In canon MCU, I believe Kora never had a love interest. The one that was mostly affected by her death was her mother alone, Jiaying. This later made Jiaying temporarily leave Afterlife and return back to China. Even with her time in China, she was always careful and remained loyal to Afterlife.

The Hydra leader that captured her way back in world war 2 will capture her eventually in the future. He will literally cut her open to study her, but despite the torture, she remained silent about Afterlife.

Different from what Conner and Lucas were doing. Conner needed to consistently use his powers to make vertigo due to vertigo selling extremely quickly to the cicada gang. Sooner or later the gang would what to make vertigo themselves and upscale production.

What would Lucas and Conner do then? Tell them that they can't upscale production cause the key ingredient in vertigo is Conner's blood. They could run but what if the cicada gang won't let them go peacefully? This will make Lucas reveal his powers of bone manipulations to protect themselves. In both scenarios, they will eventually get found out.

Now imagine the possibility of SHIELD knowing their existence. Cause if SHIELD knows, Hydra knows, plus both Conner and Lucas aren't actually loyal to Afterlife anymore. I little torture here and there and "tada", Hydra will have it's fun collecting powered individuals.

"Damn, he's totally losing his shit right now", I said to myself.

He is reliving the pain caused by Kora's death. He is no longer rational, I need to stop him from killing Jiaying and Gordon. The moment Conner was raising his gun to point at Jiaying's head I decide to finally act. I threw a solid steel ball at Conner, the ball was 2 inches in diameter, it hit the hand that was holding the gun. The force was powerful enough to make him release the gun due to pain.

I immediately followed it up by throwing my homemade smoke bombs, the materials in making smoke bombs were fairly easy to get. With the bombs, the entire warehouse was covered in a thick layer of smoke.

"Shadow clone Jutsu"

There was a puff of smoke and two clones appeared beside me.

"You, I need you to get Gordon out of there. Once he is out begin treatment. He needs to live", I said to clone 1.

"You get Jiaying out of there immediately. Knock her out as soon as you are near her", I said to clone 2.


"What the fuck is this!" said a shocked Lucas.

"Damn it, they may have brought a newly awakened inhuman with them. F*ck, if only I had my gun", said Conner as tries to see through the thick smoke but to no avail.

Unbeknownst to the two of them both Gordon and Jiaying were removed from the warehouse.


Clone 1 and Clone 2 carried them at a safe distance. Jiaying was knocked out by clone 2 to make it easier to carry her. After putting them in a safe distance Clone 2 place Jiaying down and went to clone 1 to help apply medical treatment to Gordon.

"We need to calm his brain down first so that it will stop producing hormones", Clone 1 said.

"You stop and heal his brain while I to activate his own cells to allow his body to quickly get rid of all the hormones," said Clone 2.

Both the clones made a hand sign;

"Shosen Jutsu (Mystical Palm Technique)" Clone 1 said.

"Saibon no Kasseijutsu (Cell Activation Technique)" Clone 2 said.

Together both the clones tried to save Gordon's life.                                                                     

The moment my clone remove Gordon and Jiaying from the premises I made my move to take out Lucas and Conner.

I tunneled myself underground and came out behind them.

I gathered chakra in my stomach and did some handsigns;

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough"

The blast of wind knocks both Lucas and Conner a few feet away, as well as remove the smoke in the vicinity.

"Ouch, that hurt. Who the heck are you??", Lucas said as he tries to stand up with great difficulty. He looks to find his brother unconscious a few feet away from him.

'Interesting, both of them should be knocked out cold. Looks like Lucas power made his bones denser which enables him to have an increase in defense' I thought to myself as I watch Lucas standing up.

"Conner! Fuck his out cold. Who the heck are you?!" Lucas said as he begins to fire bone shards at me.

Every bone shards Lucas fires at me were easily dodge as I got near him.

"Damn, you need to practice aiming dude", I said to make fun of him.

"Stay still, DAMN IT!" Lucas replied.

Lucas made a bone sword that came out of his right hand. He stops firing bone shards and he sprinted towards me. The moment I was in his range he slashes his sword at me aiming for my right midsection.

I jump high to dodge the bone sword. I punch his face as I was going down knocking him out.

'That's how you punch someone' I thought to myself.

"Damn, your bones were tough", I said to the now unconscious Lucas.

I surveyed the surroundings and just release a sigh.

I released some syringes that I was carrying in a seal and collected some blood out of Lucas's unconscious body.  I made a hand sign which enables me to make the Chakra Scalpel Technique. I made a small incision of Lucas's thigh muscles and collected some tissue samples. After I was done collecting I closed the wound and healed it.

"You'll have an occasional flare-up of pain in that area but you'll be fine eventually", I said to Lucas who was still unconscious. I also collected all the bone shards he used as well as his bone sword.

I did the same process with Conner, but I collected more blood samples from him.

Even if I wanted to gather Inhuman abilities the process still needed to be studied. In the tv show, the process was seen to be very painful to the Inhumans who had their powers stolen. Plus I needed to show that I am not an enemy of their race. So, as a sign of good faith, I needed to give Lucas and Conner to Gordon and Jiaying, without losing any organs or limbs.

I went towards Li's body and collected a huge amount of blood as well as his spinal fluid, the man was dead anyway. I then sealed his body in a storage seal.

As I was done sealing Li's body the two clones I made returned back to the warehouse.

"How's Gordon and Jiaying doing?", I ask them.

"Jiaying is fine, I knock her out so she's still sleeping,"clone 2 said.

"While Gordon took a while to stabilize but he's fine now. He'll probably take a few hours to wake up. The moment he wakes up he'll have the worst headache of his life," clone 1 said.

"Carry these two towards where you place both Gordon and Jiaying", I said to them as I pointed to both Conner and Lucas.


"No problem"

They oblige and soon left the area.

I made a handsign and said,

"Earth Style:  Swamp of the Underworld"

The land where the warehouse stood and few meters outside of it has soon become a swap, by changing the ground beneath it into mud. Soon everything was swallowed inside the mud swamp. The swamp then solidified itself making it look like regular dirt ground.

"Well, that's one way in taking care of a crime scene", I said to myself.

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