Heather the Necromancer

Book 7: Chapter 7

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The warm air blew over the lake as Hannah and Breanne walked hand in hand down the shore, with Webster trailing behind. To their left, Gisley and Umtha were building a sandcastle, with Umtha using her elemental powers to shape the sand. Judging by how they were arguing, it wasn't going well, as Gisley wanted a fairy castle, and Umtha only knew how to build fortresses.

“Now, girls, play nice,” Hannah warned as they passed.

“Yes, mother,” both women responded with a smile and returned to piling up sand.

Hannah resumed her walk, her tail mingling with Breanne's as a shrill scream filled the air. They watched as a girl hurtled over the lake before crashing into the water with a splash.

“What is wrong with people,” Hannah laughed. “Doesn’t anybody know the water is for quiet floating and soothing spider massages?”

“They like the thrill of being thrown into the water,” Breanne said as another girl tumbled through the sky and crashed in.

Hannah looked ahead to see over a dozen beauties gathered around Frank, who towered over them in his ghoul form. He took a girl in his massive hands and leaned back before hurling her forward. He easily tossed her over the water with great strength, the woman screaming as she flailed before splashing into the crystal liquid almost forty feet from shore.

“Tell me again how this boy thought he was going to avoid the ladies?” Hannah laughed as the next girl stepped in to be thrown.

“He’s certainly become popular with the harem,” Breanne agreed. “You would swear he was gifted at entertaining women.”

“Excuse me, coming through,” came a familiar voice as Jaina rushed by, heading for the water.

“Well, hello to you too,” Hannah called as Jaina reached the edge.

“Sorry, no time to talk,” Jaina replied with a smirk. “There are harem girls in the water.”

“Oh, no, what are you planning to do?” Hannah asked as Jaina waded out. She watched as Jaina began to sing the theme song from the movie Jaws, her body melting and stretching as she sank beneath the water. A single large fin broke the surface as she swam for the splashing women.

“Some of us have a twisted sense of humor,” Breanne noted.

“I call these people my lovers?” Hannah asked as she gestured to the water as a chorus of screams echoed across the lake.

“We have very unusual tastes,” Breanne replied as a dozen women swam for their lives while Jaina broke the surface laughing.

“What is that girl doing?” Rajeen said as she joined them, her soft white fur blowing in the breeze. “If she keeps scaring my girls, I will give her a punishment even she won’t enjoy.”

Hannah didn't even want to know what that might be and walked on with her wife and spider. They arrived at a little beachside hut where six girls stood at a bar talking. Hannah collected a blue glitter bomb and Breanne a tropical punch before heading to where Frank stood with his gaggle of women.

“Hello, husband,” Hannah said as she put a hand on his back. “How are you and your harem?”

“Oh, hey,” he replied, looking down at her, his horrible mouth somehow smiling. “Do you want a toss?”

Hannah held her glitter bomb out and shook it to show she was not about to spill her drink.

She motioned him to bend lower and kissed his cheek before telling him she expected some attention later. He promised she could have all she wanted, then took up the next woman in a powerful hand like she was just a toy. With a quick snap, she was sailing through the air, splashing into the water with a crash.

“I like this place,” Breanne said as they moved down the beach, sipping their drinks. Hannah looked around and agreed it was a lovely location. It was an alpine lake nestled in the mountains behind Roric's camp with no land route to reach it. They used a magic door in the harem chambers of the Jade Temple to gain access, making it a secluded playground for the harem. It was only about a quarter of the size of the lake near her city, but it had a huge sandy shore with dunes and beach grass. Evalynn had added some buildings to act as bars, playrooms, and storage, so the girls had all they needed when they came to play. Magic kept the lake air warm, and the waves gently lapped at the shore. There was even a magical hint of salt in the air as if they were standing on the shores of an ocean.

Now, they were enjoying a well-earned day off, playing in the sun as one huge family. The entire harem and all its masters were here, sunning and swimming the day away.

“Hey,” came a happy voice as a tiny creature flew up. “You two look beautiful today.”

Hannah smiled at the little dragon known as Zillix, who had become a master of the harem.

“Good morning to you,” Hannah said and lifted her hand to blow him a kiss. She used a succubus power that caused a pair of lips to fly from her hand, leaving a trail of hearts. It smacked the tiny dragon and bestowed a slight blessing as he flew in tight loops.

“Have you seen Gisley?” he asked. “She asked me to play with her.”

“Oh, yeah,” Hannah said as she turned to point. “She’s on the far side building a big sand castle.”

“Thank you,” he said with a dip of his long neck. “I hope we can spend some time together soon.”

“I would like that,” Hannah called as he fluttered off.

“She wants him to play with her?” Breanne asked as the tiny pseudo-dragon crossed the beach.

“Who knows when it comes to Gisley,” Hannah said with a shrug before sipping her drink. “Let’s go find a raft and settle in.”

“I would like that,” Breanne said, holding up her book. “I finally got it dried. I am finishing this story if it kills me.”

“So where did you leave off?” Hannah asked as she recalled the story about the man and his dragon wife.

“Well, he and the dragon both admitted to loving the priestess of Ulustrah,” Breanne said as they walked on. “But he didn't think she would respond to his advances, so he has allowed the dragon to court her.”

“Why wouldn’t she respond to his advances?” Hannah asked.

“I think she's a lesbian,” Breanne replied. “The story hasn't outright stated it, but we did meet a woman who was an ex-lover earlier in the story.”

“So the lesbian wants the dragon but not the man?” Hannah pressed.

“See, that’s where I am confused,” Breanne replied. “It seems like she respects the man and even has some attraction, but it’s the dragon's innocence that has her captivated.”

“Well, I hope you get your answer,” Hannah laughed as they reached a section of the beach where a dozen reed rafts sat on the shore.

“Are you two going to drift again today?” came a musical voice as they turned to see Chandice walking up with Roric on her arm.

“Oh, hello,” Hannah said as she walked up and wrapped Chandice in a hug. Breanne went to Roric, and the four kissed before switching partners to share another.

“And yes,” Hannah said as she held up her drink. “I am going to float, sip, and have a full-body spider massage.” She accentuated her point by using her tail to sweep up Webster and hold him aloft.

“It sounds wonderful,” Chandice said. “I might have to try that massage soon.”

Webster chirped in his bird-like way, and Hannah translated, saying he was happy to do it.

The couples parted, and Hannah picked out her raft, setting sail on the lake with Breanne at her side, their tails intertwined to keep them together.

“Now, this is heaven,” Hannah said as she set her drink in the little tray and lay on her stomach so Webster could begin tapping. He went to work, climbing up and down her tattooed back and tapping his furry legs along her spine. She let out a contented sigh as her raft gently rocked on the waves, soothing her like a baby.

“So, were you busy at the temple?” Breanne asked as she folded open her book.

“No,” Hannah replied. “Just the one if you don’t count Frank, but I had a visit with the druid.”

“What did he want?” Breanne asked as her finger began to trace the page.

“The same thing he always wants,” Hannah replied. “But something strange happened. I was in his grove and entered a dark section of trees. As soon as I stepped into the shadows, the day became night, and the sky was filled with stars.”

“That is strange, Breanne agreed.

“Do you think he can control the time of day in his grove?” Hannah asked.

“It’s a magical place of his own creation,” Breanne replied with a shrug. “I wouldn't be surprised if he could control the time of day, the weather, the seasons.”

Hannah agreed that was more than likely, then continued her story. She went to find Chandice, and the two entered the grove together. Chandice used her detection magic to study the strange way the grove kept abducting her. According to the druid, the grove was part of the forest but not anchored to any one place. Its entrance moved and shifted, being a tunnel in a cliff or a pair of trees or appearing as a thick mist. Hannah was fascinated by how this magic worked and where the grove actually was because it reminded her of one of Hahtlisora's legends. Supposedly, Hathlisora could open doors to other worlds, particularly Abbadon, the prison world. Hannah was curious to know how she did it and, more importantly, why. Chandice got her readings but, ultimately, had to admit she didn't know what to make of them.

“So you didn’t learn anything?” Breanne asked.

“Well, I wouldn't say I didn't learn anything,” Hannah replied. “We learned that it takes three kinds of magic to produce the effect. Displacement, disjunction, and translocation,” Hannah said.

“Disjunction is the type of magic I used to shift to the ethereal plain,” Breanne said.

“It is?” Hannah said in surprise. “Chandice hadn’t known what that type of magic was. She said she was going to have to do some research.”

“It's magic that disconnects you from here and allows you to enter another place fully,” Breanne explained.

“And translocation?” Hannah pressed.

“That’s just portal magic,” Breanne replied. “It’s what wizards use to open the magic doors, or Quinny used for her forest portals. You're linking two places together by what is essentially a hole.”

“Oh,” Hannah said as she rolled her shoulders while Webster tapped along them. “I should have brought you with me.”

“I am essentially a shadow wizard,” Breanne said. “And I dated a few spell casters in my time. They always try to impress you by opening doors to exotic places.”

“Hmm, why is it we don’t have any wizard friends?” Hannah griped. “That would be very useful.”

“We do,” Breanne laughed. “There are at least three wizards in the harem.”

“Really?” Hannah asked.

“You never bother to talk to them, do you?” Breanne joked. “To you, they are just flavors.”

“What are you trying to say?” Hannah asked as she reached over and pulled Breanne’s raft to hers. “I happen to like them as flavors.”

“You are the most complex and wonderful woman I have ever met,” Breanne said as she leaned over to share a kiss. “And I am happy you’re mine.”

“Hey!” Quinny called as she paddled over on a raft. “Can I join you two?”

“Of course, you can,” Hannah said as she released Breanne and reached for the new arrival. “That's enough. Go tap on Breanne,” she said to Webster, who happily jumped across and started on the elf woman's back. Hannah caught the edge of Quinny's raft and pulled her close, then reached over and took her arm.

“What are you doing?” Quinny asked as Hannah pulled her off the raft. She rolled to her back as Quinny was pulled on top of her, cradling her carefully to her chest.

“You said you wanted to join us,” Hannah said as she stroked her dark angel. “And I want to hold you.” Quinny smiled and nestled in as the trio drifted in the water aimlessly, enjoying the love they shared. “So, what have you been up to?” Hannah asked. “Anything exciting happen?”

“Not really,” Quinny replied. “Umtha and I teased some players again, and I spent some time with Gisley.”

“We all did,” Breanne said. “It was the day of the chastity discussion. Gisley never showed up, so we went to her pond afterward and found her moping about.”

“Oh, what was she upset about?” Hannah asked.

“You,” Quinny replied as Hannah stroked her back. “She said she had heard you singing when we slept together the day before. She was sitting in her lodge hoping to hear you again and didn't want to leave in case she missed it.”

“Oh, that sweet thing,” Hannah laughed. “Why are you girls all so beautiful inside and out?”

“We are trying to be like our princess,” Quinny said and leaned up just far enough to share a kiss.

“Hmm,” Breanne said and folded open her book. “I wish I had an angel to hold in my arms.”

“I could always send for Umtha,” Hannah said as she cuddled Quinny tighter. She relished the warm embrace of her girl against her skin. Quinny was her little treasure, a woman who was brave and reckless but had a painful thorn. She hadn't shared the source of that pain, but she hinted that it stemmed from the real world. Whatever the case, Hannah was determined to love her so much she forgot all about it.

She took a deep breath and lifted her voice, singing another lullaby to the angel in her arms. In seconds, Quinny's eyes closed, and her breathing slowed as she surrendered to the loving embrace that kept her warm. Hannah rubbed her cheek on the top of the woman’s head and kept singing, wishing her angel beautiful dreams.

“Are you sure you aren't a mother?” Breanne asked when the song finally ended, and Quinny was fast asleep.

“What makes you say that?” Hannah asked.

“You have the touch of a loving mother who sees her girls as her children,” Breanne said.

“Aren’t you all my children?” Hannah asked. “Even you?”

“I am three times your age,” Breanne insisted.

“Not here, you aren't,” Hannah said as she reached out an arm to pull her closer. Breanne's raft was brought directly to hers, and Hannah looked into her eyes. She shifted to the edge of her raft and instructed Breanne to put her head on her shoulder and an arm over Quinny so they were all three snuggled.

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it.

“Now, little girl. I am going to sing again, and I expect you to be sound asleep when I am done,” Hannah said.

“Hannah, I am too old,” Breanne said, but Hannah began to sing while looking directly into her eyes. Breanne smiled as a tear welled up in her eye. She lay her head on Hannah's shoulder and curled on her raft while Webster tucked into the small of her back and purred. Hannah watched as the older woman's eyes closed and her breathing slowed, allowing herself to join Quinny in blissful sleep.

“I love you, my little dark angels,” Hannah said when her song was done. She settled back as Webster began to snore and enjoyed the peace of drifting on the lake. She heard girls screaming and splashing in the distance as Frank continued to toss his harem into the water.

For over an hour, they drifted, with Breanne waking first to return to her book. Quinny woke twenty minutes later but didn't want to move, preferring to stay in Hannah's arms.

“Do we plan to drift all day?” Breanne asked as she turned a page.

“Well, we need to go in eventually for the cookout, and my drink is empty,” Hannah said. “How is your book?”

“Well, the dragon has been flirting with the priestess shamelessly, and it seems to have hurt her feelings. She left them to retire to her room at the inn, and the man followed to apologize. He told her she was welcome to return the dragon's feelings, but she refused.”

“An odd sort of love triangle,” Hannah said. “Usually, the girl has two men after her. In this case, she has a couple who both want her together.” Hannah paused to consider her current relationship. “What would you call our relationship with our very large family?”

“A mess,” Breanne said as Quinny giggled.

“Did you find that funny, little one?” Hannah asked as she stroked Quinny's back, causing her to stretch.

“I love our family,” Quinny said as she looked up. “And I love you.”

“Aw,” Hannah cooed with a smile before kissing her head. “Well, we have drifted clear across the lake. We might want to get back and see what’s happening.”

“I want to stay here,” Quinny said as she tightened her grip. “With you.”

“Common,” Hannah coaxed to get her up. “We need to paddle our way in.”

“We’re almost to the far shore anyway,” Breanne said. “We will have to walk around again.”

Hannah saw she was right but sat up to spread her wings and used them to carry them to the shore quickly. They abandoned the rafts at the far edge and walked with Quinny between them. Hannah held her hand as they came around the bed to find that Umtha and Gisley had been busy. They erected a massive sand castle taller than Hannah, complete with towers, banners, and a drawbridge. The girls were down on their knees, each playing with a doll that vaguely resembled them.

“What on earth?” Hannah laughed.

“Now, this is impressive,” Breanne said as she looked at the castle.

“Goodness, girls, what are you doing?” Hannah asked as she smiled.

“We are princesses,” Gisley said. “And we have come to the castle to fight off the monster.”

“The monster?” Hannah asked as the drawbridge lowered and Zillix jumped out.

“Rawr!” he cried in his little voice before puffing a cloud of smoke. “I will capture you and add you to my harem.”

Hannah had to cover her mouth in delight as the little dragon fit the castle to scale, and the girls used their dolls to play with him. They screamed and ran their dolls away as the terrifying dragon tried to capture and take them prisoner.

“Oh, that is the cutest thing I have ever seen,” Breanne laughed as Webster jumped back in alarm at the tiny dragon.

Hannah fully agreed and had to watch the display as the girls pretended to hide from the terrible dragon who inhabited the castle. Webster went to chase after Zillix and save the girls, but Hannah scooped him up.

“They are just playing,” she scolded the spider. “And just because he's your size doesn't mean you can bother him. He's a player like I am and a master of the harem, so you be nice to him.”

“Can I play?” Quinny asked excitedly, leaving to join the girls frolicking in the sand with their master. Hannah gave her a kiss and told her not to miss the cookout, then scooted her on. She took Breanne's hand as they walked down the beach, now strewn with women laying on blankets in twos and threes as they enjoyed their time in the sun.

“So this is nice,” Hannah said as they picked a path to where Frank sat with a harem girl in his arms, talking with Roric, Chandice, and Jaina.

“I see our husband has a placeholder,” Breanne pointed out.

“Oh, she's pretty,” Hannah agreed when they saw the dark-haired beauty with soft golden stripes on her skin and cat ears on her head. She had a short yellow tail, but her body was hairless, and her eyes were like a cat's.

“Her name is Felicity,” Breanne replied. “She’s the human version of what Blackbast is.”

“Well, her name isn’t all that creative, but she’s still pretty,” Hannah replied with a smirk as they arrived and set Webster down.

“Hey, here they are,” Jaina said with a big smile. “Did you enjoy your little nap on the lake?”.

“I am glad you didn’t decide to pull a jaws attack on us,” Hannah commented.

“Oh, you three looked so at peace I didn’t dare disturb you,” Jaina said.

“Ahem,” Chandice cut in as she cleared her throat. “Now tell them how I threatened to give you to Zillix as his chastity bride if you did.”

“There was that, too,” Jaina added.

“Uh huh,” Hannah replied as she looked for a place to sit. Chandice tapped the ground before Roric, so she smiled and sat between his legs to lean into his chest. His arm came around as he leaned into her and rested his head on hers. Breanne sat with Jaina, and the group went on to discuss the forest expansion beyond the mountains.

“Oh, so you are going through with that?” Hannah asked.

“Gwen already cleared the pass for us,” Roric said. “She made it over a mile wide and continued a stream that used to end at the cliffs, to flow across it. We intend to take the road that turns at Chandice’s magic shop and continue it through the pass.”

“Evalynn has already expanded down the pass and started to lay out the forest beyond,” Chandice explained. “We were actually thinking of asking Umtha if the goblins wanted to settle the mountain areas beyond her stronghold.”

“She probably does,” Hannah admitted. “But then she built a lot underground.”

“We will ask her,” Frank agreed as he stroked his kitty, who purred in his lap.

“I see I have been replaced by one of my own girls,” Rajeen said as she arrived with Blackbast carrying drinks. She began to hand them out to the boys and Chandice when Hannah remembered she was thirsty.

“Oh, I want a glitter bomb,” Hannah said and went to get up, but Blackbast insisted she would get it. Rajeen took a seat next to Frank as her harem girl smiled and clung to him. Blackbast returned a minute later with a drink for Hannah and Breanne, then settled into Rajeen to join the conversation. Across the beach, a bonfire was lit, and a table was brought out as girls began to prepare food. Some took up instruments to play a song, and soft music began to fill the air.

“Why did I ever want to leave this place?” Hannah laughed as Roric rubbed her shoulder.

“It sounds to me like you didn’t realize what it had to offer,” Roric replied.

“Frank tried to tell me over and over, but I just wouldn't listen,” Hannah sighed. “I was determined to be miserable here as if that would encourage the visitors to let me go.”

“If I had come in the way you had, I would feel the same way,” Jaina said. “I know they try to compensate with the whole chosen thing, but that takes time to appreciate. If you didn’t want to be here in the first place, you're not likely to sit down and try to understand it.”

“I didn’t,” Hannah agreed as she sipped her drink.

“Well, I think that was for the best,” Breanne said. “It gave Frank a chance to take you by the hand and show you the wonders of the world. Those early steps were vital to help you two form your relationship. And, of course, we watched how wonderful he was with you and realized how amazing he was.”

“Aw, it all happened for the best,” Jaina cooed.

“I suppose it did,” Hannah said as she smiled at her husband. “And now look at how amazing our life is.”

“Why do you keep looking at me like I had anything to do with it?” Frank asked as every person turned to look at him.

“How many times do we have to explain this?” Breanne laughed.

“I think he knows. He just doesn’t like to admit it,” Hannah added.

“Even I can say that we would not be here without you,” Rajeen said as she looked at Frank. “We built our own lives, but you laid the foundation that turned us all into a family.”

“Hannah did all that,” Frank insisted.

“Oh, so I was the one who rescued Breanne, Quinny, Legeis, and Umtha when they attacked the tower?” Heather asked. “And I was the one who recovered myself when I woke up from my respawn? Or maybe I was the one who charged headlong into every danger to keep us safe?”

“Or went on that ridiculous quest to get a pizza to find me,” Breanne added.

“How about leading a goblin army to rescue me from Moon?” Hannah asked. “Or the fact that I wouldn’t even be a princess if you hadn’t kept me going. This kingdom, the Lovewood, the Jade Harem, none of it would have happened.”

“Alright, so I did a couple of things,” he agreed.

“We may as well stop,” Blackbast laughed. “We will be here all night if we try to list just things he did while I was with them.”

“Frank, we are just trying to say thank you,” Roric said. “Thank you for making all this possible.”

“You’re welcome,” Frank replied as he scratched his head in embarrassment.

“So what are we cooking?” Chandice asked as she noticed girls hanging racks near the fire.

“Sausages, I believe,” Rajeen said. “They are going to make sandwiches out of them. They have a number of side dishes to mimic things from our world.”

“I can’t wait,” Hannah sighed and sipped her drink before looking up at Roric. “So, did Chandice tell you about our adventure?”

“She did,” Roric replied, switching to using his claws to gently scratch her back. “I still don't understand what you were trying to prove.”

“I told you, she was just curious how it worked,” Chandice said.

“I missed this,” Blackbast interjected. “What was she trying to learn?”

Hannah explained it herself, laying out she was curious how the druid's magic worked. She and Chandice located the grove and ran some tests to see what kind of magic it was. It was all pretty harmless, but Hannah admitted recognizing some of the symbols.

“I have no idea where I have seen them, though,” Hannah said. “Probably in one of the books I am now forbidden to read.”

“Then they can stay there,” Frank said as Hannah stuck her tongue out at him.

“I have to agree with your husband,” Roric said. “Better to leave that alone.”

“The men are ganging up on me,” Hannah protested as she looked at Chandice. “You need to back me up.”

“Oh, I have no desire to go down in flames with you,” Chandice laughed.

“Well, flames or not, it all turned out to be pretty harmless,” Hannah added.

“Oh, something smells good,” Rajeen said as the scent of cooking meats wafted across their little cluster.

“That does smell good,” Jaina said as she looked at the fire. “I can't wait to try it.”

They sat and talked as a group, with Evalynn joining to sit with Breanne and steal kisses. The sun moved, darkening the sky as other fires were lit and girls began to dance around them. Hannah and Jaina ended up together, sitting side by side as they ate and watched the girls dance.

“This sausage is amazing,” Hannah said as she ate a perfectly baked roll, split and stacked with sausage, peppers, onions, cheese, and a sauce that was just perfect.

“Did you try that salad?” Jaina asked. “I swear they made it with whipped cream, and it was delicious.”

“I was too busy eating onion rings,” Hannah laughed. “They made the perfect honey and mustard dip.” The two smiled as they set their food aside and gazed at one another lovingly.

“So, are you happy you chose this life?” Jaina asked as they lay back and held hands.

“I am,” Hannah admitted. “But it takes some getting used to. It’s hard to undo all the years of programming from our world.”

“It takes time,” Jaina agreed. “But you seem to be adapting fine.”

“How could I not?” Hannah laughed. “I am surrounded by this everywhere I go. But I am grateful I am. I never want this life to end.”

“I'm glad,” Jaina said before leaning in for a kiss. “Because I love you.” They came together as the music increased, and Gisley took the sky on her wings. She fluttered over the water and danced in the moonlight as silver glitter drifted in gentle currents. Girls settled in to hold somebody close as the fires burned and the day came to a close. Frank joined them, and together, they pointed to the stars, wondering if they were other worlds or just decoration.

It was another wonderful day in a wonderful life as Gisley sang them to sleep and ensured they all had pleasant dreams.

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