Heather the Necromancer

Book 7: Chapter 8

Hannah sat on a broad swing with Quinny on one side and Umtha on the other. The three girls held on tight as their beloved husband pushed them from behind. They were in Quinny’s forest, enjoying the day as Breanne and Evalynn walked about, spreading the Lovewood through their domain.

“This is fun,” Umtha giggled. “What do you call this again?”

“A swing,” Hannah replied as she held her dark angels. “And what we are doing is called swinging.”

“We do a lot of swinging,” Quinny laughed.

“Not that kind of swinging,” Hannah snapped and used her tail to swat the unruly succubus.

“I like that it's the male's job to push us,” Umtha said, glancing at Frank, who was in his devil form, a dark collar firmly around his neck.

“I am not a slave,” Frank insisted as he pushed them higher. “And why do I have to be in the collar?”

“Because your wives like it,” Hannah replied. “Is there any better reason?”

“You’re all strange,” Frank laughed. “But I love you, anyway.”

“Good, because you can’t escape now,” Hannah said. “The wedding is less than two weeks away, and Quinny is not waiting a minute longer.” She smiled at her little succubus as the woman blushed and wrapped her tail around Hannah. They shared the love of a tender embrace as Frank sent them higher, causing giggling laughter from Umtha.

“This is as fun as flying,” Umtha said. “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”

“I put a swing at my tea party,” Quinny reminded. “You never touched it.”

“My loves were not sitting beside me,” Umtha replied. “Sharing the experience makes it better.”

“It does,” Hannah agreed as she kicked out her legs to keep their momentum going.

“So our homes will be inside the Lovewood now?” Quinny asked as Breanne walked by with Evalynn, the two looking at Evalynn's interface as she prepared to make changes.

“It won't make much of a change to our homes,” Frank replied. “There will be some Lovewood trees along the road and the edges of the graveyard, but it will still be a hostile location. Your forest will have more, but it will still be your domain and ultimately under your control.”

“But you will have some Lovewood features to add to your theme park adventures,” Hannah said.

“I think it’s great that the harem has become one big family,” Quinny said.

“I do, too,” Frank said from behind.

“Oh, does that happen to have anything to do with you effectively having over fifty wives now?” Hannah asked.

“Well, it doesn’t hurt,” Frank said with a shrug.

“He is such a boy,” Hannah laughed. “Always thinking of the girls.”

“I happen to like my girls,” Frank said and pushed them harder, causing a scream when they swung back. “But, of course, you four are my favorites.”

“Uh huh,” Hannah countered as she smiled, her long red hair flying as she swung. “So, we should talk about this idea of making the Jade Harem the head of power in our land,”

“What is there to talk about?” Frank asked. “We all agreed it was a good idea, and Gwen would give the masters a seat on the court.”

“But none of us really expressed how we felt about it,” Hannah said. “I mean, you and I are effectively agreeing to share our power with the other masters of the harem.”

“We are sharing it, but we have the authority to remove it if we want,” Frank replied. “I don't see that happening, though. I trust Roric and Rajeen.”

“I do, too, but what do we think about Zillix?” Hannah asked.

“He's a lot of fun,” Umtha cut in. “And he's very nice. I spoke to him, and he is one of the tree dragons from my world.”

“Oh, how wonderful,” Hannah said as she used her tail to rub Umtha’s back. “Did you two have a good talk?”

“Ha, they spoke for hours,” Quinny laughed. “And he helped me make a doll so I could play with them.”

“Quinny was the heroic knight who came to slay the dragon,” Umtha said. “But they fell in love instead and took the princesses to be part of their harem.”

“Why do I feel like I have read this story?” Hannah said as Frank laughed.

“So, what do you girls think about the arrangement?” Hannah asked of her lovely devils. “Are you happy to let us run things?”

“You and Frank will do fine,” Quinny said. “I am happy just being a harem girl, but maybe Umtha should have a place in the court since she's the mouth of the goblins.”

“I gave up my position to Hannah,” Umtha said. “She is the goblin Queen now.”

“Hmm,” Hannah replied as she looked at Umtha. “Quinny has a point. You run everything and are the face of authority to the goblins. I appreciate that you acknowledge Frank and I as the true leaders, but let's be honest, you are still the queen the goblins look up to.”

“I want you to be the queen,” Umtha insisted. “I love you.”

“Umtha, you don't have to give up all your authority to love me,” Hannah insisted. “We can be queens side by side together, and I think that since the goblins look up to you, it would be a show of respect to give you a place in the court.”

“I agree,” Frank said as he pushed them. “Umtha should have a full seat.”

“We should talk to the others about it the next time we gather,” Hannah said as she swung. “I think the goblins should have a proper voice in things.”

“This is why we knew we could trust you,” Umtha said. “You were just like this before. Always trying to treat everyone fairly. You hated to see people abuse others or lord it over them.”

“Well, it’s good to know I did some nice things,” Hannah remarked. “I was beginning to think that all I ever did was start wars that lead to mass destruction.”

“You did that too,” Umtha said as Frank laughed again.

“Oh, laugh at your poor wife,” Hannah mocked.

“What?” Frank asked. “It was funny.”

“She said it so innocently,” Quinny added. “Like that was just part of her character.”

“You two are going to be sleeping somewhere else tonight,” Hannah grumbled.

“Don’t be like that,” Quinny grumbled. “I was just teasing.”

Hannah saw Quinny's face drop and couldn't stand to see her upset. She wrapped her tail around her little dark angel and leaned into her.

“I know you were teasing,” Hannah said. “And I would never cast you out of my love, even for one night.”

“You are starting to sound more and more loving,” Quinny replied. “I noticed it after your dream with Roric. You have been talking about love and showing it more.”

“I have noticed it, too,” Umtha said. “And I like it when you call us your dark angels.”

“Hmm,” Hannah replied, looking back to her husband, who nodded approvingly.

“It actually changed when she collared you three,” Frank said. “She feels like you are all part of her now, and she's taking her love to a magical level.”

“I knew he would have a better insight,” Hannah laughed.

“It's true,” Frank insisted. “You haven't really embraced the sexual nature of your class. Instead, you have gone on a more emotional path. You want to use your class to show the magic of love and compassion.”

Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

“Yeah, Frank has it right,” Quinny agreed. “You're more like an angel of love.”

“I am a succubus,” Hannah laughed.

“But you don’t act like one,” Umtha replied. “Everything you approach is done with love. You only use your seductions to avoid hurting people, and you treat people with kindness.”

Hannah smiled and kissed the head of each of her girls. She supposed she did see this relationship a little differently than other people would. She loved them all and wanted to not only express it but shape it, guiding it to something glorious. Her girls were like her children, holding her hand as she took them along on this grand adventure.

“I love you all,” Hannah sighed.

“We know,” Quinny said as she leaned into Hannah’s side. “And we love you.”

They swung for another hour as Breanne and Evalynn walked the forest, making plans for the union with the Lovewood. They then flew as a group to the palace, choosing to go the long way so they could enjoy the sight of flying over the mountains.

“Oh, there is a big ice lake up here,” Hannah said as she looked down at the sweeping blue glass.

“Where do you think the water from the falls comes from?” Frank asked as he came close to take her hand. “It’s beautiful out here,” he said and rubbed his thumb over her hand. “Pure and pristine, like you.”

Hannah couldn’t resist the urge to laugh and took a moment to giggle. Then she thanked him for his kind words but insisted they weren’t true. He argued they were and kissed her hand before flying lower so they were just feet from the ice.

Umtha and Quinny followed, the group racing across the wind-swept region until it gave way to a shore of dense pines. They flew just above the tops, their tails striking the snow as they crested a ledge. Below them was the massive valley that was their home, crowned on the west by Paradise City. It made Hannah feel proud to see all she and Frank had created together and yearned to be home.

It took minutes of flying just to reach the walls, where they were greeted by streets busy with players. So many wanted to build a home here, drawn by the lures of monster players building adventures and the sexy forest girls. It was truly a place with something for everybody, as Hannah waved to her people when some looked up to see her.

“They love you too,” Frank said as he turned to look into her eyes. “You thought people would lose respect in you if you told them about your past and what you wanted to become. Instead, they saw you as a story of love and sacrifice.”

“Yes, but my story has a champion in it,” Hannah replied, smiling at her husband. “A noble knight who never failed to come to his princess's rescue.” She could see the happiness in his eyes, this boy who had become a man and so much more. They flew together to the palace, landing on a balcony to be greeted by a half dozen harem girls.

Frank quickly took his collar off and resumed his dark-haired princely form. Quinny quickly took one of his arms, as Umtha took one of Hannah's

“So what are we going to do now?” Quinny asked as they walked into the palace.

“Hmm, I don't know,” Hannah replied. “We don't have anything planned for the day.”

“I like relaxed days,” Frank said as they walked into the main hall and headed for the magic doors.

“We could get something to eat,” Hannah offered. “I could do with one of those cakes?”

“Ha, she loves the princess cake,” Quinny laughed.

“It happens to be a very good cake,” Hannah countered. “It’s not my fault it’s named that.”

“We can get cake later,” Frank offered. “I want to see the lower levels.”

“So, are all the rooms done?” Umtha asked as she looked about.

“Yes,” Frank replied. “Roric, Rajeen, and Blackbast have all moved their principal bedrooms and chambers here.” We even expanded the island a bit to accommodate some of it.”

“So the palace is the home of the Jade harem now?” Quinny asked. “What will they do with the rooms in Rajeen's inn?”

“Those will still be there,” Frank replied. “But all of our bedrooms now connect directly to the main harem chamber here in the palace, and an archway magically links the palace harem room to the inn’s harem room. You won’t even notice the change when you walk through it.”

“That explains why the palace is crawling with harem girls,” Hannah noticed as three walked by, smiling at the group.

“So we can sleep in the harem all we want,” Umtha realized.

“Ha, we never sleep,” Quinny laughed.

“That’s because you two are naughty and won’t stop playing with the girls,” Hannah remarked and turned to Frank. “So, where are these rooms you wanted to see?”

“Down here,” Frank said and led them to a wide staircase that took them down marble steps into a hall built into the side of what used to be the palace's foundation. Now, a sweeping wall of slender pillars brought in the sunlight. It ran the entire length of the floating island, creating a sort of sub-balcony. It was filled with stone planters overgrown with colorful flowers and rich greenery, creating a garden along the edge. The inner walls were shaped into separate chambers in which were beds, couches, tables, chairs, small baths, and other places for the harem to relax. Hannah could see that the entire palace had become the harem, and she was one of its many girls.

“It's beautiful down here,” Hannah said as Frank took them down the long hall, passed the rooms to a place where the wall opened, and a walkway went out over the city. It ended at a rounded platform above her people where they could look in all directions. There was no railing here, but Hannah no longer feared the heights as she walked to the edge and spread her leathery wings.

“I made this for you,” Frank said as he came up behind her.

“For me?” Hannah asked as she looked over her shoulder.

“Yes,” Frank replied, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “It's a place for you to sing to the city.”

Hannah smiled and blushed as she looked down at the streets far below. She took a breath and opened her voice, calling to her city in song. She lifted her arms high as her voice soared, spreading the magic of her flower singer class below. The air around her filled with swirling petals of red and white that rained on her city as her song spread.

Quinny and Umtha came to her side to enjoy the rain of petals, the two girls giggling as they fell around them. Hannah smiled as they danced and played, eventually taking flight to spiral around the platform with petals in their hair.

“I am in heaven, aren’t I?” Hannah asked as she leaned into Frank’s chest. “My own little heaven where my dark angels fly around playing in the petals.” She smiled as his strong arms wrapped around her and rubbed her back, reminding her of his love.

“I am the one who is in heaven,” he replied. “I am the one you call your husband.”

Hannah rolled in his arms and turned to smile as she looked deep into his eyes. “I am going to reward you for that comment,” she said, chewing her lower lip. “And it's going to be very naughty.” He laughed, and she returned to sing again, causing another shower of petals as they caused new growth across the city. She carried her song for several minutes until soft hands came across her shoulders, and she turned just in time to receive a kiss from Breanne.

“I heard you singing,” Breanne sighed when the kiss parted. “It made me miss you.”

Hannah looked into the eyes of her most passionate and emotionally mature wife. Breanne was intentional in everything she did, and her love was never a thing to miss. Hannah put an arm around her and invited her to lean against Frank's chest with her.

“So what are we doing?” Breanne asked as Umtha flew by, scattering a handful of petals.

“Just entertaining the girls,” Hannah replied as she caught a petal.

“They are like cats with a flashlight,” Breanne laughed. “All you have to do is shine something on the floor, and they chase after it.”

“They are enjoying themselves,” Hannah laughed. “And I love watching them do it.”

“So you went to see Lydia then?” Breanne asked as she enjoyed her snuggle.

“Yeah, she was her usual strange self,” Hannah said. “She is going to visit Mother and join the court being set up. I didn't know it, but mom made her a countess.”

“Well, it stands to reason she would have some form of title,” Breanne said. “The better the title, the more power she probably brings Gwen in return.”

Hannah supposed that was true and let the matter go. It was enough that the Jade Harem was becoming the heart of power in her land and the masters forming a knighthood. Frank had already worked on ideas for a symbol, but he wasn't happy with any of them. He planned to meet with Rajeen later and go over some more, but for now, they were together.

After the girls were done with the petals, they went to the Inn's common room and ordered a pizza. It was a food Rajeen added to the inn just for Hannah, and it arrived with a golden brown layer of steaming cheese adrift with sausage.

“I could eat this every day of my life,” Hannah said as she took up a piece.

“You are addicted to cheese,” Breanne said as she held up a glitter bomb to sip. “But I see why you like these.”

“I like good dreams,” Hannah said with a smile and leaned over to see Umtha poking her pizza slice. “Sweety, you can just pick it up.”

“It’s odd what foods you humans eat with your hands and which ones you use a fork for,” Umtha commented. “This one should be a fork.”

“You can use a fork if you want,” Hannah said as her tail rubbed Utmha’s back. “But we are accustomed to just picking up the slice.”

“So where did you hide Webster?” Quinny asked as she chewed. “He’s been kind of clingy to you lately.”

“Oh, he's around,” Hannah said and focused on looking through the spider's eyes. She laughed when she saw an aerial view of their table and looked up to see him stuck to the ceiling. “He's practically above us.” The others looked up as he jumped down, landing on the cushions nearby. Hannah went to pet him, but he crawled to Frank and sat on his shoulder, settling in to purr.

“Why is my spider cuddling up with you?” Hannah demanded.

“What?” Frank said innocently. “I took care of him while you were in the temple. We did everything together. I even took him hunting for rats in the tunnels.”

“My spider likes my husband and girlfriend better than me,” Hannah groaned.

“Well, if you would stop leaving him behind all the time,” Breanne said.

“I only leave him behind when I am doing something he can’t come with me for,” Hannah replied. “Which has been a lot recently.” They discussed how busy things had been and how the changes were nearly complete. Hannah enjoyed her pizza while sitting beside the man she loved as her spider finally crawled to her and sat in her lap purring. They enjoyed the meal, laughing and playing as a family while some guests approached.

People were amazed that they could walk right up to the prince and princess and were eager to say how much they loved the city. One even admitted to reaching the third level of Frank's dungeon and asked for secrets about what he was in store for.

It was fun to talk with some people, and one girl even asked Hannah if she would sing again. Hannah promised the woman she would sing later, and the girl ran off to tell her friends.

“Do people really like my songs?” Hannah asked when the woman departed.

“Your voice is beautiful,” Breanne said.

“But that isn’t my real voice,” Hannah replied. “I am using the flower singer power rain of blossoms. It’s the song for the power.”

“It doesn't matter,” Breanne assured it. “They know you are making that magical song, and flowers are blooming around them. People have begun to look forward to your singing and the magic it brings to the city. They say there is no city like this one, where the rulers play with the people.”

“I heard somebody refer to Paradise City as the singing city,” Quinny said. “They said you can hear beautiful singing here and in the forest.”

“I have heard the singing city reference, too,” Breanne agreed. “I think that name is getting around.”

Hannah blushed to think so many people were hearing her voice and were so touched by it they created a new title for the city. It was wonderful to think people loved what they were doing, making her want to do more.

They flew to a large plaza for fun and started to buff players. When the group was ready, Quinny and Frank summoned a few ghouls and a pack of zombies so the players could fight off the invasion. Hannah, Breanne, and Umtha were cheerleaders, encouraging players and healing anyone who got hurt with kisses. It became a sensation as people looked forward to being injured, hoping to get a healing kiss.

Webster got some moment in the sun as Hannah let people pet him, and he did some of his little tricks while answering questions with bobs or twists. People laughed when he chirped in his bird-like voice and showed them the amazing distance he could jump, easily clearing thirty feet.

Frank took his ghoul form and competed with a few players in feats of strength, earning oohs and ahhs from the girls witnessing his might. It didn't matter that he was a monster anymore. He had become a celebrity, the man who ruled the city and had a swarm of adoring succubi behind him. He outdid himself when he beat two men in an arm wrestling match at once. Hannah sat in his free arm, holding a beer for him as people laughed when he put their hands down so hard the table broke.

It became even more special when a man walked up and offered Umtha a bundle of flowers, declaring his love. Hannah had to accept the flowers for the stunned goblin woman and place them in her arms. She assured the man that Umtha appreciated it but wasn't used to people expressing affection for her.

Quinny and Breanne received compliments and had their hands kissed many times by admirers. Soon, the streets were swelling with players waving and calling out praise. Hannah couldn't believe they had not only come out of the shadows but were openly loved by the people. She was no longer spinning layers of lies to conceal who she was for fear of repercussions. In addition, Frank, Quinny, Breanne, and Umtha were well-known to be monster players. Nobody batted an eye, and her city was constantly growing as players heard about their magical land and came running.

It was proof that people wanted to play with monster players and enjoy the adventures they built. Franks, graveyard, Breanne's bog, and Quinny's forest were now heavily played, and players loved the adventurer's guild. If people wanted something more stimulating, they went to the love wood and prowled the trees looking for its mysterious girls. Even the swamps were being heavily hunted, and players were having a blast.

Suddenly, a tall figure waded through the crowd, and people parted as a woman with green skin and shaggy hair stood before the group. She was a little taller than Frank as she bent to one knee with a tear in her eyes.

“Thank you,” she said to Frank as her hand trembled and she held it out to him.

“What race is that?” Hannah asked as she looked at Breanne. The woman wore a rough dark dress with no shoes on her clawed feet.

“A lesser troll,” Breanne replied. “A monster player who has probably been tortured and chased from every land in the north.”

“She can’t even hide her appearance,” Quinny added. “I bet people have been terrible to her.”

“Oh, the poor thing,” Hannah said and ran to join Frank, taking the woman’s hand. They welcomed her to the kingdom and encouraged her to build a lair and enjoy herself. It brought cheers from the crowd as the troll hugged Hannah, thanking her profusely.

She departed with a wave and eyes wet with tears as the group turned back to the crowd. Frank told them they had to move on and reminded them the wedding was less than two weeks away. People cheered for the wedding, and then girls screamed in delight when Frank put the slave collar on to take his devil form. They practically begged him to marry them, too, as Hannah laughed and urged him to fly away before they dragged him down.

It was a lovely day as Paradise City enjoyed the world the way it was always meant to be. Monster and hero players play side by side and build each other up instead of crushing them down. Together, they flew back to the palace brimming with happiness and eager to find a bed where they could spend some real time together.

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