Heather the Necromancer

Book 7: Chapter 6

A warm breeze blew over the lake, creating gentle waves rocking the small raft that Hannah floated on. She lifted a slender glass filled with a rich blue liquid and sipped, coating her lips in glitter. Breanne floated beside her, her back exposed to the bright sun, and she hovered on the edge of slumber, her tail wrapped around Hannah's to keep them together. She had been reading a little romance about a man and his dragon companion, Lilly, but set the book aside to enjoy some soothing rest.

Hannah set her drink on a little tray built into the side of her raft and let out a contented sigh. The rafts were goblin creations, designed by Legeis and crafted by the goblin engineers. They were made from a buoyant swamp reed, woven into tight bundles, and strung together to create floating beds. She had come to value the usefulness of Legeis and his ability to use the goblins to recreate human luxuries.

Hannah sighed and rolled to her stomach as her spider crawled along the raft. She sent him a mental command, and Webster climbed to her back and began walking along her spine.

“A little higher,” she said, enjoying her eight-legged spider massage. The day was perfect weather to be out enjoying the sun and relaxing for a change. Above her head, she could hear the giggles and screams of Umtha and Quinny as they played with Frank. Ever since the picnic where she convinced him to put on one of her collars, he had been fascinated with flying. Even now, he was in his incubus form; his broad wings spread wide as he dived through the air with the girls close behind. Hannah smiled to hear them sounding so happy and full of life. Nothing was more beautiful to her ears than the sound of her dark angels giggling with laughter.

“So this druid is a friend of Rajeens?” Breanne asked as she opened her eyes.

“Umm, yes,” Heather replied as she blushed.

Breanne used her tail to pull herself closer and leaned up to look over Hannah's back. She reached over and ran a hand along her shoulder, tracing a small magical tattoo of a hoofprint with antlers.

“It’s a strange mark,” Breanne said. “I would have expected something more like a leaf.”

“Once you meet him, you will understand,” Hannah replied, recalling her strange encounter the other day. The druid was so powerful that he had created his own magical world hidden in who knows where. Hannah had managed to find the doorway into his realm and came face to face with the master of the grove. The encounter was brief, and she didn't even learn his name, but she came away with a mark for her encounter.

“Did you learn anything about how he made the sacred grove?” Breanne asked as she mingled her fingers with Hannah's.

Hannah wanted to say yes, but in truth, she hadn't learned a thing. She had been so taken by the landscaped beauty of the place she forgot to study it. What enthralled her the most was that the druid had created a place known as a sacred grove. It was in the Lovewood, but not truly part of it. It existed in some kind of magical extra space and could be entered by walking through invisible doorways. A person in the woods might never realize they had crossed over into the grove, while others might walk right by it and not see it. The magic reminded her of the odd magical room they took from the caravan master Endril on their journey across the red desert. The room could only be entered by a magical door frame, but where the room was continued to be a mystery. She surmised the druid's sacred grove worked on the same principle but failed to learn anything in her distraction. She would have to go back later with Chandice and do some real digging if she wanted to know more and maybe get the man's name this time. She explained that she had been too preoccupied to learn anything, causing Breanne to snicker.

“Don’t laugh at me,” Hannah pouted as Webster turned circles on her back, tapping with his little legs to soothe her.

“I was laughing at your evasive choice of words,” Breanne said, reaching over to rub her shoulder.

“Rajeen says he will be at the inn soon, and we can meet him properly,” Hannah said. “Oh, and that doe girl Sandris is supposed to be with him.”

“Gisley has been gushing about seeing her again,” Breanne said as she resumed holding hands. “I guess they were friends.”

“I guess Gisley helped her with her problems,” Hannah replied as she played with Breanne’s fingers. “And they became very close friends.”

“Who isn’t a close friend of Gisley?” Breanne laughed. “The girl treats everyone like they are her lovers.”

“Well, it is a good way to make friends,” Hannah said as she joined the laugh. They looked at one another and smiled as their tailed played together in the water. Above them, they heard more playful screams as Frank entertained his two wives. They held his tail firmly, flailing around like a broken kite as he dragged them through the sky.

“Thank goodness these tails are so strong,” Breanne commented as they watched the display. “I had somebody step on mine the other day, and it didn't even hurt. I hardly noticed, to be honest.”

“Yeah, they are hard as iron,” Hannah agreed. “I bet you could block a sword with one.”

“You try it first,” Breanne said with a smirk.

“What are you afraid you?” Hannah asked. “Even if it did get cut off, it would just grow back.”

“Again, you first,” her lover replied.

Hannah laughed and rolled her shoulders as Webster did his little dance. All was perfect and peaceful in her little kingdom, and Hannah didn't have a care in the world until she heard the shrill wail and the shadow fell over them.

“What?” she cried and looked up to see the arc of water crashing down. Before they could react, they were engulfed, the little rafts rocking and bobbing in the wake.

Hannah sat up as her wet hair hung in her eyes. Poor Webster was floundering in the water, and she fished him out with her tail. She looked to the tray to see her glass had washed over and sunk, adding her glittery drink to the blue waters. She growled and looked over to see the source of her discontent. Frank was flying low over the water, her two little succubi holding his tail as they slid across the surface, creating a wake.

“Nobody spills my drink,” Hannah growled as her eyes blazed with fire.

“Oh, my book got wet,” Breanne sighed as she fished it from the lake. “Now, I will never know if he makes the priestess of Ulustrah his second wife.”

“I think my little dark angels are begging for a spanking,” Hannah said as she watched them race across the lake, bouncing on the water like fools.

“Spanking them does no good,” Breanne said sourly. “The succubus is designed for a little pain. You actually get a buff from being spanked.”

“Well, then, I have a better idea,” Hannah said as she raised her hand and blew a kiss. Instantly, Frank snapped back into his human form as she canceled his incubus blessing. He tumbled into the water with a splash, the two girls sling-shotting over him to crash in a heap before sinking.

“That was particularly evil of you,” Breanne laughed. “But you do remember he’s your master now? You know he’s going to make you regret that.”

“It was worth it,” Hannah laughed and picked up Webster to look in his eyes. “He nearly drowned my little guy here. Whose a good spider masseuse?”

“Hey, what gives?” Frank called as he swam for their rafts. “Why did my devil form go away?”

“It must have gone the same place my drink did,” Hannah scolded. “You know, washed away in a wave of water.”

“Oh, did that wave hit you?” he asked as he came to the side of her raft to see the two women dripping with fresh water. “I guess it did.”

“Where did the fun go?” Quinny called from across the lake as she and Umtha bobbed.

“I was just trying to shake them off,” Frank explained as Hannah leaned lower to look into his eyes.

“Well, promise me you will send one of those gremlins to get me another drink, and I will kiss you again,” she bartered.

“You know I could just order you to do it,” Frank challenged.

“Really, right now, you're the one wearing my collar,” Hannah challenged right back.

“Oh, so the power dynamic has changed,” Frank said as he shook her raft.

“Don’t you dare dump me,” Hannah cautioned. “I will go back to the sacred grove and live with the druid.”

“I will sell you to him then,” Frank teased.

“You would miss me,” Hannah laughed and tapped his nose with a finger. “Now, which of them is getting my drink?”

“I will fly them to Rajeens and bring you back two,” Frank promised.

Hannah smiled and leaned over, planting her lips to her husband. She activated the succubus kiss, and instantly, he transformed into his handsome gothic devil appearance. She told him to hurry as he struggled to get out of the water, but eventually made it and picked up the other two. Hannah watched them fly away in pursuit of her drink and lay back to dry off as the warm sun did its work.

“You shouldn’t tempt him,” Breanne said. “He might just sell you.”

“He wouldn’t sell me,” Hannah said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

“Really?” Breanne laughed. “Just like you said, he would never make you his slave girl after you tempted him for weeks.”

“This is a good point,” Hannah said as she leaned up. “He does keep surprising me.”

“Hmm,” Breanne said and took her hand to resume lying in the sun.

Hannah relaxed as Webster resumed his dance, tapping away her worries as she used her tail to swirl the water. Frank returned ten minutes later, and as promised, Quinny and Umtha presented her with drinks and some small cakes for her and Breanne. They resumed their game of chasing Frank as Hannah held a cake out for Breanne to take a bite, then ate the bit left herself. They each took a drink with a toast to good dreams, then leaned in to share a sweetened kiss. Life was good, and she resumed drifting as they held hands and tails, dreaming of love.

The sun moved to the late afternoon, and Hannah discovered she had fallen asleep. She was still holding hands with Breanne as they drifted side by side. Webster was asleep as well, curled into a ball on the small of her back as he snored away.

“Why didn’t anyone wake me,” she yawned as she looked around to find Frank. “And where did my husband go?”

“Probably to find a place to be alone with the two troublemakers,” Breanne said as she stirred. “But at least we got to spend some quiet time together.”

“I suppose we should get back,” Hannah said as she used her tail to nudge the spider on her back. “Wake up, we need to go.” She heard him grumble in his squeaky voice as he turned in a small circle and settled back in. Hannah shook her back to wake him up and threatened to make him swim if he didn’t get moving.

A minute later, they were in the air, flying on leathery wings, her red hair flowing in the wind as Webster rode on her shoulder. She waved to people on the beach and blew a few kisses as they called out to their princess. With a smile, they went directly to the Jade Temple, the place that had become her home even more so than the palace. She and Breanne landed in the private gardens outback as harem girls waved and smiled, asking if she had time for a snack.

“Sorry, ladies,” Hannah said as their wings vanished, and she slung Webster under her arm. “I have to meet someone.”

“So you really didn’t get his name?” Breanne asked.

“It all happened so suddenly,” Hannah said as they set off.

Breanne smiled, and they headed into the harem chambers, passing the hall full of pillows and low beds where girls lounged and talked. They navigated the outer halls and headed for the doors to the common room, where they hoped to find the rest of their family. Two powerful tiger men stood guard at the door, smiling as the girls passed and entered the common space.

The room was abuzz with activity, and immediately, they could see something special was happening. Roric and all his girls were present, as was Blackbast and even Gwen. Frank was dressed well in a noble coat in Gwens green and cream colors. Quinny and Umtha were in silks, lounging on cushions nearby with Gisley, Evalynn, and a very unusual woman. Hannah had to take a second look at the woman with lovely wavy green hair that fell to her back, braided into a long rope full of flowers. She wore a slave collar, which looked like twined vines with white flowers. Her most striking feature, however, was her lower body. Though her upper torso was that of a beautiful woman, her lower half was a deer, complete with four legs and hooved feet.

“Is that Sandris?” Hannah asked as she leaned closer to Breanne.

“I don't think so,” Breanne replied. “Gisley described her as human with a dear ears and a fluff of a tail. She never said anything about a deer's lower body.”

Hannah nodded in agreement and then looked across the room to where a strange man stood, golden glass in hand as he spoke with Blackbast and Rajeen. He stood over six feet with broad shoulders and a kind face. His dark brown beard was immaculately trimmed, giving him an almost kindly appearance. He wore only a white sash over one shoulder, leaving half of his impressively muscled chest bare. His eyes were unmistakably brown but seemed impossibly deep, and ut his most striking feature was the antlers on his head. He stood straight and proud as he conversed with the two women, who nodded in response.

“Is that him?” Breanne asked as she pointed to the man.

“No,” Hannah replied as she thought back to her encounter in the grove. The man she had seen was more animal than man, with dark fur over his body and a bovine face. He'd had moose-like antlers with wide, flat plains, while this man's were more like a stag with thin barbs.

“So that isn’t him?” Breanne pressed.

“That’s not who I met,” Hannah replied.

“Oh, good, you two are here,” Jaina said as she came up behind them.

Hannah turned to regard the dark-haired beauty who always seemed to be smiling. She was in her default human form with fair skin on a slender but curvy body. Her hair was perfectly black and swept back like a silk curtain, falling to the small of her back. She wore the barest of silks, trimmed in gold, that only served to highlight her sexual charm.

“We got left to drift,” Hannah said sourly, then pointed to the man talking with Rajeen. “Is that the druid?”

“That’s him,” Jaina replied. “His name is Drellis, and he’s a Druid of some power, but then you know that already.”

“I barely saw any of his forest,” Hannah replied. “I got distracted at the gazebo.”

“Well, that's him, and he was asking about you,” Jaina replied.

“Was he now,” Hannah remarked as she considered her encounter. Not only had he not looked as he did now, but he never said a word. She was so startled by his sudden appearance that she babbled out nonsense that he made no effort to respond to. Now, he seemed to have no trouble conversing, and she felt obligated to meet him properly. Her moment came when Blackbast and Rajeen excused themselves, and he was left alone to sip his wine.

Hannah approached from behind, walking right up before folding her arms to clear her throat.

“Excuse me,” she said, causing him to turn around. “I don’t think we have been properly introduced.”

“On the contrary,” the man said with a slight bow. “I think of all those gathered here, we had the most thorough introduction.”

“You call that an introduction?” Hannah asked.

“Can you not say you know me well?” he asked with a smile. “I certainly know you well.”

Hannah thought that an odd comment but decided to ask the pressing question. She wanted to know why he looked so different in the grove. He explained that was part of his particular kind of druid. He had a wild form, where his humanoid form blended with that of an animal. In his case, it was a moose, but he could change it to other things if he wished.

“I’m glad you found your voice,” Hannah replied. “I heard you were asking for me.”

He smiled and nodded before holding out his arm and offering to walk with her. She hooked his arm, and he led the way across the room to where a chair had been set out for him.

“I must admit I was surprised to find you in my grove,” he said. “I didn’t believe anyone would wander in so soon.”

“I didn’t wander in,” Hannah corrected. “I used path of petals to locate the nearest source of nature magic. It pointed right to the door.”

“Intriguing,” the man replied as he looked into the distance. “And most fortunate for you. You got very lucky.”

“How was that lucky?” Hannah asked. “I knew you had walked down that trail, so I followed it and then used the spell to find where you went.”

He smiled and let out a slight chuckle as he arrived at his chair and sat down.

“You do not understand,” he said. “The entrance to my grove isn't something you can just find. It travels the forest, never staying in one place for very long or appearing the same way. One day, it might be a dark hollow in a tree near the river, the next behind a giant mushroom in the dark trunks. It might appear as a shimmer of light near a meadow, or you might have to walk under a rainbow from a water spray.”

“Oh, so I did get lucky,” Hannah agreed as she tried to understand the magic. “But, then, how do you find it?”

“I am the glades master,” the man said with a gesture of his hand. “The door comes to me when I call it.”

“Ah, that would make sense,” Hannah nodded.

“I should correct myself,” Drellis said and leaned closer. “I say you got lucky, but you are connected to nature. The door often moves nearer for creatures with such a connection. It welcomes those who share the bond of life, allowing them access to the grove.”

“So the door moved to me in a sense,” Hannah said. “Was it because I was using so many flower singer powers?”

“More than likely, yes,” he replied with a smile. “And I would like to stress. I would love to find you in my grove more often. I was delighted to find your trail of flowers.”

Hannah smiled as she was reminded how she used her flower singer power to leave a trail of flowers wherever she went. As a druid, he probably appreciated the beauty of her powers and the magical effect it had on flowers. Of course, she knew why he wanted her to return to his grove, but she let that comment go and asked him about Sandris.

“I don’t mean to pry, but I was told Sandris was, you know, humanoid,” Hannah said.

“Oh, she evolved,” Drellis said. “She has become a full-fledged fawn with powers over the forest. She is my heart's desire, the love of my soul, and the song that fills me with light. I have never known such a delicate creature, and she has dedicated her life to serving me as her master.”

“There is a lot of that going on around here,” Hannah quipped.

“Indeed. It is good to have so many noble masters and their dedicated slave girls,” he said, then looked across the room to where Frank and Roric were talking. “I have spoken with those two, and they speak very highly of you. They say you are a treasure among women and a loving soul.”

“I am a succubus,” Hannah replied with a raised brow. “You know, a sex devil from the hells.”

“Your class does not define you,” he countered. “You say you are this dark thing while singing with a silver voice to the nature spirits. You leave flowers in your steps and call on butterflies to crown your head. I would say you are defined by what you choose to be, and you choose to be beauty incarnate. As such, your succubus class is merely a part of what you are, not all of what you are. You have taken the beauty of that dark class and turned it into something full of light.”

“That was very sweet,” Hannah said. “Thank you.”

“You are most welcome,” he said with a smile. “And please, I beg you, come to my grove often. I will give the gazebo and fill it with flowers to dazzle your heart. I will plant a garden around it to honor your beauty and place a statue of you at the center so all will know to whom it belongs.”

Hannah blushed at his kind offer and promised to seek his grove often. He took her hand and planted a kiss before telling her he would arrange for her to find the door more easily. He then bid her to return to her friends, and she headed back to meet the woman known as Sandris. Gisley was all over her, hugging and smiling as Sandris told them all about her life with her master. By the sounds of it, he was kind and loving, with a passionate heart and a desire for beauty. He treated Sandris like she was the most beautiful thing ever to walk the land, and they made love under the stars often.

“Oh, this is Princess Hannah,” Gisley said when she noticed Hannah sit down beside them. Sandris looked up with a smile, her cheeks dusted with red freckles that made her face look youthful and shy. She bowed her head and shook her little tuft of a tail as she took one of Gisley’s hands.

“It is an honor to meet you, Princess,” Sandris said in a soft musical voice. “I have been told so much about you, and Master Drellis said you were a delight to meet.”

The others giggled as Hannah blushed and quickly changed the subject. She asked Sandris if she liked the Lovewood and the woman’s eyes lit up.

“Oh, it's the most beautiful place in the world,” Sandris said.

“Really, because I thought your grove was rather beautiful,” Hannah said.

“Master's grove is amazing,” Sandris agreed. “But I never count the grove when speaking of such things. It is a place of magic beyond the world, and to compare anything to its beauty is a fruitless endeavor.”

“Speaking of that,” Hannah said as she saw an opening. “Where is the grove? I mean, it's not really part of the world. So, do you know where it is?”

“I never really cared to know,” Sandris admitted. “It's part of his magic, a place all his own. It is connected to this world by the magic of nature, but in truth, it is nowhere.”

That wasn't the answer Hannah wanted, as it didn't explain anything. She realized that Sandris was content to be a part of that magic and had no desire to understand it. Hannah needed a more inquisitive mind and looked around for Chandice. She found the woman standing beside Roric and looking her way with a hopeful smile. Hannah excused herself and made her way across the room to the blond-haired woman who trembled as she approached.

“I miss you,” Chandice said as Hannah arrived to pull her into a hug. “I will never stop treasuring my wedding gift.”

Hannah smiled as Chandice brought back memories of the wedding just days ago. Chandice and Roric had married in a small private ceremony held in the palace in secret from the rest of the city. The moment had been magical, made more special by the unique gift given to the loving couple. Frank and Hannah hadn't expected it to make such an impact, but it touched Chandice in an unexpected way. Now, she was forever thanking them and couldn't get enough attention from Hannah.

“So, your wedding to your girls is close then,” Chandice said with a loving smile. “Two weeks?”

“Yes, and it can't come soon enough for Quinny,” Hannah said. “She has cried over not being married yet. It breaks my heart every time I see her upset about it.”

“She will get her time in the sun soon enough,” Chandice said.

“I am sure,” Hannah agreed. “Now, I wondered if you could help me with something?”

“Oh?” Chandice said with a curious expression.

Hannah nodded and explained the sacred grove and how she felt it was similar to Endril's magic door. She asked Chandice if she knew anything about these pocket dimensions or if there was a way to learn more.

“Hmm, if you could get me to the door, I might be able to detect something,” Chandice replied. “We could run some tests on Endril's door to get some base readings, then test them against the groves.”

“So you don’t know anything about the spaces themselves?” Hannah asked.

“I never said that,” Chandice replied. “I actually create things like those pocket dimensions. They are called bags of deep pockets, and they are basically portals into a much larger space. Roric's magical tent works on the same principle when it's closed. It folds the tent's contents into an extra-dimensional space where everything is contained. The real trick is creating an anchor point to link the space to our dimension. In your room's case, it's the doorframe, but I have no idea how the grove is anchored.”

“So where are these spaces?” Hannah pressed.

“Well,” Chandice replied as she tapped her chin. “My book on enchanting says they are in a space called the vastness. Some people just call it the void. It’s like a dimension of space that isn’t used for anything until you punch a hole into it.”

“Is there a way to navigate it?” Hannah asked. “I mean, could you travel from one pocket to another from inside the void?”

“I have never heard of anyone who tried,” Chandice said. “But now I wonder. You say his doorway moves, which means the magic isn’t tethered to one thing. Thus, the space must be moving, which means if you could move it intentionally, you could travel in the void. But I haven't the slightest idea where you would travel to or how you would navigate. Maybe if we created a window to our dimension and used magical coordinates to map our world over the void, we could use a rough set of bearings to chart our travels.”

“See, this is why I love you,” Hannah said. “You’re the only one who sees the possibilities.”

“Hmm,” Chandice replied with a nod. “Frank and Roric have made comments that they are afraid of what might happen if you and I team up.”

Hannah leaned in close and smiled devilishly. “They are right to be worried.”

Chandice laughed and caused the boys to turn to see what was so funny. The two women looked as innocent as possible, but neither man bought it. They asked what they were up to, and Hannah dismissed it as girl talk.

“That’s code for they are creating a weapon of mass destruction,” Frank said.

“We are not,” Hannah said. “Though, now that you mention it. Maybe Chandice could help with the whole binding NPC spirits to Legeis’s mechanical mounts.”

“No,” Frank said flatly. “The last monster you animated nearly destroyed his workshop.”

“But I know we can make it work,” Hannah insisted. “All we need is a little more experimentation and maybe some special components. I bet with her enchantments, we can make it even stronger.”

“That’s all it needs,” Roric said with a shake of his head. “A mechanical horror with magically enchanted weapons.”

“You two have no imagination,” Chandice countered.

“We just got passed all this,” Frank said. “None of us need you two creating a half mechanical, half undead, magically charged nightmare engine that lays waste to the countryside.”

“Do you see the limitations I am forced to work with?” Hannah asked as Chandice hid her smile.

“Hannah,” Frank said with a glare as he folded his arms.

“Oh, fine,” she relented. “But don’t come crying to me when we need that nightmare engine to stop a paladin invasion.”

“I am sure that won’t happen,” Frank insisted. “Unless you do something to draw their attention.”

She smiled and leaned into his chest to bat her eyes. “But sweety, when have I ever done something to draw attention to myself?”

Chandice lost it and burst out laughing as even Roric struggled to contain himself. Frank shook his head as Hannah pouted and insisted she wasn't trying to be funny. He took her into his arms and told her she was always the center of his attention, but if he caught her working on a secret project, her rear would be redder than her eyes.

She shook her head and let it go as he held her close. She had no intention of dabbling with mechanical horrors anyway, but doorways into other worlds sounded fascinating.

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