In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 37 – First original attack spell

Looting the basilisk was harder than I thought. Not only I had zero experience with it, but I didn’t even have any tool to do it.

At first, I thought about using my Arcane Blade, but as much as the idea seemed to work in my mind, without the technique to actually remove the parts, it would be a messy disaster.

“Mm… What can I do here…?” I pondered to myself before something came to mind. “Of course! Utevo Res Hunter.”

At my incantation, the magic power seeped out of my body to form another human-like figure, which slowly turned into a human wearing a green vest, that looked a lot like the hunter’s normal outfit, including brown leather boots, green pants with a dark-brown short skirt that reached above his knees, on top he had a green simple shirt with a dark brown cape that covered most of his upper body, with a green color decorating the border of the cape.

He had black hair, and really dark brown eyes, that almost looked like black. Was fairly tall, probably above 1,80 meters.

“I greet my master.” The hunter bowed to me and spoke in a deep voice. “My name is Aerius. How can I serve you?”

“Hi, Aerius.” I quickly greeted him. “Um, the thing is. I just killed this thing, and I wanted your help dismantling it, I don’t have any knowledge about dismantling a corpse, so I thought that a hunter like yourself would know.”

“…” Aerius looked at me for a moment before nodding. “Indeed, I’m quite an expert when it comes to dismantling monsters and animals, after all, I’ve been leaving in the forest for a while.”

He then turned to look at the basilisk, rubbing his chin, before he turned to look at me with an apologetic smile.

“But, even then, I’m sorry master. First, I don’t know this creature, I’m quite surprised that there’s a snake this big… If it wasn’t for its color or the missing legs, I would have thought it was a wyrm.” He said, before sighing. “Also, even if I knew, I don’t have my dismantling knife or my bow, so there’s no way for me to actually help you. I’m sorry.”

He quickly apologized with a bow, but I stopped him.

“You don’t have to bow, really, it’s okay. But what do you mean that you don’t have your bow? You’re a hunter, that’s your main weapon, right?”

“Indeed, it is.” He awkwardly smiled. “But I simply don’t have one with me. When you called me, I came here without one, I don’t know why.”

“…” I was just there with my mouth open.

{Wait, doesn’t this mean that even if I summon something that uses weapons, the weapons don’t come with the summon!? System, why!?}

[I’m sorry to inform our dear customer that weapons aren’t included in the initial purchase. You may want to access the store to buy the additional items you’re looking for. We actually have quite a good promotion going on, and with the purchase of a bow, you get 20 arrows completely free!]

{What!? DLC!? But I didn’t pay for the summon! And even if that were the case, you could at least let me pay with mana!} I retorted inside my mind before a quick thought alerted me more. {Wait…}

[Weapons / 7130pts

- Swords

- Maces

- Staffs

- Daggers]

{There are not bows inside the store either!}


I just let out a big sigh, before looking at Aerius.

“Say, if I had a way to cut the monster, you could guide me through the process?”

“…” He pondered for a second before nodding. “Well, it shouldn’t be that complicated, while the technique and experience are important, we could just go slow.”


“You don’t have to thank me, master.” He shook his head.

“And you don’t have to call me master. Logan is fine.” I told him.

After that, and with Aerius’ help, I could work through the corpse of the basilisk, starting with the fangs, the horns, and then slowly working through its skin.

It was, in all honesty, quite a hard thing to do. Thankfully, Arcane Blade was quite sharp, and I could modify its size to make it easier for me to work through the most complicated parts.

But even then, the hold I had over the blade made things hard for me to make a precise cut, which made the job not only harder, but messier, and I ended up damaged some parts.

Hours passed, and seeing as I wasn’t finished, I decided to stop for the moment, put everything I collected inside the magic pouch, and went out of the place, not before dispelling Aerius, which led me to a question to the system.

“Hey, I’ve wanted to ask something since I summoned Elaine.” I started to speak while walking towards the entrance. “Next time I summon either a hunter or a forest fury, will a summon Aerius and Elaine? Or completely new monsters?”

[That’s a tricky question. The answer is, both are correct.]


[Until now, you’ve been constantly summoning animals, and while they do have a “personality”, you don’t perceive that as such. You even call them for their species. Wolf, snake, rooster. But that isn’t the same with Elaine and Aerius. For you, they are “individuals”.]

“You’re telling me that, since I recognized them as Elaine and Aerius, I’ve marked them as the predilected summons for hunter and forest fury?”

[Smart. Precisely that. Haven’t you wondered why your summoner vocation has a naming spell? Which is the first one you learn, actually.]

“It’s for naming my summons so I can mark them for future summons…”

[Exactly. It normally isn’t necessary for an intelligent humanoid such as the hunter or the forest fury. But things change when you summon an animal or a monster without a name for itself.]

“I should have tested that before… I admit that I didn’t give it enough thought not tried to know why I had such a spell before.” I nodded while walking, finally making it to the entrance pipe. “Well, it’s never late to learn. Utevo Res Giant Spider.”

At my words, an enormous snake appeared, it was easily twice the size of Aragog, with eight long legs, and eight terrifying green eyes that gave me the chills.

Its abdomen was of a dark brown color, with four red stripes, two on the upper left side, and two on the upper right side of the abdomen. Its head was more of a normal brown, while its legs were a mix of dark orange, almost red, with bright yellow on the joints, with two pedipalps of the same color.

Of course, one of its scarier parts was its two enormous fangs, that would surely contain a strong venom.

{Why did I summon a spider?} I thought for a moment in regret, before sighing. It doesn’t matter, it wasn’t aggressive against me, and it could take me out of this place.

“Okay, before of that. Let’s test something quick.” I said, before thinking for a moment. “Got it, I have a name for you.”

With a smirk, I reached my hand to touch the giant spider, which came closer to me and rested its enormous head on my hand, but I had to stop.

“Huh? Um… System? Can I ask your help with something?”

[Sure, I don’t promise I can help, though.]

“Is it a female or a male spider?”


The system didn’t answer for a moment.

[A male.]

“Thanks, dude. I have no idea how to recognize a spider.”

With that said, I focused on the spider, and after a little bit, I had a new name for it.

Uteta Res Sio Giant Spider Widowmaker.” A small bit of Magic Power surged from me and into the spider, as I could feel something different from it as if it was happier.

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! You’ve named your first monster! As a Summoner, it’s important to build your relationship with your creatures, and a name is the first step. Take heed, that while they can’t grow, they at least become better listeners when a name is given.]

[100pts have been earned]

“Nice. Even now I get more points!” With an excited shout, I jumped over the spider and held strongly onto him.

Thankfully, the connection between the head and the abdomen was slightly comfier than I thought, at least better than riding a snake.

“Okay, Widowmaker! Let’s go up!” At my words, Widowmaker let out a screech and started to climb up the pipe, all the way up towards the entrance, where I once again summoned a snake to close it.

For the moments, I didn’t give the snake a name, since I didn’t want to think about one, and I was pretty much restless, wanting to sleep as soon as possible.

So, with that in mind, I dispelled Widowmaker and activated my invisibility spell, ready to go all the way back to my room.

Tomorrow, I’ll have to go back to the Chamber of Secrets to finish my task of looting the basilisk, while I’ll also take the chance to use the time-turner to go to the RoR and learn as many charms as I could.


Sunday was quite a busy day for me, not only did I go back to the Chamber of Secrets to finish looting the basilisk, but I also started helping on the infirmary, but there weren’t that many cases as it was Sunday. I did spoke with Lobosca for a while and studied some charms and curses while she wasn’t there and I had nothing to do.

At the end of the day, I used the Time-Turner and went back to that morning to make use of the Room of Requirements, training in a few easy spells to increase my power, and see if there was something I could teach those guys when the training started.

But well, considering they were all in their 6th year, it would be quite hard to master something that they don’t know. That said, there’re a lot of spells, so who knows, maybe there are some that I could teach.

One thing I did consider, was the Expecto Patronum, but I still haven’t mastered it, as my Patronus still doesn’t have a corporeal form.

In other news, I did have an idea. Teach them an original spell. But alas, I had no original spell apart from the dispelling of a summon, and my try at the use of floating runes, but that was still in the making.

So, I started to do what seemed logical at the moment, create a spell. But what spell should I create? Thinking a bit about it, I did something basic as a start.

Normally, all my strike spells have an elemental affinity. Which gave me the idea to create one without an elemental affinity. After all, not only would it be considered as an original spell that could give me more experience to increase my ML, but it could become an easy spell that I could try to teach those kids.

If my suspicions were correct, and I could at least teach them an original spell, then it would net me a lot of points and maybe even increase my ML quite a lot.

With that said, almost at the end of the day, I finally got results.

[Congratulations! You’ve created a new original spell! Please choose a name.]

“Huh? A name? What could be a good name for it…?” I pondered for a moment, before summoning another target from the RoR, and pointing my hand at it.


From my hand a blast made out of pure Magic Power was shot, it quickly reached the target and gave it quite a big impact.

{Mm… Maybe Mana Blast? Or what about Magic Impact? Or maybe Magic Blast… No. Magic Impact, it doesn’t have that much power to use blast in the name.}

[Please choose a name.]

“I choose Magic Impact.”

[Congratulations, Magic Impact has been registered under the original spells in your spellbook.]

“Okay, that’s quite the good surprise. And now, I have a base to work with.” I smiled to myself.

When creating this spell, I had to mostly focus on my intention, on what I wanted to do, feeling up the magic in my body, and trying to form a sphere out of it.

At first, creating the sphere wasn’t exactly that difficult, but making it move towards the target with enough speed was quite problematic.

I used the energy strike spell as a way to visualize the movement of the magic power, and after some time, I finally managed to make the sphere shot towards the target.

But again, a new problem was raised. It was precisely the fact that while I did make the sphere as I intended to, it didn’t have that much force behind it.

And not exactly because of the speed, which could always increase, but because it wasn’t condensed enough to make the damage I looked for. It was like trying to hit the target with a balloon. It just wasn’t enough. I needed it to be at least a soccer ball.

With this in mind, I worked and worked on the spell until I finally managed to get the desired effect, in both power and speed.

“It’s an easy spell, but at least it’s a good practice for me to learn how to create more offensive spells, and it’s actually a good start.”

Being simple is the key here. Thanks to it being simple, I could probably work around a few charms and even other spells with more ease than trying to use more overcomplicated spells. What’s more. It’s easier to teach a simpler spell than to teach something more complicated.

“This is enough for today, I guess I better go back.” Looking at the hour, it was already time for me to go back to bed, so I went back to the dorms stealthily.

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