High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Brawl in the Supermarket I

I was the one to open the gate, giving a furtive glance outside... the world looked as natural as ever, except for the splashes of blood and the dull silhouettes of zombies standing or walking around, purposelessly like the corpses they were.

"Stick to the walls, don't kill unless necessary... I'll lead the offensive and Saya, you lead the way to the supermarket".

I bought a few packages of nails and handed them over to Hirano, that nail gun of his is still quite useful in this situation. The boy was even smart enough to kill a zombie in the distance... the nail went right through his head, piercing the skull I presume and sending him to the ground with an empty thud noise.

It wasn't loud enough but did the job, attracting a few of the zombies and starting to clear a path for us. My pinkette nodded and took the front together with Saeko, Lucy and me.

"Two blocks down and if I'm not incorrect; aside from apartment buildings there should be a laundrette, a few restaurants, a convenience store and then the supermarket," Saya said towards me, I fired an arrow to kill a zombie and Saeko sliced another one down.

Although the action produced noise, it wasn't enough noise for the zombies to come rushing at us, if anything they just turned towards our way and began growling, but nothing else... if any of us dared to fart, however... they'd spot us.

All of the apartment buildings were locked, I could see from the scanner that there were barely any survivors around, perhaps one or two per building, concealing themselves or whatnot... they could also be enjoying themselves, who knows.

We reached the laundrette and it was empty... some machines still had clothes inside and were covered in blood, oddly enough there were no zombies in there. We checked it up and only found a couple of bills in the cash machine, nothing else aside from cleaning products... I scanned a few just in case and we were on our way.

The next shop we found was the convenience store... it was empty.

"Someone looted this place already, tch!" Lucy was irritated, her mind thinking the same that I was thinking, perhaps the supermarket is empty as well... as we walk around there are barely any vehicles so far as the eyes can see, clearly everyone fled so we still have to walk our way in hopes of finding food.

"Let's go, nothing to do here..."

"There is another convenience store across the street, should we check it?" Saya inquired to me, we weren't losing anything by checking so we went there as well... this one was also empty, but... there was something.

A corpse... the corpse of a man that wasn't a zombie.

"This man... the corpse is warm, stabbed in the neck with a sharp object, I'd say a knife but the wound resembles more something like broken glass" Shizuka inspected him, turning around the corpse quite skillfully and finding traces that we hadn't seen... those injures couldn't have been made by a zombie.

"He was killed by humans... and it wasn't too long ago" Saya furrowed her brows and everyone immediately went apprehensive.

"Brand-kun..." Rei pulled my shirt, calling for my attention... I turned towards her to know what she wanted.

"Will we have to fight other humans? w-what will we do if we meet hostile ones?"

I immediately recalled Blackwatch, these people can't have been killed by Blackwatch... they had guns and they were taking the corpses as well, moreover... if this was recent then Blackwatch like wasn't in the area... the people that looted this convenience store killed the owner or someone else that was looking for food in cold blood.

"It is them or us, Rei... I will tell you all now. If it comes to it... and you don't feel yourselves capable of killing someone else, then at least don't stand in our way".

My voice was cold but resolute, so much so that I heard their gulping... I only trust Lucy and Saeko to support me in that situation, these civilians may be able to kill under the excuse of them being 'zombies' like impulsive teenagers that believe themselves in a movie, but when it comes to killing some rational human being... I don't think they will be able to.

"I-I can do it" Saya stepped forward, not like Shizuka who evaded my gaze, obviously she couldn't do it... she was taught to save people, not kill them.

I touched Saya's shoulder and she didn't avoid my gaze, but I could see her shivering.

"You don't need to do it if you can't, Saya... I'm your boyfriend, I will do it for you~" I added a sultry tonality to my voice, merely mocking her 'rebelliousness' that was nowhere to be seen under these circumstances.

The girl blushed and slapped my hand aside, harrumphing and leaving the shop, setting our way towards the supermarket.

I smirked and followed after her together with a giggling Lucy and Saeko.

"Moou... don't leave me!" Shizuka jumped on me, feeling as if we were leaving her out of something while I felt the jealous gaze from the boys when her mountains crashed against the back of my head. Nothing to do here, boys.

As for Rei, I better not look at her with the aura she's irradiating.



"It is here..."

We reached the spot but I immediately lifted up my hand to tell everyone to stop... there are motorbikes outside, five of them.

"There are people in here... Saeko and Lucy with me... the rest of you cover our backs, they may be nearby".

I stored my crossbow and replaced it with the glock, making signs as we headed inside. Higuchi, Takashi and Rei were protecting Kyoko and Shizuka, the latter also had the gun in her hands just in case. My stubborn Saya took out her gun and walked inside with us, I sighed and allowed her to be, merely standing in front of her.

Lurking inside silently I saw some lights shining through and whispering voices, they must have discovered that the zombies can't see, only hear.

"Hehe, this is a nice loot... as long as we take this to the crib we will have enough food for a few months, we can just keep fucking those bitches for a while".

"What a paradise this world has become, you can just come into a place, stab someone to death, rob everything and no one will say shit, wonderful!"

"Keep packing up everything we can fit, there are at least three journeys before we take everything".


Upon hearing the words inside, I literally heard the girls almost throw up. They must have imagined the context behind those words... it is disgusting, but it is exactly what I expected to happen... a world without rules is a world where anarchy just runs amock.

So far I have only heard two voices, but there are five bikes... where are the others?

My plan consisted of taking them by surprise, surrounding them with guns; taking the loot and leaving the hell away. How delusional I was.

Lucy was beside me with her glock in hand both of us were looking in the same direction as we entered the intricate shop, it was a door that lead towards a place that was either a toilet or an administration room. There... a man dressed in loose clothes with a dubious aspect; he was just coming out, fixing his trousers and he happened to come upon us.

He had a gun in his hand!


"Bitches!" He yelled right away, alerting me.

Upon seeing us he pointed the gun at us, but Lucy was faster.


The bullet went straight through the man's head; killing him, alerting our arrival and also telling the zombies that there was fresh blood in here!



Shots began raining and all I could do was push Saya and Shizuka away, Lucy was the first to take cover as the small flashes of bullets flew all over us as if we were in fucking Iraq.


I cursed loudly, today won't be a lucky day, I can already tell!

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