In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 38 – Points, points everywhere

The next week everything went quite fast. I passed my time in classes talking with the guys and even helping them with some charms and with their homework.

I also went to work in the infirmary, I felt bad for a moment, as I became happy every time someone injured came to the Hospital Wing, after all, it meant free points for me.

With the help of the Time-Turner, I also continued practicing new charms and curses. To the point that I managed to master some new charms, like the severing charm Diffindo, the ticklish charm, Rictusempra the windy charm Ventus, and the small healing charm Episkey.

My Patronus was slowly advancing, and while I still hadn’t mastered it or created a corporeal Patronus, it was getting easier and easier to use the charm. In a few days, I’ll probably get my corporeal Patronus, which is actually making me feel quite excited to see what it is.

Another thing was that I managed to create two new spells, which were basically an extension of my other offensive spell, which made it quite easy for me to create them.

I named the first one Magic Blast, which was a stronger version of the Magic Impact, the incantation was Exori Gran. Using the modifier Gran in the spell, which basically increases the base spell’s power, while imagining the desired result, I slowly formed an improved version of my Magic Impact.

The spell basically created a highly condensed sphere of magic power, with the size of a soccer ball, which will travel at high speed and would explode while making contact with any physical target, creating a small explosion out of compressed magic power, like a shockwave.

For the second spell, I tried to make a few experiments. Namely, trying to mix a simple charm with a simple spell.

Now, at first, I didn’t even know how should I do it, but after pondering for a little bit, I considered starting with Expelliarmus.

I had a vague idea of what I wanted it to become. But my problem was mixing two different types of concepts, after all, if I wanted to work with a mix of spells from the game, I needed the Magic Syllables.

Finally, I decided to deconstruct the disarming charm, having both Expello and Arma, they both were Latin words, with quite a close resemblance to the Magic Syllables used in the game.

Now, I just had to mix them accordingly.

First, using Exevo as a start, gave the spell an instant casting and the ability to recreate multiple effects. After it, I added the word Expello, which would be the desired effect, to expel.

Then, it was time to add the syllable Mas, which would make the spell affect multiple targets in a designated area of effect, followed by the word Arma, which would be the definite target of the spell.

Finally, I added the Syllable Hur, which went all the way to the end of the spell incantation, it added an increased power to the spell, helping it spread around and reach longer than before.

Of course, all of this wouldn’t work at all if I didn’t focus my will on mixing them and creating my desired effect. In other words, I had the structure of the spell, I just need to give it form.

For it, I took some inspiration in one of my Arcanist spells, Power Burst, which basically created an explosion of arcane energy around me in case the enemies surrounded me. With this said, my idea was to have the spell disarm any enemy around me.

The first few attempts were hard, they didn’t yield any result, but with time, the spell took more and more form. The structure made by the Magic Syllables made it easier for me to work with it.

And after my third day of working with it, I finally did it.

[Congratulations! You’ve created a new original spell! Please choose a name.]

Of course, with all the time it took to finally create it, I had the chance to think of a name. Though, it wasn’t anything too grand.

[Congratulations, Disarmament has been registered under the original spells in your spellbook.]

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! Two powers have finally become one. You’ve given the first step into true mastery of magic, mixing magic from both worlds. Let this be the start of your creative mind.]

[500pts have been earned]

[Your ML has increased by 1.]

[Your ML has increased by 1.]

All of this left me with a huge number of points, which got me quite happy, not even including the fact that I was even closer to reach ML 55.

“He… Hehe… Hehehehe~” I couldn’t stop laughing like an idiot while looking at my status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 54

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 10150pts



Inventory (Size limit: 930oz/26.37kg)]

It was Saturday morning, and I pretty much had nothing to do as I already missed breakfast while laughing like an idiot, except, for one thing.

“Time to get the last one.” With a smile, I went to my vocation store and immediately bought the last Tier 1 vocation, Tactician.

[Congratulations! You’ve successfully bought the vocation!]

[Congratulations! You’re now a Tactician! Your magical resistance and mana pool are slightly enhanced. New spells are available for you to use, check your spellbook! New advanced vocations are available for you to buy!]

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! A strong foundation is needed for you to get to greater heights! Additionally, you succeeded in not buying any advanced vocation until now, which in turn, opened you a path full of possibilities!]

[1000pts have been earned]

“Okay! Full refunds!” I shouted while confirming the reward given by the hidden quest.

Since the day I killed the basilisk, I’ve been receiving points constantly, mostly from classes or when training. Mastering spells and creating new ones also had a lot to do when earning new points.

At this point, the ever seemingly far first advanced vocation looked close to me. Only less than 10000 points to go.

“Okay, first is. Checking the new advanced vocations.” I muttered while opening the vocation store once again.

While looking through the spells also seemed something interesting to do for the moments, I decided that it would be better to check those while training. For the moment, deciding on a path should come first.

[Vocation Store NEW! / 10155pts

- Druid (BOUGHT)

- Arcanist (BOUGHT)

- Summoner (BOUGHT)

- Tactician (BOUGHT)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- Arcane Battle Master (7500pts)

- Master Summoner (7500pts)

- Master Druid (7500pts)

- Logia (7500pts) NEW!

- Arcane Grand Sorcerer (20000pts)

- Fire and Lightning Elementalist (20000pts)

- Void Summoner (20000pts)

- Ice and Earth Elementalist (20000pts)

- Master of Elements (20000pts)

- Arcane Ancient Druid (20000pts)

- War Meister (20000pts) NEW!

- Commander (20000pts) NEW!

- Overlord (20000pts) NEW!

- High Shaman Inquisitor (20000pts) NEW!

- ???]

“Holy fuck, what’s with these names?” I muttered while looking at the list of new vocations. “Now, the hardest part. What I’m going to pick from all these.”

After pondering for a bit, while remembering the vocations I knew about, I decided to ask for the new ones to the system.

[War Meister is an advanced vocation that has high potency for war. The reason being its spells, which are basically high-damage area of attack spells, capable of breaking havoc amidst enemy lines, the vocation also has self-buffing spells to increase further the damage of your attacks.]

[Commander, on the other hand, is somehow the opposite, leaving out area of attack spells, and focusing on increasingly strong self-buffing and buffing spells, which would let you go inside enemy lines. It’s somewhat similar to Arcane Battle Master, but with stronger buffing spells.]

[Overlord basically helps you increase the base number of summoning creatures while adding more buffing spells to use on your creatures.]

{Mm… Somehow that one sounds weird to me. Shouldn’t having more creatures be a good option? Why does it tick me the wrong way?} I thought for a moment before asking.

[While you would be able to summon more monsters, you would be overly dependent on them, at least if only taking into account that particular vocation. By itself, a Tactician doesn’t have any strong characteristics when it comes to fighting. It’s mostly a supportive class, so every advanced class that comes from it, borrows the offensive power from the other class.]

“Oh, right. I get it now.” I nodded.

[Finally, High Shaman Inquisitor is a vocation that’s mostly centered in healing, but as it happens with the Druid, it also has offensive capabilities. It has a strong area of attack and debuffing spells, but its main force comes from healing.]

“Mm… Taking into account that no advanced class is simple. I would take that the healing should be something totally abnormal, right?”

[You could say so.]

“You did say that I should probably choose one summoner-type advanced vocation and then pick something else.” I pondered for a bit. “But the question is, do I really need an advanced summoner vocation? Until now, I’ve been constantly training to make use of my power, so choosing an advanced summoner vocation would make me depend more on the creatures that I summon, or it would be a total waste to pick one.”

While I could pick a summoner advanced vocation just for the sake of having more possible creatures to summon, it would make me feel like I lost something. After all, it’s not like I’m not able to summon creatures right now, and I’ll be even able to summon both Demons and Dragon Lords, so it’s not that bad right now.

“With that said, and to maximize the number of advanced spells from the rest of the vocations, I should, in theory, pick two advanced vocations that contain the other four vocations, leaving in the poll the Arcane Grand Sorcerer, Arcane Ancient Druid, Master of Elements, High Shaman Inquisitor, Commander, and the War Meister.”

My idea consisted of, from those six vocations, I have to pick two. Each one with two different Tier 1 vocation.

“The thing is, what do I prioritize? In a sense, it doesn’t matter what I pick, I’ll still be powerful enough for me to destroy everything on my path, at least in theory. With that said, I should change my focus, I should either pick something I really need or something I really like.”

With that in mind, I started to make a self-study session, considering whatever could happen. And it was through this, that I finally decided on one particular thing.

“Ok, I’ll pick High Shaman Inquisitor. System, it should also have some buffing spells, doesn’t it?”

[It does have some.]

“That’s it. That’s one of my choices. The other one now goes down to Arcane Grand Sorcerer. As it’s the only one with the other two vocations. What do you think about it?”

[It’s not a bad choice. Arcane Grand Sorcerer is one of the strongest vocations when it comes to spell-power, alongside Master of Elements and War Meister. It also has quite a good compatibility with runes. High Shaman Inquisitor is also a good choice, it should cover any shortcoming from the Arcane Grand Sorcerer. Taking out the Summoner’s advanced vocations, those two are greatly compatible.]

“Then, that’s it. Though, when it comes to the order, I should probably go with the Arcane Grand Sorcerer first.” With a shrug, I decided to walk for a little bit, I haven’t made any exercise today, as I was more interested in the huge amount of money in my account.

After changing clothes, I went out of my room, and just as I was making my way through the common room, someone called for me.

“Hey! Logan!” It was Tulip, who was with Badeea and another guy I didn’t know, but I somehow suspected him to be that guy that Roger mentioned.

“Oh, hey Tulip.” I smiled at her, while also nodding at the other too “Seniors.”

“Hi~.” Badeea answered with a smile, while the other guy just nodded his head a frown.

“Hey, do you have time?” Tulip suddenly asked. Looking at them, I thought about something.

“Did Andrew asked you to look for me again?” I tilted my head.

“Yes! How did you know?” She asked, a little bit confused, the same as the other two.

“I just guessed it.” I answered with a shrug. “And well, I was going to exercise a bit, but I guess I can do it some other time.”

I could exercise any other moment, after all, I wanted to start my points farm.

“Great!” At my answer, Tulip was excited.

We all started walking through the castle, outside of it, and directly towards the Black Lake.

Funnily enough, it seems like the dementors already left the surrounding areas of Hogwarts, Dumbledore said it was because the fugitive wizard already left the place, so the dementors weren’t needed anymore.

This meant that we could leave the castle, and the visits to Hogsmeade were reassumed to those from the third year and over.

Once we made it towards a part of the shore of the Black Lake, I could see a group of students standing there under a tree, talking among themselves.

On a side note, I recognized some of them. Fred, George and Charlie Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Andrew Nolan, Ben Copper, Merula Snyde, and Rowan Khanna. Even Cedric Digory and Chiara Lobosca were here.

The rest were some students that I didn’t know at all. There was even three more Slytherin in here, which is weird considering that I pretty much don’t know any Slytherin apart from Lisandra, and maybe Merula, to mix well with other houses.

{They did gather quite a group.} I thought while looking at the people present, which accounted for probably around fifteen students.

At that moment, Andrew, Ben, Rowan, and Merula walked towards us.

“Hey, I’m glad you found him.” Andrew smiled.

“He was apparently in his room.” Tulip answered with a smile.

“Doesn’t matter. Can you three go over there for a moment? We have something to talk with this guy.” Merula said, which made Tulip and the guy frown, while Badeea only gave an awkward smile.

*sigh…* It’s okay, guys. It will be a moment only, really.” Andrew said, and the other three finally accepted.

“So, what are you three doing here?” I asked them.

“As you see, we gathered the group, it wasn’t easy, and it took us some effort to rally them up.” Andrew answered.

“Yeah, Nolan here had to give a speech about the dangers of our world and how Khanna almost died for our incompetence.” Merula rolled her eyes.

“Hey… It was a good speech.” Khanna retorted to her.

“Okay, okay, calm down. What’s important is, that we could gather them here, okay?” Andrew said. “And well, we already talked about our intentions in creating this organization, but right now we’re going to give some explanation about what we’re going to do. And we thought that introducing you would be good, what do you say?”

At Andrew’s words, a new message appeared in front of me.

[A new quest connected to your Chain Quest ‘A new organization shall be born!’ has been generated! Access your quest interface!]

{Ho…} Quickly accessing my quest interface, I looked at this new quest.


New quests!

- A new organization shall be born! Help the students of Hogwarts build a new organization so they can defend themselves and the castle against ‘R’. (Chain Quest. Accepted.)

     + Introductions are important. Present yourself to the members of the new secret organization. Respect starts with a simple introduction. (50pts.)

Active quests!

- Fuck you, J.K.! You took your first step to become a destroyer of destiny! You don’t allow the original story to rule your life, and as such, you make your own way; taking whatever you want, without fear of the changing future. Now, go! And do as you please, don’t ever fear what you’ll change in your path to greatness! (Main Chain Quest.)]

“Sure, let’s go then.” I smiled back at them.

“Great!” Both Andrew and Ben answered, while Merula only rolled her eyes and Rowan nodded.

{If just introduction is going to give me 50 points, I’m expecting a lot more from this Chain Quest. Arcane Grand Sorcerer, here I go!}

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