In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 30 – Summoner vocation and another petrification

[Congratulations! You’ve successfully bought the Summoner vocation!]

[Congratulations! You’re now a Summoner! Your Magic Power pool has slightly increased. Your thought process has slightly accelerated. Your ability to summon creatures has been dramatically improved! New spells are available for you to use, check your spellbook! New advanced vocations are available for you to buy!]

[Congratulations! Now you’re able to summon monsters! The general power of your Utevo Res has increased exponentially!]

[Now you’re able to summon creatures from all the OTS you’ve ever played and more! With the limit being Demons and Dragon Lords. You may ask for a complete list from the System.]

“Wow…” It suddenly hit me. Somehow, the way I perceived things slightly cleared up as if I was able to see and perceive more than before. “It must be because of the acceleration of my thought process, and…”

Without giving more thought, I took a look at my magic core, and while it was the same color, it got slightly bigger, which meant that my amount of magic power increased.

{Is this going to be the maximum increase? Or will it increase more with each ML?} I thought to myself while looking at it.

“Oh well, I’ll know for sure once I increase my Magic Level once.” Until now, most of my increases in magic power were even, the size of my magic core expanded the same with each continuous increase in ML, so I would note if my core grew more now with each increase.

“Now, let’s check the new advanced vocations!” I shouted, before opening the vocation store.

[Vocations NEW! / 1535pts

- Druid (1000pts)

- Arcanist (BOUGHT)

- Summoner (BOUGHT)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- Arcane Battle Master (7500pts)

- Master Summoner (7500pts) NEW!

- Arcane Grand Sorcerer (20000pts)

- Fire and Lightning Elementalist (20000pts) NEW!

- Void Summoner (20000pts) NEW!

- ???]

“System, for real. I need help here. All three advanced vocations look amazing in name, and you’re telling me I can only choose two!? How the hell should I pick only two of them!”

[Relax. It’s still easy. Just pick the Arcane Grand Sorcerer and choose between the other two. That is. If you don’t plan to buy another tier 1 vocation. Then the number will increase.]

*sigh…* I don’t know if I should be happy that I can have so much power, or if I should be angry for having to choose only two advanced vocations…”

[That’s being greedy. One of those advanced vocations is enough for you to live here as you please. And you can have two.]

“Forget me for wanting more power. I passed hours grinding just to have more power in a game, I would love to have more power here as well.” I said before sighing. “Well, can you give me a list of summonable monsters?”

[Only monsters? Or should I add animals too?]

“No, only the monsters will be okay.”




Island Troll

Swamp Troll

Frost Troll


Orc Spearman

Orc Warrior

Orc Shaman

Orc Berserker

Orc Leader



Minotaur Archer

Minotaur Guard


Dwarf Soldier

Dwarf Guard

Stone Golem

Ice Golem

Frost Giant

Frost Giantess

Fire Elemental


Fire Devil

Demon Skeleton



Frost Dragon

Undead Dragon

Stone Dragon

Water Dragon

Dragon Lord


“That’s quite the large list of monsters… And I’m able to summon them all?”

[Just two at a time and everything above a Hydra can be only summoned once at a time, and you have to wait until your ML reaches 66 at least.]

“I knew that already. Oh well, I still can do with whatever shit I summon from the ones available… This quite makes me really powerful. I mean, even more, than I was.” I said while rubbing my chin. “*sigh…* I still have 1500pts to waste on something else… Well, let’s leave it for later.” With a shrug, I stood up and walked out of there, directly towards my room, after all, it was already time to go back and sleep.

The next day, sudden news actually reached my ears.

“What?” I asked William. “Is it for real!?”

“I’m serious!” Roger was the one to answer. “I saw her myself this morning once I heard of the news! Madam Pomfrey is petrified!”

“He’s saying the truth. I also didn’t believe him at first, but it was true… The curse is expanding to other people.” William said.

“But it was quiet all this time!” I asked them. “And if she’s not there, who’s going to take care of all the sick students?”

“Well, there’s a student that had been helping with Madam Pomfrey, and there are also the other professors, even Snape who’s a potion master.” William said.

“He’s right, Logan, the professors will make sure nothing happens to us.” Lyra, who’s been hanging out with us constantly since the first time she went with us to the library, said.

“If you say so…” I answered, with some doubt in my voice.

“What? Do you think something could go wrong?” Roger asked with a worried face.

“Well…” I scratched the back of my head. “I mean, since I’ve been here, I haven’t seen the teachers doing much to stop the curse… They may be doing something without us noticing, but I just think someone actually trying to solve this problem would be more obvious, right?”

“You don’t even know what the problem is, how can you know if they’re doing something or not?”

“That’s true.” I shrugged. {Even then… I would expect at least warnings or something from the professors. Oh well, in the movies a lot of shit happens inside this place.} I thought while looking at the ceiling, as it actually calmed me.

The rest of the day, we went to class and did our thing, going to the library, and stuff. And during dinner, I finally heard something that looked remotely useful for the student body.

“As many of you have already heard, our beloved matron Madam Pomfrey has been found petrified.” Dumbledore said to everyone after dinner was finished. “In lights of this news and word that a Dark Wizard escaped capture, and has been seen in the area, there are some new practices and rules here at Hogwarts all of you will be expected to follow.”

“Well, there you have it. It seems they’re actually doing something.” William whispered to me.

“Yeah, and it seems there’s something more to worry about…” Roger also whispered to me.

I just nodded to both of them, thinking about the two Dark Wizards I found in the Forbidden Forest.

{Does it have something to do with them? Or is it another one?}

“Rest assured. We, Hogwarts staff, are doing everything possible to break the Statue Curse. However, until that time, please consult a professor for specialized cures for all minor afflictions, while more serious cases will be transferred to St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.”

“…” I looked at Dumbledore. {Maybe I should send everything else to shit and just buy the Druid vocation. It gives me healing abilities that would work on my friends. Just in case…}

“Lastly, until the fugitive wizard has been apprehended…” Dumbledore made a slight case, before turning to the Gryffindor’s table. “Students will be required to stay close to the castle. Those found in violation of this rule… Will be punished accordingly.” He said with a serious gaze.

After that, he just turned to look back at everyone, not before glancing at me as he went back to talk to the rest. Meeting my eyes for a moment.

“Now, stay safe, and please know that if you are ever feeling afraid or overwhelmed, you can always talk to one of us.” He finished his speech, and everyone was free to leave for the day.

“So? What do you think? Does it look like it is enough?” William asked me.

“Oh, come on… I just commented on how I sometimes feel that they’re not doing as much as they could. Just that.” I rolled my eyes at him.

*chuckles* Come on, he’s just messing with you, Logan.” Lyra said with a little smile.

“Pfft she’s right, relax. I know that you didn’t mean anything wrong with what you said.” William said.

“Alright, if you say so.” I just shrugged. “Shall we go?” I asked before standing up.

It was after everyone started to move out of the place towards the common room, that I currently saw a group of students from three houses standing in front of the tables.

Normally, I wouldn’t care that much, but this time something picked my interest. There were three faces I knew from there. Tulip, Tonks, and even Badeea Ali, which made it quite a curious group.

I was quite tempted to hear what they were talking about, considering that two of them were part of the group of students that knew about the curses. It was while I was considering it, that Tulip suddenly met my eyes, smiling and waving her hand towards me.

I smiled at her too and waved back. Before going behind my friends.


“Mm? Who are you waving at?” Tonks asked at Tulip.

“Um? Oh, just Logan. He was looking here, so I waved back.”

“Really!?” Tonks look at where Tulip was waving a few moments ago and saw a retreating Logan’s back. “Wow, it was him!”

“Who’s Logan?” An Asian-looking boy asked while tilting his head.

“It’s that guy that fought against two fifth-year from Ravenclaw and won, Jae!” Tonks excitedly answered Jae Kim, a Gryffindor student from sixth-year.

“Wow! Really!? Did you know him, Tulip? Why didn’t you say so before!?” He asked at Tulip.

“Because you would start pestering him to help you on your pranks. Or worse. Try to prank him.” Tulip frowned at him.

“Of course I would! That kid made a name for himself while being in the first year!” Jae retorted.

“Relax, Jae, I’m on this with Tulip, you better leave the poor kid alone.” Badeea suddenly intervened. “They have a lot with these curses going on.”

“They’re right Jae. Thinks right now are quite hard on the students, for them to also worry about some prankster. Peeves are already enough of a troublemaker.” Another Gryffindor student shook his head while talking to Jae.

“You too, Andrew? Come on! He’s not a poor student like Badeea said. He knows how to defend himself. Maybe he could even help you with the curses or that assassin!”

“Stop. I’m not going to ask a freshman for help with these curses. And even if he won against two fifth-year, it’s still a long way for him to fight against a Dark Wizard. Also, Mr. Moody would kick me if he ever finds out I tried to ask help from some freshman.” Andrew Nolan answered him.

“He’s right, Jae. Don’t drag a kid in this. The curse is already enough.” Badeea told Jae.

“If I hear that you get close to him, I’ll kick your ass. Jae.” While Tulip answered with a frown.

“And why the hell are you so protective about this kid?” Jae retorted back at Tulip's attitude.

“I’m not being protective. I’m just trying to keep a fellow Ravenclaw out of danger.”

“You? The one who loves to break the rules so much? Want another fellow student to don’t break them? Are you okay Tulip?” Tonks was the one to ask this time.

“Oh, I’m done already! Let’s go or we’ll be late to Bill’s lessons of DADA!” Tulip said while walking towards the exit of the Great Hall.

“Well, she’s right. Let’s go or we’ll be late.” Andrew shrugged.

“Shouldn’t we get that first year too? He seems promising, maybe Bill would be glad to have him in his lesson.” Jae said.

“Let it go, Tulip will really kick your ass if you keep pushing it!” Tonks rolled her eyes while following behind her friend.

They all made their way towards Bill Weasley’s lessons of DADA, lessons to help students learn something that they can’t with how lacking their new official professor is.

Well, lately I've been quite occupied with work and some stuff, so it's quite hard for me to focus completely on the novels or well, basically going through the comments. So, while I'll try to answer as constantly as I normally do, I won't be able to answer quickly to your comments, and maybe I may end up missing some, but well, as usual, I'll always try to answer them, as I quite like to talk to you all! At least until I'm freer from work and have more time to answer you all.

Thanks for reading!

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