High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Brawl in the Supermarket II




A war broke loose in this supermarket, worse than Vietnam dare I say... those brave men had no zombies biting their asses. I couldn't possibly expect these bastards to be so heavily armed; they likely all have handguns just taking into consideration the number of shots I'm hearing.

We're also in the worst possible position; they're inside and we're in the middle between them and the zombies.

"Lucy and Saeko with me, everyone else... take the incoming zombies down!" I gave immediate orders under this hazardous situation, it will be difficult for them to take care of the zombies while also fucking avoiding bullets, but what else could we do.

Kyoko was sitting in a corner, covering herself with everything she had just like Higuchi and Takeshi.

Rei was about to answer me but she had to bend down and cover when a bullet impacted right on the boulder where she was standing. It was then that I saw panic begin looming around them and I couldn't blame them... aside from the three of us and Hirano, they were all paralyzed.

"Saya, Shizuka, now is not the time to get scared!!!" I yelled at the two of them that I know, moreover... they also have guns. I stood up from the cashier cover to take a few shots aimlessly towards the places where I saw the muzzle light from their guns.

There is no light inside the supermarket so I can't see shit... there are different halls and sections like in every supermarket and everything is dark, I don't know where they are as we're covering ourselves behind the cashiers and boulders from the entrance.

"FUCKING BRATS! WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GET THOSE GUNS?!" I heard yells coming from the inside and upon looking behind me, only Hirano looked like a madman shooting everywhere at the incoming zombies, thankfully they weren't coming in great numbers or we'd be fucked... however, given enough time the noise is going to spread and call for more attention than necessary.

In this drastic situation I was thinking about what to do together with Lucy and squeezing across the edge of the room towards the halls for an ambush was the best option, alas... someone disagreed with me.

"Brand, we need to move or we're done!" Saeko told me before that this mad lass jumped from the cashier and towards the halls, right in the middle of the supermarket; effectively pursuing armed men with a katana!

She's fucking insane... Saeko was literally running towards the bullets with a sword in hand!

"Lucy, let's go!" I yelled in exasperation at my rainbow girlfriend who was looking at Saeko as if she was a monkey... I followed after the purple beauty giving fire cover and stopping those who thought she was an easy target. I don't even know where she was going but she must have heard someone there since that's her objective.

Lucy tailed along; giving me cover fire by delivering shots into the different halls; effectively sending the rats back into their nets for a few moments. We managed to reach one of the halls and Saeko kept running towards the end of this passage filled with sanitary products; at the end of it, I saw one of the goons creep up and take a few shots towards Saeko.


She ran nimbly and arrived in front of him, swaying and evading shots as if she was in the matrix... I don't know if my girlfriend thinks we're in a damn movie or something, what's most ridiculous is that she actually managed to reach him, easing my panicking soul.


She sliced through one of them, splashing blood everywhere when she cut his neck and kicked the gun; but she was not prepared to see another one come out right in front of her, her surprise told me so.

Thankfully, I was prepared.




I took three shots from which two impacted the head and neck, taking him down in front of a quivering Saeko.

"I will take the bottom of the hall, you two push from the top!" Lucy told me without even consulting while reloading her gun... I just nodded with my gaze fixed on Saeko, exhaling deeply and pulling her roughly towards me by her arm, I was so angry.

"Next time you fucking throw yourself at bullets, Saeko... I'm going to lose it"

"There was no other choice, darling..."

I hate that she's right... there weren't many choices but surely we can do better than using her as a flesh shield. This time I decided to go in the front and although reluctant, she accepted... I saw across the hall towards the place we just came from and Lucy was covering herself, receiving some shots and taking some as well, earning attention to herself and taking it away from us; I love her.

I decided to push through the sections one by one... Saeko was with me, covering my back and seeing if there was anyone else coming from the many administrative doors and stalls at this end of the supermarket; however... this lass has yet to take her gun out.

"AAHH!!!" I heard someone yelling amidst the shots and noise, it was Rei's voice!

"Rei, hang on!" Takashi yelled next and I grit my teeth, hurrying my steps.



"Rei-chan!" Shizuka yelled next, it must be madness on that side.

"Hold on, Rei!" I yelled loudly, doubtful that they heard my words with how much noise the shots were making... I was wondering at first why they had guns, now I'm wondering where the hell they got so many bullets from.

In the next section, I saw two men covering themselves from Lucy and didn't even doubt twice about taking the shots to end their criminal careers.




I rained bullets on them and their lifeless bloodied corpses fell down; my chamber was empty and I needed to reload... however, -much to my dismay- Saeko rushed to the next section without waiting for me.

This woman, I wanted to curse loudly.


I did.

She disappeared from my view into the next section, I ran after her but before making it my eyes witnessed bullets getting fired her way; I heard a grunt. When I finally reached the hall, she was there, stabbing her sword through another man with a bandana; he regarded her with wrath as his life faded away; the gun had been either sliced or kicked away.

She retracted the sword from the lifeless man's body and I saw her grunt and kneel down holding her shoulder. She took a shot goddammit I don't even know why I am so worried about their safety... this is not like me.

I ran towards her to check her up and saw she was bleeding badly.

"B-Brand, it is no-"

"Shut up!" I growled, pressing the wound and slicing a piece of my shirt apart just so she could cover the bleeding... even if a shot in the shoulder is not that bad... it would be troublesome if she gets anaemia in the middle of a shootout.

"Press that against the wound and don't say another word".


Saeko gasped when I spoke to her like that, it was as if the old me took over, I was upset with her, throwing herself at bullets with a sword, not using her gun and not having any contemplation for her life, she actually expects me to treat her good?!

The shots hadn't stopped raging but there were a lot fewer now.

"There aren't many left, Brand! I'm with group A" I heard Lucy yelling at me from the entrance's direction, who the hell is group A? I didn't need to be a genius to put two and two.

"How's Rei!?"

"She's good, she was just tackled by a zombie! Shizuka killed it, we're holding on, the last bastards are in the last section!"

"Was she bitten?!"


"SHUT THE FUCK UP, KIDS! I WILL FUCKING KILL ALL OF YOU! SHOOTING PEOPLE FROM THE BACK HUH?!" I heard the voice of the man from the furthest hall, the one right at the end, which meant we couldn't ambush him, it was going to be a fight of attrition.

"WHEN I GET THAT GREASY FILTHY CORPSE OF YOURS I WILL FEED YOUR BALLS TO THE ZOMBIES YOU FUCKING JERK!" I answered in a mad rage, these motherfuckers shot my girlfriends and even injured Saeko. This just got personal.


Talking like that about my Shizuka? Now he's fucking dead... but first I need to address Saeko. I turned around towards her, she seemed to be surprised at me throwing slurs as if I was in the ghetto.

"You're either going to take out a gun and put away that sword, or you're going to stay here and wait for me, am I clear?" I spoke to her solemnly, not willing to take a no for an answer.

"..." Saeko frowned at me, as if also unwilling to answer with a yes. I had enough.

"Am I clear?!"

"I'm sorry..." She apologised to me right after, evading my gaze with a sudden vulnerability that cracked my soul, perhaps if it was someone else I'd still swat them, but Saeko... she rarely showed me this facette... coupled with her bleeding shoulder... I couldn't keep yelling at her.

If anything she was also valiant... I wasn't upset at her charging at the goons, I was upset that she still hasn't used her gun when that would have been the most optimal way.

"... listen Saeko, what will I do if you die?"

"It is not like you haven't got three more" She bit her lips and I sighed, so is this after all?

"I only have one Saeko Busujima... if you're gone I won't get another, ever... so stop acting so reckless alright, babe?" I rubbed her cheeks as if we were not in the middle of a bloody fight, but... I needed to do this for her... perhaps if I convince her now, she will stop hating guns so much.

As I rubbed her cheeks, I saw a mild blush on Saeko's cheeks as she smiled at me, leaning against my palm like a cute cat.

"... you should speak to me like that more often..."

"If you stop being so reckless, I will..."

"I will do it... with one condition" She took out her gun, placing it in her left arm since her right arm was bleeding.

I nodded towards her and she leaned on me, whispering sultrily.

"Take my virginity next time we're alone..."

"Y-You... Saeko this is not the place..."

This is not the place for you to stand up, Junior.

Saeko didn't say any further words, merely smiling towards me and awaiting me to charge in the direction of the last bastards. I merely sighed, sentencing myself to a sleepless night.





You can find up to 30 advanced chapters on my Pa-tre-on: [pa-tre-on.com/photosphere]
Novel King Tier - 10 chapters.
Novel Emperor Tier - 20 chapters.

Novel God Tier - 30 chapters.

Subscribe and find advanced chapters for my fanfics: [A Vampire in My Wife is a Beautiful CEO] , [High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha] & [DxD: Golden Peerage]
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