In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 40 – The exchange student

A week has passed since the new organization was created, ‘Protectors of Hogwarts’ have been training almost every night.

It’s been quite an interesting job to keep my friends as far as possible while the organization is training. After all, it’s not that easy to hide a considerably big group of people while they're all training.

As to where the organization was training, well, it was mostly in a classroom that Bill usually uses to give extra lessons about Defenses Against the Dark Arts.

About the training, I mainly give them a few workout routines for them to do in the mornings and small sparring sessions at night. Honestly, I may be learning more from them than the other way.

After all, I’ve been practicing some charms and curses, while also learning new ones.

Not only is my Magic Level increasing, even if I’m doing so slowly, but I’m also increasing the number of charms and curses I’m able to use, all the while winning points thanks to the Chain Quest related to Hogwarts Protectors.

During the days, I went to classes, studied with my friends, and also helped in the Hospital Wing in case someone gets injured.

Another good thing about training the organization is that I’m able to cure their injuries, winning some points with it.

Long story short, after the accident with Rakepick, life in Hogwarts hasn’t been something that difficult. It almost makes me feel weird at all the peace around the place.

{At this point, I guess I’m not that afraid of the start of the story from the movies. Oh well, I’m slowly growing stronger. Taking out things like the Basilisk’s eyes, an Avada Kedavra, or any other weird Wizarding World’s shit, I may be safe from everything else.} I thought while walking towards the library to talk with my friends.

After getting there, I found the guys talking between themselves, as Lyra wasn’t present.

“I’m telling you, William! I saw her. She wasn’t from Hogwarts!”

“Are you sure she wasn’t some parent or alumni visiting the school?” William answered with a skeptic face.

“No! She wasn’t that old. And she was using a uniform too. Just, not Hogwarts’ uniform.” Roger shook his head, frustrated at his friend’s skepticism.

“Hey, guys, what are you talking about?” I said as I sat down at the table with them. Putting my books on top of the table.

“Roger is saying that he saw some weird student.” William was the one to answer me in a doubtful tone.

“Why do you say it as if you don’t believe me?”

“Because I don’t. What would another student be here for? It’s nonsense.”

“Mm?” Tilting my head, I thought back to my other world. “Maybe it is because of an exchange program?” 

{What a cliché. This is Harry Potter for god’s sake. Not some school-life anime.}

“Exchange program?” Both Roger and William turned to me confused.

“Yes, an exchange program. You know? Those things where students from two different schools would trade places for a year or so.”

“They do that in Hogwarts?” William asked, confused.

“Well, maybe?” I asked. After all, I wasn’t that sure either.

“Oh right! I heard something from my brother. They do exchanges for some years… She may be from another wizarding school!”

“Oh, so is a ‘she’.” William nodded, frowning at Roger. “That explains why you’re so interested.”

“Mm? Why do I feel you’re trying to imply something with your words, O’Neill.” Roger frowned back.

“Oh, that’s because I am.” William answered.

“Come on! What are you trying to-” Roger tried to ask something, but I just interrupted him.

“What kind of uniform did she have, Roger?”

“Yeah, give us some details man.” William followed me as if forgetting his previous comment.

“Hmph. Now you want to know more? Just a few moments ago you didn’t even believe me.”

“Oh come on, it was something weird. Another student, not from Hogwarts, going around the castle?”

“It's the truth! And she wasn’t going around the castle, she was walking alongside Professor McGonagall towards the headmaster’s office.”

“That’s basically the same.” William rolled his eyes.

“No. Because not that many people saw her. I was quite lucky!”

“Right, right.” I nodded at him while opening my book of potions. “Should we start studying already? I honestly don’t want to fail my homework.”

“Logan’s right. We should start studying already.” William noded.

“Pff, right. Just change the topic.” Roger said as if angry, but he actually opened his books to start working on the homework.

We spent the time working on our homework for potions before I had to go to the Hospital Wing to help Chiara in the infirmary.

On a side note, she also joined the organization. Andrew went to the Hospital Wing and tried to convince her, saying something about everybody working together to stop ‘R’ and cleansing the curse.

She asked me if I was also helping them, and I had to clarify that I was only training them and not working directly with the organization.

After some time trying to convince her, Andrew finally succeeded in pulling her into the organization.

The entire day went without a single problem, I basically just chatted with Chiara while helping the students that came into the infirmary, which was quite crowded if we counted on the petrified students and Madam Pomfrey.

{Huh…? What is this?} I thought while entering the classroom that we use as a training place.

I would not be that surprised after all I’ve seen until now, at least not for now. But it was just… Stupid? Maybe?

“Hey, Logan...” Tulip came to greet me at the door. “It seems you didn’t know either.” She was smiling awkwardly.

“Tulip… Am I seeing things?” I asked her.

“No, you’re completely sane...” She answered while letting out a sigh.

“Okay, whatever...” I just shook my head and started going in. “I’m not going to comment on how secretive this organization is turning out to be...”

Right inside the classroom, talking to some of the upperclassmen that are part of Hogwarts’ Protectors, was the exchange student that Roger was talking about.

She was indeed wearing another school's uniform, a normal black uniform, covered by a long green coat with some symbol which I suppose is from her school.

She had a tanned skin color and long auburn hair that fell over her shoulders. From her size, she was probably from the same year as Andrew and Merula.

{Come on… How bad can you be at keeping a secret that an exchange student found out...} I thought to myself while letting out a small sigh.

“Hello, Logan.” Merula came to me with a frown on her face, but she wasn’t exactly looking at me, but at Andrew and the new exchange student. “Ready to start? I want to spar with you. Come on.”

“Um? Are you alright Merula?”

“Yes! Why wouldn’t I?” She glared at me. “Stop talking and let’s just spar.”

“If you say so...” I just shrugged my shoulders.

Just before we could start our spar, another voice came over.

“Logan! You’re here.” It was Andrew, who had an awkward smile while looking at me and Merula. “Here, you have to meet her. Her name is Alanza Alves” He said while pointing to the exchange girl.

“Olá!” She greeted me with a big smile and a shaking hand. “Nice to meet you, Logan! I’ve heard so much about you!”

“Yes?” I tilted my head.

{Weird… This somehow makes me feel like something else than an 11yo… Oh, wait. Right. I am far older than these guys.}

Having what seemed to be an upperclassman greeting me so excitedly felt weird to me, more so when she was taller than me by a lot.

“Yes! You’re the one in charge of training them, right?” She asked me, with a smile that seemed to never leave her face.

“Um… Yes?” I just answered awkwardly

“She’s an exchange student from Castelobruxo, another wizarding school that’s located in Brazil. Do you know it?” Andrew asked me.

“Not exactly.” I shook my head. “But, I’m curious Andrew… How is it that an exchange student knows of this... ” I tried to find the right word not to say organization, but before I could find another word, someone spoke first.

“Yes, Andrew, why don’t you tell him how she found out?” Merula said with a weird smile.

“Right… Dumbledore actually asked me to give her a tour through the school… So she followed me around while I met some of the members and… Well, she somehow found out, okay?”

“Yes! It was so weird! They talked about this as if it was some club, but it was amazing to find out it was a secret organization! It sounds like so much fun!”

“Right… A secret organization...” I nodded while giving a questioning look to Andrew.

{I’m pretty sure last time I checked a secret organization was supposed to be a secret that shouldn’t be told.} I thought for a moment while looking at Andrew, who was averting his eyes while scratching the back of his head.

“So! Are you going to train us?”

“Huh?” I stopped looking at Andrew and quickly faced Alanza “Train… us?”

“Yes! Us!” She smiled at me excitedly.

“I’m sorry, but I only train these guys from the club.”

“Secret organization.” She smiled. “And I want to be in! That makes me a part of the group too!”

“Andrew?” I turned to him again.

“Yes, Andrew?” Merula also looked at him with an exasperated face.

“She wanted to lend a helping hand after hearing about the curses and ‘R’, so… I said yes?” He looked away.

“...” I just looked at him with my mouth open. {What the hell is wrong with this guy? He looked like someone with some common sense!}

“Are you crazy!? This isn’t a game Andrew! It is dangerous” Merula shouted at him.

“I know this isn’t a game! But hey! She knows her stuff. She may be a great help with fighting ‘R’!”

“...” I just didn’t find the words. {This secre- No, fuck that, this public club may be more problematic than I initially thought… Okay. Let’s just keep doing our thing. Training them is easy, and it’s free points.}

I kept thinking to myself while Merula dragged Andrew apart to give him some scowling. Alanza just kept bothering me about training her, while Tulip tried to stop her.

{Free points. Just think of the free points.} I thought before letting out a big sigh.

“This is going to be problematic…” I muttered after sighing.

“Mm? What would it be?” But it seems that Alanza had quite the good hearing.

“Nothing… Let’s just start. Time’s ticking.” I said while going towards the rest of the students from the organization, who were looking at the small chat curiously, some of them frowning, some of them showing an awkward smile, while others were trying their best not to laugh.

{Just wait, you two...} I thought while looking at the twins, who were trying not to laugh.

There wasn’t anything bad at what they were doing, I know that. But I needed someone to vent a little bit, and it wouldn’t be good to do so on the exchange student.

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