"Is everything ready?" I said to one of my clones.

"Yes, boss", the clone replied.

"Okay, I will be there shortly", I said.

After a few weeks of studying Jiaying's cell tissue, I am confident that I can transplant it into my bone marrow.

Once I place Jiaying's tissue in my bone marrow, my body, with the help of my clones will transform Jiaying's cells into my own, allowing my body to replicate the cells that contain Jiayings ability. My clones already began the process of desensitization of Jiaying cells, basically making Jiaying's cells compatible with mine.

I had prepared most of the stuff required for the surgery. All it needs is for me to enter the room so that we can begin.

I walk to the window and just watch the clouds moving in the sky. I tried to calm myself down and also getting my mind in the right mindset before the operation.

I took a deep breath a said to myself "It's now or never". I strip down all my clothes leaving only my underwear and enter my secret room. I lay down on the operating table and I said to the 3 clones operating on me;

"You guys better make sure I come out alive after this"

"No Problem"

"We got this"

"Yes boss"

The three of them said at the same time. They injected me with my sleeping drug and shortly afterward I lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

The moment  Jiaying's cells were placed on my bone marrow, the said cells began absorbing my life force, this was not part of the plan. My body was being drained of my vitality due to the small piece of Jiaying's tissue absorbing it.

"FUCK!!" said clone1.



Cell Activation Technique was a technique that was part of Tsunade's repertoire that activates all the cells in the body.

Clone 2 quickly injected my body with a drug to force me to wake up.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!!" I told my clone as I saw the state of my body after being woken up in an unpleasant manner.

"We did not consider your dormant Chakra, due to you having extremely high amounts of it, Jiaying's cell randomly activated on its own. We wanted the process to be slow but this is not our fault!" said third clone with haste.

"DAMN IT!. ALL OF YOU DISPEL YOURSELVES!", I hurriedly said to my 3 clones.



I quickly activated the stored chakra in my seal. Markings quickly were being formed in my face as well as my body, causing my body to return to normal. Right now the cells of my body were quickly incorporating Jiaying's cells.

During this time sweat was continuously falling down my forehead. This is so far the most dangerous moment of my short reincarnated life. It would be extremely ironic if I died right now because of my own undoing.

I work as fast as I could but the process still took me 4 hours to combine my cells with Jiaying cells. My breathing was heavy and my entire body was soaked with sweat.

"I'm fucking lucky", I said to myself as a smile quickly formed on my face.

My yang seal was working overtime to provide chakra for my creation rebirth technique. I had only approximately 40 minutes worth of chakra left in my seal after I ended the technique. If I had been 40 minutes late I would have been a dead man.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. "I now have the ability of life steal, so the saying is true "Fortune favors the bold", I said to myself as a huge smile marks my face.

I got dress and began to eat everything I could get my hands in the fridge. Using nearly all your chakra is extremely draining. I turned on the television as I ate. The local gangs were still fighting even after more than a month of bloodshed.

"Hmmm….look at that, test subjects," I said out loud with a grin.


I had been surveilling the previous location of the gang fights. I decided to wear my mask and try to see what my newfound powers could actually do. I mean if the gangs wanted to kill each other then they won't mind me using them to check out my new ability. I see this as an absolute win-win.

A few moments later gunshots were heard not far from my location. I decided to follow the noise with anticipation of what my power will do.




When I arrived there I could see two groups of gangs having roughly a dozen people on each side firing bullets at each other.

'It's go time', I said to myself.

As I was standing on the edge of the building watching the gunfight that was undergoing, I took a handful of smoke bombs and threw it at them. The smoke will provide cover for me, which will allow me to hide my identity.  Once the smoke was sufficient enough I jump from the edge of the building aiming for the center of their battlefield. Before I hit the ground I channeled chakra in my right hand and punch the ground with my insane strength.


My punch ruptured the ground causing a crater to be formed with debris and rumbles flying everywhere as well as cracks being formed throughout the area. Some of the gang members were hit with the debris, a few unlucky ones were stuck in some cracks.



Those who suffered life-threatening injuries began to scream in pain. Some who took pity on their friends wanted to help but the smoke and dust cloud produced by my punch was too thick to see anything.

"THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" random thug1 said.

"(cough…cough…..) I don't know man, let's get out of here" random thug2 replied.

I cast "Genjutsu Binding" on the two fleeing thugs.

"GENJUTSU BINDING" a technique that only Orochimaru and Tsunade were seen capable of using in the anime. The user binds the opponent in a genjutsu, rendering them incapable of movement. The two gang members were both shocked that they could not move a muscle, fear marked both of their faces.

"What the!?"


The two gang members tried everything in their power to move but to no avail.

I walk behind the two fleeing gang members and I grab the back of the neck of the thug that is nearer to me.

"AHHH!...ahh…a..h….a…h...." the gang member said. At first, his scream was loud but the longer I held him the weaker his voice became. His vitality was slowly being transferred to me. I could feel my body getting stronger the longer I held him.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!!!" his fellow gang member said. Fear, the only emotion that is crawling in every fiber of his being at this moment. He didn't know which was scarier, hearing his friend scream loudly in pain or the whimpering of his voice he made shortly afterward.

Before I could kill the man I knock him out, still amazed at how much vitality I was able to take from him.

'Damn, Jiaying's power is insane' I thought to myself.

(Jiaying life steal ability absorbs the vitality of a target without causing physical changes in his/her body aside from the target being weakened during the process.)

I went behind the back of the other gang member and grab the back of his neck. He did the same thing his friend did, he screams loudly at first but his voice begins to weaken as I absorbed more vitality from him.

Before I took too much vitality I knock him out as well. I proceeded to absorb the vitality of all the gang members that were capable of walking before the dust cloud dissipate. The total vitality coursing through my vein made me feel powerful.

At this moment if someone emptied an entire magazine of bullets at me, I would heal instantly without activating my Yang Seal.

After my harvest, I left the premises immediately.

As I was running along the rooftop of multiples buildings I saw a number of police vehicles traveling to the location I had been. I increase my speed and return to my apartment with due haste.

That day the Governor had enough of the gang violence that he called in The National Guard to quell the increase of gang violence in the vicinity.

Due to no one seeing me punching the ground because of the smoke bomb I released, the police then classified the ruptured ground as a bombing explosion, even if they did not find any bomb residue.

This classification later cause the Governor to call in backup. A war between The National Guard and local gang members soon broke out.

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