Infernal Apocalypse

Chapter Twenty

What a wonderful night of rest, well at least I think it was a full night of rest, there are no windows in this house, so I have no idea if it’s sunny outside or not. For all I know it could be something like 4am meaning I only slept for a couple of hours…eh it doesn’t feel like it though. I’ll find out in a bit. Moving on. The plan for today is to prepare. I will try to advance to the next stage of Body Tempering, I need to go exchange all the orbs from last night, and finally I need to meet this Output Leader guy. Oh, I should probably get my spear sharpened again. A man should take proper care of his spear. Yup that feels right.

So, after leaving the house and seeing that it really was nice and sunny outside I made my way over to the central buildings and dropped my spear off to the gruff blacksmith fellow and entered the shop.

Thankfully there wasn’t anyone standing outside trying to block me again for whatever reason. Those guys were really annoying…though I still need to figure out exactly why I got so irritated. I don’t think my reaction was typical of me, I’m usually much calmer.


Greja greets me as she always does. With a wide smile and a cheery voice.

“Welcome back! How can I help you today?”

“Hi Greja, I would just like exchange these orbs please.”

“No problem, place them on the counter as always, oh! A word of advice, the exchange rate and the shop itself will change in many ways very soon. Please prepare accordingly.”

Hmm, I can’t really do anything else to prepare apart from trading in all my orbs right…well she also mentioned the shop itself would change. Does that mean new items? Or maybe higher prices? Could even be both. I kind of have everything I need though.

Oh, maybe I could buy more house rental passes and Outpost entry passes. How much were they again.

“Thank you for the advice Miss Greja, is alright If I take a look at the shop.”

“Of course.”

And with a quick snap of her fingers, the shop appeared as usual. I quickly navigated to the appropriate screen.


1. Tutorial Information – 10 Copper Coins

2. House Rental Pass (5 Days, 10 Days, 30 Days) – (20, 40, 120) Copper Coins

3. Room Rental Pass (5 Days, 10 Days, 30 Days) – (10, 20, 60) Copper Coins

4. Outpost Entry Pass (5 Days, 10 Days, 30 Days) – (5, 10, 30) Copper Coins

5. Monster Encyclopedia – 300 Copper Coins

Oh yea, there was also that Monster Encyclopedia thing…do I need it? But it’s so pricy. Hmm…I’ll pass for now, if something changes in the future I can always come back for it. Anyway, my House Rental Pass, should have 6 full days left on it, and my Outpost Entry Pass will start being used up tomorrow. There are only 55 days left in the Tutorial, so why not pay for all of that now?

It's a little expensive but, at least I won’t have to worry about the where I’ll be sleeping for the rest of the Tutorial.

So, after Greja quickly counted and converted my orbs which totaled 107, I should also probably stop calling them orbs so much and call them Common Cores…well I’ll try. So yeah after the counts and my subtracted my purchases and the cost of sharpening my spear. I now have 25 Bronze Coins, and 40 Copper.

Think I’m doing pretty well for myself. Still a long way to go to 1 Silver, but it’s not impossible.

“Also, your passes have automatically been upgraded to match the new status. I recommend checking them.”

Hmm…I grabbed the previously unremarkable pass from my pocket, and she was right it did change. It was now like a credit card, except it was all back, one side read ‘House Owner’ while the other side said ‘12’. Both of which were written in some type of white ink.

It was very pretty. I guess since I rented it out for the rest of the Tutorial that I essentially owned the house? Makes sense. I’m pretty sure the 12 means house number 12, I wonder why the houses themselves aren’t labeled? Odd. I also left my entry pass at home because I didn’t need it, so I’ll need to check it when I get back.

Anyway, that should be all I need here. So, let’s go meet the Outpost Leader. Well of course after I pick up my spear. I could check out the potion shop again, but I don’t really feel like going back inside. So, Outpost Leader it is.

I followed the directions Greja gave me and walked around the central building to the back of the Outpost. A decent sized building, made out of the same materials as everything else sat waiting on me. I didn’t waste any time gawking and simply walked up to the building.

I was getting ready to knock, but a deep voice clearly belonging to a man greeted me before I could do so.

“Hurry up, its open.”

I did what I was asked, and just walked in. The door opened right into a crossroads of a hallway. It went both left and right, and of course straight ahead. The hallways themselves weren’t that long, but the building didn’t seem this big from outside. Weird.

“Head straight, first door on your left. It’s open.”

I heard the voice again and just followed instructions. It was probably a bit weird to follow the voice of someone I don’t know in a strange place, but this is apparently who saved my life, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

Upon entering what appeared to be an office or something, another green man was sitting behind a large desk, while polishing what looked like a katana. I couldn’t tell his height from him sitting down but he didn’t look short. He had somewhat long black hair and was dressed the same as the other green people I’ve seen. Maybe it’s all standard equipment? The only thing standing out was that katana. It was pitch black from hilt to tip and seemed like it could cut the world.

Spears are still better of course.


Let’s just thank this guy, maybe get some more questions answered and get on with my day.

“Hello Sir, my name is Raizen. I was told by Miss Greja, that you were the one who saved my life the other night. I wanted to come say thank you, and while I’m grateful for your help, I would also like to know why? Saving me doesn’t seem like something an Outpost Leader would do.”

I said my thanks and asked the main question I had. Hopefully I was polite enough. I’d hate to have to leave the Outpost over something like being rude.

“I don’t like to beat around the bush so just listen carefully. I already know your name. All members of my team here in Outpost G know your name. You are an Infernal, though you probably don’t understand what that means yet. What you need to know for now is that being an Infernal gets you paid attention to and using those flames during night in the middle of the forest in the dark of night, gets you more than just attention, it gets people to take action.

So, this is me taking action.

I’d like to invest in you, but for that investment to really show promise you need to grow. This Tutorial will get very unforgiving very fast, and you need to not only keep up but be ahead of it. I will help you accomplish that.

Do you understand?”

I stared at him blankly for a few moments then said the first words that came to my mind.

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

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