Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Twenty Two

Oh yeah his name was indeed Richard, I remember now. I wonder what he wants? He was pretty annoying the last time we met.

“Hi. Do you need something? I have somewhere to be.”

Richard didn’t seem to mind somewhat rude questioning and just carried on. Oh, and he was alone this time too.

“I would just like to sit down and talk to you, when you have some time. You seem to be better prepared for this Tutorial than we are, and I think you could help us a lot.”

Hmm...that doesn’t sound too annoying. I don’t mind helping out a bit. I might need some help in the future too, and it would be a little annoying I guess if someone didn’t want to help me. Though him and his people did really annoy me the last time…well I moved from that already, so maybe they have too.

“Sure, that works. I will come to find you when I have time. Where are you located?”

We don’t have phones or anything, so I have to know where he lives If I want to meet up. Hopefully he doesn’t think it’s weird. Also, even though I said it’s fine, I won’t stop my progress just to have a conversation. So, he will have to be fine with working on my time.

“That’s great to hear, we have managed to somehow rent out all of the houses on the left side of the Outpost, so if you don’t see one of us walking around you can just knock on one of those doors and someone will be able to let me know you want to meet, unless of course I’m in the forest at that time.”

“That works with me, see you around.”

This time he didn’t try to stop me from leaving, he just nodded his head and moved to his own business, which is a good sign I guess. Gotta love improvement.


I finally made my way over to the training grounds where the Outpost Leader was already waiting.

He was just standing there with his eyes closed, and a rather large katana looking sword hanging on his waist. Is that even still considered a katana at this point? Who knows.

He didn’t open his eyes until I actually stepped foot into the training grounds.

“You're late.”

“Got held up.”

“I see.”

He didn’t say after that for what felt like a long time after that and I just kind of stood there awkwardly. What else was I supposed to do?

“What was your world like before the Tutorial?”

He finally talked again and that’s what he asked? What a weird question. I don’t even know how to answer it.

“What do you mean? It was normal I guess?”

“Hmm, describe it in detail. For example, what was your day to day life like?”

“I’m a college student. So, my day to day life was pretty simple. I lived in a dorm room on campus where I had 1 other roommate. I went to class, I did things around campus, and I went back to my dorm. Occasionally I went out with friends. That’s about it.”

“What about your meals, did you have to fight for them? Did your countries not fight for territory? Were your kings and queens good people? How much time did you dedicate to your spear?”

I think I’m beginning to understand his questions. Based on everything I’ve learned so far since this apocalypse has started, and all my interactions with everyone, and the Tutorial, and the questions the Outpost Leader is asking me, the multiverse was not a nice place.

I mean earth definitely had its shortcomings, but most countries were not embroiled in wars in this day and age, and most people lived half decent lives and maybe I could even call it great lives if they were being compared to someone having to live in this forest and fight monsters every day I guess.

“I think I understand your questions. Earth was in the modern age. We barely have monarchs now, and the ones that remain are mostly figure heads. There aren’t many wars anymore and I didn’t fight for my food. The college had a cafeteria where food was free for students. We even had various restaurants on campus, but you had to pay for those.

Some countries and people still do experience strife unfortunately, and we do have bad or corrupt governments, but generally speaking I guess, most people around the world lived half decent lives I guess. The only people who still used these medieval style weapons were ones who did it for a hobby or competed in a competition I guess.

This is my first time holding a spear or any type of weapon like this.”

The Outpost Leader fell silent once again, maybe absorbing what I had to say I guess? It took him a minute or two before he started speaking again.

“I understand. It all makes sense now. It makes sense why your spear skills were so sloppy, and why you felt it was okay to take your sweet time to arrive to training. Because of that I will give you an opportunity to back out now, you can probably grow plenty strong just by being who you are, but the type of training I will provide and what you will mostly see once you are experience the wider multiverse is not for the faint of heart.

Once you commit I will not allow you to quit. If your mind doesn't understand what I’m teaching, then your body will understand enough until your mind catches up. It will not be easy. Now make your decision.”

That was a lot…but now that I think about it, in some those shounen anime I watched from time to time, the training arc was always very painful for the characters in the show. So, will I experiencing something like that If I follow through with this? He also mentioned my spear skills were sloppy, so I guess he’s been watching me fight?

Well, it doesn’t matter too much in the end. I want to get stronger, and I still don’t know everything so I’ll take any training I can get.

“I understand, I’m ready to train.”

Is that a slight smirk on his face?

“Good. Put your stuff down, and grab a wooden spear then stand in the center.”

I did as he asked, putting my spear, my pouch and the stamina potions down, being careful not to break them before grabbing one of the wooded spears and getting in position.

Though before I could even signal to him that I was ready to begin, he spoke once more,

“Hold your spear out firmly. From this point onwards you are not to move, not to buckle, not to speak, and most of all, do not drop your spear.”

Raizen, barely had time to digest what Jrino was saying before a pressure like never before befell him.

It felt like the entire world just fell onto his shoulders, and he barely last a single second before knees buckled and he fell while gasping for air.


“Wha…wha…what was…what was that”

Raizen was barely getting words out in between his gasps for air.


What does he mean weak...what the fuck did he do to me…what was that..

“Get up.”

“I need…a mo..-”

“I said get up.”

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