Here, Have a Cookie a Pokemon Fanfiction

Chapter 30

I held onto Gawain’s poke ball as I stared at the Alakazam in front of me before smirking up at Emilie. ‘You have to go in the ball too, hon.’ Nerves shot up and down my spine as I held up Emilie’s ball. ‘They paid for two people, no extra passengers,’ I said, clenching the ball a bit harder than I needed to.

Emilie sighed. “Let me out as soon as we get to Dewford,” she ordered.

I nodded as a red line pulled her in. My heart rate quickened as soon as the red light disappeared. I gazed upon the Alakazam tentatively before taking a step forward. May grabbed my hand and pulled me a bit closer before turning to the imposing psychic type.

“Do we need to do anything? Or-”

‘Do you have everything you wish to take with you on your person?’ The Alakazam asked, cutting May off in a bored tone.

I tensed at the unfamiliar voice in my head. May nodded for us, and Alakazam held out both hands.

I hesitantly took hold, and the world around me shifted.

‘Welcome to Dewford.’ The Alakazam leaned back a bit. ‘Your trip has already been paid for. Please enjoy your stay.’

I grabbed Emilie’s ball as soon as we touched down and let her out halfway through Alakazam’s speech. The thought of NOT having her with me in the presence of a psychic this powerful was making my hair stand on end. I felt so exposed.

“Wow, you actually listened to me for once,” Emilie said. Her smile slipped from her face when she saw how tense I was. She teleported to her spot and leaned in closer. “Your shoulder is even more boney when you’re like this, you know?”

“I appreciate what you’re trying to do, just... give me a second.” I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and smiled when May grabbed my hand again. “I’m good, just... I can tell the block Emilie set up isn’t really doing its job anymore. I’ll be fine,” I said.

“Guess it was only matter of time,” Emilie commented.

“Look, it’s fine,” I replied before walking out towards the lobby.

I released Gawain.

“Go get your trainer, would ya?” I asked. Probably with a bit more bite than needed.

Gawain snapped to attention. ‘At once, my lady.’

I groaned.

“Hey, you missed him.” Emilie commented.

May giggled. “I think I can see why, now. He’s a lot more entertaining now that I can hear him. He’s very in character,” May said.

Right. Gawain could push his thoughts out to everyone now. I felt bad for Wally.

“I do have a slight headache though,” May said, rubbing her temples.

“Of course you do...” Emilie practically growled out. “Idiot doesn’t even know how to hold back enough to not hurt the people he’s talking to.”

Said idiot reappeared in a flash of light with Wally in tow about five feet to our right.

And four feet off the ground.

“Dammit Gawain, not again!” Crash. “Owwww...”

I rushed forward and helped Wally to his feet.

“Yeah, been there,” I commented. “Emilie’s mom did that to us after I got Emilie.”

‘Many apologies, my lord. I shall endeavor to improve.’ Gawain replied as he stood up.

“It’s fine,” Wally grumbled. “You evolved recently. You’re still getting used to stuff. We just... need to practice.” I felt a bit of movement on my shoulder and turned to see Emilie glaring hatefully at Gawain.

‘You okay?’ I asked. ‘I know you’re not his biggest fan, but I'm sure it was just an honest mistake.’

Emilie froze, looked at me, then blushed and looked away. ‘It’s not-’ The words got stuck in her throat. ‘It’s nothing you need to worry about.’

There was that phrase again. I sighed and gave her a tired look.

‘I’m here to talk when you’re ready,’ I repeated, hoping ready would be soon.

Emilie slowly nodded her head as we walked out of the teleporter room.

“Damn, the hospitals in Rustboro worked fast.” I smiled as I spotted Wayne stand up from his spot on the couch, leaving a large divet in his wake. “From what May told me, you got it way worse than my girl, and you’re already looking good as new.”

I made sure my gloves were in place before smiling.

“Dewford fucking sucks,” Jasmine complained. “The doctors are rude, the hospital food’s ass, and it’s been raining for like the last two days. Island paradise my ass. I can’t wait to get to fucking Mauville.”

I winced.

“Babe, are you sure you want to finish the-”

“We have a chance to do some actual, genuine reporting,” Jasmine said, talking over Wayne. She glared at her boyfriend. “No cosmic cosplayers are going to stop me from getting to Slateport. So, stop badgering me about it. Yes, I’m sure.”

Wayne wilted a bit before nodding.

“Reporting?” I asked awkwardly, nervously glancing between the two.

“I want to do live recordings on the protests that are happening in Slateport. It’s the first chance we’ve had to do something like this for the channel,” Jasmine said, before tossing another glare at Wayne. “Wayne wants to scrap the whole thing and head back to Rustboro.”

“Jasmine you were at-”

“I’m FINE,” Jasmine said, waving her arm around. “See, completely functional. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for the channel for forever. I’m going to Slateport.”

I bit my lip and looked down at the ground.

“Excuse me for being worried, alright? You don’t think I see you checking behind every tree while we walk around town?”

Jasmine winced. “I-”

“They’re dead,” I said quietly.

Both of them stopped and looked at me.

“I’m sorry,” I said, feeling incredibly uncomfortable as a pit opened in my stomach.

“Do NOT-”

“You wouldn’t have been there if it wasn’t for us,” I said, interrupting Jasmine.


I cut my girlfriend off with a look, before swallowing and turning back to Jasmine.

“We knew something was up and we still called you up for a battle.” I looked away again. “We put you in danger, and... I’m sorry. We fucked up, and you got hurt.”

Jasmine glared at me, and I looked away.

“The good news is that you don’t have to worry about them anymore, so-”

The sun faded and I cautiously looked up to see Wayne, towering over me. I leaned back slightly.

“Lea, listen to me really quick,” he said.

I nodded slowly.

“If you think, for one moment, that I wouldn’t have volunteered my services as bodyguard the second I found out something was up, then your brain got scrambled way worse than I thought,” Wayne said with a glare.

“Ditto,” Jasmine said. “The only thing I’m pissed off about is that you didn’t tell us about the Absol. We would have been there regardless, because we like you.”


"You didn’t break my arm,” Jasmine said, cutting me off. “So stop acting like you did. I forgive you for being an idiot, alright. So calm down. If how you got your start as a content creator is anything to go off of, that’s probably a regular occasion.”

I couldn’t bring myself to laugh at the joke.

“I just looked down at your body when you got hurt,” I said, my voice hollow. “It didn’t even register. I didn’t-” I felt a hand slap the back of my head. “Ow.” I turned to see May glaring at me.

“They made you not care.” she said firmly. “I think it’s abundantly obvious that you do.” May smiled at me. “The things they made you do aren’t your fault, Lea.”

I looked down, before nodding once.

“I think I get what Emilie was talking about now. Knowing something and believing it are two different things.” I muttered. “Thanks.”

May nodded back. “I’ll be there to help whenever you need me, remember that, okay?”

“Got it.” I smiled back at May. “Just stop abusing your girlfriend while you do it, okay. She bruises easily.”

I suddenly felt a presence behind me. Like a demon had risen from hell and sought to claim my soul for a few clicks, follows and faves. I slowly turned around, and what had once been a calm, slightly annoyed face had shifted to a Gengar’s grin.

“Girlfriend, huh?” Jasmine asked as I backed up a few steps. She stepped forward. “So, you ARE dating.”

“Jasmine, honey-” The face turned and adopted an angrier visage. “Shutting up now.”


“So, since you’re so cavalier about saying stuff. I’m going to assume you’re also out to friends and family?” she asked. The grin back in place.

“Er... yes?” I answered hesitantly.

I quickly found myself pulled into a line with May and Jasmine as she snapped a photo of us. How the hell did she move so fast? She couldn’t have been out of the hospital for more than a day, and I still feel sluggish sometimes.

Jasmine looked at May and I pleadingly.

“Fine!” May replied to the unasked question, sounding resigned.

Jasmine squealed as she tapped away at her phone.

“What just happened?” Wally asked.

“Something unnatural, don’t question it.” Wayne shivered before turning towards our green haired friend. “Wally, right?”

“I’m Wally,” he said, petrified in place. He didn’t say anything else, and I sighed.

“Wally, Wayne’s a gentle giant, I promise,” I said consolingly as Wally backed up a few paces.

Wayne started chuckling. That chuckling died as his hand shot to his head and grunted in pain.

Emilie teleported from my shoulder and dropped down on Gawain. A single pulse shot outwards, and Wayne visibly relaxed as Emilie was sent high into the air. My heart seized in my chest as images of a time not that long ago flashed through my head. I froze. I couldn’t think to give any orders. I just stared.

Sand rose up from the ground and shot towards my starter as a single red line hit Gawain. The sand fell for a brief second before rising up again. Catching Emilie in midair. She slowly levitated down to the ground and glared murderously at Gawain’s Poke Ball.

“I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over him. This has never-”

Wayne cut Wally off by laughing loudly.

“Son, I’ve stepped in it with fairies more than any other human being on the planet with how often Clefairy makes my life a living hell. Don’t worry about it, no harm, no foul. I’m not going to throw a hissy fit over a little headache. Just work with him a bit, alright?” Wayne asked.

Wally hesitantly nodded.

“Right,” Wally said.

Wayne grinned from ear to ear as he patted Wally on the back, and I laughed as he almost got sent into the ground.

“Now that that's squared away, I remember hearing that you’re the person that sent the wonder couple on that cruise. That’s a hell of a gift,” he commented. “To formally introduce myself, I’m Wayne, and the social media monster is my girlfriend, Jasmine.”

Jasmine grunted as she continued to type on her phone.

“We met May and Lea on the cruise, so thank you.” Wayne looked up from Wally and smiled our way. "They made the whole trip a lot more interesting.”

“Thanks, big guy,” May said, before wincing. “Er... assuming you mean that as a compliment, at least.”

Wayne nodded before his eyes widened.

“Wait a minute, you being out means we can use the cruise footage now!” Wayne fist pumped the sky. “I actually get to share with my fans that I kicked y'all's ass. Oh, this is fantastic,” Wayne said as he started bouncing up and down.

“I love that the first reaction of all our friends and family isn’t surprise when we tell them. They just assume we were already together, or nod like they knew it all along,” May commented. “It really makes me feel like an idiot.”

I patted her arm consolingly.

‘If it makes you feel better, I’m in the same boat,’ I said.

May looked at me in despair.

“You figured it out in Rustboro. I was LITERALLY the last person to find out,” May groaned.

I pulled her into a sideways hug.

'It’s okay, I find your low int stat moments adorable,’ I offered.


I laughed and quickly pecked her cheek.

I heard a camera click go off and looked up to see Jasmine snap another photo.

I also saw Sergei and his camera lens was open.

“Your blackmail won’t do you much good if Jasmine is already posting everything to Chatot,” I commented dryly.

Sergei landed in my hands. “I’m making an online scrapbook,” he replied.

“Of course you are,” May commented.

“I can let go if you-”

“Don’t you dare.” May quickly shut me up and leaned into the hug as we moved toward the couch.

“Jasmine, were we this disgusting when we first got together?”

Jasmine gave him a look, and Wayne backed up.

“It would do you some good to be ‘disgusting’ on occasion,” Jasmine replied.

Wayne winced. “Right, uh...”

Jasmine ducked under Wayne’s arm and sat on the other side of Wally. “Oi.”

“Uh-uh. You had your chance to be a good boyfriend for the day. ‘Disgusting.’ Ugh.” Jasmine went back to her phone.

“Come on, babe. Don’t be like that.” Wally sat there uncomfortably, looking between the bickering couple nervously before staring down at Gawain’s Poke Ball.

I snuck away from the group and cupped Joern’s poke ball in my hand. What had started as a reunion had quickly blown up into a full out party. Something that I still wasn’t used to. I was grateful that I managed to convince May to hang out with everyone else as I stared down at my Poke Balls. This needed to be private.

Just me and my team.

I let everyone out once we got to the center’s training area. It was getting late, so I wasn’t too surprised to find it empty. Apollo took his usual perch on my shoulder, opposite of Emilie. Joern leaned against a tree, and Lucas floated in front of the training post, his blade resting in his sheath.

‘Ah, I love the evening air. It’s been so long,’ he commented.

“I thought the first thing you remembered was waking up in that cave,” Emilie said, her eyes narrowing on our most recent capture. Lucas sighed.

‘I get glimpses sometimes of a life before this one. Not enough to piece together the puzzle of who I was, but enough to get a feel of things.’ Lucas looked down at the ground. ‘Time in particular is beating me up right now. Everything in Lea’s memory is completely different from the flashes I see. It’s very disorienting,’ Lucas said.

I nodded once. 'You can come to any of us if you have questions,’ I said.

Emilie smiled down at me.

‘I know, I kind of stopped for a bit. I’m sorry. I got distracted.’

‘Are you feeling tired at all from doing this?’ Emilie asked.

I shook my head. ‘I don’t feel a strain anymore. I barely noticed when I pushed thoughts out to everyone earlier today,’ I replied.

Emilie grinned.

‘Then you can stop, if you want. The purpose of this was to work on your endurance and to make you more aware of the world around you,’ Emilie said. ‘I noticed your eyes snapped to the idiot the second he had his episode.’

‘I could feel it,’ I said. ‘It wasn’t even directed at me.’

“Yeah, you’re doing fantastic.” Emilie looked down at the ground. ‘Don’t know why I doubted you. We’ll work on other stuff tomorrow night. It’ll probably be way too late by the time we get done tonight.’

“Right then, at any rate, this time I’m calling it to order. We haven’t had one since Rustboro. Team meeting time,” I said. “Given how much has happened, I feel like it’s necessary.”

“Right.” Emilie nodded. “Where the hell do you want to start? I feel like we have a lot to unpack tonight.”

“First thing’s first. Joern.”

Joern snapped his head my way. I suddenly realized he was spending the last few minutes glaring at Lucas.

“Words cannot begin to describe how sorry I am. You had a front row seat to that horror show, and you’ve been dealing with it by yourself. We all talked about stuff in the hospital room, but-”

‘The hell are you apologizing for?’ he asked. ‘I’m the one who should be apologizing. You went through hell, and I couldn’t even break through a stupid lock. I was too slow to stop you from getting taken and too weak to stop the madness.’ Joern looked away.

“It’s not your fault,” I said, my tone firm. “Joern, from a pure power perspective, I’m like eighty percent sure you’re the scariest member of my te-” That word didn’t feel like it covered enough anymore. “At the moment, you’re the strongest member of our family. They prioritized two things when they took me. That you and Emilie were out of commission. They knocked Emilie out with a sneak attack, and without her... what exactly were you supposed to do?” I asked.

Joern glared up at me in challenge. I didn’t blink.

“You being returned was the first thing they did when they took control. The locks on those poke balls are designed to hold monsters like Gyarados and Ursaring at bay when they’re in a rage. They’re meant as a safeguard against the worst mons out there. I don’t know what Solrock and Lunatone did to get out the first time, but it wasn’t by brute force, I can tell you that much.” I sighed. “There was nothing you could have done.”

‘You’re WRONG!’ Joern shouted. ‘You have to be wrong.’ Joern sagged down, his shoulders hunched forward. ‘I was there, for all of it. There had to have been SOMETHING.’

“That’s what I’m apologizing for,” I said. “I’m sorry that I didn’t have this talk with you sooner. Our talk in the hospital helped, but... we all still have a lot to work through.” I looked down at the ground. “Don’t forget, I was there for all of it too.”

‘There was nothing you could have done,’ Joern said, before sighing and looking down. ‘I want to evolve.’ Joern finally said. ‘I... I don’t believe that there was nothing I could have done. But... I’m going to try. I would still feel better if I was stronger.’ Joern looked me in the eye and smiled. ‘I want to be strong enough to protect our family.’

I grinned back. “I have no intention of stopping you,” I replied. “In two weeks, you can be a Ludicolo. I don’t want you crippling yourself by evolving too soon.”

Joern opened his mouth to argue-

“Evolution isn’t the only path to strength.” Emilie cut him off. “There’s not a doubt in my mind that I can still whoop Gawain’s ass up and down the stadium.”

I gave her a worried look, remembering earlier today.

Emilie glared at me before continuing. “It’s not about your tools, it’s about how you use them. Power is nothing without control. Master what you have now, and you’ll be better than any Ludicolo with the same moves.”

“You’re really enjoying this whole Roshi kick you’ve been on recently, huh?” I asked.

Emilie smirked, before staring down at Joern.

“If you insist on blaming yourself, for whatever stupid, asinine reason, then go about things the right way. Don’t be an idiot,” Emilie said. Joern stared at the two of us for a while before nodding his approval.

‘We will be training more though, right?’ he asked. ‘I think we’ve been taking it way too easy the last few days.’

“Yeah... sorry about that.” I chuckled a bit. “Things with May were... a bit intense for a while there. I’ll get better,” I promised.

‘In that case, cap. I feel the need to return this to you.’

Apollo pulled my water stone from... somewhere? I don’t know where he hid that. I kind of don't want to know where he hid that.

‘I... ah, appropriated it so Joern wouldn’t get any ideas while you were in recovery,’ Apollos said.

I hesitantly grabbed the stone. It was warm to the touch.

“Thanks. I think.” I replied.

“Second order of business. We have a sword now,” Emilie said.

Lucas waved. ‘Holero!’ Lucas shouted. ‘My name is Lucas. I like stars, long walks on the beach, and dad jokes.’

‘You don’t have any feet,’ Joern pointed out dryly. ‘How can you walk on the beach?’

Lucas unsheathed himself, causing Joern to tense, before looking at the space beneath his blade.

‘Huh, you appear to be correct. Thank you for telling me. I never would have known,’ he said seriously. ‘Holero! My name is Lucas, I like stars, long floats across a beach, and dad jokes.’ Lucas capped off his reintroduction with a cacophony of spectral laughter.

Emilie groaned. I grinned once I noticed Joern had relaxed. He looked the sword Pokémon up and down, before sighing and extending a hand.

‘I’m sorry,’ Joern said. ‘I’ve been exceedingly rude, and I apologize. If it weren’t for you, we might not have taken down Solrock and Lunatone.’

Lucas looked down at Joern’s hand and frowned.

‘I don’t really know what you expect me to do here,’ Lucas said as he once again looked at his own body. ‘Just making sure, and nope. No hands either.’ Lucas turned back around and smiled as Joern pulled back his hand and blushed. ‘I accept your apology, though. I know we’re not exactly meeting under the best of circumstances.’

Joern nodded once before walking back to the tree he had been leaning against.

“Now then, let’s cut to the chase,” Emilie said. Lucas smiled wide and Emilie face palmed. “Shut up, that was unintentional. What can you do?”

‘I cut things,’ Lucas said.

Emilie rolled her eyes.

“We kind of already knew that. HOW do you cut things?” Emilie asked again.

Lucas looked confused.

‘With my sword? I’m not really understanding the question. I have no clue how I pulled off half the crap I did in the cave, so... really all I have is I cut things.’ I pulled up my Pokedex. It still read Lucas as an unknown Pokémon. He came up as Lucas in my registry, but the picture was just a big glitchy L thing, and he was registered as Missing No. I couldn’t see any moves, abilities, or anything else that would be helpful.

“I... Don’t know anything about you, so training is going to be rather interesting. I have a feeling I’m going to be borrowing May’s Pokedex a lot tomorrow.” Or Sergei, one of the two. “Regardless we aren’t doing any training tonight, so it doesn’t matter right now. I just wanted to make sure everyone met everyone and that you all had a chance to talk. Even if how I got you fucking sucked, I’m happy you’re here, Lucas.” I smiled.

‘Don’t mention it. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.’ Lucas said seriously.

I smiled down at him and nodded.

“Now then, we still have plenty of time to tease Lea about her new love life!” Emilie said with a grin.

I returned the team and glared at my starter.

“Killjoy,” she muttered.

I groggily untangled myself from May’s arms as I pulled myself up from the bed. She rolled over and pulled the blanket over her head. The sun had long since risen, and I winced as I looked at the digital clock on the center’s nightstand.

It was noon.

I groaned. Of course we slept half the day away, none of us got in till like one last night. I stretched my arms up over my head before freezing as my eyes caught sight of a very familiar sight.

Standing beyond the sliding glass door, was a very familiar looking Absol. There was one key difference though. Something that struck a chord that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on in as she glared hatefully towards the Poke Balls on my nightstand.

This visit didn’t feel like a social call.

“Everyone, wake the hell up right now!” I shouted at the top of my lungs as I backed away from the glass door slowly. “We’ve got company, and she looks pissed.”

May jumped a solid two feet into the air before flailing, her legs getting tangled in the blankets as she rotated in midair and slammed face first into her pillow. Joern exploded out from his Poke Ball and stood between me and Absol, as Emilie rose up from her position on the bed.

‘Huh?’ Joern asked dazedly. ‘You better not be here to give us more bad news. One disaster per visit to Dewford, please. I don’t think my heart can take another,’ Joern said, crossing his arms in front of him as Emilie teleported to my shoulder.

‘Give it back!’ Absol snarled.

“Give what back?” Emilie asked as May quickly untangled herself from the blankets. She ended up wadding the whole bed set together before tossing it across the room and running to the window, face set in determination. She visibly relaxed once she saw who was at the door.

‘The sword!’ Absol snarled.

“Lea, it’s fine. I don’t know how much you remember but Absol helped us. She’s not an enemy,” May said.

Absol walked back a few steps and Joern brought his hands together, an orb of water forming. Absol pounced, before stopping in midair as Apollo slammed into the aggressive dark type. I heard an audible gasp of air as Absol was knocked back across the deck, through a table, before slamming into a wooden post that held up the railing surrounding the wooden high rise.

‘Dammit lass, calm down, would ye. If ye’ve got an issue with us, tell us. We’re a rather reasonable bunch, I swear.’ Apollo said.

Absol slowly pulled itself up before glaring viciously at Apollo. ‘Liar! Fool of a Pirate. Did you really think I wouldn’t notice? That I wouldn’t see? For decades I have served my role of tomb keeper, as my family did before me.’ Absol hissed as her horn glowed black. ‘I can feel it. You have it with you! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you!’ Absol brought her horn down, unleashing a massive pulse of energy.

The attack collided with the table set that floated up to meet it in midair. The black blade pushed out on contact before condensing in on itself, pulling the wood into a small void before exploding outwards as sawdust.

The screen door opened and Joern rushed forward, a ball of water already forming between his hands as multiple beams of white light exploded from May’s side of the table. Suzy, Leshy, and Samie all stood at the ready in front of us. Absol jumped backwards onto the beach, away from the growing mass of opponents.

Joern held the attack back and focused. The orb grew larger in his hand as he jumped down the stairs, his eyes focused on the cat like Pokémon in front of him. Absol opened her mouth and a wispy purple orb started to form in front of her open maw, an eerie howl sounding out through the beach as it expanded in size.

Lucas rose up from the ground between them.

“Fuck! Lucas, don’t-” My reprimand was cut off as the beach exploded in sound.

A torrent of water violently cascaded out from Joern’s hands towards the sea, missing Lucas by inches as it swept across the beach. The Shadow Ball was aimed down before sinking into the sand, harmlessly pushing through the ground to seemingly no effect.

Ghost type attacks were fucking weird.

May rushed out ahead of me, her team in tow as she sprinted across the deck and stared opposite from the Absol.

‘Good morning Dewford!’ Lucas shouted, causing the Absol to recoil back and stare at the sword with wide, terrified eyes. ‘A little early in the morning to start up the action, but you wanted me so I’m here. The king of comedy, at your service, my lady.’ Lucas grinned as he lowered his sheath down in a mock bow.

‘I... what are you?’ Absol asked.

‘Well, my friends call me Lucas, and I'm an Aquarius, thanks for asking. A lot of people don’t appreciate it, but you look like the type to love astrology, so-’ Lucas stopped as a pillow phased through him and landed harmlessly in the sand in front of him. He turned and glared at Emile. ‘Rude! I was on a roll.’

“Not the time!” Emilie shouted.

May looked down nervously at the Absol, biting her lower lip as I tried to stand next to her. She got in front of me and shoved me behind her.


“Why are you attacking us?” May cut me off, glaring at the white furred menace.

Oh. Right. I was supposed to be translating.


“She wants the sword back,” I whispered into her ear.

The Absol hadn’t moved from her spot. ‘The blight...’ she whispered.

‘Oy, my jokes are the highlight of every conversation, and that is a horrendous insult upon my person,’ Lucas complained.

“How attached are you to the sword?” May whispered back.

“May!” I whisper shouted.

She winced before looking back out across the clearing. “Alright, look. I’m usually down for respecting the customs of wild Pokémon, but I draw the line at keeping someone chained up in a dark room for hundreds of years. So far, the worst thing Lucas has done is air how well Lea did in her formative years.”

My face lit up. “May!” I whined.

“The sword is staying with us,” May said.

Absol finally snapped out of its daze as its hind legs started to tense up. Suzy put herself in front of both of us, and Leshy launched himself forward to stand next to Joern.

‘Do you truly think you can stand against all of us?’ Leshy asked, tilting his head to the side.

Absol sagged down into the ground before glaring at Lucas.

‘You do not understand,’ Absol said. ‘The most constant vision through the years, through all of my ancestors, is of the calamity this blade will leave in its wake.’

Lucas leaned back as if he was struck. ‘I would never! What would my fans say!’

I groaned and May face palmed.

“Are you sure?” May asked.

I glared and she sighed.

‘I understand his personality leaves a bit to be desired’

Lucas turned and glared at Leshy.

‘But I hardly see how a possessed piece of scrap metal can bring about a ‘Calamity’,’ Leshy said.

‘Scrap Metal!’ Lucas shouted. ‘I’ll have you know I was forged by the best smiths in all the land!’

“Really?” Emilie asked, looking at Lucas suspiciously. “Funny, I thought you couldn’t remember stuff from before.”

Lucas froze before turning to look nervously at Emilie. ‘Some things are peeking through, remember?'

“Legends above, I wish I could read you. Like, at all,” Emilie groaned.

‘You ran me through, and I’m still kicking. You’re less effective than a weedwhacker; you can’t be that sharp,’ Leshy said, never taking his eyes off Absol.

‘My family has stood guard over that blade for close to a millennia. I will not be swayed from my-’

“Do you feel a disaster coming on soon?” Emilie asked, cutting her off.

Absol froze before looking at Emilie. She focused for a moment, staring intently at the psychic before leaning back with wide eyes.

‘No... I don’t...’ Absol’s face sunk in as she stared down at the ground. She looked back up at Lucas.

He waved at her.

‘We... were tasked...’ Absol trailed off, her face ashen.

“I’m sor-”

Absol sprinted down the beach and jumped through the tree line before May even got a chance to finish her sentence.

‘I hate this fucking island,’ Suzy said, glaring after her. ‘That’s what, the third time we’ve been attacked here? I’m staying out of the ball for the rest of our trip, afternoon nap be damned.’

“Aw, but you need all the beauty sleep you can get,” Emilie said as she teleported to my shoulder.

‘Big words for someone so sma-’

“Not now!” Both May and I said at the same time, glaring at our respective starters.

They both winced, before looking away.

“And you were doing so well.” I muttered before looking out towards Lucas. “If you ever decide to pop out of the ground between two attacks again, I’ll...”

Fuck, what do I threaten him with?

‘I’ll be good, don’t worry. I just wanted the fighting to stop,’ Lucas said, grinning after the Absol. ‘I didn’t want her to get hurt, and I didn’t want her to hurt you. So... I took a chance. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I no longer walk amongst the living.’ Lucas shimmied up and down. ‘Literally AND figuratively.’

“Don’t think you’re indestructible just because you’re a ghost type,” May chastised. “Your hold on this world can be just as tenuous as a living, breathing Pokemon. If the focus of your possession is damaged beyond repair, you’ll fade. Just like the rest of us.”

Lucas stared back at May with wide, panicked eyes. ‘Ah... so ghosts DO die. Good to know.’ Lucas floated lower as the words left his lips. ‘Can we-’

“Is everything alright!” Wally shouted as he ran along the coast to get to us. “I heard a crash. I pounded on the door, but you didn’t answer.”

Gawain appeared next to him instantly and took in the area around us before focusing on Lucas.

‘Uh... hi! I don’t know that we’ve met,’ Lucas said slowly, floating away from the psychic type’s gaze.

“We had a visitor this morning. The Absol that helped us thought we pulled a smash and grab,” I explained. “He’s one of mine, Gawain. Calm down.”

Gawain’s stance relaxed and he shifted his gaze towards me. ‘Terribly sorry, Lady Lea. I find myself acting as sword more than shield right now, a behavior I need to correct forthwith. Forgive me.’

Ah, I missed this. So much.

“You’re good. Lucas was actually what she thought we stole,” I said. “I guess, in a way, she was right, but... I don’t know that you can steal someone when they come with you willingly.”

‘Fair-’ Gawain stopped and stared at me for a brief moment as his jaw fell and his eyes widened. His gaze shifted from me to Lucas, then back to me. All at once, he pressed his head to the ground. ‘Your Majesty! Forgive me for speaking out of turn, I had no idea.’

I blinked down at Gawain twice. “Uh...”

Emilie face palmed as she glared at Gawain. 'He got a look at how you obtained Lucas.'

"Ah..." I said, not sure how what to do with that information. I took in Gawain and sighed as he all but vibrated in place. "Let's just get breakfast." I thought about what time it was. "Brunch. I don't know. I just... need a break."

'Of course, your grace. I will prepare something for you post haste, count on me,' Gawain said before teleporting away.

I blankly stared at the space he had just occupied and sighed again.

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