I went to where my clones were gathered and I saw that all of the Inhumans were still unconscious.

"What now boss?", clone 1 asked.

I ignored my clone and watch the now sleeping Gordon. The fact that the man was still breathing was a miracle in itself. Still, if the Inhumans want to return in Afterlife, Gordon is their only shot. Base on what I could see Gordon requires a few hours of sleep to recuperate.

I gathered blood and tissue samples from both Gordon and Jiaying, I healed them afterward to prevent them from learning that I took some samples. It was an extremely fruitful day all things considered.

"Let's gather all of them in Conner's and Lucas's apartment", I said to my clones.

"Their apartment? Why not in your apartment boss?", clone2 asked.

"Cause of Gordon, I don't want him to know the location of my apartment", I told them.

Later that night we gathered all of them and place them in Conner's and Lucas's apartment. I took out some sleeping concoction I had made and gave a few drops to Conner and Lucas. I didn't want them to wake up first and cause trouble again. With this Jiaying will be the first one to wake up first and she will handle her fellow Inhumans. I place the dead body of Li besides the 4 of them, I covered it with a blanket of course.

I decided to return home but not before I assigned 1 of my clone to watch them for the night. Hopefully, by tomorrow or early morning before dawn, the Inhumans will return back to Afterlife. I don't care what they do to Conner and Lucas at this point.  That's their problem to deal with.

Once I return home, I took out all the blood and tissue samples I had gather and place them in test tubes and Petri dishes. I had all the clones I can make help me with this. For the life of me, I forgot that I didn't have the proper equipment for storing blood. I decided to place them in the freezer for the time being. I had 42 days to fix the problem of proper blood storage before all the blood goes to waste, I'll just give Bernard a call to help me with this matter.

I took out the tissue samples I got from Jiaying. I needed to study this thoroughly. In the anime, Madara was able to transplant Hashirama's cells in his body, but it was placed in his chest.

I believe to properly transplant Jiaying cells to my body, I needed to place them inside my bone marrow, not the heart. I believe that proper cell absorption could occur with this method, rather than Madara's method.

This would mean that my clones would have to operate on me and activate all my cells in my body to allow me to absorb Jiaying's cells. This requires preparations to be made.

After a few hours of studying the tissue sample, I decided to call it a night and went to bed. I woke up the next day and made two clones to continue to study Jiaying's tissue samples and Conner's blood. The clone that was watching the Inhumans dispelled itself to tell me that Gordon had already returned his fellow Inhumans back in Afterlife.

The moment I got to the entrance of the university I saw someone that was always seen in every Marvel film and television show. The man was selling hot dogs.

"Well, look at that", I said with amusement.

"Hot dogs, get your hot dogs while they're hot", Stan Lee said while serving hot dogs to the students who are buying.

Since Stan Lee was always seen in the Marvel films there were a couple of speculations that he was a Cosmic Entity, a watcher, a watcher informant, a regular old man that happens to be somehow involved in every movie in the MCU, and few other wild speculations thrown by people on the internet. I just glance at the man and decided to mind my own business and entered the university.

The day was the same as usual. I had my lunch with Ted and he told me something interesting.

"Did you saw the news this morning?" he ask me.

"No, why?" I replied as I continued eating my lunch.

"Some of the gangs in the city were having a shoot out early this morning. A couple of people were hit with some stray bullets", he said.

"Really now. So, what are they fighting about?" I ask him.

"Who knows man, but the cops think it's has something to do with the new drug that was circulating in the market. You know vertigo," he said.

"Interesting," I replied.

"If I were you man, I won't buy any more vertigo from Steve", he said to me with a hint of worry.

"….Don't worry about that", I replied.

The rest of the day was uneventful.  When class was over I exited the university and saw that the person selling hot dogs was no longer Stan Lee. I just smiled at this and returned home.

As I was cooking my dinner I decided to turn the television on. Most of the news is about the local gangs having a gunfight in the bad part of the neighborhood in the city.

"Damn, I wonder what got these gangs being active as of late, does it really have something to do with vertigo?", I said to myself.

I had a gut feeling that I should check this out. A part of me didn't want to participate in fighting the local gangs. True, I have abilities but I didn't want to play babysitter to a freaking city. That would waste too much of my time. Time, I needed to prepare for the future. But, a part of me wanted to "play hero" and save the day.

'Stupid moral compass,' I thought to myself.

I ate my dinner and went to my secret room. The clones were still there studying the  Inhuman samples. The clone I had assigned to study Jiaying's tissue decided to transplant a small amount of the said tissue into a lab rat. The lab rat was still sleeping after the operation that was done to it. The other clone was trying to study if Conner's blood had an enzyme that allowed it to strengthen hormones. This was the biggest question that I needed to find about Conner's blood. His blood should have that specific enzyme that allowed it to strengthen the hormones of the people that took vertigo. If I could find that enzyme and study that enzyme more closely I should be able to make a synthetic version of that enzyme.

"Once I do that more work will still pile up", I said to myself.

"You meant, more work for us"', said one of the clones as he happens to hear what I said.

I quickly punched him causing him to be dispelled. The other clone that was left didn't even bother to look at what I did and just continue his work.

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