In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 31 – Forbidden Forest, again

{Now things are getting quite weird.} I thought to myself while meditating inside my room. It was one of the ways I could use to increase my ML, though it wasn’t as fast as mastering spells, or other ways, in a sense, it was the worst way to increase my ML.

{Now, the thing is… What I’m going to do? My plan keeps being getting my ML as further as possible before all this world goes to madness, but taking into account that there’re already a few bastards on the loose, Voldemort seems like a faraway problem.}

Since coming here, the only thing I was worried about was Voldemort and his army, it was the only thing that truly worried me, the dark times that were to come. Taking out a few things like Umbridge, who honestly, isn’t that much of a problem.

But now, seeing how things seem to be darker than I originally thought, I’m quite glad that my power is basically broken.

{It makes you think why would some great devil give me such a system in the first place… Without a specified payment.}

[Entertainment.] The system suddenly spoke.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

[Entertainment. That’s what you’re paying with. You’re entertaining Lars.]

{He did say that. But still…}

[Don’t look too deeply into it. It was the same back in your old world. People paid for being entertained. From streamers who played games to receive donations and money from sponsors to famous sports players who basically got paid to entertain enormous audiences.]

{If you put it that way, I guess I was lucky…}

[You sure were. Being Lars the one to send the system to you was quite the stroke of luck. Imagine if it was some sadist being who summoned you here and not Lars. You would be surely fucked.]

{Okay, I don’t want to talk more about that. I’m having the chills already…} I said while hugging myself.

“Still, that leaves me with the question of what to do for the moments. I can just keep training, but being honest, going to the Forbidden Forest surely got me a lot of points.”

CAW!” Muninn cawed beside me.

“Huh? What?”

CAW! CAW!” It flapped its wings and flew towards the window.

“Don’t tell me, do you want to go again?”

CAW!” It nodded.

{Mm… It’s not like it would be a bad idea. I could at least try to fight a few creatures in there. Last time I only fought a few trolls, and that’s it. Well, apart from those Dark Wizards.}

“Look, as much as I want to go too. I think we should first train a little bit more. I don’t know what could happen there, and I would at least want to master my use of runes and Wingardium Leviosa. I think I’m quite close to master it.” I said as I made a few things around the room levitate.

{Using Wingardium Leviosa is sure getting easier each time.}

Apart from my usual combat training, I’ve been training my use of Wingardium Leviosa, after all, I still hope to be able to use the runes in a more proactive way. For which, it would be great for me to actually go to the Forbidden Forest and gather points so I can buy more Blank Runes, either that, or learn how to create them myself, but I doubt I’ll be able to find some material that would work soon unless maybe, I take bricks from Hogwarts.


“I’ve heard you, mate. But wait. I really need to keep training with those runes before I ever go outside, and also, there are some spells that would be really useful for me to learn. They would help me increases my ML faster. For now, let’s just rest.” I said before jumping to the bed.

{Next plan. Learn more spells while practicing Wingardium Leviosa. I guess I can just ask the RoR to summon some books to learn charms and curses. I also need to be able to use both Wingardium Leviosa and other spells at the same time, without messing things out.}

With that last thought, I went to sleep.


That week started quite well, I trained and trained, and nothing seemed to go wrong during the first three days of the week, which was quite good taking into account that recently, Madam Pomfrey was petrified.

But just as I thought things were going to be okay, Dumbledor called us all during dinner on Wednesday. To talk about how the Ministry sent Dementors to go around the school and Hogsmeade, looking for the escapee that eluded the Aurors and hit-wizards on his way to Azkaban.

As such, he recommended we all stay inside the castle.

“Dementors? Really? Are they insane?” Roger asked.

We were currently in the library, reading a few books for our homework.

“Mm? What do you mean?” William asked.

“Come on! Dementors, William! Those fiends would literally suck away every bit of happiness you have inside!”

“Well, I know what they are, but they were not sent here to attack students, but to catch a Dark Wizard in the run.” William said with a frown.

“No, this time I have to give it to Roger, as much as I hate it. Dementors are not loyal to the Ministry, they may work for them, but it’s just about who can give them the most amount of food.” Lyra said.

“Mm… Can I ask a question? What are dementors?” Carla asked. She was today with us, as she needed help with homework for charms, and Lyra offered herself to help her.

“Oh, right. You come from a muggle family.” Lyra nodded at her as if understanding. “Dementors are dangerous creatures. They live in Azkaban and survive by feeding themselves with human feelings, particularly happiness and similar feelings.”

“Is that even possible!?” Carla asked in surprise.

“It is…” I nod, reading a book that had information about the summoning charm or Accio, the one Harry used to summon his Firebolt during the Triwizard Tournament. “And that’s not even the worst part about them.”

“It isn’t…? But what could be worse?” Carla asked.

“They can suck your soul out!” And Roger was the one to answer.

“Wah! Really!?”

“Yes, they can.” Lyra nodded with a frown. “And they don’t even respect those they find. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student or a criminal, they would be happy to suck your soul out.”

“And they let those things run around close to a castle full of students!?” Carla asked, horrified.

“Well…” William spoke. “To be fair, just staying inside the castle would make us safe. No dementor would dare to get close to Dumbledore, or any other teacher for that matter.”

“True.” Roger shrugged. “But I still think is quite a risky move from the Ministry.”

“Come on. Focus on your homework. Snape won’t be lenient on you if you miss it.” I said while turning to look at Roger.

“Oh, damn! I hate potions!”

“Really?” William lifted his eyebrow.

“Yeah! I can’t get a single thing right…” Roger said with a sigh.

“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad.” I shrugged. “It’s mostly because of Snape. Potions itself isn’t a bad lesson.”

“You say it as if you were any good. But you’re not that far from me in potions.”

“Pfft…” William tried not to laugh but still let out a snort.

“Hey! I’m not that bad in potions! It’s just that Snape keeps getting on my nerves every goddamn time!” I tried to retort.

“Sure, sure! Whatever you say.” Roger says with a smirk.

“Snape can be a real bully…” Lyra said while scratching her head.

“Yeah, I still remember that time when Johanne made a small mistake and he started taking points from her saying something about how a mere mistake can mess all the potion.” Carla also nodded.

“See!? I’m not wrong. Snape is a problematic teacher!”

“Whatever you say, Logan.” He just smirks while reading his book.

After that, the rest of the days were quite calm, there wasn’t any other big announcement to be made, and everyone just went to do their own things. Oh, and two students got into detention and it was used as an example to everyone who wanted to do break the rules.

On my part, I trained like a maniac, not only learning new charms and curses inside the RoR but also mastering a few spells I got from my Summoner vocation.

As it seems, I’m not only able to summon creatures, but also heal them, enchant their power, in case they have elemental or magic powers, protect them, and even increases their physical power temporally. I can even grant them a temporary name when I summon them. Though, sadly, I can turn them into familiars, as I don’t even know how to do it.

I also practiced the Patronus charm, and I must say, it was quite hard to do that charm.

“Which happy moment should I summon! This thing doesn’t work!” I shouted after the first few tries.

And it wasn’t until my second day of training, I finally managed to do an incorporeal Patronus, albeit a weak one. So, just in case, I prepared a few runes in case I needed to fend off those creepy things.

Thanks to both learning the Patronus charm and making a few runes, I finally reached ML 45, heck, I even surpassed it and got to 46.

Though to be honest, having reached 45 was enough; after all, it gave me access to one of the deadliest spells I was able to use as a Sorcerer. As well as using all my arsenal as a Summoner and a few more tricks with my Arcanist vocation.

At this point, I was probably really powerful. I don’t really know if as powerful as both Voldemort and Dumbledore, but I’m sure as deadly as them both.

When it comes to my use of runes. I finally did it. I managed to have three runes levitating close to me at the same time, being able to use them with a mere thought, and also using other spells at the same time.

This leads me to my current situation. Me, escaping once again from the castle on a Friday night, towards the Forbidden Forest.

“So, ready?” I asked Muninn who was out in the window.

CAW! CAW! CAW!” He nodded excitedly, flying out of the room. Just like last time, I was going to reunite with it in the forest like last time.

“Okay, we better get going, I want to come back early.” With that thought, I went out of the castle with the same disguise I used last time.

And yes, I know. Dementors are apparently around, but hey. I prepared myself for it, quite well if I must say, something that helped me not only reach ML 45 but also surpass it.


Minutes later, inside the Forbidden Forest. I was finally making my way inside when Muninn came flying towards me.

CAW!” It said as it perched inside my shoulder.

“Hey, buddy. Ready for some adventures? As usual. You lead the way!” I told him, and he flew off to some tree’s branch, looking at me as if waiting for me to follow him.


“Hey, make sure we don’t run into some dementor on the way. I prepared for it just in case, but I would love to evade them if possible. Though I did hear they were around Hogsmeade, hope they stay over there.”

Utevo Res Stone Rhino” I summoned a monster.

While it’s not the best creature I can summon, is the strongest mount I can summon for the moment, except maybe for a wyvern, which isn’t precisely a good mount inside the forest.

After I incanted the summoning spell, magic power flowed out of my body, forming what was a four-meter-tall rhino in front of me, with quite the length too. It was enormous, to say the least. But that wasn’t what was more surprising about it.

What was truly surprising about it was its enormous horn, which could perfectly be a spear or a lance. It was also covered in a lot of metal-like stone plates that added to its defense. It was like having an armored rhino ready for war.

“Perfect.” I say with a smile, rubbing the rhino’s head. It looked quite ferocious.

Caw…” A sudden soft caw came from Muninn.

“What? Did you wait to see the same bear and wolf from last time? Certainly, you haven’t been with me during my training lately.” I smirked at him. “Well, let’s say I now have a lot more to summon than just animals.”

Utevo Res Forest Fury

Once again, my magic power surged out of my body and it started forming something that somehow resembled a centaur, but once the light dissipated, what remained was a centaur-like woman, with pale skin, covered in leaves, with stag’s antlers growing from her head, out of her long blonde hair.

Both of her arms were also totally different from a normal human, as she had two bear-like claws instead of arms, which made her look terrifying.

For a moment, she looked at me, directly at my eyes, before she suddenly gave a small bow.

“I present myself to you, my master. I’m called Elaine, a member of the Forest Furies.”

“You can talk!?” I shouted, quite intrigued about this discovery, after all. I never expected her to talk.

Yes, in the game, human-like or at least creatures with human intelligence could speak, that wasn’t weird, but I never expected them to do the same here, after all, it was like bringing someone from another world inside this one.

“Yes, I can. I, like my sisters, was once an elf. But I evolved to become something else thanks to the blessing of nature and Emana Greenskull.”

“Wow… Sorry, I was just surprised.”

“Worry not, master. You don’t need to apologize. So, what are your orders? What are we doing inside this… Forest…?”

“Well, let’s say that we’re going to hunt a few monsters inside this forest.”

“So, we’re cleansing this forest from those that dare to taint nature?” She asked with quite a dangerous smile.

“Yeah, something like that.” I just shrugged.

“Perfect! Worry not, my master! I shall bring down your enemies and nature’s enemies!”

“Alright. Well, shall we go?” I quickly asked, turning towards Muninn before jumping on the Stone Rhino’s back.

Caw…” Muninn just cawed softly while looking at the Forest Fury, before shaking his head in resignation, or at least what looked like resignation. “CAW!” With a strong shout, he flew up and went somewhere inside the forest.

“Time to start our hunt. Let’s go.”

The Stone Rhino started running at my words, while the Forest Fury also rushed right beside us. She was quite fast and agile inside the forest, her face was full of, well, fury, which made her quite an interesting fellow.

Summoning these two creatures made me realize once again how powerful a summoner class could be.

Yes. They most probably could die at the first killing curse, but that doesn’t mean they’re not useful. Not every Dark Wizard knew or used the killing curse, and certainly, no monster knew how to do it.

{At least one. One of my advanced vocations has to be a summoner.} With that thought, I sped into the forest while riding the Stone Rhino, with the Forest Fury following right beside me.

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