man. I guess Greja is the only green woman in the village? I wonder if their race is dominated by men. Anyway, let’s go get my stamina potion and go.

I approached the counter, but before I could even speak the man dressed in brown robes that carried a weird smell, spoke up before I did.

“I know who you are, stamina potions right? 25 Copper for 1.”

What happened to the shop screen I saw in Greja and the blacksmith’s shop? And I’m assuming the Outpost Leader told him about me ahead of time.

“Hi, I did come for stamina potions, but can I see everything you sell please.”

The man seemed to get visibly annoyed at my question.

“Stamina Potions for 25 Copper, Healing Potions for 50 Copper. That’s it.”

Now I’m getting annoyed again. I knew there was a reason I didn’t like this store. Let’s just quickly leave.

“Three stamina potions.” I took out a Bronze Coin and placed it on the counter. The man who still appeared annoyed, reached below the counter and placed three bottles on top and the counted out 25 Copper Coins, before placing them on the counter as well.

I placed the coins back in my pouch before grabbing the bottles in my hands and walked out. I barely even observed the bottles, as I really just wanted to get out of that smelly place.

After walking out with three small bottles carefully being held in one hand, I finally paid some more attention to them as I began to walk to the training grounds.

The bottles were really small and transparent.

They were cylindrical in shape with a wooden cork on top. The liquid inside was the faintest of blue, as if you dropped the tiniest bit of blue food coloring in a large container of water. It would still look mostly like water but with a blue hue.

In fact, it kind of reminds me of a watered down energy drink…if I just paid 75 Copper for glorified energy drinks I’ll be a little upset. Let’s hope that’s not the case.

Moving on.

Oh look It’s that guy again…what was his name? Oh yeah…-

“Hello again, It’s me Richard.”

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