In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 29 – Adapting to my new vocation

The next day, I passed all the day normally, going to classes, passing time with my friends, and basically doing whatever I wouldn’t be doing if I hadn’t found the Time-Turner. And right before the time for going to our common room was in time, I excused myself to go towards my room, where I used the Time-Turner to go back to the moment I was already on my way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

“Okay… This feels amazing.” I said after looking outside of the window of my room.

A few seconds ago, it was night, and now, it’s early morning. Meaning, that I have an entire day to train with my new vocation. Even if I’ve seen a few of the spells, and checked those I could use, knowing what they are, and how to practice using them is completely different.

{Also… I better test that thing the system said about not having problems with the environment.} With that thought, I started walking towards the RoR, while my past-self should be currently eating in the Great Hall.

Thankfully, I saved a lot of food into my inventory, and it seems to be still there, while in an emergency, I can still buy food from the System Store.

After getting towards the 7th floor, I started thinking about a lush forest where I could train my abilities against dueling dummies.

{That way it would be more fun than just attacking immobile dummies.} I thought to myself while looking like the door to the Room of Requirements appeared in front of me.

Opening the door, I entered into what seemed anything else, except a room inside the castle.

“Wow… It was true when people said this room can give you anything you need…” I muttered while looking around.

Tall trees surrounded me from everywhere, bushes, and shorter trees were also present. There wasn’t even an actual path you could take. The place was the perfect idea of a forest in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere you could lose yourself easily.

“Well… At least I can train here better. Mm? What’s that?” Walking forwards, I found a small, tall table with a book on it.

[How to use the dueling dummies]

“Mm? I guess this is like some instruction manual.”

After reading for a little while, I noticed that using the dueling dummies inside the RoR was quite easy. You just needed to choose a preset difficulty for the dummies, and whether you wanted them to move around, or just stay static in one place. You could also determine the number of enemies from one to ten at the same time.

The duel would end whenever the dummies were destroyed or I was incapacitated.

With that said, I started with an easy level dueling, with mobile dummies, and only chose two of them. For that, I just had to thought what I wanted, and the small table with the book disappeared.

“This way, it at least will be a lot like that time in the Forbidden Forest, if at least in the number of enemies.” I muttered while looking at the appearing dummies.

I thought they would attack at first, but instead of that, they started to move around the forest, hiding behind the trees, before coming out slightly at the same time and attacking me.

“Ho…” I evaded one of the spells they shot and used Rune Shield to stop the other spell. Rune Shield was an ability from the Arcanist that summoned a shield of arcane magic to stop one incoming spell. It exchanged your magic power instead of your life, similar to the Sorcerer’s Magic Shield, but this one, reducing the power of the spells by 35%.

After stopping the spell, I started running through the forest, evading the spells they shot at me while using arcane rush to increase my speed.

While they were also moving through the forest, I was faster than them, and I used that to my advantage, evading and getting closer each time they tried to shot a spell at me.

Even if I could use Rune Shield, it would be a waste of magic power, so I preferred evasion instead of defense. Thankfully, I wasn’t limited to horizontal movement and using Arcane Step, which created a platform under my feet for me to step and jump, I could basically evade mid-air and change my direction while jumping, or falling.

After evading for a little bit, I rushed towards the dummy that was closer to me, and the one at my left, and evading one attack from the other one while jumping, and shielding one from the dummy in front of me, I summoned Arcane Blade, creating a blade of blue magic power and piercing the dummy on the mark at the chest, immobilizing him.

I then unsummoned the blade, and jumped back while using the defeated dummy as a platform to evade one incoming attack, and while rushing towards the remaining dummy, I invoked Arcane Pulse, which sends a wave-like pulse of magic power, eliminating the incoming spell from the dummy and pushing him back, destabilizing it, and giving me enough chance to get there and use my Arcane Blade once again.

“Huff… Huff… I guess being an Arcanist is more physically exigent than I originally thought… *sigh…* Now I know why the system said I should train even more physically.”

 While I could diminish the physical effort made by using Sorcerer’s spells like invisibility and levitation. I wanted to first get better at using my arcanist's spells on their own, before start mixing the spells from my other vocation.

“Also… Right now, I have enough points to buy another vocation. But I would like to get better at the new one before buying another vocation. Though… It’s not exactly like the one I’m thinking of needs a lot of training.” I rubbed my chin. “Nah, let’s just train with Arcanist for a week, and then we can go on buying the other one. That way I’ll get to increase my Magic Level before buying another one.”

I was about to start another round when I thought about something.

One of the spells from the Arcanist was called Runic Weapons, which basically boosted any weapon you had temporally. But for that, I first needed a weapon.

“Equipment Store.”

[Equipment (New!) / 1285pts

- Boots

- Armor

- Legs

- Helmet

- Accessories

- Weapons NEW!]

“I knew it. It was the Arcanist vocation that opened the weapons section. Weapons!”

[Weapons (New!) / 1285pts

- Swords NEW!

- Maces NEW!

- Staffs NEW!

- Daggers NEW!]

“Hmm… It seems I can select among quite a few. But… I don’t know. I don’t have too much knowledge about using a sword, a mace, or a staff… Maybe daggers would be easy to use… But that would turn me into some kind of assassin, isn’t it?” I pondered while rubbing my chin. “Well, let’s just ignore them for the moments. It’s not like I would start going around with a sword, even if that would help me to disguise my identity while going out.”

After thinking for a bit, I started to train once again. Thanks to the Time-Turner, I had quite the amount of free time for me to move around and train.


Time slowly went by, and before I knew it, Halloween already went by. I was quite satisfied with the food, really, the banquet was spectacular, I even saved a few dishes into my inventory.

These past weeks I’ve been hanging around constantly with the guys, to the point that they even asked me if I finished reading every possible book, as I haven’t disappeared to my room anymore since I got the Time-Turner.

Also, the whispering and rumors about me started to fade after a few days, and I got back my peace while walking through the halls and corridors of the castle, except for a few glances here and there. Though, most of the time it’s nothing that bad, and mostly from a few of the upperclassmen.

In the case of Ravenclaw, they stopped trying to, as they said, test their freshmen after the last incident, which made things easier for us, as I didn’t have to fight any other Ravenclaw to get into the common room.

I took every chance I could to succeed in classes, earning as many points from the hidden quests as possible. Charms, Transfiguration, and DADA were easy classes for me, so I always got points on them.

But when it came to the rest, well, luck played the most important role. In potions I was lucky if I could even succeed once, as Snape was quite the difficult teacher to please, making it hard for me to earn points in his class.

Theory classes like History of Magic and Astrology were just so damn boring to me, and they didn’t hand too many hidden quests, as most of the time it would be us listening to instructions.

Finally, Herbology and Flying were the other two classes where I had more chances of winning points. Though curiously, it seems I’m more accustomed to flying by myself than using a broom, so there are a few things that are weird for me, or maybe it’s more that I unconsciously think that flying in a broom it’s like using the levitation spell when it’s somewhat different.

What I’m prouder of, is the fact that I finally adapted myself to the Arcanist vocation, as I’ve been constantly training inside the RoR with it, while at the same time exercising and training my dueling.

Training with the Arcanist class gave me something different than training like a Sorcerer, and that’s agility and dexterity in my movements. And while I also mixed some training as a Sorcerer, as well as working on my project of using multiple runes at once while having them levitate around me, I focused more on my new Vocation, which helped me grow my ML faster as it was totally new spells and masteries.

Of course, I didn’t use the normal training room of the RoR for that, I tried to pull every possible ecosystem I could think of inside that place.

From mountainous places to snowy ones, heck, I even summoned a freaking lake-like pool, with plants and everything inside. For that one, I first mixed my Magic Shield skill, only because I wanted to shield myself from decompression syndrome. Sadly, I didn’t have any way to breathe underwater, making it necessary for me to hold my breath as much as possible while I learned some charm or spell for it.

But, somehow, it wasn’t necessary, as my magic power never felt as it lowered, or maybe it is that it didn’t cause that much damage, not decreasing my magic power that much.

I also had another theory, and that’s the fact that wizards’ bodies were more resistant, and somehow were better at withstanding this kind of thing. For scientific purposes, I tested to dive and swim-up as fast as I could without using my magic shield, and nothing happened.

So, I’ll take it that maybe it had something to do with either me being a wizard, a Sorcerer, an Arcanist, or a mix of them all.

*sigh…* Damn, that was exhausting.” I finally said, while swimming out of the pool after beating a few dummies, ten of them at the same time. “Though, being honest. Fighting wizards in the middle of the water seems like something really easy… These puppets can barely move, while I just have to impulse myself with Arcane Steps. And Arcane Rush even improves my speed underwater, though, neither the haste nor great haste spells of the Sorcerer can do it, well, I guess that’s because it uses wind as the base.”

Fighting the puppets inside the water was really easy, their spells weren’t that threatening, and their speed was absolute trash, the only difference was that I had to hold my breath, while they didn’t, but that would only be until I’m able of using some kind of spell or charm to breath underwater.

“Now, I guess I’m quite ready now, at least with what I have. Let’s check my improvement.”

With that said, I summoned my status.

[User: Logan D. Taylor

Vocation: Sorcerer

Magic Level: 43

Magic Stage: 2

Status: Healthy

Familiars: 0

Points: 2535pts



Inventory (Size limit: 820oz/23.24kg)]

“2350 points… That’s quite nice. At this point, I may even buy all the basic vocations before the end of the year. If I don’t remember badly, I have to buy Summoner, Druid, and Tactician. The only problem would probably be adapting to each one of them if I get to buy them all at once.”

With that said, I opened the Vocation store.

[Vocations / 2535pts

- Druid (1000pts)

- Arcanist (BOUGHT)

- Summoner (1000pts)

- Tactician (1000pts)

- Master Sorcerer (7500pts)

- Arcane Battle Master (7500pts)

- Arcane Grand Sorcerer (20000pts)

- ???]

“Mm… Arcane Battle Master was the advanced vocation of the Arcanist, I guess that Arcane Grand Sorcerer is the mix between Sorcerer and Arcanist, but why does it cost so much? System, what would that vocation be able to do? Why is it so expensive?”

[An Arcane Grand Sorcerer is an advanced vocation that mix both Arcanist and Sorcerer’s abilities. It doesn’t only grant you mastery over your elemental domains, meaning energy, death, and fire, while also increasing your spells’ power qualitatively, but it would also mix them with the arcane arts, turning them into more destructive and deadly spells.]

“Mm… That sounds terrific.”

[It is. It’s as close as it can be from mixing both the Arcane Battle Master and the Master Sorcerer advanced classes in one. That’s why it is so expensive. And while an Arcane Grand Sorcerer isn’t precisely a great class for you to go melee like an Arcane Battle Master, it’s not because you can’t, it’s merely because you won’t even need to in the first place. Mixed advanced vocations would transform you into literal monsters inside this world, while a Master Vocation born from that would make you something close to a god among men here.]

“And I can have two of those things…? My god…”

[That’s why even if there’re tens of possible combinations of Advanced Vocations, you can only choose two. And even then, it’s not exactly a disadvantage. I would call it even a blessing.]

*sigh…* I guess I first have to start with buying all the basic vocations. Well, I guess I can start with the Summoner and the Druid, they’re not exactly that hard for me to learn, as I would only increase my number of possible spells, and not my fighting style.”

[Are you sure?]

“Well, let’s go first with one and then with the other. Now that I think about it, I could actually buy some stuff, either a more advanced wand or a spellbook.”

[Which one are you going to buy first.]



[Congratulations! You’ve successfully bought the Summoner vocation!]

[Congratulations! You’re now a Summoner! Your…]

Okay, again, sorry for disappearing suddenly! And well, here's another chapter for this novel! And also, as you may notice, I stopped using italics for normal dialogue, AKA speaking. While keeping it to the system's dialogue and for thoughts. Let me your opinions on this (I'm merely testing stuff, as usual.)

Also, I've been trying to work on an auxiliary chapter where I would add the lists of spells and other things from the vocation, as there're too many that it's basically impossible to even remember them all (not even I can, and I've created most of them taking out the Druid and the Sorcerer, so I have them saved in a text file.) So... Whenever I find the time, I'll try to post it, along with the list of Magic Syllables which keeps being important for every vocation, except the Arcanist or the Arcane Battle Master.

But, in the meantime, I'll leave you guys this link here:

It's basically the spell library of the original game, where you can find the spells for Druids and Sorcerers (you can filter them at the end of the page by selecting the class and type of spell.) Of course, as in the open servers, I don't use the concept of "premium" that the original game manages, and the minimum level required to use some of those spells has to be downed, or it would be basically impossible to acquire them, that well, taking into account the power scale, it's not like it actually matters if Logan gets them or not.

Also, if you're interested, here's the wiki page for the Magic Syllables:

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