In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 39 – Start of the training

“You all know what happened that night in the Forbidden Forest, and why I called all of you here.” Andrew spoke to the group of students that was in front of us, I honestly felt weird, looking at all those students looking toward us.

I was standing alongside Merula, Ben, Rowan, and Andrew, so it pretty much seemed like I was part of the founding members. This isn’t something that I liked that much, but I’ll endure just for the sake of points.

“That night, Ben, Merula, Rowan, and I were attacked by Patricia Rakepick, and all of us were defeated.” Andrew continued with a grave face. “If it wasn’t for a stranger that happened to be there, one of us, or even all of us would have died that night.”

Everyone was slightly surprised at his words, they knew about what happened, but for them to listen to the direct witnesses, is something that shocked them.

“That day, we understood something, and it was that we weren’t truly ready to confront Rakepick, or ‘R’, which is an enemy we don’t know about. We’re not only in the blinds, but we don’t have the actual experience to affront the dangers that we’re facing.”

“But…” One of the guys asked. “Are they really after us? I mean… We’re students, what importance can we have to them?”

“Wake up!” Merula retorted with a frown. “They’re after us, they even dare to threaten Andrew’s friends, promising to kill one, and they almost did it that night. It won’t be the last time, and while we are trying to seal the last vault, they’re going to hunt us to be the ones to reach that vault first.”

“…” The student, a Gryffindor, got quiet.

“As Merula said, they’re after the vaults, and we don’t know what could happen if they get to the last one…” Andrew continued. “What’s worse is, they may start hunting us, who have messed with their plans again and again.”

It was then that Ben stepped in front.

“We need to be ready. We need to train and be able to defend ourselves.” He said with a stern face. “I… I wasn’t able to stop Rakepick, she was merely toying with me, and I almost died because of that. To this point, I’ve been thinking that I was strong enough, that I had enough experience to fight against her. But it wasn’t true. I failed, and that almost cost me my life, even my friends’ lives.”

“Copper is right. We are not strong enough, my plans of revenge against Rakepick were nothing more than an illusion… I got petrified in fear once she stood in front of us. One weak spell from her was all it took for me to fall on my butt and freeze there in fear.”

“That’s why. We’re going to train, we’re going to surpass our own abilities, and become strong enough for us to face everything ‘R’ throws at us.” Andrew took the lead. “We’re going to stop the last vault, and helped those students that are currently petrified, while stopping ‘R’ from getting there first.”

All of those that attended the reunion, were currently nodding at his words with a determined face. It seems they all had some kind of story with the cursed vaults. Looking at them, I noticed that Tulip was glancing at me with a worried face every now and then, which was curious.

“How are we doing it?” One Asian-looking student raised his hand, it seems that he was from Gryffindor, though all I could see was a little bit of a red tie from his yellow hoodie.

“We’re getting there, Jae.” Andrew nodded at him. “First, we’re all going to split into groups, taking into account our strong individual points. Each group will focus on different things when it comes to finding the last vault, but for the moments, all groups will focus entirely on training.”

“But, how are we going to communicate?” The guy named Jae intervened again. “I mean, if we’re splitting up, how are we going to communicate between ourselves, after all, if we’re trying to keep everything a secret, we need to avoid other students discovering us.”

“He’s right. We need coded words or ways to secretly communicate among ourselves at school.” Tulip intervened.

“Also, a name… Right?” One guy from Slytherin said with a somewhat confused face. He was bulky and quite big. “I mean, if we’re going to be a secret organization, shouldn’t we have something like a… Secret organization’s name?”

“We’ve been thinking about it.” Ben intervened, before looking at Andrew, who nodded at him. “After carefully thinking about everything, from our goals to why we’re forming this secret organization, we’ve decided to name it ‘Protectors of Hogwarts’.”

“Why that name?” One guy that looked from Ravenclaw asked, he was wearing a purple scarf with the medal of prefect on it.

“Because our main goal is to stop ‘R’ from finding the last cursed vault, and damaging more students.” Andrew answered.

{I don’t know… It’s quite a weird name. It gives me memories of that failed army from the movies…} I thought for a moment while everyone nodded, but looking into it, it’s not like I have to care about the name. I just need to harvest points.

“Um.” It was then that someone raised their hand, it was one Hufflepuff girl with blond hair and two thick braids falling over her shoulders. “I understand why we’re all here, but I was just curious, who’s that one over there?”

She pointed at me.

“He’s going to be our trainer.” Merula said with a grin. “Some of you may know him as the freshman that defeated two upperclassmen by himself, Logan Taylor.”

“What do you mean by training us?” This time a Hufflepuff guy wearing a jacket and a yellow scarf spoke.

“He’s a great duelist, and from what we know, quite strong. So, he’s going to help us train.” Andrew answered.

“I don’t know about you all, but from all the duelists I’ve known, I’m probably the best duelist from the student body right now.” He said with a slight frown.

{Oh, no. I know where this is going.} I thought for a moment, before stepping in, after all, I still have a mission to complete.

“Well.” I spoke. “As Merula already said, my name’s Logan Taylor, I’m from the first year, and I’m going to help you guys train, and try to teach you how to fight.”

[You’ve successfully introduced yourself. Quest ‘Introductions are important’ was complete.]

[50pts have been earned.]

[New Chain Quest has become available.]

{Best idea I’ve ever had!} I thought before looking quickly at the new quest.


New quests!

- A new organization shall be born! Help the students of Hogwarts build a new organization so they can defend themselves and the castle against ‘R’. (Chain Quest. Accepted.)

     + Proof of strength. Prove to the members of the organization that you are capable of teaching them how to fight. (Points earned depends on the way you prove yourself.)]

{Mm… I think I have an idea of what to do.}

“You’re also a freshman, right?” The guy who spoke this time was, curiously, Cedric Diggory.

“Yes, I am.” I nodded at him before tilting my head.

“Well…” He awkwardly smiled while scratching the back of his head. “Shouldn’t it be better for an upperclassman to teach us? I mean, some of those presents here have a lot of experience and knows a lot of charms and curses. I’m sorry if you feel insulted, is just, it seems weird for me, at least.”

“Don’t worry, I know that it’s not precisely normal for a first-year to teach a bunch of upperclassmen how to fight.” I answered him.

“Exactly. I mean, I pretty much taught Andrew and Merula how to properly duel, didn’t I?” The other Hufflepuff guy said.

“Diego, I know that you’re a great duelist, but, trust me, Logan is really strong.” Andrew answered him.

“He’s right, Diego. I don’t think anyone here could probably fight him.” Ben also intervened. And it was at that moment that Merula grinned and stepped in front.

“Hehe, why don’t we test it out?” She grinned at everyone. “I mean, we could hold a small duel between anyone who’s interested in trying out his abilities.”

“…” I looked at her for a moment, while thinking how good she could be sometimes.

“Hey, Merula! Don’t you think it’s not fair?” Tulip intervened. “He’s a first-year, even if he’s strong, you’re trying to put him against sixth-years here!”

“Oh, come on!” Merula rolled her eyes. “He can defend himself.”

“But still!” Tulip tried to refute, but I stopped her.

“It’s okay, I’m open to duel whoever wants to do it, really. I know that things must be earned, especially trust.”

“Logan…” Tulip looked worried.

{She somehow feels a little bit weird sometimes, like she’s really worried about me for some reason.}

“You heard him. So? What about it, Caplan? Do you want to give it a try?” Merula smirked at Diego.


“Me too, then.” The other Ravenclaw, that me and my friends originally thought asking about the curses, Talbott Winger, said.

“I’m in too!” And that guy called Jae, the Asian-looking Gryffindor.

““Count us in!”” The Weasley Twins said at the same time.

“Oh no, you don’t.” But were stopped by their brother, Charlie Weasley.

“I’ll give it a try too!” Tonks said with an excited smile, while Tulip just snugged her arm.

“That’s four duels, then.” Merula smiled, before turning to me. “Who do you want to duel first?”

“…” I pondered for a little bit.

Obviously, taking into account the fact that the method I use to win their respect and to prove myself will reflect directly into the reward, there was only one showy way to increase the number of points.

“Say, why don’t we go at it all at once?” I asked her, leaving her with an open mouth.

“What…?” She didn’t know what to say, it seems no one else knew.

“Are you crazy? Do you really believe you can duel all of us at the same time?” Diego asked me with a frown. “This isn’t a game.”

“So?” I tilted my head while lifting my eyebrow. “Are you saying that when you encounter a group of enemies they will wait for their turn while fighting one on one? Pfft… No. They all will attack at the same time.”

“…” He stopped, after all, it was true. They won’t wait for you to go against each one of them individually, they will probably attack you at the same time, numbers are an advantage after all.

“Come on. Let’s do this then. You four against me.” I smiled while taking out my wand.

They looked at each other, before nodding.

“Okay, let’s do it then. Don’t blame us if you lose.” Diego said with a serious face.

They all took their wands and stood in front of me, altogether.

{One-hit-KO? Or should I try to prolong the fight? Which one should be the best for me to win more points?} I thought for a moment, before thinking about an overwhelming prolonged fight. If I dominate the fight from start to end, while showing off a bit, it would give me more points than just ending all with one spell.

“Oh, also, I’m sorry. I don’t know the etiquette of dueling, so…” I awkwardly smirked.

“Just follow us.” With a sigh, Diego started first. He presented his wand, putting it in front of him, before making a reverence.

After that we stood a few feet apart, those four standing beside each other, while I was looking at them.

Merula came and looked at us, before starting the count down.

“Ready? Three… Two… One!” At her shout, the four of them took out their wands and started shooting a few charms at me, including Flipendo, Stupefy, Expelliarmus, and even Rictusempra.

I quickly extended my magic shield spell to look like a dome covering me, stopping all the attacks they shot at me.

Instead of discouraging them, the spell seemed to motivate them more, probably thinking that they were forcing me to defend.

Charm after charm, curse after curse, they all attacked with everything they got, while I stood there behind the shield, at least for some seconds, before I started to attack.

“Let’s do this then.” I said while moving my wand in a sweeping way, raising my arm and sending an Arcane Pulse, which took the form of a blue-colored wave that rushed towards them while destroying their charms.

They all tried to evade, but I took the chance to lock onto one of them, the guy named Jae.

Exori.” With a quick incantation, my Magic Impact quickly reached Jae, hitting him and sending him flying back.

“Urgh…” Even if I controlled the strength of the attack, it still hit him squarely.

The other three tried to use this chance to attack me, but I merely activated my Ethereal Phase, which was an Arcanist Spell that turned me into a specter of some sort, being able to phase through physical objects and even charms for three seconds.

I used the spell to evade their charms, which surprised everyone as I just let charms pass me through as if nothing, and quickly chanted another spell in a small voice.

Utori Mas Hur.” It was a Tactician debuffing spell that could slow down my enemies’ speed and reflexes.

“What!?” Tonks asked surprised, while her movements got slower, making it hard for her, and the other two to cast charms and curses at the same speed as before.

“Expelliar-” Talbott tried to attack me, but he was too slow to do so now.

Exevo Frigo Hur.” I muttered the ice wave spell from the Druid, which summoned a wave of freezing air, slowly freezing from his lower body all the way up to half of his upper body, immobilizing his arms.

“W-W-W-What!?” He had to stop because of the insane cold he was feeling right now, not being able to move with most of his body frozen.

“Flipendo!” Tonks took the chance to finish her chant and a red light shot towards me from her wand.

At the same time, Diego also shot two charms against me, he could probably do more, but he was still slowed down.

Instead of defending, I merely evaded them while using the Great Haste spell to increase my speed.

Exevo Tera Hur.” I muttered in a low voice while pointing my wand down and then sweeping it towards Tonks who was closer to me.

From the ground, what looked like green vines and roots started to grow out, reaching towards Tonks, who tried to escape once she saw that.

“Ah!” She tried to rush, but not only was she slowed down, the vines and roots spread in a cone and covered her escape routes, looking at this, she turned and tried to cast Incendio, but it was late. The roots and vines quickly trapped her and stopped her from moving.

I made sure that they didn’t make much damage or constricted her too hard, being strong enough to just capture her and stop her movement.

I then turned to Diego, the last one. He was astonished looking around, trying to understand what was happening, before looking at me.

“…” I quickly swept my wand, sending an Expelliarmus, which he stopped with a hurried protection charm. But I just continued to send one Expelliarmus after the other in quick succession.

Thanks to him being slowed down, after the sixth attack, he couldn’t protect himself, so his wand went out flying from my disarming charm.

“That’s it.” I said, turning to Merula.

“L-Logan wins…” She announced, and I canceled the spells, a small trick that could only be done here in this world, and not in the game.

“I guess I’m qualified to train you all, right?” I asked Diego.

“Y-Yeah… You totally defeated us all. There was nothing we could do against you… Just, what were those charms? Can you teach us?”

“Sorry, I’m going to train you, but I’m not going to teach you those charms, I may try with some others, but those are somewhat difficult to teach, probably impossible.” I awkwardly smiled while shrugging.

“Uh…” The guy looked slightly disappointed, and I can understand why.

[Congratulations! You’ve proved to the rest of the members in the organization that you're qualified to train them and teach them how to fight. You even defeated four of their members at the same time, proving your strength.]

[500pts have been earned.]

{God bless Chain Quests!} I shout in my mind, while a smile appeared on my face.

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